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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. It has lost me. I fast-forwarded through most of it. Gina should not feel guilty for calling the police on her husband after he became violent. He is responsible for his behavior and the consequences, including how it affects his children. I'm surprised he agreed to be filmed. We didn't see him at all last season.
  2. Her face reminded me of Gwen Stefani’s, pulled too tightly! Gwen isn’t as bad though. After watching these women I don’t know if I’m a proponent of facelifts. It seems like most of the women come out looking obviously stretched and tacked back. Wonder what it looks like behind Jenny’s ears LOL? Shannon has been high strung since S1. I don’t see much difference now except she is happier with the new guy. That calms her down a little but she still has the potential to snap at any moment IMO. I do hope it lasts with her boyfriend but think they should’ve waited longer to blend the families. BB, I remember Sun-In. It ruined my hair. Turned it orange!
  3. I hear you. Same thing for me. It’s difficult because my husband doesn’t really understand. I really don’t need to hear about Kelly’s sex life though. I wish she would’ve stop talking about it. She is so crude. I couldn’t believe what she said to Shannon’s father!
  4. I don’t know what type of meetings B is attending, but there are open and closed ones. Closed meeting are only for people who have “a desire to stop drinking,” which is the only requirement to attend AA. She should not invite friends or family to closed meetings (unless they’re struggling with alcohol and have indicated they want to stop drinking). However, anyone can attend open meetings, so those are the ones family members sometimes attend. Speaker meetings are also usually open meetings. I’m assuming if she is inviting people then she’s going to open meetings. Or maybe she’s trying to drop a hint to Kelly about her drinking LOL. These women all drink a lot. Any of them could be problem drinkers or alcoholics. It’s hard to tell due to the way the show is edited. But we’ve seen Kelly and Shannon drinking excessively too. I think there were even comments about Shannon’s drinking a few seasons ago. But it’s up to the individual to decide if she has a problem and wants to stop drinking and/or attend AA. Agree with others who’ve said B should quit this show. I really don’t think this show will help her sobriety in any way. In fact, it may very well hurt it. I also can’t figure out her relationship with her husband. There is an odd dynamic between them. They don’t seem like a couple who’ve been together a long time ago and have a bunch of kids. They seem friendly enough but detached from each other.
  5. So if the update I saw is true and Erika and Tom have both been having affairs and living separately for years (except for filming), then it really makes me wonder what the heck is going on in Lisa and Kyle’s marriages too. I guess Erika is going to walk away with some considerable cash, Tom’s legal issues aside, if she has no pre-nup. This show is all surface, no substance. All the HWs shows are but this one especially so.
  6. Yep. It's a little weird having Monique in her own scenes away from the other women. I don't know how she can come back next season if no one will film with her. I wonder what Wendy thought when she saw the clips of herself bragging about her degrees right after she said she wasn't "one to brag." I wasn't surprised Karen lied about what she said about Ray. Based on what I've seen from Karen since S1, she isn't the most forthright person. She seems very concerned about her image to me. They all are, but Karen especially so. I still don't believe she was completely in the dark about Ray's tax issues. Ashley does seem depressed and much different since she had the baby. I hope she's better now. My daughter-in-law got stir crazy when her baby was small and she was breast-feeding. She didn't leave the house for weeks and was wearing soiled clothes and looking exhausted when we visited. She said she felt like a milk-machine. One thing I really like about this HW show is the women can laugh at themselves (slinking scene). I didn't want to hear Candiace (or anyone) do scales but thought she sounded really good in the recording. ITA. I remember Theresa Guidice's infamous table flip S1. No consequences! She wasn't fired or even really criticized. She was actually praised by some. Imagine being at a restaurant at a table with people, food and drinks and someone turns it on end? Someone easily could have been hurt not to mention the uproar, damage, food and drinks everywhere, etc. And then she actually pushed Andy during one of the reunions. Still nothing happened to her. She was back next season. Not a whole lot for Porsha from ATL either. They took her out of the opening credits, but she was in nearly every episode the next season like a regular cast member not friend of. Rinna also was unscathed. Andy and the Bravo producers love drama. That's why alcohol is readily available. Let the women get liquored up so they can cut loose.
  7. And she didn’t even have the decency to tell him herself. She sent out CH to do it! I don’t buy her being “triggered.” I think her ego was bruised. Even if she did feel scared of the guy, there was a camera crew there and producers around. I don’t remember another time CH did the ditching for a Bachelor or Bachelorette. Maybe it has happened before so someone can refresh my memory. She is neurotic. I hope this show is finally done with her. Enough!
