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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. I hate that they keep writing Jack as a stupid person. There is absolutely no reason why Jack would not have had Stitch hide a video recorder in Jack's room to get Victurd on record bragging about all the horrific things he did. Because you know damn well that is exactly what he is going to do. And really, after all that Jack and his family has endured at Victurd's hands, Jack is really going to believe that he will be in trouble for escaping from a ghost ship where he was held against his will and beaten daily? And some project named Paragon that no one has ever heard about until now is the reason Grambo will skate yet again? I don't normally wish ill on anyone, but it seems the only way we the viewers are going to escape The Victor Show is for EB to drop dead. That reminds me, my father (who has been gone for 20 years now) used to watch Y&R with my Mom after he retired. But he never called it "The Young and the Restless". He called it "Victor". Smart man, my Dad.
  2. I thought it was odd that the husband said she was giving clients money - it made me think he meant cash which is what I thought was odd. You'd think if it was a cheque he would have said cheque but maybe that is just my suspicious mind. Also I thought the assistant said that they NEVER had clients come to the office at night. I no longer have the episode on my PVR to check so could be wrong.
  3. I thought that was really odd too - not only that Chiquita clerked for the judge but had also represented her! I definitely think it will help get the husband's sentence reduced.
  4. I found so much of the husband's story questionable. Starting with Chiquita calling him to bring her dinner. Their house is 25 minutes away from her office - why would she not just order take out rather than wait for him to drive half an hour to her office, not including the time it would take on top of that to get the food. I assume the cops checked where he went for the food? But he could have been setting up his alibi. He said he went to a MacDonalds where he lives and then drove to her office. Wouldn't the food be stone cold by the time he arrived at her office 25 minutes later? If he was really going to take her food, why would he not go somewhere close to where she worked? He also said he took money downstairs to a client for her, and that she had another client who was supposed to be coming to her office after he left at 8:30. Her assistant said she never saw clients after hours, and if she did the assistant would know about it. And why would Chiquita being giving money to a client - shouldn't they be giving money to her? Sounds like the husband was trying to cast suspicion on some supposedly shady clients who quite likely did not even exist - at least in the context of that evening. I have seen other shows where the police lie to someone they are questioning trying to rattle them. The thing is, if you have nothing to hide and are telling the truth it won't rattle the innocent person and that person will stick to their story. In this case their lie was pretty harmless and did catch him up that he was on the street where her wallet was found. As usual with Dateline though, I think they left out a lot of things that would have pointed to his guilt. And I have to agree about the woman's unfortunate name - everytime they said Chiquita my brain added on 'banana'.
  5. Ugh. I am so tired of these stupid storylines. Why oh why did ChelseaCon not bring up tto Paul the fact that Ashley had just been in her apartment and had the door open to the very piece of furniture where the gun was found? Ashley would love to get Gabe out of the way - why would she not plant a gun with Jack's fingerprints? And why would Adam leave a gun, not even wrapped up or in a box, in plain sight for Chelsea to see should she open that door? These stupid storylines really get on my last nerve! Also, I can't remember but did Victor plant the thought in Nikki's head that Gabe would hide the gun at Chelsea's?I may have ff'd by it, but how the heck did Nikki come up with that seemingly (to me) totally out of the blue?
  6. Why oh why would Phyllis go to the person who shot her husband and tell him that Jack was out of his coma long enough to write something on a piece of paper? And why oh why would she reveal what was written to the person who tried to kill Jack? Jack did communicate to her that he did not trust anyone else to know that he was able to communicate, so why would Phyllis tell the one person that not only tried to kill him, but the one person that Jack has never trusted? That scene was just garbage. Unlike her daughter, Phyllis is not a stupid person, but that is how she was written in that scene. Totally unbelievable. I thought MCE actually did OK with the reveal that Gabe is Adam. However I guess I never realized that Adam plans to stay Gabe for the rest of his life. Ya learn something every day.
