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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Yes! I know in this case it's her mother-in-law not mother, but add Monique to the list of a HW dealing with a controlling, narcissistic maternal figure. Also included: Ashley and Candiace on Potomac, Kandi and Cynthia on Atlanta, D'Andra on Dallas. Am I missing anyone? What is the deal with these women? Are they really this bad or just playing for the cameras? I know Monique's mother-in-law apologized but I wonder if their relationship has actually improved. Agree Monique is not getting a good edit this season. She's clinging to that bird for dear life.
  2. I posted a podcast about this either in the Dorit or media thread. Dorit and her husband are running a game on buying and selling houses. Probably not the right term but scam isn't either as technically what they're doing is probably not illegal. But it's shady...
  3. I heard Camille responds to tweets. She spoke about Teddi's "starvation" diets in one and Kyle jumped all over her! Why is Kyle responding to Camille tweeting with one of her fans?
  4. ITA. I don't like to wish ill of anyone, but I have a hard time with Lisa. I would like her to be held accountable for her actions. Bringing her back next season just reinforces her bad behavior. Same goes for Kyle, Teddi and Erika. Get rid of all of them. I couldn't watch but have been reading your comments here. I popped in briefly for 1 and 2 and then stopped. It was making me sick. These women are so nasty. I thought adults were supposed to be well past this kind of behavior. Isn't this what (some) girls do in high school, gang up against another girl and try to make her miserable? This is what happens when you have Andy Cohen setting the standard. Some leader he is, huh? I am also done! FYI: I heard on a podcast that Garcelle is coming back next season.
  5. Yep. She was stressed. I'm skeptical about her claim to have just fallen asleep too. She had been out drinking with Ashley and then drove home, "fell asleep" and crashed her car. Were police called? Because if they showed up, seems like they would've done a sobriety test. She may have gotten a DUI. It seemed like she dodged a bullet. There were comments from others about her drinking that season and then they stopped. Despite what she tries to project, Monique seems really stressed to me. I can see it in her body language when Chris is chastising her about something.
  6. I hadn't heard this. I hope it's true. Andy seemed to give Leah the most attention at the reunion. He was fawning over her. As another poster mentioned, he didn't read any critical comments about her from viewers. I'm sure there were some. I didn't enjoy her drunken antics and don't want to see her back on this show. But I keep hearing how popular she is and how Bravo is going to build the show around her. I'm not planning on watching next season anyone but I will check back here to read about the new cast. I wonder if we'll hear more from Lu in the P2.
  7. I don't know who the source is for this article, but I find it hard to believe that people close to Dorinda don't believe she has a drinking problem. Even if they just saw her behavior on this show, they're ok with that? They don't think it was problematic? Come on. I think she refused rehab not because she doesn't want Bravo to use it for a storyline but because she's in denial.
  8. I’ve had several friends whose marriages hit the rocks after the last kid left. It was especially hard on the woman. They struggled with empty nest syndrome and felt lonely and not needed. The husbands didn’t know what to do. Some of these couples ended up getting divorced. A few are still together but it’s up and down. I also read somewhere that this can be an especially vulnerable time for a marriage, because the couple have to find a way to reconnect as a couple and not just as parents. I guess some of them don’t make it. I’m not sure it’s pretending as much as just not having much in common anymore because they spent so many years focused on the children. Karen and Ray were older when they married and it wasn’t a first marriage for them. Maybe they’ll survive. I believe they are still married.
  9. I worked at a company once and CEO behaved like this. When I read it, I thought the person was describing him. Employees referred to him as bipolar and people were afraid of him. If this is true of Scott, I hope Tinsley realizes it before they marry and leaves. This isn’t good at all, especially if the bipolar person won’t seek treatment. I’m trying to be careful here because this could just be a disgruntled employee or someone who can’t stand Scott.
  10. She said on the reunion that she’s stopped drinking, but I wonder if that will continue if she returns to the show.
  11. I hear you! I’ve heard the same thing about an editing app people use on Instagram that can completely change their faces. In fact, the infamous photo of Khloe K in which she barely looked recognizable was done with the app. That’s how she was able to change the proportions of her face. She made her face shape more oval, reduced her jawline, changed the size of her eyes and so on. That’s why it doesn’t look like her. Looks like Sonja is using it too! No clue why people want to not look like themselves on their own social media. If anyone is interested, Lorry Hill discusses it in here.
  12. I don’t like watching Leah and don’t understand why she was given star treatment. I’d pretty much decided not to watch next season anyway due to Dorinda and Sonja, so if Leah comes back it’s just one more reason for me to stay away. I’ll stick to Potomac and Dallas. I’m also watching old episodes of ATL but am skipping over a lot of stuff.
  13. I thought she looked heavy during the actual season. In the THs they filmed after the season, she looked much slimmer. I hesitate to say this because I like Tinsley, but I have a feeling she and Scott won’t make it to the wedding. He’s been so wishy washy with her. I don’t think he’s as into her as she is him, but I’m just speculating. I hope I’m wrong. I also hope she can get pregnant as she really seems to want a baby. Tinsley is attractive but I didn’t really like her look at the reunion. The severe pulled-back hair emphasized the big fake eyelashes and her overly-tweaked nose, and not in a good way IMO.