  8. I couldn’t believe that! I’m surprised they left it in. They must be ticked at her. I’m now understanding why she can’t maintain a relationship. She is nuts.
  9. They also seemed about as excited as Jamal did talking to Gizelle.
  10. After reading the comments here, decided to skip this episode. I thought I heard Braunwyn had a facelift during the break. I remember thinking she seemed a little young for a facelift. I wonder if her home looks smaller because some of the rooms have low ceilings. I noticed it last week.
  11. That is just what Candiace said in an interview on Bravo. She said she was really concerned about her wig coming off and the scene living on forever in gifs, memes, etc. LOL
  12. As someone who has been in recovery for over five years, this is simply not true. Alcoholics can stop drinking for years at a time. Some stay sober, some relapse. Staying sober for a certain time period doesn’t mean someone isn’t an alcoholic. In fact, this is a dangerous lie many alcoholics tell themselves before they truly recover (“If I can stay sober 30/60/90 days, a year, then I’m not an alcoholic.”) A big book of AA has a story about an alcoholic guy who was sober for 25 years, retired and starting drinking again. He was dead from alcoholism within a few years. So even though he stayed sober 25 years, he was still an alcoholic and his drinking killed him once he started again. Also, not all women who drink during pregnancy have babies with FAS. Yes, drinking greatly increases the risk. But it doesn’t always happen. Some of them are fortunate and their babies are born healthy. I’ve known plenty of alcoholic women in AA who admitted to drinking during pregnancy yet their babies did not have FAS. I’ve also known many women who stopped drinking completely while pregnant. Given the still very real stigma on alcoholism, I don’t see why Braunwyn would say she’s an alcoholic if she isn’t. I take her at her word and am glad she is sober now.
  13. I still don’t understand why Bravo sat on this season so long. It has been nearly a year since filming. I would’ve enjoyed this more and found it more interesting and relevant if it aired much earlier. I’ve already grown tired of this beat-down storyline. I noticed Monique couldn’t be bothered to spell Candiace’s name correctly in her email. Was that shade or is she just lazy? As others have speculated, I think something else is going on with Ray and Karen. I wonder if there was more to the blue eyes story. He seems irritated and over her. Weird that they’d show Robyn saying she’s putting marriage on the back burner now and then a preview of Juan getting ready to propose.
  14. Ditto what Kiki and Keywest said. We did see some scenes of her really drunk, flashing her boobs, slurring, etc. There was also footage left out such as the plane scene. Stopping drinking for pregnancies or any periods of times doesn’t mean someone isn’t an alcoholic. It’s what happens when you do drink, how you react to alcohol. It takes a lot to admit you’re an alcoholic. If she is saying that, I believe her.
  15. We saw glimpses of B's drinking last season but it was hard to peg it as alcoholism because so many of these women drink heavily at times. Instead it was edited like she was just cutting loose. I wonder if producers were keeping it quiet as they did with Kim from BH? There are probably a lot of scenes viewers didn't see. It was kind of weird how they revealed it in the first episode. I could see it being a season long arc. In any case, I'm not a fan of hers. I don't find her interesting or authentic. I'm glad they didn't show her husband. I wonder if their marriage will last. Kelly did not look good in her THs. What happened to her hair? Actually, none of them looked great. I guess professional lighting really does make a difference. Surprised and confused they brought Emily back. Not buying the redemption story with her husband. Maybe he's just uncomfortable on camera, but he didn't act like he wanted to kiss her. The guy is awkward in general though, so maybe it has nothing to do with her. I like Shannon and her boyfriend seems great. Good for her!
  16. And the false eyelashes are so obvious! Actually, just about all the women on this show wear them. Am I missing something? Is this the trend now? I don't have any friends who wear them. Can someone please help Gizelle find better wigs? That last one she had on was awful. Same goes for Karen with that blonde monstrosity.
  17. The Bravo overview was good. Gosh, Gizelle and Robyn really went after Monique. Ashley and Karen didn't say much. I wish the host would've brought up the rumors being spread about Monique's marriage though, especially when Candiace was saying she has done absolutely nothing to cause Monique to dislike her. Didn't Candiace reportedly play a role in spreading the rumors or do I have this wrong?
  18. No she didn't. She said Monique has been attacking her character.
  19. Wow! I didn't know that about Chad. What a sicko! Colton needs therapy.
  20. Candiace was on a podcast today describing her version of the winery incident. I posted it in the media thread.
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