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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. The most interesting thing about this epi to me was that the kids have no idea what 'church' they belong to. It looked to me as if the scene where Robyn and Kody asked the kids if they wanted to be adopted was reinacted for the cameras. Early on when Robyn's one daughter (sorry can't remember their names) opened her mouth wide like this was supposed to be some surprise, then she asked Meri if she was alright because apparently Meri looked upset. The kid's reaction was not one of someone wondering if her fake mommy was upset. It was like she screwed up her line and didn't have the correct facial expression to go along with it. Maybe this has been answered but I don't understand this whole adoption thing when the kids bio dad has given no reason to think he will give up custody. Surely his rights as their father cannot be taken away simply due to possibly not paying child support. I know one person who gave up rights to his child, and another whose 2nd hubby adopted her child. In both cases the bio dad signed away rights to the kid. It had nothing to do with the court saying he didn't pay child support so he lost his rights to the child. In the case of my friend her 1st hubby agreed to give up rights in exchange for not having to pay suppport. But had he wanted he could have both not paid child support and let her continue to pursue him, and not give up rights to his kid. What I would dearly love is for Janelle or Christine to dump Kody, find another guy, and then tell Kody that the new guy wants to adopt his kids. Oh ya, and that he will go to war to do so.
  2. First of all I must say I wish Keith Morrison had been conducting the interview - no one does incredulous looks like Keith. And there were certainly many many places where they were warrented. Like others, I don't for a minute believe the 'poor me, I was just protecting my husband' crap. These guys were wayyy wayyy smarter than Joyce, and played her perfectly. I did like that Matt asked her why they would kill her hubby AFTER she has helped them escape? I also thought it was odd that twice it was brought up that Joyce's husband knew the two criminals quite well - once when the police wanted to question both Joyce and her hubby for that reason, and when they said Sweat liked Joyce's husband and did not like the way she treated him. Did she start having her hubby visit them because they were such nice guys? WTH? Also I believe Sweat that it was Joyce's idea to kill her hubby as she seemed quite happy to run off with these two until she got cold feet. I also can't believe that SHE believed that she was going to live with Sweat when they escaped because apparently she is such a hot babe that he really wanted her. Sheesh. She really is a dim bulb. One thing that I noticed when Laurer was talking to her about not showing up to pick them up when they escaped. Her face was perfectly fine. Then he says to her that obviously they were going to kill her as they had no reason to keep her around. When they cut back to Joyce her face was bright red and wet with tears. Obviously there was some editing there in between those two questions/comments. It made me wonder if Matt said something similar and she broke down thinking that these guys she had been infatuated with really were using her. Just looked very odd to me - there was obviously something cut. Obviously the prison has a big problem when Joyce could take in cookies, brownies, raw hamburger (?) hiding hack saws, etc. and never once be checked. They apparently don't even use a metal detector - she likely could have brought in a gun for heaven's sake. On top of that the inmates are apparently running the asylum. Whenever they showed the outside of the prison I kept thinking those poor people who lived a block away and right where the manhole cover was. Yikes. Scary enough to live that close to a prison but to know someone can escape and turn up pretty much on your doorstep? Yikes. Lastly I wanted to slap Joyce when she kept saying that you can't be a nice person like she was and work in the prison. I have a nephew in law who is a prison guard and he is a very nice person with a lovely family. But he is a professional, had extensive training and knows boundaries. Maybe the prison needs to look at their hiring practices and have someone who is more qualified than a high school dropout with some experience in a factory and a course saying 'don't make friends with the killer prisoners', to have a position like she was given.
  3. What a wonderful interview with Simi and Ope. My favourite quote was from Simi : "So many people leave Canada, they go outside to travel, but there is so much here that we have to see." I know sooooo many people who spend every holiday traveling outside of Canada, and have never left their home province to explore our beautiful country. I find many BCers (my home for the last 35 years) have no idea of the rich history of the eastern provinces, not to mention the beauty. That is one reason that I love when TARC legs are in Canada.
  4. That isn't Olympic level curling, it is basic curing done on every level including recreational. Strategy is an even bigger part of the game than the physical aspect. It is a wonderful sport and can be played by people from 6 or 7 to 70 and up. You can make it as strenuous or not as you like - just depends on the level of league you are playing in. I was surprised that none of the racers had played before and thought they did pretty well considering getting used to the ice takes a game or two for beginners.
