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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I agree. Their marriage has never looked healthy to me, at least not based on what has been shown. Emily also seems sad to me, and she has gained weight since last season. I can really see it in her face. Gina has too. I hardly recognize her in her THs, and usually they look better in the THs because they have professional lighting, hair and make-up. But I think Gina looks awful. What on earth made her decide to go platinum blonde? I’m not sure what to think about Kelly. I hope the rumors aren’t true. I feel sorry for her daughter. I could’ve done without Tamra’s anal content. She is so crass.
  2. Katherine strikes me as drifting through life, landing here and there without much thought to consequences. I know she is young so I will cut her some slack, but I first noticed this when she hooked up with TRav and then two or three other guys in what a week? And then she got pregnant. I don't know if she intentionally got pregnant or not, but she doesn't seem to have a clear sense of direction. I'm also wondering what kind of medication she is on, because it's making her almost lethargic in her interactions with the others. I'm glad she's not going crazy and flying off the handle like a few seasons ago, but she's swung almost too much the other way. She hardly seems present and appears depressed. I also don't understand why she (apparently) hooked up with Whitney. Is she looking for someone to rescue her? He is so much older, just like TRav. Why is she letting Whitney treat her so badly? Shep is already showing signs of ending up a bloated 50-something drunk hanging out at bars and hitting on college girls. They'll let him pay for their drinks and then ditch him. It is not pretty. If Craig and Austen aren't careful, they'll be right there with him. Whitney clearly doesn't want to acknowledge any kind of romantic relationship or encounter with Katherine. He isn't even trying to hide this, as he told her right to her face when he denied anything happened. I hope she wises up and stays away from him the next time he texts her late at night for a booty call. Agree about Naomie knocking back the wine. I also wondered about the pour, because she asked for a "large" glass of rose. Some restaurants will give you the option for a larger pour--a glass and a half. If that was the case and she did it for all three glasses, then she would've consumed 4.5 glasses in less than an hour. Definitely past the legal limit for driving, so I'm assuming she got a ride home. Even three glasses would likely put her past the limit if she drank them in less than an hour.
  3. I think Dorinda is mean. This is why I’ve never warmed to her. She gets even meaner when she drinks too much. Ramona should learn to keep her mouth shut. Just because you have a thought doesn’t mean you should verbalize it. I could say the same thing about Bethenny. These women were unkind to Barbara. I didn’t buy the hug fest either. Too little, too late. I’m surprised Sonja didn’t pick nearly falling through a table drunk as her most cringe-worthy moment.
  4. It was a rare instace of Kyle’s mask slipping. She did not handle it well. Kyle’s friendship with Teddi reminds me of hers with LVP, except now the roles are reversed. Kyle is now in the superior, “big sister” role giving advice to Teddi. I suspect that is why she has bonded with Teddi. It fits her narrative of being the Queen B of RHOBH. Camille was over the top, inconsistent, hyopcritical and nonsensical at times. But I still enjoyed her performance. I really like when she broke the 4th wall because it clearly irritated Andy! I’ll bet she was admonished off camera. I’m on the fence about Denise. I don’t like all the swearing and am not sure she adds much to this group, but I do think she is more genuine than the others. I’m glad Lisa Rinna finally got asked about her eating habits in relation to her daughter’s eating disorder. I wish Andy would have lingered there a bit longer though. I wonder who will be the next one to get a divorce. I kind of like that the BH’s women are actually married and “housewives” unlike the NY women, who are all single. But I also think the marriages are probably not as stable as they want us to believe. I could be wrong though.
