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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. Ha! This is the first time I have liked Ryan because he didn't back down from Tamra. Bullies like Tamra can only bully when they pick on someone they perceive to be weaker. Ryan stood toe to toe, and Tamra's reaction was to run. I also love that Eddie didn't run after her. I think Tamra has a drinking problem that may be worse than Shannon's was at her worst. The difference is that Tamra has Eddie to try to reign her in, and presumably drive her when she is intoxicated and doesn't have Bravo to provide her with transportation. My guess is her going hard at Shannon, other than that is her bullying MO, is to deflect from her own problem. I felt a bit sorry for Katie and Matt, but honestly, did they not watch an episode of this show (or any ho wife franchise) before signing on? The only reason to have dinner parties is to give Bravo footage of drunken fights. I am sure it is in the contract somewhere. Loved, loved, loved the producers including Heather's off camera comments to Terry. I am sure Heather admonishes Terry often, she is far too invested in her imagine as the perfect wife/mother/person to not keep anyone in line that dares to step out of line.
  2. I don't think that Heather can claim that she just gave the measurements to the designer and had nothing to do with things after that, when it was Heather who told Emily to bring jeans. She obviously did not tell anyone else to bring jeans. Did she not ask the designer why only Emily needed to bring jeans? I was shocked that Emily's dress was a size 12 and I think she said Alexis' was a 2 or 4. They looked at most a size apart. Emily looked fabulous. Heather on the other hand looks sickly. About 15 minutes in they showed scenes of Heather and Terry at the event, and Heather's neck veins were sticking out to an alarming degree. Emily looks 100 times healthier than Heather does. I did love that Heather asked Alexis why Johnny J wasn't at the event. It seems like a fair question. After all, Alexis brags that they do everything together. And by getting engaged he has signed on as future step father to her kids. And it isn't like Johnny J is camera shy. He was in the audience of a WWHL show and was even interviewed while sitting in the audience. Back to Heather. In the preview where she was kissing Terry, I thought "Why is Heather kissing Hugh Heffner?". Thanks to whoever the poster was who posted about the resemblance in a previous episode. I can't get the resemblance out of my mind. The regular cast members must be tired of "friend of" Alexis continually high jacking events and whining and crying about how hard things are for her. Whack-a-doodle, indeed.
  3. I read an article recently (because Alexis can't seem to go long without defending Johnny J) where Alexis stated that because her youngest kids have two years left of high school, she will not move in with JJ and he will not move in with her until the kids have graduated high school. So what was the rush to get engaged after 9 months together? Other than to stick it to Shannon. Janssen did the same thing with Shannon. I would be surprised if they last another year. Beware of Johnny J using the phrase "take it to the next level", Alexis. That means he is about to dump you.
  4. Yep, and I am completely underwhelmed by this season so far. In addition, the reason I started watching was for Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow, so an episode with neither of them in it is just plain annoying. And boring. Yawn.
  5. I saw a clip of I think WWHL where Alexis claims that Johnny J offered to pay her salary if she didn't go on RH, then offered to pay double the salary if she didn't go on the show. Does anyone really believe that Alexis would do anything Johnny J did not want her to do? And of course Alexis blamed the fact that the fans hate her on the edit she is being given. Publicity shy Janssen was in the audience. Because, of course, he hates all the attention. Lol. Another article I read had 100 percent of the people commenting on Shannon's side. Two of the comments made me chuckle. One called Janssen a HW groupie, and my fav comment referred to Janssen as a "Slade Smiley wannabe". Priceless.
