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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. Did they actually say that on the show? I must have missed it and I kept waiting for clarification of when this affair supposedly happened.
  2. Wow, tough room here. Bindi is by far and away the best dancer, and I hope she is rewarded as she should be. I do not for a minute think any of her tears - at any time in the competition for that matter - were fake. She is 17 for heaven's sake. I was much older than Bindi (38 to her 8) when I lost my dad which will be 20 years ago in a few weeks. I can still be reduced to a puddle of tears with no warning. Some of us are lucky to have had an amazing connection with our dad. Others apparently not so much. I do wish Derek had not put Steve's picture up at the end, especially without her knowing it. I think she held things together well until then. I hope it doesn't lose her the mirror ball due to the cynics in the crowd. However if people are voting on the best dancer she should win regardless. On another note, I hate hate hate when the freestyle is full of other dancers. Bindi and Derek could have danced to pretty much anything and I would have preferred their dance over the other three. If you are worthy of being in the final you shouldn't need all the other dancers distracting from what should be a showcase of the star and his/her partner.
  3. Yikes, that is creepy and scary all at the same time. LOL. I never read soap sites and just came up with the scenario this morning but obviously others think the same way I do. I am not sure that is a good thing for them or me. Ha. I assumed that the affair is pre Nikki, otherwise she would not have been so calm about it. So if psycho doc turns out to be Victor's kid in my head she would be his oldest. But yes Slowpokey, please share the details you remember from the other site.
  4. Hmm, I have been wondering what far fetched reason Sharon's doctor has had to carry out this farce. Before reading the above comments this is what I came up with: the psych (and psycho) doctor is the product of Victor's affair with the good judge. The judge gave away the baby to save her marriage. Psycho doctor wants Victor to pay because she could have been (shoud have been ) a Newman heir. So she steals her half brother's kid to make them all pay. Now she inadvertantly made said baby a step grandson of Victor since she has given the kid to Sharon to pass off as hers and Dylan's. So Nikki is still the baby's grandma. But hey, psycho doctor didn't think things through that far. I think Victor needs another kid as devious as Adam and psycho doc would fit the bill.
  5. I loved seeing Amy and Sheldon back together as friends and am glad that Sheldon turned down Amy's attempt at reuniting. I think they will eventually (at least I hope they do!) but I assume - and hope- that it will be after months more of spending time together as friends and realizing that they really are meant to be together. And as others have said Mayim was absolutely brilliant - the scene of her in the car when Sheldon said no was heartbreaking. When we finished watching the show (PVR'd) hubby asked if I was going to erase the epi as I normally would. I said no just because I want to watch that scene again. Penny not knowing Leonard's birthday was not in the least believable. Besides the fact that she threw him a surprise party several years ago they have been a couple for a long time and friends even longer. And Penny finding out years ago that Leonard had never had a party would make her want to ensure that she made a fuss over his birthday every year after. She would hardly forget it. Dumb writing and unusual for a sitcom of this calibre.
  6. I wondered why the police were so sure that he killed her on the boat (other than that I guess he said that to the girlfriend?). Seems like he took quite a chance if he really did hit her on the boat and then throw her over that there would not be a lot of blood. It isn't like he could do much of a clean up when he is then going to be on the boogie board claiming that she went overboard. I wondered if he killed her and then brought her on the boat but since it was a rented boat presumably the rental people saw her boarding the boat alive and well? I kept wondering what happened with the charges that he and his wife falsely billed for millions of dollars in their business before they sold it? (Or did that happen after they sold it and when they were both employees?) According to his mother her daughter in law thought she was going to jail. MInd you who knows if she even said that, or if the MIL made it up to create reasonable doubt. In any case it sounded like they were both up on charges so why would it be dropped against him just because his wife disappeared? Or did I miss something?
  7. r I would be surprised if Maddie doesn't convert to Catholicism, if she hasn't already. In an interview after she got engaged she said that she was not allowed to join the Mormon church (remember the big deal that was made by her leaving the Church of Kody?) because of her parents' poly lifestyle. Since obviously some form of religion is important to her I don't see why she would not adopt the religion of her finace/inlaws. But yes, all you have to do is say you will raise your kids Catholic and then can do whatever you actually want to do. But my guess is that is how their kids will be raised regardless of the required vow.