  5. Ugh. Now we have the Spanish Mafia? Sooooo bored with this whole storyline. And personally, I don't find Luca good looking at all - I think Noah is much better looking. What am I missing? Abby thinks this whole brilliant concept of hers that is bringing in a gazillion sales is soley because she changed the name of Chelsea's line to Chelsea 2.0? And Victor apparently is buying into it as well. Another totally unbelievable storyline. Phyllis in strappy healed sandals in the woods doesn't surprise me in the least. She wore strappy healed sandals and bare legs in the middle of snow storm in Chancellor Park this past winter - to sit on a bench and visit with I forget who now. I was so distracted by the ridiculous wardrobe choice I totally blanked on the converstation.
  6. Obviously it was never going to happen but the wresters could have shared the cab with Simi and Ope since it was theirs they stole. Especially given all of the whining they did when the brothers took their cab. Didn't either Brent or Sean say that they called a cab for Simi and Ope after they took theirs? I really like those two. I will miss Simi and Ope - what a wonderful team. I loved Simi's sense of humor. I cracked up when she told the justice of the peace that she objected to the wedding - lol. I will be happy with any of the final three winning, but really hope it is Sean and Brent. Mostly I am looking forward to the final being in Whistler. I would be just fine if TARC never left Canada. I either look forward to seeing some part of the country I have never been, or revisiting some place I have been. In any case I aways enjoy those legs much more than any country the racers might travel to. If I want to see India for the gazillionth time I can watch TAR.
  7. Regarding the actors' ages, I think that Eric Braeden looks every one of his 74 years. He also looked 74 when he was 68, Ray Wise's age.
  8. Wow, that was both the best epi and the worst epi in a long time. When the ladies (I use that term loosely) were at Heather's lunch and several left supposedly to use the washroom I was totally expecting them to line up at a blue porta potty to wait their turn. I was so disappointed that didn't happen. I don't remember as I think I nodded off (a la Vicki) part way through the tour on the last epi - is there a washroom finished somewhere in the 22000 sq ft? Meghan really is a hateful person. To tell VIcki that she has just begun to harass her about Brookes (because that is what it is) was all kinds of vile. I did not have a problem with how Jimmy talked to Vicki, or to Meaghan later in the limo. He was quite calm and sensible both times I thought. And he was right - Meaghan does need to let it go - it is none of her damn business. Also her comment that she is all about justice? WTF does that even mean in relation to Brookes? Justice for who? What a whack job. That sex party was all kinds of eeewww. Who know what may have been on those swings - ugh. The whole thing, including the naked buffet woman was just gag inducing. I am surprised that Vicki wasn't heaving over those sights. I must say I was not impressed with Michael's comments to Vicki. While we all know that Vicki is self centered and everything is me, me, me her feelings regarding her mom are quite valid. I was a couple of years younger than Vicki when I lost my mother (after losing my father years before). I really did feel like an orphan. As has any friend I have who has lost both parents, including a friend who is 58 and lost her 86 year old mother recently. The age you are when that happens is irrelevant. And yes it is wonderful that Vicki's mother did not suffer (though hard on the family when someone dies suddenly as you can't say goodbye like you can to someone you know is dying). My mother had many illnesses in her last 10 years but even at that she was not ready to go, and I was not ready to let her go. So I totally get what Vicki was saying (even though I am sure we are all tired of hearing about it on camera) and thought Michael was very cold in his reactions.
  9. Ray Wise singing may have been the best scene I have watched on this show this year. Since I had looked up some other actors' birthdays I thought I would look up his. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that we share a birthday. RW is 68 and turned 10 on the day I was born. : )
  10. Oops, I meant 59 and thought that is what I had typed. That will teach me to reread my posts before hitting the send button!
  11. I missed that, but my point was more to the police being suspicious of her right away when questioning - the way she was acting on top of no spatter. I would assume at that point they did not have info as to how many times he was shot or range though I could be wrong.
  12. Nick was with Diane Jenkins? How did I miss/forget that? Maura West is two years older than Joshua Morrow. The site I went on listed a bunch of Y&R actor's ages which I found interesting. Just to save time I will list them by character name and the actor's real age: Nikki - 69; Sharon - 44; Ashley - 56; Lauren - 52; Victoria - 42; Michael - 57; Victor - 74; Jill - 66. The only surprise to me is Lauren - I thought TB was a few years older but I think it is her hair that drags her down. I have often wondered what would have happened with the show if Michelle Stafford had not left. There is no way she could have pulled of being madly in love with Jack. Maybe back when they were first together, but once she was paired with Joshua Morrow she made it very obvious that she thought she should be with a hot young guy, and I never bought her with Jack again. GT does a fabulous job as Phyllis now and I totally buy her being totally in love with Jack.