  6. What a bore this show has become. It is reaching last year's RHoNY level of boredom. Pretty hard to do with a mostly veteran cast, but the producers are managing it. While Shannon's drunk driving episode was horrific, Tamra's continual behaviour is more repugnant to me. Sticking her finger in Emily's butt? Licking food off of someone's foot? Why does Bravo think this is entertaining? Not to mention her obvious manipulations. I don't understand why any of her children talk to her. How mortifying for them to have that as a mother. I don't believe that Gina said that she needed Heather's friendship as Heather helps her with her career. We have seen no indication of that, and Heather does not run in circles where she would be using or recommending a relative new comer to the business like Gina. I also don't believe that there is ring camera footage of Shannon almost running one of John's kids over. If, as he claims, he was looking after Shannon after the incident, he would not be doing that if she almost killed one of his kids. I call B.S. The most boring part of this season is Alexis continually whining about how she is trying to be nice to Shannon but Shannon won't play nice back. If Bravo thought this would bring drama to the season they are sadly mistaken. I did like though seeing the clip of John declaring that he has never loved anyone as much as Shannon. I do hope Bravo keeps dropping those little crumbs, if only to make Alexis' head explode when she sees it. Mind you, Johnny J's version of love I would rather do without.
  7. Was that the season that Heather was starting up a restaurant with some partners? What ever happened to that adventure? I remember laughing a couple of seasons ago when Heather was trying to reboot her career, and insisting that they had to have a place in LA because if she got a call for a reading she would need to be right there, not in OC. Until then I had no idea that there were emergency auditions. Only in Heather Paige Kent's mind, I would imagine.
  8. I am so tired of Alexis whining about how hard it is to film with Shannon. Why do you think Bravo brought you back? It certainly wasn't for your wit and personality. And of course she is as much a part of the lawsuit as Jansen is. She even admitted it by saying that she said to him "Lets just settle". Not "You should settle". Both she and Johnny J are showing what despicable people they are. I am just sad that Shannon is being put through the wringer again by Bravo. Can't they find a new target? Heather claims to be supporting Shannon, but in her TH makes a snide remark that she has never ordered a mocktail in a bar. You do realize that if Shannon wanted to drink, she could just drink at home, right Heather? I love how Heather's reason for moving to LA has morphed from moving to reboot her career (her claim a couple of seasons ago) to moving for her children as apparently the OC is not as progressive as LA is. And of course the kids have to chime in to support Heather's claim. No mention any longer of her dead and buried career. It is nice that she supports her children, but she is hardly a unicorn in that department. But then, no one loves Heather Dubrow more than Heather Dubrow. BTW, my hubby has no idea that I watch a show that Heather is on, and has no clue who she is. When Heather appeared on Million Dollar Listing LA a couple of weeks ago, a minute or so into her appearance hubby said "That woman is really annoying". Now MDLLA is full of annoying people, and this is the first time he has ever said that about what to him was a random person appearing on the show. Lol. I totally enjoyed Tamra's daughter giving her one word answers during their phone call. And of course Tamra has to let us know that her son totally talks her ear off now. Of course we have to take Tamra's word for that, and we know she never lies. And in other news, Jenn is only getting six thousand dollars a month in support for her children for her upkeep. Gotta keep sleeping naked with Ryan I guess. Desperate times, and all that.
  9. Like everyone else here, I am thrilled that Baby and Baby are gone. Obnoxious right to the end, with Kevin proclaiming that had they made it into the finals they would have won. Considering that they only won one leg, and three of the 4 teams going into the finals have won two each (with the Newfoundland guys having won one), that seems doubtful. But no one loves Kevin and Gurleen more than Kevin and Gurleen. Those two really do deserve each other. I will be happy with whoever wins the final. I am pulling slightly more for the twins than the others, but really like all four teams. And I find both male teams to be nice, and in many ways sensitive guys. All the players remaining are a credit to Canada, and to the race.
  10. I am so glad that Michael and Amari are gone. I thought it was Amari last week who was being really rude to Michael and Tyson, but I think after tonight's episode it was Michael with the stupid laugh. But they were both unnecessarily rude. I didn't think it was possible to dislike a team more than Kevin and Gurleen, but Michael and Amari pulled it off in the last two episodes. I won't miss them, at all.