  8. I love the character of Jason, and am happy to have him on my screen since we never see Diane's husband any more. I always find 'rough around the edges' look sexier than the suit type. I never found Will sexy, though do find Peter sexy to a certain extent but that is because I like his personality. Another UO, but I love MIchael J. Fox's character of Louis Canning. The bemused expression on his face for much of the deposition had me laughing out loud. And on an unrelated note, MJF did not seem to have any of his often shaking side effect of his meds last night. I wonder if he is on different meds now? In any case I am always thrilled to have him on my screen and hope he continues to be for many years to come. So why exactly did Peter have an entourage at Alicia's apartment? I get that the governer's mansion is in Springfield but would Peter not have offices somewhere in Chicago as well? If he and Alicia were still together with her working in Chicago would he seriously be bringing a dozen people home with him every night that he was in town? Strange.
  9. Not only will Maddie's kids have lots of aunts and uncles, hopefully she will have close friends who will also act as role models for her children. I was lucky enough to grow up with wonderful 'aunts' and 'uncles' - close friends of my parents - who were very important to me and still are. Unfortunately the Brown family does not appear to have any outside friends of any consequence. I find it interesting that neither Maddie or her boyfriend have brought up the fact that he was raised, and still is Catholic. If I hadn't read that online (and also that Maddie was not welcomed into the Mormon church due to her family) I would assume he was Mormon. The fact that he is Catholic makes the whole talk of whether he and Maddie would become polys even sillier. I am surprised that when Robyn had the portrait of Kody and her kids commissioned that she did not also have one painted inserting herself into the Brown family before her kids were born and when the first Brown kids were small.
  10. Thanks for your answer cookdelight. That would be similar to what happens here. Which is why the alimony makes no sense to me. That is spousal support, not repaying her monies owed because she contributed more during their marriage than he did. I don't remember who kept the family home either, but again that would not be spousal support but one partner buying out the other. I think even on one of the documents they showed it was referred to as $6,000 alimony per month. The reason I am wondering is that would appear to be one of the reasons that he murdered her? Maybe this was brought up by the prosecution? I am afraid I don't remember as I watched a few similar shows back to back so the details escape me. The insurance money would not be a reason as it went to their daughters. And he had moved on and had a girlfriend. But he definitely was a narcissist and it seemed to run in the family.
  11. I thought it was obvious at the lunch that Meri was still 'with' Sam. In fact her dropping hints about going away, and maybe going away for a week to camp by herself I thought was an attempt to concoct a cover story so she could go away and meet Sam without arousing suspicion. I remember reading that one of the times she was supposed to meet 'Sam' and instead his 'assistant' (the woman who was catfishing her) showed up was at Disneyland. That could be done in a day but would be a long day - who knows if Meri left for a couple of days for that failed rendevous? I did think it was odd in her TH that Meri said one could love more than one person at a time. Isn't that the whole basis of her life - that her husband loves three other women as well as her? One thing that Christine said in her TH I thought was odd. She said Meri had been pulling away from the family for the last six months, barely attended any family functions and was distant (can't remember her exact word) when they were at work. WTH are they working at? The SWC seems to be dead and gone so what pray tell was Christine talking about? It bothers me that someone as smart as Maddie was lamenting how sad she will be that her kids won't be raised by multiple mothers. She seems oblivious to the fact that she needed multiple mothers because she had a couple of dozen siblings competing for her parents' attention. If you have a couple/few kids like a normal family Maddie they aren't competing for your time, and basically have a father in more than name only. To top it off your kids will have 18 or so (I have lost track) aunts and uncles so I think they will be just fine having only two parents.
  12. Usernamefatigued, I am always startled when I see your name as I think "I didn't write that post" or "I didn't 'like' that post". Lol. I remember the first time I saw it I was surprised that the PTV would allow two user names that are almost identical but I guess you and I are the only ones who would notice. I definitely agree that the ex looked guilty from the get go. I was surprised that he was paying alimony. Is that common in the states? The only times I can think of where I know that people here (in Canada) have received alimony is when the wife has small children and she has stayed at home with them rather than have a career. I have one friend who was in this position and the ex paid alimony for 4 years while she attended university. Another paid alimony as he and his wife were in their late 50s and she had never worked (this was 20 years ago) so he was required to pay alimony for the rest of her life. However Carol had worked as a teacher and from what I remember left her job of her own accord. Neither daughter was living with her even so I am puzzled as to why she would receive alimony. As much as the ex claimed that they got along well the letters they showed (which I freeze framed to read as much as possible) a different story. He was paying $72,000 a year (one would think after taxes) so I am sure he wasn't too pleased about that.