  7. Wow, I had no idea that being a hair dresser qualified someone to start a pain management clinic. Yikes. That was almost as shocking as this woman killing her husband's business partner in cold blood. So I wonder who Cindy got pregnant by after her hubby died? She was quite insulted that the police thought it was the business partner, but it also seemed like it was quite soon after her hubby died. And why in the world would she need to go to the hospital after miscarrying at 3 weeks? Three weeks? Aren't there lots of women who would not even know they were pregnant at that point, and it would just be like a late period? In any case why would she text the guy that she thinks killed her husband - the guy who has his own family? In any case she is where she belongs. Not only did she ensure that the daughter of her husband's business partner would grow up without a father (she was so proud of that) she ensured that her own son would grow up without his mother. But I am sure he is better off without her influencing him, so in his case I think he is lucky.
  8. The funniest thing to me about this whole episode was that Terry apparently had no idea that Tamra has new implants. He made some comment to the effect that he didn't know what she was doing differently but that she looked great. Speaking of Tamra, I have a solution to Eddie being upset that she has not changed her surname to his. A dozen years ago my then fiance (now hubby) was also upset when I told him that I had no intention of changing my name when we got married. I told him that had been my name for many years and I saw no reason to change it. I did offer though that if he wanted to change his name to mine, to be my guest. He never brought up the subject again. So if Eddie wants Tamra to change her name because she has Simon's name, or he just wants them to have the same surname I suggest that she tell Eddie that she will change her name - back to her maiden name and he can change his name to hers. It has always bugged me that men give no thought to their expectation that a woman change her name, but most men would be horrified at the thought of changing their own name to their spouse's. Especially in a situation like Tamra and Eddie's where they will not be having children together - Astro aside.
  9. Sage does not look good that blonde. Didn't she just change her hair colour a few weeks ago? Are pregnant women supposed to continually put chemicals in their hair? Sharon made a good point about Joe. Why would he meet Avery in the park, then follow her right away to her apartment alley to rape her? And I was thinking, did he bring a ski mask with him intending to rape Avery? Unlikely. However the whole thing still confuses me as I remember Avery being jumped by the masked man when she was still at the park - Joe had barely left. I do not remember at all Avery walking from the park to her apartment - I don't remember her leaving the park.
  10. OK, I haven't watched all of Friday's Canadian show, but watched Thursday's today. Is there some significance to the fact that when Chelsea introduced Gabe to Marissa in the park, she did not actually say Gabe's name, but Marissa said "Nice to meet you Gabe"? Neither Gabe, Chelsea or Noah seemed to realize that Marissa should not have known Gabe's name since Chels did not say it. Or did 'Chels' mess up her line? Or did the writers just sloppily write the intro that way? I love that people (OK, Victor's family) keep saying that Victor would not shoot Jack in cold blood. But apparently they do believe that Jack would shoot Victor in cold blood?
  11. I fail to understand (other than this is GC where nothing is understandable) why Avery had a plain clothes cop guarding her hospital room when she was raped, but Jack who has been shot by an unknown assailant has no one guarding his door. Anyone (Nikki, Gabe, etc.) is free to come and go at will. Sheesh.
  12. I have deleted my original post as I forgot that I had not watched the whole show today which would have answered my question. So..nevermind. Lol.
  13. I thought that was an absolutely amazing acting job by PB. I thought Farko was lost in thoughts of Marisa and when Kyle mentioned coma, he was momentarily thinking that Kyle was referring to Marisa and that she was still alive, albiet in a coma. Even though Kyle obviously does not know who Marisa is, I thought Farko was so lost in thought he was momentarliy confused. At least that is how I read him. Between that scene and losing it with Kyle PB was on fire today. I also thought the Gnome actually did a great job opposite PB. Unfortunately he is stuck in scenes with HK so often and she just sucks the life out of any scene she is in. And really, I am getting annoyed at the women of GC randomly slapping men. Recently Phyllis slapped Joe, and now Lilly slaps Michael. If that were Joe slapping Phyl or Michael slapping Lilly there would be a huge uproar and charges would be threatened, if not filed. Just because it is a female hitting a male does not make it OK.