  11. Is Bravo paying Johnny J this season, because he seems to be featured as much as any of the howives. I am picturing Bravo paying Johnny J to seduce Alexis so that they can bring her back on the show and give her a storyline to torture Shannon. Because that seems to have been Bravo's MO since Shannon was married to David. It is getting old, Bravo. In the words of Sutton Stracke, let the mouse go. I would not have known that Shannon was drinking on her girls' trip. She seemed sober as a judge to me. Meanwhile, the other Judge was shit faced and sucking food off of someone's foot. Who has the drinking problem? When Jenn was sitting at the spa with Ryan, before she sang his praises, all I could think was that he looked like he needed a shower and a shave. Honestly I could smell him through my TV. Then Jenn spouted that he always smells nice, and is clean shaven. The man was sprouting several days worth of grey stubble. Have we seen Jenn wearing glasses? If so are they for show and not really functional? Like her broken Rolex? Because Ryan looks nothing like a guy who looks good, smells good and is well groomed. Zero for three. Jenn though is nothing if not amusing. Her earnest TH about how she is trying to parent her son so that he doesn't need his mother to wipe his azz at 40 was pretty funny, considering she needs her daddy or boyfriend or ex to support her at 47. Do these women (or at least some of them, I'm looking at you Jenn and Tamra) listen to themselves? OMFG.
  12. I thought it was hilarious that Gurleen thinks that she and Kevin play strategically, and that Lauren and Nicole play emotionally. (I think that was the word used, or one with similar meaning). Meanwhile Gurleen and Kevin routinely have meltdowns, or temper tantrums. Kevin throwing chess pieces, and his watermelon hat come to mind off the top of my head. Lauren and Nicole are cool and level headed compared to Kevin and Gurleen. I was disappointed that the son of the father/son team was acting so immaturely in relation to Michael and Tyson this episode. I think he might have done the same in a previous episode but this time it was OTT. I am sure I had the same look on my face as I think Tyson did at the digs Amari was making at the paper challenge. I don't know why he thinks Michael and Tyson are their biggest competitors? Lauren and Nicole have shown themselves to be the biggest competitors with their consistent play. Strange that Michael and Amari were helping teams before (and usually the wrong one as is Kevin and Gurleen), and now Amari is targeting Michael and Tyson in a very immature and unwarranted manor. Maybe Kevin and Gurleen's unsportsmanship like play is rubbing off.
  13. Not much traffic on this site, but I had to comment on last night's show. It seems like it has been ages since anyone won the $100,000. I didn't have much hope for the contestant going into the Golden Medley, and was shocked that knew all of the songs! The most touching and hilarious part was Jane's reaction. I find her to be a boring host for the most part (and Randy even more so) so when she jumped into the contestant's arms and wrapped her legs around his waist, I had to laugh. I am sure some of her reaction was relief, as she even commented to Randy during Bid a Note at how badly that section was going! I am sure they must see ratings in their eyes when contestants perform poorly! In any case it was a lovely surprise to have a $100,000 winner, for everyone involved I am sure!
  14. I don't know why Alexis thinks that having John's receipts is such a big deal. Shannon never said that John didn't give her money. If it was a loan, it was pretty stupid on John's part not to have papers drawn up identifying it as such. Johnny J apparently isn't too bright. I did love Alexis referring to Johnny J as the man she is going to marry. That's what Shannon thought too when he said he wanted to take their relationship to the next level. He just had a different definition of next level. Beware of Johnny J using that phrase, Alexis. Whoever said last week that Terry looks like Hugh Heffner, thank you. I cannot not see Heff now when they show Terry. I am really, really tired of the producers making Shannon the target, year after year after year. No one believes that Tamra is worried about Shannon. Please stop insulting the viewers' intelligence, we know Tamra storyline this season is to attack Shannon. Again. Meanwhile, Tamra is the one dancing on tables last episode and apparently eating off someone's toes next episode. STFU about anything to do with Shannon, Tamra. Your behaviour in any and every season you have been on the show has been abhorrent.
