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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. This!!!! I don't care who you are, if you are too damn busy to make time for rehersals and putting in the time required you should not be there. But then shouldn't TPTB have known this before she signed up? I am tired of people coming on the show (she isn't the first) and then talking about how busy they are. YOU SIGNED UP FOR THIS YOU IDIOT!! As a viewer I. DON'T. CARE.!!!!!!! It is a disservice to both the pro you are with and the viewers to not give it your all. The sickness just adds another level of annoyance. She is contagious so she is putting everyone around her at risk. I am sure the other 'stars' (a term I use loosely) did not sign up to be continually exposed to someone who doesn't have the common sense to stay home. I do not applaud Tamar at all - I think it was a totally selfish move. It is one thing to dance with an injury - you are only putting yourself and maybe your partner at risk. When you are there with a contagious disease you are putting everyone at risk and not something to be admired. It is a friggin' dance show and just not that important in the long run. Get over yourself.
  2. You are right lexington11. Found this regarding some tweets Maddie send out in early October:
  3. I thought that was hilarious too. My other laugh out loud scene was when Sheldon was describing how his great great (I think?) grandmother lost her wedding ring and then got it back again. Sheldon's lack of political correctness is one of my favourite things on the show. In fact I was thinking that while it doesn't happen every epi, I am amazed that after all these years this show frequently has scenes that make me laugh out loud. Very few sitcoms do that for me these days. Regarding the Bernadette thing, I don't remember her talking about having a bunch of sibs (though obviously it must be true as many do remember that) but I thought she said in the epi way back when she and Howard discussed kids that her mother had a daycare in their basement so there were always lots of kids around which she did not like. I also find it interesting that many people assume that if someone does not want kids it has to do with their upbringing. I had amazing parents and a wonderful childhood but I knew as young as nine (maybe younger but I remember a specific event at nine when I said I did not want kids) that I did not want to have children when I grew up. I never changed my mind even though pretty much everyone said I would. I am now 58 and have never regretted not having children.
  4. The show is so ridiculous now that it is hardly worth pointing out the inconsistencies and huge holes in the storylines. TPTB obviously do not care so why should we? Apparently Sharon's doctor is not only evil but also psychic. She knew that Nick and Sage would not want to see and hold their baby. The baby that according to Sage they never once held while he was alive. That makes perfect sense. And the doctor is able to get some staff members on board to pretend their baby is dead and available for viewing. The doctor also apparently knew that Dylan would show up when he did, so she needed to put the fake belly on Sharon. But timed it just right so she could take it away before Sharon woke up wondering why she was wearing a fake belly. And where oh where is said baby? One would think he is still in an incubator somewhere? Maybe Michael Knight is looking after him in Neil's boathouse. The most disgusting thing about this whole storyline is that apparently Sage will not be going anywhere. I am sure that was a look of panic on Nick's face when Sage was flipping out in her hospital bed, realizing that he is stuck with her and not even the payoff of a baby as a reason to be. And I would not at all be surprised if it was not Nick's panic we were seeing but Joshua Morrow's. Certainly would be mine if I was in his position. Maybe it will be a few years down the road before it is all sorted out and Sage will leave town soon. She can return down the road played by someone who can actually act. That is if Y&R has not been cancelled by then.
  5. I think you have hit the nail on the head. I think a nurse testified that she had a small abraision (can't remember the exact words) in the genital area. The teenager tells her friend that she THINKS she MAY have had a sexual encounter with Owen. He says that he was going to have intercourse then changed his mind. I think he may have started, changed his mind but ejaculated which would hardly be a surprise. His semen was not found in her (and of course couldn't be considering the time it took her to go the police) but on her panties. As far as being on the sexual registry for life, I was reading that in NH he can apply to have his name removed after either 10 or 15 years (the article was before sentencing and I can't remember why the discrepency). However there is no guarentee that his request would be granted. Apparently the way the law is written the judge has no discretion as whether to put him on the registry or not. There has been an outcry because of this case as his situation was never the reason the law was brought in to start with. It looks like it may be re examined down the road to prevent this abuse of the intent of the law. Not that that will help Labrie.
  6. Actually now that you mention it I did rewind as I was wondering who else was smoking. I forgot that it was Caroline F. Even if my hostess was smoking at the dinner table I would want to smack someone who was chain smoking. I detest the smell of smoke (not even getting into second hand smoke issues) and that would totally ruin my appetite to have smoke wafting over my food. As far as being 'late' for breakfast, Juliet was 'late' for dinner the night before. Being ready but held up for a few minutes isn't a big deal. Five of I think the seven guests weren't even dressed a half hour after breaky started, and at least one was still asleep. That isn't late, that is having no intention of going at all. IMO of course. Didn't Caroline S. pull a similar stunt in an earlier epi? Maybe New Year's day? I recall her being in bed another time when others were expecting her for breakfast.
