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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. I always thought the contestants were dressed by wardrobe people picking out their outfits. Then I read (or heard - can't remember) an interview with Kelly Clarkson who said that she used to skimp on buying clothes with her clothing allowence to pay bills. That is the first thing I thought of when Mark came out in a black t-shirt - he must be using his clothing money to pay bills. It really stood out, and not in a good way. Wondering though, what was Ryan's excuse? I am pretty satisfied with the top 8 guys. OTOH, I can't even remember 8 girls, let alone 8 who might make it into the top spots. I hope they have a better week than the last one.
  2. What didn't make sense to me is that the interrogators seemed to be leading Melissa into a confession that did not match the evidence. I think even the pathologist that refuted the first pathologist's autopsy report said that. If she thew the baby down on the floor and he hit his head there should have been some sign of bruising, blood, a fracture, swelling etc. on the outside of his head. There was none. So maybe the jury that convicted her didn't get to see how she was led and bullied by the interrogators to make a confession, and there was no pathologist that testified to the confession not matching the facts. But all of this is known now, so the fact that those in power will not give her a new trial is nothing short of a travesty and a crime in itself. I read on the 48 hrs FB page in comments that the parents of the baby received 2 million dollars after his death -presumably from the daycare. So I guess that is why they are satisfied with the conviction as to retry the case would show that the baby received the injury most likely in their care, or at least in any case not on the day he died. I wonder if there are different laws in different states regarding interrogation? I thought a person being questioned had to be told theat they have the right to a lawyer, and can leave any time? If it isn't the law it should be. To me that is just as important as reading someone their Miranda rights, maybe more so as interrogators would not be able to get to the point of obtaining a fasle confession if the person being questioned was properly informed.
  3. I really didn't understand the cop's assertion that she must have been killed because her eyes were open. To me he was saying that she wasn't drugged enough for her eyes to be closed (ie she did not drug herself). I am not sure why he didn't think that someone else could have drugged her enough for her eyes to be closed. But either way her eyes being open should have no significance considering they most likely opened after death regardless. And the fact that he used that as one of the major reasons to think she was killed was to me was both surprising and disturbing.
  4. That is what made me think it was suicide, because if someone else was suffocating her, wouldn't there have been marks on her neck from the person trying to keep the bag there? As well as a struggle (skin under her fingernails, etc) as Bethanny tried to remove the bag or fought with the person keeping it there? One of the officers said something that I thought was odd as well. He said that one of the reasons they thought Bethanny was killed was that her eyes were open. But eyes often open after death just due to the fact that it takes muscles to keep your eyes closed, which of course the dead person no longer has. Many people die with their eyes closed (as did my Mom) but their eyes open after death. I thought it was odd that a cop would not know that.
  5. Don't let the door hit you, and all that. I will not miss Kelly and her self professed obsession with Every. Single. Celebrity. at all. I quite like the other three hosts, and hope they can fill Kelly's spot with someone less 'obsessed'. .
  6. I got a totally different read on Hillary's conversation with Neil. I think she really did end up caring for both Neil and Devon. I think that when Devon was talking about leaving town with her and that Lilly would not likely allow him to ever see the twins again, or Neil let him see Moses she realized that Devon would be giving up his entire family for her. And that the only way the family would reconcile would be for her to leave. If destroying the family was her intent all along she would have married Devon, not Neil and accomplished the same thing since Devon was panting after her before she married Neil. The 'old' Hillary would never marry ordinary Neil if she could marry zillionaire Devon. I may be giving Hillary too much credit, but the way the storyline has played out it does not ring true to me that Hillary has done all of this as payback. In either case though, it is the writers' convenient way of getting rid of her and bringing the Winters clan together once again. Do hospital chapels normally have confessionals? Even Catholic hospitals (which I have never thought GC Memorial was)?
  7. She also was one of the stars of last year's ensemble movie This Is Where I Leave You. I am not always a fan of her movies but I quite liked her it this one. Ah, too bad. A new wife and a baby on the way for no reason, apparently. Cumberbatch must be so upset.
  8. I loved Kathy's comments about the black pom pom dress, which she referred to as poodle balls. On the Oscar thread, several were upset at NPH's comment regarding the dress. I missed the actual speech by the woman who was wearing the dress, so did not know that her son had died. However since Kathy's comments were not said at the actual ceremony but instead on FP I thought they were pretty funny, especially that the woman should have gotten Best In Show (with reference to the recent Westminster dog show). Come to think of it, I would love to see Kathy host the Oscars.
