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Everything posted by Love

  1. One Republic's "When the Love Runs Out". Damn, where I live, this song is everywhere. My Mother even loves it. I can't change the radio station in the car fast enough when it comes on.
  2. I know the character of Desmond was beloved amongst the fans of LOST. I liked him well enough when he was first introduced in Season 2. However, as the series went on, I found myself disliking him more and more. I was actually rooting for Charles Widmore to take him out. I hated that Desmond basically became all about Penny. Penny this, Penny that, Penny, Penny, Penny. I hated Penny on principle.
  3. I totally agree. I can't stand Amy. I don't find her funny and I find her acting very reaching. I guess I mean by that, that I don't find her natural. Penny may be a ditz, but the actress has great comedic timing. Same with Bernadette. I just don't get that with Amy.
  4. Neither did I. I enjoyed the finale for what it was. LOST is my fave tv show of all time. I had no expectations going into the final season. I didn't care about the questions that were never answered. I just watched the show out of pure enjoyment.
  5. Yes this is what I was wondering. Sorry, I should have been clearer. Was Killian aware of his most recent past with Freya? In this current lifetime before Dash attacked him.
  6. I missed last week's episode due to satellite issues. I know that Killian doesn't remember what Dash did to him. Does he remember his past with Freya? I was kind of surprised that Dash was calling her a b**** & insulting her, yet no response from Killian in that respect.
  7. A few things. After the episode 2 weeks ago where Aramis was pretty much left to fend for himself, it was nice to see the others have his back tonight. That baby was absolutely adorable. Selyse Baratheon cleans up well. Loved the whole Aramis/D'Artagnan interaction. These two are gold in every scene they share. Aramis continues to be the best thing about this show.
  8. I was a Sawyer FF so I didn't care who he ended up with . The only time I ever liked Kate was when she was with him. Ultimately, I did love him with Juliet and was happy they ended up being soulmates. I still tear up to this day when I watch the Sawyer/Juliet/vending machine scene from the finale. Loved that.
  9. For me, it's the entire cast of LOST. I will never be able to see any of the actors as anyone but their LOST characters (even Nikki & Paolo who I hated). I'm the one who will watch something & OMG it's Sawyer, or Boone (even though Ian Somerhalder will also be forever Damon). My Mother & BF will attest to that.
  10. Sadly, because it was a Porthos centred episode, I found the Porthos parts of the episode to be the least interesting. Granted, I have never been a Porthos fan in any version so I may be a little biased. I just have no interest in his backstory. I enjoyed Aramis, D'Artagnan & their brand of CSI: Paris. Aramis really is becoming the best part of the show for me & D'Artagnan improved over last week. Perhaps the lack of Constance helped. Athos continues to be my weak link. Something about the way the actor delivers his lines throws me off. I did love however, the scene where Aramis shoots the door open, D'Art sort of cowers in behind & Athos just stands there like they do this all the time.
  11. I have to admit, I have never read the book. I have tried, but I could never get into it. My exposure, prior to this tv series to this story comes from the 1993 movie. I love both. I have one question...in the book, was it ever mentioned if the Musketeers are equivalent to the Night's Watch or Kingsguard from Game of Thrones in that they can never marry or never father a child? Or is any of that even an issue?
  12. I was going to say Kate Austen, but everyone else has summed up my feelings so nicely. Honourable mention has to go to Theon Greyjoy from Game of Thrones. Disloyal little punk. Right from the beginning with his attitude toward Jon and then the Direwolves. As far as I am concerned, he deserved everything he got from Ramsay.
  13. I have never liked Shae from the beginning so I was not sorry to see her die. She had it coming as far as I am concerned. Tyrion knocked it out of the park. Killing Papa Bear (or in this case Papa Lion) while in his most vulnerable position was somehow fitting. Loved the Jaime/Tyrion hug. It's more than likely due to my Lena Headey girl crush, but I loved Cersei. She totally owned Tywin. Not a fan of the whole Twincest thing, but I think she had something up her sleeve. As others have mentioned, the scene with the dragons broke my heart. The way they cried out...so sad. I loved the Jon/Stannis/Davos scenes. Finally Jon is reconnected with the Seven Kingdoms,as opposed to being isolated to the Wall/North of the Wall. Stannis definitely seemed impressed with Jon. Melisandre upped her creep factor.
  14. Too much Sam & Gilly for me. Their story could have been given to more of the fight scenes. It somehow didn't seem long enough. Agree that Alliser redeemed himself. Figures Slynt was a coward. Really enjoyed the actual battle once it finally got started. Yay kid for killing Ygritte. Now I only hope Jon doesn't have a death wish.
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