  5. The Queen bit was so fake and obviously rehearsed. Kyle's practiced humility was nauseating. I don't know if it's the color of the wig, the style or Lisa Rinna's exaggerated expressions, but her new look is jarring to me. Her features seem too big for her face, and her eyes are competing with her lips. Is it the lack of bangs? The lighter hair? Is her foundation too light? Why is her lip liner darker than her lipstick? Something is making me cringe. I did not believe her Harry Hamlin sex story for a second. She hesitated a beat too long. They also seem more like brother and sister. It makes me wonder why Rinna got so touchy with Kim the night of the glass-shattering. Did Kim really make it up to goad Rinna or is there something there? I still have no idea what happened with Teddi, Dorit and LVP. It's been discussed to death and I'm still in the dark, maybe because I zone out whenever it is mentioned. Interesting that Dorit came out unscathed though. Even with long extensions and full makeup, Teddi still has a masculine vibe to me. Nicolette Sheridan might be a good addition. Was she the one Denise's husband recently divorced or was that someone else? Speaking of Denise, I think she's beautiful but don't like the filler in her face. In some of her close-ups, it looks like she has chipmunk cheeks. Erica always seems to be playing a part to me or projecting a facade. She is so guarded I'll bet we are only seeing a smidgen of her. Are Katherine Mcphee and David Foster going to end up like Erica and her husband?
  6. A lot of alcohol and possibly some drugs. I believe Craig has a drinking problem. Most of his rage episodes seem fueled by alcohol. They have no chemistry. Hard to imagine them sleeping together. I don't understand why Cameron is on this show. Would she really be hanging out with these people without her husband?
  7. Why would she use Peter for sex and not Tyler? I don’t get it. I don’t see any chemistry between Hannah and Jed. I’m surprised that he is assumed to be her favorite. He doesn’t look that interested in her either. Tyler seems like a nice guy, but I don’t think he’d make a good Bachelor. He just doesn’t seem that bright or interesting to me. He speaks in a monotone and doesn’t seem sharp, to say the least. Actually, I can’t imagine any of these guys as the next Bachelor. Maybe they can bring in someone new! I wonder what Hannah’s beauty pageant rival from last season of TB thinks about all of this and if she’s still upset she wasn’t picked. I’ve forgotten her name.
  8. I think her dress is horribly unflattering. Her boobs look smooshed and her torso looks like a blob. Maybe it looks better when she’s standing? Is something up with one of Ramona’s eyes or eyebrows? Bethenny somehow managed to make herself look like the long suffering victim from Dennis’ death and artfully sidestepped Andy’s questions about dating other guys while she was seeing Dennis. She also looks scary when she smiles.
  9. ITA! Her makeup was overdone for the daytime and probably evening too. She almost looked like she was in costume. Kyle’s face looked a little different to me too, a little fuller so at first I thought she had filler. But it also looked looser around the jowls. I don’t think filler would cause that so maybe not? I liked Dorit’s makeup, even the red lipstick. I may be out here on my own with this, but I am glad Camille called them out for ganging up on her because she wouldn’t go against LVP. I think she was right. They were pulling a Mean Girls United Against LVP and were ticked off she wasn’t falling into line. I know Camilla can be horrible, but I agreed with her in this instance even though she’s a hypocrite. Maybe I just liked her telling Teddi to shut up and calling Lisa Rinna a mean girl. That in itself was worth seeing IMO. I’ve been thinking about possible replacements for LVP. At first Heather Locklear came to mind, but she’s too fragile right now. Maybe Pamela Anderson? She would throw some of these women off! I also didn’t understand the point of the six months later update. There was nothing really new or interesting, so why do it?
  10. I thought his sister’s hair was also beautiul, really thick and healthy-looking. I wonder if it was all hers or she had extensions.
  11. He is cute but doesn’t seem that bright to me. I also don’t think he has chemistry with Hannah. I was distracted by Luke’s eyebrows. It looks like he’s using a pencil on them!
  12. Exactly. And if he is already gaslighting and manipulating her at this stage of the “relationship,” that is a very bad sign. It will not get better, only worse. She did a good job of calling him out on his behavior, but then she kept him. I think it’s producer shenanigans. He’ll be around for a little more drama but won’t make it to the top three. It was strange hearing her talk about how super hot the chemistry was with the cute but dorky pilot guy, because I did not see it at all. It seemed forced to me. Or maybe I just don’t think he’s hot and I’m projecting my opinion onto Hannah? In any case, Tyler is the only one I find sexy. I am glad I missed the short pants scene at the end. Hannah seems to be having fun with the guys, but I find her boring as the Bachelorette. Either her mind isn’t that sharp or she’s getting a lukewarm edit.