  9. Yep, agree with every word you posted. And for those who think Michael Keaton should have won Best Actor because it may be his last chance, this really was Glen Campbell's last chance. And he deserved it to boot.
  10. Exactly. All but two of the top 15 grossing movies of 2014 are either Sci/Fi or Animation, and one of those is American Sniper. The other is 22 Jump Street. There are many mindless movies (bad acting, bad writing, etc.) that are big box office draws. I don't see the Acadamy nominating undeserving pictures just to get people to tune into a long overdrawn awards ceremony. They need to cut it to 2 1/2 hrs tops and get rid of the many categories many do not want to sit through to get to the big 4. I thought Boyhood, The Theory of Everything, Whiplash and The Imitation Game were all wonderful movies, and totally deserving of their nominations. I haven't seen any of the other Best Pictures nominations but plan to watch a few of the others on PPV since I didn't get to the theatre when they were here. Also want to see Still Alice since I loved the book.
  11. Hendersonrocks, you nailed the reason why I hated Birdman. Actors are nothing if not self indulgent. Mind you I also found the movie extremely boring. Regarding the pompom lady, I actually missed her speech - left the room as she arrived on stage and returned to NPH. So I can see why it got the reaction it did. Mind you NPH did preface his comment by saying that he liked the dress, so I saw it as more of a play on words as it DID take a lot of balls to wear that dress since it was, well, composed partially of balls. But then I don't think of NPH as a mean spirited person either, so I guess I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he could not pass up a play on words, though likely should have in this case. When I was listening to Patricia Arquette's speech, I totally put a comma between women giving birth and taxpayers, rather than women giving birth to taxpayers.Lol. But in my defense I was just trying to stay awake - and I am on Pacific Standard Time! All in all a very boring show. Edited to add: apparently Birdman is the lowest grossing movie in the history of Best Picture winners - if the radio show I am currently listening to is correct. Mind you I guess the win may garner some renewed attention and interest especially since it is now on PPV, but I would not be surprised if this particular record stands.
  12. I love Michael Keaton, but thought Redmayne acted circles around Keaton in their respective movies. But then I also loved The Theory of Everything, and hated Birdman. In fact of the 5 Best Picture nominees I saw (TOE, Birdman, Boyhood, Whiplash and The Imitation Game) Birdman was my least favourite by far. So I am thrilled for the winners of best actor, and supporting actor and actress categories. Also happy for Moore, though I haven't seen the movie as yet. Wow, Oprah has no sense of humour at all. But then she never has had one. I was oddly amused by Stedman's stunned, gapping mouth look whenever they showed O. I always thought he was a handsome man, but tonight he just looked weird. I loved NPH's opening song, but that was about it. I did think his ad lib remark about the woman wearing that horrendous jacket made of huge black pompoms was hilarious though - "you have to have balls to wear a dress like that" or something along that vein. Priceless. Why in hell does JLo rate a seat in the front row? Other than the bottom of her dress needed the room, I fail to see how she rates a front row seat. I was impressed by her dress when she first came out on stage thinking she had gone all classy on us, but nope, there was the mostly missing top as per usual. The guy who wrote the Imitation Game gave the best speech of the night. Very moving. I didn't really get Patricia Arquette's - apparenty only women who have given birth deserve equal pay?
  13. Speaking of what did I miss, I feel like I missed a whole episode. Was Sharon's car accident actually shown? All I remember was the power going out in her home, and then the next epi she is talking to Faith about a car accident. If it wasn't shown, it sounds like she just went off the road either going out of the ranch property or close to it since she was freaked out about Victor seeing the car. And she and Faith were able to walk back to her place. I forgot about the cut on her forehead which could explain her unreasonableness about needing to move the car. The only really bad accident I have been in, during which I hit black ice on the Coquihalla, (a mountain highway between where I live and Vancouver) I totalled the car. It hit two concrete walls head on, (hit one, bounced off it, spun across the road and hit the divider between the lanes) and when the car stopped moving I thought I was dead because I couldn't imagine how I could have survived it. Turns out I only had a bad burn on my neck from the seatbelt. I hitched a ride (never done that ever before!) back to my home, called ICBC to report the accident and a tow company to tow the wreck, jumped into my car (I had been driving my Moms as it was a full size and I figured safer on the Coq in winter conditions - ha), drove back to the accident site to transfer my luggage to my car, and then drove 4 hours to Vancouver to meet my Mom who was staying there for radiation treatments. Who knows, maybe I was in shock but I was certainly focused on getting to Vancouver!
