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Everything posted by Love

  1. Thank-you. That's what I thought.
  2. Hi. I'm new to this thread. I'm not even sure if this is the right place to ask a question. I just finished binge watching the first 8 seasons of this show on Netflix. I was never into the show before this, so I didn't start DVR'ing until around episode 13 of this season. My question is, how soon after the season ends does Netflix put it out? Is it around the same time as the DVD's are released? I just don't want to get into Season 9 too quickly if there will be a long wait for S10.
  3. Disclaimer: I'm only at the end of S8 (major Netflix bingewatch), so if this happens in the next season & a half I apologize... but I really feel that they have or will have missed the boat on not having Aerosmith's "Angel" being played at some point. Seriously, that just writes itself.
  4. I keep thinking "not Lestat" from that God awful Queen of the Damned movie.
  5. I hate the song "Tubthumping" by Chumbawamba so much. It is my official Stupidest Song Ever. It makes me stabby everytime I hear it (which mercifully, is not much anymore). Also, "Let It Go" may possibly make me break out into hives. I heard it yesterday for the first time in forever and I swear I got all twitchy and itchy.
  6. All I could think about during the Dany/death scene was how "the one who passes the sentence swings the sword". Again this week, her story continues to be the weak link. Did love Drogon though. Wow has he gotten big. Glad Jon was named Lord Commander. Although, maybe I missed something....why in the world would he turn Stannis down? Jon Stark sounds really good. Damn that honour thing.... Sam surprisingly didn't bug this week. Even Gilly was tolerable. I blame Shireen for that though. Girl is adorable, especially considering her parental units. Jaime and Bronn are my new fave couple. Got way more excited than I should have when I saw Jaime sitting there waiting for Bronn. Looking so forward to their exploits. I continue to love Cersei. I really feel for her. I think she's in for a world of trouble. Way in over her head. As for the rest.... Tyrion & Varys bored me...as did Arya. I never got the appeal of "A Man". Littlefinger grosses me out so the less said about him the better. I feel bad for Sansa being stuck with him. I really hope she's playing him. I have nothing to say about Brienne/Podrick.
  7. The high-fiving over "purple pee" will never not be funny.
  8. I just finished a rewatch. I somehow missed that Sam/Gilly/baby scene the first time around. Oh how I wish I missed it this time too. I was wishing by the end of it that Gilly would be sent away. My God she was annoying. I have to confess to not watching a lot of Sam scenes (just not a fave of mine) but he just seems so, and I apologize for using this word....whipped around her. I know he's got it bad for her, but I don't remember thinking that before.
  9. I enjoyed this episode for the most part... The Wall- My fave parts of the episode. Jon/Mance made it for me. I hadn't thought much of Mance in previous seasons, but he brought his A game for this. Jon too. Like many others, loved Jon's arrow of mercy. Jon/Mel is so going to happen isn't it? The character (I didn't catch his name) who will look after Robin. Loved his dialogue. That whole scene with Robin "trying" to fight. Tyrion/Varys- loved their whole exchange I was totally expecting Margaery to join in with her brother and his "friend". Even before that, I was strangely expecting something to happen between Loras & Lancel. Dany is the weak link for me. I can't seem to muster up any interest in her story. She bores me. Having said that, I did like how the dragons turned on her. Other than that, nope. I've got nothing. How is it that I love the Daario actor on Orphan Black, but can't stand him here? Tywin's death eyes creeped me out. Finally, I just love Cersei. She is just so mean. But I find her so sympathetic. The actress playing the young version was perfection. LH is my total girl crush.
  10. I don't hate Ramsay Snow/Bolton on Game of Thrones. I know I should, because he is evil, but I don't. Maybe it's because of my intense dislike of Theon Greyjoy, but I am absolutely charmed by Ramsay. What the he** does that say about me?
  11. I hear you. Been crushing on him for a while. Actually, is it a sad thing that most of my tv crushes come from the CW? I apparently have a thing for brothers- Sam & Dean, Klaus & Elijah, Damon & Stefan......
  12. "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls gives me the chills everytime I hear it. Johnny Rzeznik's vocals are amazing.
  13. I just finished binge watching Merlin on Netflix. I had a ton of fun recognizing British actors that I've seen on other shows. Especially Game of Thrones, The Musketeers & Salem.
  14. Watching Casablanca (my very fave movie ever) with my Dad. Dad: Humphrey Bogart is really not a very good actor. Me: Still in a state of shock.
  15. Jared Leto. That is all.
  16. The only Taylor Swift song I know is "Love Story". I have successfully managed to avoid her since. I wouldn't know any of her others if I hear them. Same with Drake.
  17. I loved Howie back in the day when he had the long straight hair. What can I say, I was shallow. As I got older, I became more of a Nick girl. Preferred his voice to the others.
  18. I do I do....I still prefer my ipod Nano when listening to music. I have tons of music that I have downloaded from CD's & Ares to my desktop that I can't get on my iPhone. I have iTunes on my phone by default, but never listen to it.
  19. I am a rocker girl to the core. Pearl Jam, Linkin Park, etc. However, the Backstreet Boys will always be my guilty pleasure. My friends all laugh at me.
  20. I absolutely agree with this. Can't listen to the original. Sounds super slow in comparison. The Goos did an awesome cover. Other covers I love: "Cats In the Cradle"- Ugly Kid Joe...I was really moved by this song. I didn't even know this was a cover until years later. My fave cover song ever. "Under Pressure"- the Used/My Chemical Romance...I think it's the vocals that make it for me. The 2 singers sound great together. "Sympathy For the Devil"- Guns N Roses...I was raised by a Stones loving Mother, so I liked the original. Love the cover so much more. "Come Undone"- My Darkest Days...Never liked the DD version. Hated that band. The cover is well done.
  21. I would really like to know what Enzo's backstory is pre-captivity. How old is he in Vampire years? Who turned him? More importantly, which Original vamp is ultimately responsible for him? I will confess...I like Enzo. A**hole tendencies aside, I have no problem with him. What that says about me, I don't know. Having never seen the actor before, I really like him.
  22. I'm not sure if this fits here or not. When tv stations stop fans on the streets to ask questions about their sports teams, and the response is "we" need to do this or "we" played great. Last time I checked, YOU were not part of the team, YOU do not need to do anything. That drives me absolutely crazy.
  23. Absolutely. Coincidentally, this is the same thing I feel about Jennifer Aniston after her breakup with Brad Pitt.
  24. As a child of the '90's, I lived for alt rock. Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains in the early 90's to The Smashing Pumpkins, Goo Goo Dolls & Blink 182 toward the end of the decade. It pains me to admit that The Backstreet Boys were my guilty boy band pleasure. I have about 8 of their songs on my ipod. Sad but true.
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