  13. But she was interested in sex, so much so that SHE HELPED him remove her clothes. I totally agee with Ohmo's post that 'no means no' has totally taken away any responsiblity of females where their own actions are concerned. Now lets say this 18 year old is your son. He gets into this position with an almost 16 year old female. She may or may not have said no after she exchaged many flirting texts/emails with him (as this female did), agreed to meet him in secret, made out with him, helped him take off her clothes, and then maybe said no or maybe only in her mind said no. She also exchanged flirty texts with your son after the fact and admitted to a friend that she 'might have had a sexual encounter" with him. She also told police that she didn't know whether to be happy or excited that she was with your son. I assume you would be fine with your son's life being ruined? Because regardless of whether it is a so called player like Owen or your son who is sweet and innocent - the results are the same.
  14. 10/10 to your posts Ohmo, particularly the first one. And really I get tired of people pointing out their ages. She was almost 16 and he was 18. There is a reason why many teenage girls go out with guys a year or two older than they are. Boys are emotionally more immature than girls, so they were pretty much on an even playing field in that respect. She had just as much responsibility to act maturely as he did. They both acted irresponsibly IMO.
  15. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I have not seen any of the interviews with either Brooks or Vicki. How did Brooks explain that he has cancer but faked the report? Why would he just not have shown a 'real' report if he 'really' has cancer? Or was his binder stolen from his car when it had two flat tires?
  16. I often do not watch the intro packages and only saw a minute or so of Alexa's where she talked about having had an eating disorder. Then I started watching the dance and thought WTF?? It took me almost the whole dance to get that Mark was supposed to be the disorder. Even knowing that I hated the choreography and thought it was inappropriate for a family show. I have never been abused in a relationship or as a child - I can't imagine how uncomfortable that must have been to watch for someone who has been.
  17. Wow, Annabelle really is in her own little world. What a self absorbed woman. And what was with the outfit for the party with her butt cheeks hanging out? And the unlit cigarette she was waving around in her hand as she was talking to Julie at the party? Strange. If the show comes back next year without Annabelle I will be perfectly happy. I assume she will be busy writing her autobiography titled Narcissistic Me.
  18. This!!!! I don't care who you are, if you are too damn busy to make time for rehersals and putting in the time required you should not be there. But then shouldn't TPTB have known this before she signed up? I am tired of people coming on the show (she isn't the first) and then talking about how busy they are. YOU SIGNED UP FOR THIS YOU IDIOT!! As a viewer I. DON'T. CARE.!!!!!!! It is a disservice to both the pro you are with and the viewers to not give it your all. The sickness just adds another level of annoyance. She is contagious so she is putting everyone around her at risk. I am sure the other 'stars' (a term I use loosely) did not sign up to be continually exposed to someone who doesn't have the common sense to stay home. I do not applaud Tamar at all - I think it was a totally selfish move. It is one thing to dance with an injury - you are only putting yourself and maybe your partner at risk. When you are there with a contagious disease you are putting everyone at risk and not something to be admired. It is a friggin' dance show and just not that important in the long run. Get over yourself.
  19. You are right lexington11. Found this regarding some tweets Maddie send out in early October:
  20. I thought that was hilarious too. My other laugh out loud scene was when Sheldon was describing how his great great (I think?) grandmother lost her wedding ring and then got it back again. Sheldon's lack of political correctness is one of my favourite things on the show. In fact I was thinking that while it doesn't happen every epi, I am amazed that after all these years this show frequently has scenes that make me laugh out loud. Very few sitcoms do that for me these days. Regarding the Bernadette thing, I don't remember her talking about having a bunch of sibs (though obviously it must be true as many do remember that) but I thought she said in the epi way back when she and Howard discussed kids that her mother had a daycare in their basement so there were always lots of kids around which she did not like. I also find it interesting that many people assume that if someone does not want kids it has to do with their upbringing. I had amazing parents and a wonderful childhood but I knew as young as nine (maybe younger but I remember a specific event at nine when I said I did not want kids) that I did not want to have children when I grew up. I never changed my mind even though pretty much everyone said I would. I am now 58 and have never regretted not having children.