  13. I have never thought Sage looks too old for Nick - I just don't like her. So out of interest I looked up the ages of a few actors and was most surprised to find out that Gina Tognoni is 41, the same age as Joshua Morrow. She is over twenty years younger than Peter Bergman who is 62 - I never would have thought that. She looks several years older than her real age IMO. Michelle Stafford is 50, and to me always looked every day of her 9 years older than Joshua Morrow when they were paired.
  14. I can kind of understand the police being suspicious of the girlfriend when she was being questioned at the police station (and the fact that she was lying right beside the guy when he was killed yet did not have a drop of blood on her). I also thought it was odd (and incredibly insensitive!) that she asked Justin's mother to go into the bedroom where her dead son is laying to get her glasses. In the footage they showed she was very animatedly talking like she was there for nothing more serious than maybe a witness to a minor traffic accident. And unfortuntely we have seen many cases where the girlfriend/wife IS involved and that is exactly how she acts. However thinking the mother might be involved was a bit much. I have to say the girlfriend did drive me nuts when she continually dabbed her eye(s) - it almost looked phony. I mostly felt sorry for the parents who lost their son due to his falling in love with a woman whose ex was a cold blooded killer. And yes, I agree with you JudyObscure - the girlfriend (engaged and wedding pending aside) hadn't even been with Justin for a year. Maybe he was the love of her life, maybe they would have been divorced in a year. They weren't together long enough to really know since the first year of a relationship is generally a honeymoon phase, married or not. But Justin's mother had been his mother for his entire life. I do agree it was one of the better episodes though - the extent that the guy went to to set up the ex ex boyfriend was pretty amazing. Hard to believe that a lawyer would go for an insanity defense given that it was obvious the guy was quite clear thinking and devious in the extent of his planning. Sad too that I guess if you pay someone enough he will testify as an expert witness to pretty much anything.
  15. I am so impressed with Neil's medical training. He knows how to start an IV, what meds Hillary requires and in what doses, and to top it off he has apparently catheterized her since she has all of those fluids going into her that must come out at some point. Good job Neil! I am so tired of DoppleFaith. Real Faith would never ditch her mother in favour of Herb and her sprout. Heck all it is at the moment is a bump - not like you can play with it, dress it, feed it. Are kids in real life so taken with a bump? None that I know of. I loved Ian in his fishing vest today - made me miss Murphy. Also loved the scene with Kevin and VIctor (and I never love VIctor scenes). EB and GR have a great chemistry.
  16. I was rewatching the epi tonight as my hubby didn't see it last night, and remembered that one of my fav scenes was of Brent complaining when Sean had to stop along the side of the road to urinate. As someone who also suffers from TB (tiny bladder) I totally sympathized with Sean, and loved his comment to Brent who was complaining about the wrestlers passing them that "My bladder isn't psychic". I love Sean!
  17. Wow, that was an amazing leg, and like shok it was in my part of the country so I enjoyed it that much more. I like all four of the remaining teams, so I will be happy with whoever wins. Simi and Ope are just so sweet, and I love how he calls her Sunshine. Ope was so excited when she completed the wake board challenge (which looked brutal!) - he was adorable. I also loved that Simi said Jon was hard enough to find in regular size - too funny. The team I was most impressed with was Sean and Brent. Sean amazed me with his stamina (vomiting aside) with the wake board challenge and then the brawn task as well. And that they ended up in 2nd place with a speed bump thrown in was awesome! Sean in particular cracks me up so I am glad they are still around. Poor Lelani - I am glad they are out just so she no longer has to put up with Dujean's abuse. What a creep he can be. When she was trying at the end of the monkey bars and asking him where her feet were so she would know if she was able to put them down, he totally ignored her. HE is the reason she could not finish that task. And the fact that she finished wake boarding injured and he had no appreciation for what she went through? He does not deserve to even have her friendship at this point. I have never heard of the miniature train place - will definitely have to check it out!
  18. I also wondered if Neil had Hillary at the property he bought. I wasn't sure if Neil still owned it, not that that would matter. Definitely a boathouse though with the canoe hanging inside.