  14. Good Lord. Apparently the writers got Valentine's Day mixed up with the day before and thought it was Friday the 13th. Plane crash. Murder at the Abbott cabin. Apartment fire at Chelsea/Billy/Gabadam's building. Nick's Underground really goes underground. And to top it off so many characters acting, well, out of character. Sharon has a car crash and thinks it is quite sane to drag Faith back out into a snowstorm to move the car. Because Nick will think she is irresponsible to crash a car in a snow storm. But not to put her daughter at risk by returning to car in same snowstorm. Sharon has kept it together through the whole custody mess, but loses it over a car crash that doesn't even injure them, blood on the forehead aside. Seven people are going to be able to keep their stories straight and cover up a murder. And six of them talked the seventh, a cop, into going along with the farce. Not to mention Mariah is all of a sudden all worried about Snowflake's future as a possible felon. Not likely. Is Sage able to get through a scene with Nick without telling him that he is a good dad? Barf. What exactly is the point of having every character in GC in some kind of peril all at the same time? Ridiculous, even for a soap.
  15. So apparently the GCAC shut down for Valentine's Day? Cane, Lilly and Devon are on a plane (or not as it turns out) and Kelly is slumming it at the Underground. Hardly a plausible S/L. Also not plausible that Fen would spike punch with some unknown drug. Didn't the guy not that long ago beat a murder wrap, then turned his life around and is going to law school? Even Fen would not be that stupid. And how did the stalker-Austin killer know that was going to happen? Talk about far fetched. Oh, and Kevin is a fiction fan writer of apparently some repute (even if it is online)? That reveal is more of a reach that the chipmunk caper. Apparently Jack was a victim of his own fragrance Hex and was unable to stop himself from taking Kelly in some random back room. Though it apparently has a short shelf life as he tossed her aside PDQ. Seems to be more like Viagra apparently. Also unbelievable that Cane would be the only person searching for Lilly. Her own father said she was the only innocent one in the whole Hevon debacle, but here he is acting like he is still blind and not lifting a finger to find his beloved daughter. But rather comforting his skank of a wife. He might as well have stayed blind. I thought it was Joe who decked Avery. I replayed it a few times and it sure looked like Joe's arm to me. I did love Nikki telling Avery that Joe is the type who will tell her what she wants to hear but not be truthful. When oh when will Nikki take her own advice and dump Victor? All in all an action packed epi, even if much of it was totally unbelievable. Even for a soap. Even for this soap. Edited to add - Bannana, I think we posted at the same time. Hilarious that we had the same observations about the Jack/Kelly hook up!
  16. Not to mention his name. Just watched this epi as when it aired I was actually in Las Vegas (and did not run into the Browns, or any of their crappy joolry). My mouth was hanging open when Robyn sneered at those who live together without being legally married, when that is exactly what she is doing. Ugh. I am glad that I am not the only one who thought that the whole church service conducted by Kodylocks (thanks to the poster upthread for that - priceless!) was for the cameras/fake anthropologists and not a regular occurence. I have always gotten the feeling that religion is just a byproduct of the Browns' poly lifestyle and not in the least the cause. The fight between the brothers was way overblown. Good grief. If this is the Browns at their worst, they are living a charmed life. Edited to add: I didn't watch the All Robyn Episode as I wasn't interested in a Robyn Rehash. Did they actually reveal that Kodylocks divorced Meri and married Robyn? Or is that to come this week. I also had never read the Wife Swap thread, so had no idea this had happened. I didn't think it was possible to have less respect for Kodouche. But I guess it is.
  17. Like others (and exactly what I said to my hubby), I thought the lip balm was a solution in search of a problem. I only share lip balm with my husband, and have never asked to use someone elses. Also the tube was way too big - I carry a small a purse as possible and would never carry a tube that big. I loved that Lori went out on the Bedjet guy. And Barbara was such a bitch to Lori. Barbara is the one who purposely asked the guy a question during the time when Lori was trying to get an answer to her question. Then had the nerve to complain that Lori was whining, when she was actually answering the guy's question about why she went out. STFU Barbara. I was happy that Robert stuck up for Lori and told Barbara that Lori had a point. And that he told Kevin basically that you can make deals without being rude. Love. Love. Love Robert.
  18. I wish that Neil had concealed his blindness for a bit longer. OTOH, a couple of times at the club when Neil saw Hillary he made it very obvious that he could see her and was not pretending to still be blind at all, so the writing was pretty much on the wall. As others have said, I thought all the players on the plane did a good job of their respective parts during the big reveal. But the graphics of the plane bobbing around in bad weather were laughable.