  21. The show is so ridiculous now that it is hardly worth pointing out the inconsistencies and huge holes in the storylines. TPTB obviously do not care so why should we? Apparently Sharon's doctor is not only evil but also psychic. She knew that Nick and Sage would not want to see and hold their baby. The baby that according to Sage they never once held while he was alive. That makes perfect sense. And the doctor is able to get some staff members on board to pretend their baby is dead and available for viewing. The doctor also apparently knew that Dylan would show up when he did, so she needed to put the fake belly on Sharon. But timed it just right so she could take it away before Sharon woke up wondering why she was wearing a fake belly. And where oh where is said baby? One would think he is still in an incubator somewhere? Maybe Michael Knight is looking after him in Neil's boathouse. The most disgusting thing about this whole storyline is that apparently Sage will not be going anywhere. I am sure that was a look of panic on Nick's face when Sage was flipping out in her hospital bed, realizing that he is stuck with her and not even the payoff of a baby as a reason to be. And I would not at all be surprised if it was not Nick's panic we were seeing but Joshua Morrow's. Certainly would be mine if I was in his position. Maybe it will be a few years down the road before it is all sorted out and Sage will leave town soon. She can return down the road played by someone who can actually act. That is if Y&R has not been cancelled by then.
  22. I think you have hit the nail on the head. I think a nurse testified that she had a small abraision (can't remember the exact words) in the genital area. The teenager tells her friend that she THINKS she MAY have had a sexual encounter with Owen. He says that he was going to have intercourse then changed his mind. I think he may have started, changed his mind but ejaculated which would hardly be a surprise. His semen was not found in her (and of course couldn't be considering the time it took her to go the police) but on her panties. As far as being on the sexual registry for life, I was reading that in NH he can apply to have his name removed after either 10 or 15 years (the article was before sentencing and I can't remember why the discrepency). However there is no guarentee that his request would be granted. Apparently the way the law is written the judge has no discretion as whether to put him on the registry or not. There has been an outcry because of this case as his situation was never the reason the law was brought in to start with. It looks like it may be re examined down the road to prevent this abuse of the intent of the law. Not that that will help Labrie.
  23. Actually now that you mention it I did rewind as I was wondering who else was smoking. I forgot that it was Caroline F. Even if my hostess was smoking at the dinner table I would want to smack someone who was chain smoking. I detest the smell of smoke (not even getting into second hand smoke issues) and that would totally ruin my appetite to have smoke wafting over my food. As far as being 'late' for breakfast, Juliet was 'late' for dinner the night before. Being ready but held up for a few minutes isn't a big deal. Five of I think the seven guests weren't even dressed a half hour after breaky started, and at least one was still asleep. That isn't late, that is having no intention of going at all. IMO of course. Didn't Caroline S. pull a similar stunt in an earlier epi? Maybe New Year's day? I recall her being in bed another time when others were expecting her for breakfast.
  24. HIs best scenes for me have always been with Sharon Case. I didn't like him with MS as she is a scene chewer herself. The problem with the actor playing Sage (I can't even be bothered to look up her name) is that besides being a horrible actor she and JM have no chemistry. I don't think he likes her - or Sage for that matter- any more than most of us do. Which is to say not at all. Christine has always been a bitch, but I do believe she has ratcheted it up a few notches. If Adam had saved Paul she would still have been there with her self righteous nose in the air proclaiming that she was adding extra charges to Adam's rap sheet. I hope a few of the people that Adam saved and their relatives pounce on her today and give her a good beating.
  25. Yep, not only wailed but went through a fairly lengthy scene without shedding a tear. Not in the hospital room where they first found out, or outside in the hallway. The prop people must have put visine in Sage's eyes for the scene with the social worker as there appeared to be an actual tear or two trickling down her face. Sheeh, this is supposed to be a soap actress - shouldn't crying on cue be a minimum job requirement? JM didn't do much better but a least men can pretend to be strong and hold it in. The scene chewing without tears just does not wash. Thank you Christian for giving your life so that hopefully your mother will leave town never to return.
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