  14. Glad I am not the only one confused by today's show. So now Avery is very scared of Joe, and has been for years? WTF did that come from? She certainly has shown no signs of it during the many times he has kissed her, or worked with him on his charity project, or during the many days she spent helping him at rehab. I hate it when the writers 'rewrite' history. I also had to laugh when Phyllis told Avery that Joe hitting her once was one too many times. Didn't Phyllis just haul off and slap Joe just because? And from what I remember it isn't the first time. Can you imagine if Joe hauled off and hit Phyllis? I hate the double standard that it is OK for Phyllis to slap Joe because she is a female and he is a male. Wow, that must have been some cut on Avery's finger to have bled so much that blood was dripping onto the floor from the kitchen island long after she departed. Apparently Easy Bake never played nurse or she would have known to put pressure on the finger to stop the bleeding. On the other hand maybe she has a problem with low platlets - she should get that checked out. Preferably in another city.
  15. OK, so I am confused. If Avery is alive and well, what is with the broken vase/dish and all the blood at her apartment? And at the first of the show yesterday then showed blood dripping, indicating that there was a lot of it. Mind you that would also indicate that it was dripping from a person which wasn't the case. Apparently this is just another case of the writers misleading the viewers because they like to treat us like mindless dolts. So is the whole point of the Ashley Aneurysm storyline for Ben to realize that it is his girlfriend's mother that he actually loves? That would be fine with me because I hate him with Abby (zero chemistry) and he and Ashley actually do have a spark. If that is the case though, lock up your husbands/boyfriends women of GC as Abby will be on the hunt again. Edited to add after reading the above post: I thought the actor playing Avery was supposed to be leaving the show? Or was that just wishful thinking on my part?
  16. Duh - I was thinking a list of outgoing calls but yes, forgot about redial. Regarding Dummer and her ongoing disdain for Sharon, I wonder if Avery turns up dead if that will send Snowflake into a emotional/mental melt down? First her hubby is murdered, then her 'best' friend, and now her aunt? Please please send her away somewhere where she can gain some empathy and be off my screen. A win win I think that is called.
  17. Well that was another yawn of an episode. So because I was bored I was focused on nitpicky things. Like when Fack called Gnome to say he needed to see him right away he just hung up and didn't say where he was. How did Gnome know? Maybe I missed a previous scene where Kyle knew that Fack was at GCAC - I do tend to ff when I am bored. Also when did landlines start showing outgoing calls? Cell phones do but any landline I have ever had only shows incoming calls, not outgoing ones. So how did Avery's landline show that her last call was to Dylan? I am surprised that when Avery went missing Paul didn't immediately arrest Sharon. Just because.
  18. I have never watched 19 Kids and Counting, and did not watch Michelle and Jim Bob's interview. But decided to watch the girls tonight. Fascinating. Jessa very early on forgot her talking points and drifted off, looking at Jill to carry on. Obviously they were coached. I was struck at how, especially Jessa, said several times that Josh was a completely changed person after he came back from being sent away. But if neither Jessa or Jill actually knew he molested them without their parents telling them, what was to change? They supposedly didn't know there was anything wrong with him to start with. Also Jessa said at one point that she has talked to many girls who had it way worse than they did. If this was a family secret, who in the world did she talk to? And since from what I understand they only associate with other people who share their religious beliefs, I guess all of these other girls were church friends? Yikes. But really, I just think she was lying. I also laughed when Jessa complained about seeing their faces on magazines now that this has come out. I have been sick of seeing their faces on magazines for years, when their only claim to fame is the parents breed like rabbits. And Jill and Jessa have been non stop on the cover of People for a couple of years now - so much that I refuse (even before this came out) to buy any magazine that they are on the cover of. Except I did buy In Touch when the story broke, because I like to support porn empires. Lol. Lastly, I don't watch the show so do not know how much makeup the girls normally wear. But I was struck by how much makeup they had plastered on. I would have thought that if they are supposed to dress modestly so as not to attract male attention (because men just cannot help themselves) that makeup would follow along the same vein. After all, isn't the point of wearing makeup to make yourself more attractive?
  19. THIS!!! Also Josh was 14 when this first happened, so his sisters would have been 12,11,9,8, and 5. He molested 4 out those 5 sisters, so most likely only one at the most would have been 'developed'. Has it been established that he did not molest the oldest sister? So was it the 11,9,8 and 5 year olds? At least three of those sisters would have been undeveloped, if not all. So the curiosity about women defense just does not wash. At all.