  15. I don't know why Flagg was dishonest with the prospective buyer who asked when the 18 million dollar house was built. Flagg told the guy it was built in 2008-2009. It wasn't, it was built in 1990 and renovated in 2008-2009. Two very different things. Flagg even bitched that the owner didn't pay much for it ($900,000 in 1990) so should be happy with what Flagg thinks it is worth. I did like the property though, much nicer than the boring white boxes of the last several years. Same with the house shown by the designer that Altman works with, such a refreshing change to actually have color in a home these days, either newly built or newly renovated. No surprise that Tracy and her boyfriend broke up. I couldn't remember how old Tracy is and was surprised that she will be turning 49 in a few days. She looks several years older IMO. But ya, hardly a surprise that the 28 year old is moving on. More of a surprise that they lasted 3 1/2 years.
  16. I love that the team that Kevin and Gurleen tried to get rid of last episode (and a team that they labelled as much weaker) won this leg. Fantastic! That said I didn't really enjoy this epi. I hate food related challenges, and it is one of the reasons I stopped watching TAR years ago. I also in general find dance related challenges boring. So overall not my fav epi. Does TARC think that brining in a "villian" team adds to the drama? It doesn't. I much prefer seasons where teams are competitive but not obnoxious.
  17. I quite enjoyed this episode. An Archie sighting, scenes with Shane, and a visit from Sutton. Awesome! Did Alexis leave after the football game? She was nowhere to be seen (or did I just miss her) when the ladies were at the picnic table afterwards. Fine with me though, the less Alexis the better. I have even less respect for Jenn now than I had last year. Who knew that was possible? She continues to play the victim, acting as if she has no agency in her life, like she is a freaking bystander. Has no idea how her bills get paid, (yet rents a house and assumes the rent fairy will take care of the bill). She's never even had a credit card in her name? OMFG. She was born in 1977, not 1877. All I could think of when they showed her and Ryan in the pool is that man, she is really earning her keep. Yuck. I'd rather be homeless. I did LOL when Emily referred to Jenn as Malibu Broke Barbie. I do love Emily's sense of humor. Have we seen Gina's dog before? He is adorable.
  18. So sad that my fav team, Connor and John are gone. Also surprised that it was due to a memory challenge. Usually lawyers have great attention to detail. I really have no use for Kevin and Gurleen. I do not know them from any other shows so have no idea their level of intelligence, but was shocked that Gurleen did not know novels that are fiction, not non fiction. OMG. I was surprised at the sequence of the challenges in this episode. They started in Penticton, then went 35 minutes south to Oliver. Then they returned to Penticton, then went north 15 minutes to Summerland. After finishing there, the racers went south again, driving an hour through Penticton and Oliver to reach Osoyoos. The days seem long enough without adding extra time by doubling back.
  19. I call BS on Josh's whole "I bought a house sight unseen" storyline. He said that the sellers said that they use it to store furniture. There was no furniture in it, and as was seen no fixtures, plumbing, electrical, etc. Why would the buyers not have to disclose that it is basically a write off, not to mention possibly dangerous, inside? That said, it was still more interesting than any of the white on white on white boxes shown. I hate when parents put the two stupid knots of hair on top of their kid's head. Heather (I assume) not only did it to her daughter's hair, but her own as well. OMFG. I don't get either how the sellers of the LA house did not know it was on a flight path. Maybe the seller's realtor didn't disclose it because, well, it would be obvious?
  20. I too was glad to see Ryan interacting with Pixie and bringing her to his mother's house. I did wonder why Gypsy didn't take Pixie since her dad has at least two dogs. But now seeing that Ken has a dog I wonder if she was already thinking down the line that Ken already has a dog. I do wonder if Pixie is left alone all day while Ryan is a work. That would make me sad as at least before she had Gypsy (at least when she wasn't making trips to her father's house). Kristy has shown herself to be pretty manipulative. In this episode she told Rod that if he had told Gypsy not to marry Ryan that she would not have. That is very doubtful. I don't think Gypsy married Ryan because she thought she would be in the way living with Rod and Kristy. Gypsy married a year and a half before she was even released, so that makes no sense. Kristy is definitely a pot stirrer. The only two that I really like are Rod and Mia, and I loved Mia calling out her mother. Mia seems to take after her father much more than her mother, thank God. Poor Rod, his talk did absolutely nothing with regards to Gypsy and Ken taking it slow. I'd still like to know what Ken does for a living. I am glad that Ryan has his mom, she seems like she has a good head on her shoulders.