  19. I think Jim was joking after he lost the deal, but I believe he was quite serious during the back and forth with Arlene. Jim being surly is not that uncommon, though it is more often directed at pitchers that annoy him. However being rude to Arlene is not a first for him.
  20. Adam Lasher was by far my favourite. I agree with Harry - he is superstar material. I also really like Garrett - he reminds me of Randy Travis. Hollywood was just hollywierd. I hope he takes advantage of getting another chance and doesn't blow it. I liked most of the first group from their auditions so glad they were all put through even if they didn't have in some cases as good of a second audition as their first.
  21. I thought the green lid guys said that the product sold for $6.99 for a pack of 5? I am not positive though. Wow, Jim sure got pissy with Arlene and it sounded like David got annoyed back with him (as well as Arlene). I don't know how successful they will be, but I am glad they went with Arlene and David rather than Jim just because he was being such a baby. I thought the dog buddy idea was a terrible one. I can see wanting a buddy for your dog, but I would have to know someone really well before I would leave a pet with that person. Heck, look at what happened to those poor dogs that were left with a petsitter who was being paid to look after them, and she left them to die in the canopy of a pickup I did love though watching the dogs running back and forth while the guy was making his pitch. The circus guy was interesting. I remember seeing his business on the second floor of a building at the New Westminster Quay (assuming it is the same one) and wondered how profitable it was.
  22. And that is why this epi was so unbelievable. Sharon didn't need the Sage wearing a bathrobe story. All Sherman had to do was bring up Faith running away while in NIck's custody, and the fact that during the time Nick was talking about taking Faith away from Sharon, he had no problem leaving said child with her mother while he took off to find himself. And as others have said it is disgusting the way this show treats mental illness. So Nick thinks he has to protect Faith from Sharon? If Sharon had, say diabetes, would he be fighting for full custody in case Sharon (no pun intended) went into a diabetic coma? Or was epileptic, and had a seizure? Of course not. Why did Nick never go after full custody of Summer during the times he and Phyl were apart over the years? Her mother is a much worse mother than Sharon IMO. Mind you Nick would be too afraid of Phyl to do such a thing. I can't believe Sharon Case hasn't been nominated for an Emmy. She is acting the shit out of this shit. Heck, I got tears in my eyes when she and Faith were saying goodbye. Those two might be the best two actors on that show.
  23. To me the 'Canadian' athletes asking for money was a very different scenario than someone asking for either backing or sponsorship in something they are attempting to support themselves and make a living at. For example the guy from Great Big Sea who was on pitching his movie a couple of weeks ago. These are amateur athletes, and in a whole different category. Several people on here were surprised that all of the dragons did not give the athletes what would have been a minimum of 100 grand each for 4 years had they all participated. Seriously? If I were in the dragons' shoes I would not have sponsored them either. Every person who has disposable cash to donate has the right to give it to the cause(s) that is dearest to his/her heart. But I fault the producers for putting the dragons in this spot of looking like they are not patriotic because they didn't want to (or in most cases can't afford to) fork out two million dollars to support elite athletes. Rubbish. And to clarify, I am not saying they should not look for sponsorships. But not on National TV where you are targeting 5 people. There are thousands and thousands of people and businesses that can be asked in private. And accept or decline in private.
  24. I wasn't comfortable with the athletes on DD looking for sponsorship. That is not what this show is supposed to be about. And to me it put the dragons in a very uncomfortable position. Half a million for 4 years? I was surprised even that Michael went in on it. Even if all of the dragons had gone in, 100 thou per year for four years is a lot of money for I would think Vikram and David, and likely even Arlene. And it isn't like there aren't many other athletes to support (and as Jim said his francise supports hockey in a big way). It's not like they can't approach (and likely do) big names personally. I hope this isn't a trend for DD. I was surprised that Arlene didn't comment on the snaps of the non disposable pads. Seems to me it would be uncomfortable to be sitting on the snaps - I would think velco would be a more comfortable option. I am past needing this product (thank goodness) but would not use it if I was still having to buy said item. Thought it was funny though that all the guys thought it was a great idea. I also didn't really get the baby parka thingy. I guess it is fine if you are just leaving your home and walking outside, but if you say have to drive somewhere before you plan on wearing a carrier you would still need the kid in a snowsuit or something warm to get him to the car, in the car, etc. Seems like a limited use type item. But good on Vik for making a deal.
  25. Ugh. That was a painful hour sandwiched between two odd 15-16 year olds girls. The first one was just way too exhausting. The last contestant was OK, but all I could think with her wearing that horrendous red lipstick was why does she want to look like Janice the Muppet? Rayvon was the only memorable (in a good way) audition in the whole bunch.
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