  20. OK, I could have sworn that when Nick dropped Faith off at Sharon's for her sleepover Sharon said she would bring Faith back the next evening. So why all of a sudden was Nick supposed to take Faith to school in the morning? I guess Dick can at times be forgiven for forgetting he has a kid when the writers who are really the ones in charge of Faith's wellbeing can't remember from one day to the next where she is supposed to be. That was some overacting by Herb. I understand that we are saddled with Chels due to the actress IRL boinking some CBS exec, but why exactly do we have to put up with Sage? And what is the point of this whole emergency operation story line? So that someone will get suspicious as to why Gabe is so interested in the baby? Obviously that will never be Dick so lets go with Chelsea. Ugh.
  21. As others have stated, I was shocked (OK, not really) that Dick was OK with leaving Faith in Dylan's care. Isn't he worried that her uncle might kidnap her? I don't understand (OK again, yep I really do) why Sharon is the only person that people appear to be terrified of. Drinkii almost dropped her newborn granddaughter on her head. And even when she isn't drinking, Nikki has been shown several times to have an 'episode' of sudden weakness due to her MS. Should she be allowed to care for her grandchildren in such a delicate state? Then there is Phyllis. There is no pill that she can take to control her narcissist personality disorder. Phyllis has been more dangerous over the years that Sharon could ever dream of being. But Nick who was married to her and Avery who is her sister just laugh it off as Phyllis being Phyllis. Mind you since MS left the writers appear to be toning down Phyllis's own brand of crazy. But still, how do you know she is just not going to someday try to run someone over for the fun of it? And then there is Herb. Wait until Dick finds out that she saved his brother and has passed him off as someone else for well over a year now. And lied to him over and over and over. Maybe not such 'mother of the year' material as he (for some unknown reason since he really barely knows her) keeps telling her she will be. Come to think of it of the three (possible) mothers of Nick's children, Sharon to me is the cream of the crop. By far.
  22. Did anyone else see Kristoff St John's heartbreaking interview on ET last night? I knew that his son committed suicide and had a drug problem, but did not know until the interview that his son suffered from schizophrenia. Given that a long time cast member has a family member suffering from a serious mental illness, that makes it even more disgusting to me that writers would give Sharon a mental illness and then use it as entertainment. There are no words.
  23. I agree that today's epi was dull dull dull. The only thing that perked me up was when VIctoria said that the GC Buzz had a nickname for Nikki. I was totally expecting her to say it was Drinki - lol. Naughty Nikki just does not pack the same punch.
  24. Same as when Victor took phone calls at the CGAC regarding Jack missing and I think Kelly dead. Not only surrounded by people, but didn't even have his back to the wall so he could see others. Someone (don't remember now who) walked up behind him just as he finished the phone call. Such stooopid writing and so unbelievable. Also pretty funny that VIctor as usual takes no responsibility for Drinki falling off the wagon. Lying about Jack signing the contract is just another reason. Geez, if Nikki was married to someone who really cared about her and her well being she might never touch a drop. I love how Drinki said the guy in the roof top bar tried to pick her up (or however she put it) as if she wasn't all over him. Guess she forgot that after Neil hit him she caressed his face and called him "Baby". I am totally blanking on what Phyl was referring to when she called Fack "Yack" and said something about a ghost?
  25. Not sure what is supposed to be going on with Neil attacking Tobias, then Billy, then Drinki's new friend? I do love Drinki though, and the look on Victoria's face when Drinki called they guy she just met "baby" was priceless. And a bonus of Dylan and Sharon getting together is Nikki's horror. I love how worried she is about her two sons and the women they have chosen. I would think had Victor had a mother to bring Nikki home to years ago she would have been none too pleased to meet Strippi. I know Fack is not Jack, but can't for the life of me understand why he has pledged to build a pediatric wing in honour of Cassie who died as a result of a car accident when Jack's own niece died as a result of a car accident. I know Fack is pilling on the Newman love, but that is a bit much. I snorted when Phyllis was worried about how Summer would take the news that Nick was to become a father again. Sheesh. She is a grown ass woman. But I guess once a special snowflake always a special snowflake. And speaking of Nick, WTH is up with the greasy hair? Even for Nick that was disgusting today.
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