  21. This episode was absolutely priceless. First of all we have Heather's lunch, which she has named Dunch at the top of the menu. I assume that is a combination of Dubrow and Lunch? Would Hench have been any better? At least there wasn't HD branding all over table. Baby steps. Another priceless scene was Eddie explaining to Tamra that if you associate with liars, you will become one. Eddie of course is married to the biggest liar in the OC. Too funny. I also laughed out loud when Alexis complained that she was going to have to see Shannon constantly. Honey, you came onto the show that Shannon was already on. No one made you sign up. Or maybe Johnny J did. I did love Katie's interpretation of what the "d" in promised means. Katie is a keeper. I disliked Jenn last season, and my estimation of her has fallen even further. I didn't think that was possible. So she either doesn't know what her boyfriend of 4 years does, or she knows but it is shady. Either way she has moved her 5 kids in with him. On top of that she is daddy's little girl who at 46, still expects him to bail her out of her bad decisions. I have no use for women who never grow up, and really no use for those who have a gaggle of children that they expect everyone else to look after. What a waste of space she is.
  22. I can't remember, do Travis and Gina still live in the place where they had all the kids crammed into one room in bunk beds? Four and a half years later, they would certainly need some other arrangement but as other have said, it makes no sense to pay for two homes. Which I think is why Travis is very clear without saying it that he knows Gina's argument is B.S. Gina always goes on and on about how well she and Matt co-parent. Which is pretty ironic considering that when she and Matt were together, she was basically a single mother, while Matt carried on his double life in another city. Sheesh. But I do think that if Matt wanted to reconcile she would be back with him in a New York minute. I found Alexis and Shannon's convo to be pretty funny. While declaring herself to be the winner of Johnny J (what a prize) Alexis showed that she is still the vapid, insecure person she has always been. This season should be entertaining for that reason alone.
  23. Terry needs the name of Gina's plastic surgeon. His nose has taken on a life of its own. I do not feel sorry for Gina. At all. She complains about Travis' ex, but he and his kids moved in with Gina and her kids way too fast. What did either of them think was going to happen down the road with 6 kids all thrown together in a shoe box? Though I do think Travis really loves Gina, and is in love with her. Gina? Not so much. I think Travis was a FU to Matt, and she has outgrown him. She may love him, but I don't believe she has ever been in love with him. Jenn just keeps making one mistake after another. Another person who moved on way too quickly. Though I can't wait to find out what is being alluded to regarding Ryan. Will Jenn finally see the light? I'm not holding my breath. Johnny J really traded down with Jesus Jugs. Shannon is so much prettier. Looks like maybe Alexis will have her eyes opened about Johnny J as the season unfolds. Loved Emily saying in her TH that he is a douchebag. Why is Heather still on this show? She doesn't live in OC any longer. Did the BH franchise not want her? I loved the new girl saying that this is the first time Heather has said hello to her. I am here for any howife that is not impressed by Heather. I am bored by her house reno-ing. It stopped being entertaining years ago, though it appears to be the only thing she has to offer the franchise.
  24. I am not surprised that Gypsy is pregnant. I think she wanted a child, just not with Ryan. It likely isn't the best idea at this stage, but given how much of her life was taken from her by her mother, I can see why she would want the baby, planned or not. I do wonder what Ken does for a living? He was able to move to be closer to Gypsy, but lots of people work from home these days. I just have never heard it mentioned what he does. Gypsy looks much more like her sister now. I can't blame her for wanting to improve her appearance, especially given that her mother controlled her looks for so many years including shaving her head so that she looked like a cancer patient. Not to mention it seems like Gypsy's teeth were pulled due to her mother's manipulations as well. I can't imagine the pain of that, not to mention all of the other numerous unnecessary procedures.
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