  7. HIs best scenes for me have always been with Sharon Case. I didn't like him with MS as she is a scene chewer herself. The problem with the actor playing Sage (I can't even be bothered to look up her name) is that besides being a horrible actor she and JM have no chemistry. I don't think he likes her - or Sage for that matter- any more than most of us do. Which is to say not at all. Christine has always been a bitch, but I do believe she has ratcheted it up a few notches. If Adam had saved Paul she would still have been there with her self righteous nose in the air proclaiming that she was adding extra charges to Adam's rap sheet. I hope a few of the people that Adam saved and their relatives pounce on her today and give her a good beating.
  8. Yep, not only wailed but went through a fairly lengthy scene without shedding a tear. Not in the hospital room where they first found out, or outside in the hallway. The prop people must have put visine in Sage's eyes for the scene with the social worker as there appeared to be an actual tear or two trickling down her face. Sheeh, this is supposed to be a soap actress - shouldn't crying on cue be a minimum job requirement? JM didn't do much better but a least men can pretend to be strong and hold it in. The scene chewing without tears just does not wash. Thank you Christian for giving your life so that hopefully your mother will leave town never to return.
  9. Good heavens these women have terrible manners. I didn't see anything wrong whatsoever with Caroline being annoyed that her guests couldn't be bothered to drag themselves out of bed for 10am breakfast. If they didn't want to be up (at mid morning no less) they should have told her the night before. Simple. To not say anything and then not show up is beyond rude. And it wasn't like it was just one or two, wasn't it the majority (without replaying I can't remember). And to top it off they can't be bothered to throw on a pair of jeans and top - they show up in their housecoats. I wouldn't do that at my friends or relatives homes, let alone in a castle. And Annabelles chain smoking? Good thing she wasn't dining at my house as I would have sent her outside to smoke on the deck. Heck, I have friends who smoke that don't even smoke in their OWN homes, let alone someone elses. How rude to sit there and smoke while others are eating. The height of unclouthless to me. But what do I know, I'm just a middle class Canadian. And what was with the guy wearing the baseball hat at the formal dinner with Caroline's relatives? Another no no in my house and any regular dinner, let alone a formal one. Sheesh.
  10. I was interested in reading more about this case so I read a report that gave quite a bit more info that I remember being given on the episode. She agreed to meet Owen only if they kept the meeting a secret. She testified that she laughed a couple of times during the encounter saying it was a nervous laugh. She said she lifted her hips so that Owen could remove her pants, and raised her arms so he could pull off her shirt. She told the police in her statement that she was exicted about having his attention, and wasn't sure if she should be "proud or happy". She said that she said no three times (one presumes after she helped him take off her clothes) but that she did not kick, scream or push him off. In the initial police report she also said that she told a friend that " she might have had a sexual encounter with Owen Labrie" On the stand she said she didn't remember making that statement to the police. She also wrote off inconsistencies in her police report and her testimony to being traumatized. I'm sorry, but the more I read the less I believe her. And if you were raped would you tell a friend that you MIGHT have had a SEXUAL encounter? Me neither. In a statement after the verdict she called herself a survivor. Nope. Not even close to my definition of a real survivor.
  11. Thanks for explaining that katha! I don't think they explained it at all but maybe I missed it. I remember that one of the pros (can't remember which one now) was standing behind both the first and second set of dancers when Erin awarded the points and even she seemed confused both times. Derek seemed to be explaining it to her after the second dance but maybe it was something else they were discussing. In any case a really stupid system.
  12. Can someone please explain to me how the dance off points were awarded? In the first dance all three judges chose Carlos and Whitney but the audience chose Bindi and Derek by 64%. Erin said that the 2 points went to Carlos and Whitney which seemed to mean that the audience votes did not matter. In the second dance Carrie Ann voted for Alexa and Mark while Julianne and Bruno voted for Tamar and Val. The audience chose Alexa and Mark by 76%. In this case Erin said Alexa and Mark won the two points which seemed to indicate that they won due to the audience votes. I am so confused. In any case why would they not have made it 2 points if both the judges (by a vote of at least two to one) and audience voted for the same couple and one point each if there was a difference in choice between the audience and at least two out of three judges?