  13. I watched the episode but must have missed something. Whose appearance was Camille criticizing?
  14. I have been watching since S2 and this was the most drunk I've ever seen Kyle. She was absolutely hammered. When she was sitting at the table with her hand on her face, she looked like she was barely holding it together. I was uncomfortable watching her and afraid she would fall and really hurt herself. Erika was right not to engage with drunk people, but she could have been a lot more friendly. She is just ice cold to me. I'm no psychologist, but IMHO she has a lot of anger she tries to keep in check. Sometimes she's not successful at maintained her cool facade (such as the flashback scene). One thing I've been confused about this season: LVP's absence and alienation from the group. So for the sake of argument, let's say she did actually leak the story, what is the big deal? I mean, is this behavior so horrible that she and longtime friend Kyle are done over it? And all the other women turn on her and won't film with her? I don't understand it. On RHOC, Vicky was part of a cancer scam and the women all forgave her! That seemed like a much bigger deal. I'm just surprised because I thought LVP and Kyle had a strong friendship. They have made it through other trials, so it's sad to see it end this way. On a shallow note, when I first saw Kyle sitting at the table in the green camisole I thought she looked beautiful. The color was so pretty on her. But upon a closer look at her whole outfit, I have to put it in the miss column. It was not flattering to her figure. Watching Lisa Rinna pretend to eat reminds me of a scene on Beverly Hills 90210 in which Donna (Tori Spelling) was supposed to be eating pizza. Instead of taking a bite of the pizza, she picked off a tiny piece of topping and ate it. It took me right out of the scene. I know RHOBH is "real life" but it is painful watching some of these women eat. They have a torturous relationship with food. Even more troubling is how clueless Lisa Rinna is about the effect she's had on her daughter's issues with food.
  15. I didn't understand the winery trip either. It's one thing to learn to be around others who are drinking, but to actually plan an outing that revolves around alcohol? It doesn't make any sense. Not only is it uncomfortable for the person with the drinking problem, but often the other people are uncomfortable too. I also don't understand why Katherine is wearing a wig. It's not even a good one! You can tell by the hairline it's fake hair. She is a lovely young woman. Why does she make herself look older by wearing caftans and wigs? I used to like Cameron but she's lost me this season. I cannot understand a mother's disinterest in her own child. Perhaps it's just editing for a storyline, but I find it unpleasant to watch. Pick up and love on your precious baby! I need to go back to season 1 so I can see the Shep we used to like and compliment, because the current Shep is pathetic. He looks likes he has begun a slow, sad alcohol-related decline. And if Craig doesn't shape up, he'll be right there with him.
  16. Traveling is no excuse for not attending AA meetings. They are everywhere.
  17. And less alcohol. Has she done something to her nose or is she just wearing excessive contour? It has looked a little odd in some of her scenes. I noticed it the last few weeks too.
  18. I agree. It sounded like something a person would send a coworker or someone they didn't know that well. Polite but formal. Still, Lisa shouldn't have said anything in that forum. If she really wanted to discuss it with Erika, she should've waited until the two were alone. But I think it would've been better left unsaid. Show grace. People aren't perfect. Erika tried. Perhaps the card reflected how she views their friendship--cordial but not close.
  19. I've got to hand it to Colton. It was an impressive jump. He made it look effortless. I could not figure out what was going on with Caelynn's sister's eyes. Was it poorly applied eye makeup or has she had too much filler? Her cheeks looked full and high, which I've seen in women with filler. It pushes their cheeks up and makes their eyes look smaller or distorted. Cassie's sister is really pretty! And Cassie is clearly thirsty, but not for Colton. Yes, the "falling in love" is a copout and is used all the time. I wonder if Fleiss and Harrison had a meeting at some point and decided this was approved Bachelor-speak. It's enough to lead the woman on but not commit, whereas "I'm in love with you" or "I love you" is (was) only allowed for the final pick until Ben broke the rules. I guess all bets are off now. Just once I'd like to see a woman leap into handshake position and the Bachelor not grab her, just leave her hanging there like a crab. Or maybe he topples over. Oh but I'm easily amused. I missed the two-on-one date. There are so many creative ways to leave a person stranded and humiliated. How could they skip it?