  19. Wasn't that the plane that crashed at Thanksgiving and scattered the Winters clan all over a mountain? Though I guess that could have been Devon's plane - he must have one being a billionaire and all. OK, this is a storyline I could get behind. Both Sharon and Sage fake their pregnancies, with each thinking they will steal the others baby. But wait, imagine the surprise when they each find out that the other has been faking and neither has a sprout. Sage's exaggerated facial expressions would actually come in handy at that point.
  20. Neil must have Hillary in GC since he seems to be popping up at the GCAC before and after visiting her. However I am a little confused as to how he got her back to GC. Apparently she has been unconscious since he fished her out of the ocean. So how did he get her on a plane, let alone back to the states and through customs? It isn't as if he has a private plane and lots of cash to bribe people ala TGVN. Pesky little details, I know. As far as Herb losing the sapling, I don't understand the whole storyline. Why did Sharon lose her kid? How far apart were she and Herb supposed to be as far as due dates go? Sapling seems to be growing at an amazing rate and of course Sharon's is not at all. I thought the writers were setting us up for another (yawn) baby stealing scenario, but just can't see that now. But then this is GC, so Sharon could be wearing padding any day now that puts her on par with Herb. And of course no one will be the wiser. Cuz the citizens of GC are just that dumb.
  21. Oh believe me, I am the last person who would defend Meghan - I can't remember the last time I have disliked an OC housewife this much. However just as Vicki claims that Meghan cannot know how it feels to be a mother because she is only a step mother, Vicki can have no idea how it feels to be a step mother as she has never been one. And to top it off Vicki thinks apparently Meghan, the step mother of a few months should be laying down the law to Haley. If she is 'only' the step mother (and of a few months) Meghan should not be expected to lay down the law while she is left with this kid while the bio mother is fighting cancer and the father is MIA. See how that works, Vickster? I actually did agree with Jimmy though (amazing even to me) that Haley does seem unmotivated and will only get motivated when she finds something she wants to do and then finds out (possibly) that she can't because she does either does not have the right subjects or marks. I know kids from high achieving parents who have no ambition whatsoever and it can take them years to figure out what they want to be long after they have supposedly grown up.
  22. So are you saying she actually can act, and is being directed to make goofy faces and continually rub her belly which makes her look like she CAN'T act? I have never seen her before, so assume by what you are saying that we are supposed to hate Herb and think the actress has no talent. If so it is certainly working. Interesting that we do not get an epi on Monday but instead get a two episodes tomorrow? I don't think that has ever happened before.
  23. I thought that the smart board was actually rather dumb. There is no reason that it could not have added two zeros itself to the number. So when Vicki wrote 1,000,000 it would show 1,000,000.00. The fact that it kept changing the second comma to a decimal was ridiculous since no number would have three zeros after the decimal point. Interesting that Michael is still working for Vicki. I think in the previous epi when Vicki was giving Meghan a hard time about how easy she and her hubby were being on her step daughter, Meghan should have said that Jimmy plans to buy a business and give his daugther a job for life, so not to worry. Speaking of Meghan, I do believe the psychic was the real deal. After all, he told Meghan that she would have a baby. But didn't say it would be with Jimmy. I think that prediction will likely come true.
  24. It seems like Amy has been trying to 'find' herself for awhile now. There was a show a couple of years ago where she was renting out a restaurant and doing all the cooking for an evening. My impression was that she was hoping it would be a regular thing but nothing seemed to come of it. I think it was even before that when she taught a course at a school but that didn't seem to last past one semester.I hope she finds something she is passionate about and is able to look at her new found freedom as a blessing rather than a curse. She really does seem lost at the moment, while Matt carries blithely along.
  25. OK, I think I have figured out why the writers are making Herb such an unlikeable character. It came to me today when she smugly told Nicholas that she and Victor had an understanding, and that he respected her because she told him what she would and would not put up with with regards to TGVN. Now there is no way the writers could not know that the audience would be thinking "How f'ing stupid ARE you?". So I have concluded that Sage is here to direct ridicule and hate away from the pet Summer and towards Herb. On top of that she is being directed to make scrunchy faces, OTT gestures and to rub her belly 24/7. In general to act like there IS no director. Because why in the hell otherwise would a director not tell her how bloody annoying she is, and tell her to stop doing all these things that make her look like last choice for a cheesy high school production?
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