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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Agree with this except I think Kyle is the prettiest of the three daughters. I don't like her though.
  2. She sold her soul to Bravo, which still makes her vile in my book. Saw a podcast that says Kyle, Erika and Lisa are nervous about their future on the show given Teddi's firing. None of them have a storyline unless some of their real lives actually come out (hello Harry, Mauricio and absent Tom), so they should be nervous.
  3. I really wish this would happen but I can't see it if the producers are trying to get Kathy on the show. They are bringing her to start drama with Kyle. And why isn't anyone talking about firing Lisa Rinna, the most vicious person on the show? Surprised she seems to be surviving all this. Frustrated too!
  4. Well this suggests she is coming back next season. Many of these women have nose jobs after they see how they look when the show airs. I give her credit for admitting it. I wonder if this isn't the first though. Her nose looked bigger in earlier photos than it did during the show.
  5. Maybe she lost some parts to Denise and that fueled her anger/jealousy...
  6. Kyle was the only person who liked her, so that probably didn’t help her fate on the show. I expect there was a lot left on the editing floor. Now I’m understanding why the others were always bringing up Kyle’s friendship with Teddi. Sounds like it wasn’t jealousy as much as they couldn’t figure out why Kyle liked her. I can. Teddi was Kyle’s flying monkey. But she's using her more than really liking her.
  7. If it’s true that Lisa was just acting on Bravo’s instructions, then why is she so hostile on her Twitter page? She cannot answer a question she doesn’t like without getting really nasty, calling people profane names, fat, ugly, stupid, etc. The woman is filled with rage. We saw it this season, her simmering resentment at Denise. We saw it with, “You’re so angry.” We saw it in 2014 when she went nuts on Kim. She may be a puppet for Bravo, but she also seems perfectly capable of unleashing on her own. Cannot stand her! Wish HH would leave her in a very public way. And I’m kind of ashamed to say that because I know it’s not nice. I don’t want to be like her, so I will not be watching next season.
  8. Definitely won’t miss her but would most like to see Lisa axed!
  9. I won't either. I grew up in a similar environment (alcoholic, narcissistic mother). My relationship with my sister has always been strained as a result. This just hits too close to home. I wish they'd get Nicolette Sheridan instead.
  10. It does seem low. I heard on another podcast that Teresa Guidice from NY only got $9K the first season. It was a long time ago but that is still not a lot of money. Maybe they have to prove themselves before they get the big bucks.
  11. Yes, I heard it on another podcast. I don't know how I feel about it. I'm sick of Kyle, and I know if Kathy comes on they won't be getting rid of Kyle. I didn't like when Kim was on so not thrilled about another sister. According to the update I heard, Kyle and Kathy are barely speaking. I don't think they've ever gotten along well. So I guess Bravo wants the drama.
  12. Speaking of Elise, I wonder why she hasn't show up at all on the reunion. She was in several of the shows. Sutton is also a "friend" and is on the NYC reunion. Did Elise really tick off Andy or what? She wasn't on the last trip either. I didn't watch the last part of the episode. Didn't want to hear Leah yelling about the bipolar stuff. It also annoys me how much Andy favors Leah and how rude he is to Ramona.
  13. Agree. I think the hairstyle and overly done nose contributed to the pinched look. I wish she had left her nose alone. I was impressed how Tinsley stood up to Dorinda. She stated her case and didn't cry or get shrill. Gosh, Dorinda absolutely refuses to take any responsibility for her actions. It's so frustrating watching her. I didn't realize Bethenny quit just a day before filming. I wonder what happened. I never really got the story on why she left. Also didn't know Ramona was that big of a hound. Yikes. She's like Mrs. Roper (dating myself here). But I also think she mostly flirts. Dorinda, shut up. Ramona’s dating life is not your concern. Speaking of flirting, I'm glad they played the clip of the one guy shutting Lu down. "Maybe not" or whatever he said. Ha! I think Lu has come off pretty well so far. Unlike Dorinda, she seems pretty self-aware. I don't like Sonja and wish she would be the next one to go. Reminds me of all the celebs who were suddenly hospitalized for “exhaustion” (according to their PR people). Another common excuse is dehydration. Yep, they’re exhausted and dehydrated from all the alcohol or drugs they consumed LOL.
  14. I also read nothing is in Pk's name due to his past issues.
  15. Me too. It's shady to some mothers. I wonder why she didn't turn it around and pick something like Go-Getter Moms or Moms on the Move. Make it positive.
  16. Yes! I know in this case it's her mother-in-law not mother, but add Monique to the list of a HW dealing with a controlling, narcissistic maternal figure. Also included: Ashley and Candiace on Potomac, Kandi and Cynthia on Atlanta, D'Andra on Dallas. Am I missing anyone? What is the deal with these women? Are they really this bad or just playing for the cameras? I know Monique's mother-in-law apologized but I wonder if their relationship has actually improved. Agree Monique is not getting a good edit this season. She's clinging to that bird for dear life.
  17. I posted a podcast about this either in the Dorit or media thread. Dorit and her husband are running a game on buying and selling houses. Probably not the right term but scam isn't either as technically what they're doing is probably not illegal. But it's shady...
  18. I heard Camille responds to tweets. She spoke about Teddi's "starvation" diets in one and Kyle jumped all over her! Why is Kyle responding to Camille tweeting with one of her fans?
  19. ITA. I don't like to wish ill of anyone, but I have a hard time with Lisa. I would like her to be held accountable for her actions. Bringing her back next season just reinforces her bad behavior. Same goes for Kyle, Teddi and Erika. Get rid of all of them. I couldn't watch but have been reading your comments here. I popped in briefly for 1 and 2 and then stopped. It was making me sick. These women are so nasty. I thought adults were supposed to be well past this kind of behavior. Isn't this what (some) girls do in high school, gang up against another girl and try to make her miserable? This is what happens when you have Andy Cohen setting the standard. Some leader he is, huh? I am also done! FYI: I heard on a podcast that Garcelle is coming back next season.
  20. Yep. She was stressed. I'm skeptical about her claim to have just fallen asleep too. She had been out drinking with Ashley and then drove home, "fell asleep" and crashed her car. Were police called? Because if they showed up, seems like they would've done a sobriety test. She may have gotten a DUI. It seemed like she dodged a bullet. There were comments from others about her drinking that season and then they stopped. Despite what she tries to project, Monique seems really stressed to me. I can see it in her body language when Chris is chastising her about something.
  21. I hadn't heard this. I hope it's true. Andy seemed to give Leah the most attention at the reunion. He was fawning over her. As another poster mentioned, he didn't read any critical comments about her from viewers. I'm sure there were some. I didn't enjoy her drunken antics and don't want to see her back on this show. But I keep hearing how popular she is and how Bravo is going to build the show around her. I'm not planning on watching next season anyone but I will check back here to read about the new cast. I wonder if we'll hear more from Lu in the P2.
  22. I don't know who the source is for this article, but I find it hard to believe that people close to Dorinda don't believe she has a drinking problem. Even if they just saw her behavior on this show, they're ok with that? They don't think it was problematic? Come on. I think she refused rehab not because she doesn't want Bravo to use it for a storyline but because she's in denial.
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