  13. Well put Rowan. I also think that she didn't say no - she may have said it in her head but I don't believe she said it to him. The age of consent thing is tricky too. The age of consent in New Hampshire (not sure if it is the same throughout the states?) is 16. The girl was 15 at the time in I believe it was June, and 17 this October when the episode aired. So she was a few months at most from turning 16 when this happened- could have been a few weeks for all we know. Maybe he assumed she was 16? I am not making excuses for him but it isn't like he was 21. He was a teenager too - a stupid one unfortunately. In any case I hope teenagers of both sexes learn from this. The young man is paying for his crime (if there was one). I just hope his conviction as a sexual predator is overturned as I do not think he deserved it.
  14. So much snark, so little time. Dayton continues to impress me as someone who sees through all the B.S. I loved his comment that his bio dad would leave all the drama behind and just enjoy their visit. He is well aware that adopt-a-dad is the one who brings the drama. And it seems pretty obvious that Kody and Robyn are the ones who have prevented the kids visiting their bio dad for the last two years. They can't handle that it takes the kids a bit to adjust when they return. But isn't that pretty common when kids are only allowed to see their bio parents sporadically? These people are morons. Oh Christine, we have seen epi after epi about how unhappy you have been - going back years - as a polyg wife. But you just have to trot out that old chestnut about how unlucky us monogamous wives are that we don't have a gaggle of sister wives around to compare notes on the hubby. No Christine, we get to do that with girlfriends - you know people who you are with because you want to be, not because you have to be. I felt a bit sorry for daytonauroraandbreanna that Meri wasn't more touched about her necklace. She really is checked out of the family. If we didn't now know the reason I would think she was suffering from some incurable disease with just weeks to live. But if that were true TLC would be trotting out specials to take advantage of the situation. I thought the portrait guy seemed like a very sweet man, and he was cute to boot. I think Robyn should introduce him to Meri.
  15. Yep, her story definitely did not make sense. Also she claimed to be inexperienced where guns are concerned, but said her hubby had shown her over 20 times how to fan a gun when shooting. And yes, I don't own a gun and never will but who the heck points a gun at someone and just assumes there are no bullets in it? I was surprised that no motive was brought up. No life insurance, no affairs, no money problems. Very strange case, or very strange covering of the case. I think the thing that surprised me the most was the amount of time it took to bring her to justice. They interviewed her once right after the shooting, then didn't again for two years until after the expert said that you could not shoot using fanning (forgive me if my terminology is wrong as I know nothing about guns) with the gun that was used in the shooting. Why did the detectives bring her in and then ask her to go to a shooting range (which she never did) to show how she would have done this? Why not have a gun of the same make right there in the interview room and ask her to show them? Obviously according to her it can be done without bullets as that is what she claimed she was trying to do and had done before with her husband. That right there would have proved that she was lying. But no, they let it go for several more years. Seems like the only thing that got them motivated was that she remarried. She if she hadn't they would have just let her go on without bringing her to justice?
  16. Like some others here I don't necessarliy believe her and find her emails to him odd for someone who was so traumatized. And she told the nurse when she went for the morning after pill that it was consentual sex. I think her story changed because of her parents, and maybe even her sister who may also have expected a relationship with him that did not materialize. Also I am sure on the show they said the girl is now 17. Since the encounter only happened about 15 months ago she must have been close 16 at the time. I am just not buying the innocent and didn't know better act. He did not drag her up to where the so called assault happened, she went happily and willingly, knowing his reputation as a player and apparently the senior salute which seemed to be common knowledge. I have the biggest problem with this guy now being labelled a sexual offender for life. I can't believe his lawyers cannot get this conviction overturned. The law was not put in place for boys who send sonnets to girls trying to woo them (for whatever intent). It is for actual predators and pedophiles. So if he had sent the messages via text there would have been no sexual registry as he would not have been using a computer. If he had said the sentiments over the phone there would be no sexual registry as they were not sent via the computer. Rubbish in my opinion, and the biggest travesty of the whole case. I was disturbed by the interview with the now 17 year old as well that she wants him to be punished and to get on with her life, and will apparently be traumitized until that happens. I hope she has learned to take some responsibilty for her actions. And no, I am not blaming 'the victim' - I am saying that both sexes need to smarten up. If she hasn't learned anything from the experience chances are she will put herself in the same position again.
  17. Poor Faith, just as expected NIck has her on ignore in favour of his latest spawn. Her mother is in Fairview so Nick is the only parent Faith has at the moment but he is ditching her to spend the night with Christian in the hospital. Sprout doesn't even know who he is and Herb will be there already so why does Dick have to be there too? Usually Halloween is a special night for kids and parents like to hear about how their night went, see the loot they got, watch the kids bounce off the walls as they inhale candy. But nope, not Dick. Poor Faith. I wonder if he even bothered to find out where and who she will be with?