  14. Was the TMZ articles written from Colton’s press release? I noticed it said Colton has not been Cassie for a month, not Colton said he hasn’t seen Cassie for a month. It’s an important distinction. This is disturbing. I never liked them as a couple and didn’t think she was into him. I’m inclined to believe her take on things. Remember how uncomfortable she seemed talking about Colton on the Bachelor GOAT show? Chris Harrison couldn’t get anything out of her. Maybe it was because she was/is scared of Colton?
  15. i totally agree. I think it's prevalent in the entertainment industry. The standard of beauty had become an Instagram/Kardashian face. There is also an element of status. On a recent Bachelor recap, I really noticed the difference between Kaitlin, who looks plastic and totally different from when she was originally on the show, and Trista, who is older but looks more naturally pretty. They had a two-shot of them on Zoom and it was really apparent. It was sad. I think Kaitlin was so much cuter before she messed with her face. But I'm sure there are many who think she looks better now, because she's got the requisite skinny nose, full lips, super-arched brows, small chin and frozen forehead that is the rage. In one of her THs, Brandi looked FRIGHTENING! Her eyes looked lopsided and her cheeks (implants) huge. Something is off in the proportions of her face. She really screwed up the natural beauty she had. I noticed she looked slightly better in one of the party scenes because they showed her from a three-quarter angle. It was more flattering than head-on. Kyle has been more reserved or had better work done, so she isn't yet into scary territory. But I hope she stops soon. I'm not sure what Dorit has had done, but her nose does look more refined to me on the reunion shows. None of these women are going to leave their faces alone because they are judging themselves against each other, and they're all into "work."
  16. Agree. I don't think Heather wanted to leave the show. Same with Carole despite what she said. I think they were either not asked back by Bravo or were offered a poor contract. I've heard that's the producers' MO. That's how they got rid of Tamra and Vicki from OC. One of them was ditched outright and the other offered a "friend" role. They also recently offered Nene from ATL a contract she didn't like. I think they're done with her. Andy said in an interview that the HWs don't leave on their own. They are let go. Producers let them spin it how they want. There are some exceptions though. I think Bethenny left on her own and obviously Tinsley did too. (I'm pretty sure I read that quote from him but don't remember the source.) Of course, Andy could've just been spouting off to save face. Who knows. Heather is desperately trying to get back on the show. She sees her chance now with Dorinda being ousted.
  17. Thanks. I watched it. Wow. I'm glad Andy let Tinsley tell that story and they played the clip. If Dorinda talked to John like that on a regular basis, then it's no wonder he's gone. I'll bet he ditched her. Ramona does look orange and her extensions look raggedy and yellow. It looks like Tinsley is wearing extensions too but hers look much better.
  18. I think Lisa Rinna on BH takes Adderall too. Maybe that's why she seems so erratic and angry this season. How do these women get prescriptions for a drug they don't really need? Isn't Adderall for ADHD?
  19. I skipped through the show and missed this part. Can you tell me about when it was played?
  20. ITA. I was getting a headache so I fast-forwarded. Also have no desire to ever hear another word about Leah's vagina. Please stop. I thought they all looked pretty good. My favorites (face only) were Leah and Luann. Not so good: Ramona (mostly the hair). Andy was fawning over Leah and mostly gave her a pass on her drinking, so I expect she'll be back next season. I'm glad he called Dorinda out for deflecting. She is a master at it! She really irritated me, especially her smug "I'm excited" in the beginning. No remorse whatsoever over how she behaved this season. And if Dorinda thinks staying away from bars means she's not an alcoholic, then she is either clueless or in denial. Just look at how alcohol affects you when you do drink, Dorinda. Have you watched yourself over the past four seasons? That is your first clue. Reminds me of how my mother used to say she and my dad didn't have a drinking problem because they went to work and came home every night. Yep, they sure did, and then they got sloshed every night starting at 5:30. I don't believe Sonja's "water pill" excuse for a minute. Surprised Andy let that one pass. It's pretty obvious she was on some kind of prescription medication. Another person making excuses for her drinking. (Her hair was just so-so to me. Kind of flat.) Given Dorinda and Sonja's denials, it was refreshing hearing Luanne admit she needs to watch her own drinking and didn't like seeing herself in the clips. Tinsley's nose looked really narrow. Did she have it done or was it just make-up? I didn't really like her hair that way, but she is lovely. Still don't understand the naked hatred Dorinda has for Tinsley.
  21. I couldn’t stand Stephen. I didn’t like him from his first competition. I was hoping he would check himself and become less arrogant after he saw himself on Tv. No luck! I actually like Bobby so I always root for him on BBF, but I was really hoping he’d take Stephen down a few notches. This show was one of the few times I’ve seen Bobby rattled. I like Jay best of the four and was hoping he’d be the one to cook against Bobby. The blind tasting was a good idea. Makes me wonder why they haven’t done it on the other Chopped shows when someone is battling a judge? IIRC, the judge has won every one of them. I’m not sure these judges can be truly objective about each other. I like most of the judges. My favorites are Alex, Scott (“utilize”), Maneet, Chris, Amanda and Arun (haven’t seen him much lately). Least favorite: Jeffery Chopsticks and Martha. Both seem pretentious to me.
  22. Daughter of a NM. I can relate to this and if this is the case, I feel for Hannah. I also want to tell her to give up. It will never happen, at least not long-term. Love is earned and temporary based on what you’ve done for your NM lately. : (
  23. Something is definitely up with the PK and Dorit house situation. Why are they moving again? Here is one take on it. She starts explaining at around 3:10. As someone posted, this is what Camille was alluding to at last year’s reunion.
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