  20. I am not a fan of sarcasm. I think it's mostly an excuse to be unkind under the guise of humor. But I agree with you here. The correct thing to do is take LVP aside and tell her to stop. I know Kyle can be emotional, but I understand why it's hard for her to watch her daughter leave for college. It seems like a normal maternal response to me, and Mauricio was supportive and sweet to her. They seem to have a really good marriage. She also looks great in the TH with the dark red lipstick. Very striking color for her. Lisa Rinna may not be anorexic or bulimic, but her eating is regimented and she admits that her appearance is very important to her. Given this, it was unsettling watching her response to her daughter's eating disorder. I don't think Lisa was genuine about her own situation. I am not saying she caused her daughter's issues, but she probably at least contributed to Amelia's views about the importance of being thin. Given this and that they live in BH--an area hyper-focused on looks--it's not surprising her daughter has struggled in this area. It doesn't help that LR posts selfies of herself in bikinis! I am glad Amelia isn't modeling any longer. What about the other daughter? Is she still modeling? I also think there are other types of eating disorders. I have a family member who only eats three or four foods, mostly bread products. He is not anorexic by definition, but his relationship with food doesn't appear normal. I remember one Thanksgiving we had a traditional turkey dinner with all the sides. He ate yeast rolls, just as he has done at many other meals. Only rolls or certain bread products. He's been this way since childhood and is in his mid-20s now. I don't believe Rinna eats whatever she wants and is naturally thin. I've watched her on the show long enough to notice her eating habits are very controlled. I'm not blaming her for this. I'm the same way myself. I'm just commenting on what I have observed. I noticed both daughters' lips looking plump last season. It's nothing new and is also something modeled by their mother. IMO Rinna's lips look about the same. I wish she would've left them alone after she got the implant removed several years ago. I think she looked much better then, but I guess she likes them really full. I laughed when I saw Erika's wig because it looked so fake. It reminded me of something from a drag queen show. If she has enough money to fly private and wear designer clothes, can't she afford a decent wig? I'm not sure who is more pretentious, Dorit or PK. They are perfect for each other. So far, so good on Denise.
  21. ITA! I have hoped this for a long time. Even if they stopped it for a few seasons, it would refresh the series. Just randomly cast someone who has applied online. Shake things up a bit. Right now it is so formulaic that it isn't even about finding a "connection." It's a long audition to be the next Bachelor/Bachelorette. I also would like to see them cast an older person who has been previously married, perhaps someone in his/her mid-30s or early 40s. I doubt they will do this though, because they are probably gearing it towards a younger audience demographic for advertising, such as 18-35 or along those lines. Another phrase I'm tired of: So-and-so is "here for the wrong reasons." Are they following a script? Seriously. Do the producers tell them they have to use certain watch phrases? Why else is it always the same wording? We could have an entire thread just about Bachelor cliches.Â
  22. I also keep hearing "I'm not going to lie..." Is that the new pop culture phrase or something? Who was it that said it recently? I think we were talking about it. Was it the previous Bachelorette? Colton had no chemistry with Kirpa. I figured she was going home when she said she was confident she was staying. That's always a death knell. Plus he did those quick kisses with her. It was pretty clear he wasn't into her. Another thing... every time I hear her name I think of a whale or a dolphin.
  23. I agree and also think Hannah resembles her. Wow. What is the deal with the women leaving? I wasn't expecting it from Heather. Did she just come on the show to get her first kiss? I guess Colton served his purpose LOL.
  24. I was wondering the same thing. I noticed how long her hair looked, and I didn't remember noticing that last week. So she has extensions? If so, they looked pretty good from the back. What about Heather? Her hair is also very long. Also extensions? I'm not spoiled and (still) think Cassie is the final one. I think she and Hannah G. will be the last two. Although Colton is really attracted to both, I think he clicks more with Cassie. Or maybe I just think Cassie seems a bit smarter and more articulate than Hannah G? I don't know. I thought of Cassie as kind of plain-pretty until this week. She actually looked better with her hair up IMO. Hannah G. is very cute to me but not gorgeous. Just my opinion. She is certainly attractive.
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