  18. At the end they showed a gathering at the front for a picture of not only Kody and the 4 wives and whatever kids were able to attend but extended family as well. There was one woman with a mowhawk (from what I remember) who was holding a little girl I have never seen before. Not sure if there are some of Kody's extended family or Robyn's but it seemed a little extreme to being including people who are not in the already huge immediate family.
  19. Ya, I am thinking that Hillary must be playing Neil. She was in love with Devon before she married Neil and never replused (as many of us were/are) by him so her reactions to him make no sense. In addition if she really has lost her memory of being married to Devon but remembers her time with Neil when she woke up from her coma she would have known she was in the boathouse of the property that Neil had bought for her. So even if she wasn't playing Neil she shouldn't be clinging to him but rather going WTH was I doing there? But I think she is playing him. At least I hope that is where this is going. I will be ticked off if Neil walks away from this unscathed as if he was TGVN.
  20. Yes, so amazing that GC Memorial has scrubs available and waiting for visitors in need of an insta halloween costume. Now if they had only provided stethoscopes as well Chesz and Herb could have masqueraded as doctors - ha. Please please please make it Herb who meets her demise. The fawning over her by Nikki and Victor is just so ridiculous and not the least bit believable even for a soap. And this soap, which says a lot.
  21. I played it back and you are right - it was off camera but was Kody's voice. What a tool. I assume he thought he was being funny since at least Dayton's first name was very clear and neat. So either Kody though he was being funny which someone with Aspergers would not pick up, or he was serious. Either way he is a disgusting example of a father and Dayton deserves so much better. Same where Sobbyn is concerned since she is the one who has inflicted Kody on Dayton.
  22. Wow, one would think if they are leaving Utah to escape 'persecution' as polys Kody would have used the address of his legal wife, just using common sense. (Oops, there is my answer). And they moved twice while in LV so did he use Robyn's address both times? In any case it looks like Kody and Robyn have been planning for quite some time to dump Meri and make Robyn the legal wife when he blithly made wife number four the number one wife by using her address as his. Not that this is a surprise but I wonder how he explained the address thingy to the other three wives. But most likely he didn't and they didn't ask. I can't say that I see Kody's situation with Robyn - living there part time - equivalent with a couple who lives together but one or both travel for work so are often away. My hubby has worked away for many of our 18 years together but I am his sole partner and our lives revolve around each other (and the kids) and no one else - no matter how many miles may seperate us or how many days he may be away at a time. Robyn and her kids (in theory) get Kody's attention 25 percent of the time. Heck, if Robyn wanted someone to adopt her kids because they are there for them more than her ex she should have had one or all of the sister wives adopt her children. They are there for them way more than Kody has ever been.
  23. I could be wrong but I thought it was the judge who said that to Dayton. I thought he was complimenting Dayton's handwriting (he was obviously taking great care when he signed) since doctors are often given a bad rep (deservedly so in many cases) for having illegable handwriting. I took it that he was teasing Dayton that his handwriting was too good to be a doctor. Wouldn't that actually be a lie? Robyn has lived with Kody (or supposedly as a polyg wife) for only a quarter of the 5 years. He has lived with Meri, Janelle and Christine for the other three quarters of that time. So 'technically' only one year and three months of the five years Robyn has been a sister wife. If they were telling the truth. But that has never been a priority for the Browns.
  24. I am not normally an advocate of children dying on soaps, but if it will get rid of Sage I am all for it. That, or have Chloe, Nikki or Phyllis run her over. Just get her off of my screen. The actor's OTT portrayal of a happy person has been eclipsed by her OTT portrayal of an upset mother. The look on her face in the scene where Nikki first hugs her had me laughing out loud. She looked just like grumpy cat. If I had a clue of how to capture that scene and split screen with grumpy cat I would - it was uncanny. Or should I say uncaty, And who the heck bites off the head of the doctor who just saved your kid's life? Seriously? I. Just. Can't. Stitch's proposal to Abby was sweet, but he proposed to the wrong person. He knows it, Ashley knows it, and I would think many viewers know it. He has no chemistry with Abby whatsoever. But we will be dragged through months of this farce of a relationship. Yawn.
  25. I may have misinterpreted what Maddie said with regards to finishing her schooling before marriage. This is what she said in US magazine: The star added that she will continue her education before marriage. "There have been a lot of questions on me finishing school. YES," she tweeted on Monday. "I will go all the way through till I finish with my Law degree." So she didn't actually say she would finish before getting married which makes more sense because in other interviews she is saying they are planning an outdoor wedding. I do wonder about her fiance - at 29 is this his first marriage? I know he does not want a plural lifestyle but 29 seems old for an Morman to marry and start a family. In any case I wish her well but doubt she will be spending 6 years after marriage in university to finish an undergrad degree and get a law degree.
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