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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. I think this perfectly describes Dummer. On the other hand I think Phyllis is much more than a bitch. She (IMO of course) is a narcissist at best, a psychopath at worst. I lean more towards psychopath due to the crimes she has committed with no remorse whatsoever. Dummer could very well turn out to be one or the other as well but right now bitch describes her perfectly. Oh, and dumb of course.
  2. OMG, was there a behind the scenes contest to see which actress could wear the ugliest dress? Summer with her hideously flowered orange/black/silver nightmare, or Abby with her black and white flowers-on-steriods number. One can certainly see how these two are related - neither have a once of taste where cothing is concerned. Why oh why doesn't someone point out to Summer when she criticizes Sharon, and in turn Mariah as Sharon's daughter, that she is the spawn of someone much more cray cray than Sharon? Gee Dummer, do you plan to run someone down like Mommy dearest? Or change a paternity test too? Sharon may have done that, but so did your beloved mudder. In fact your mother's deceitfulness resulted in your brother not know who his own father was. Sound familiar? And surely you realize that you are only on this earth because your mother saw nothing wrong with going after a married man, and getting preggers by him. I don't know Dummer, I think you should be more worried about turning out like your mother than worried about Mariah taking after hers.
  3. That sums up my feelings nicely. After a six week absence, I barely remember where the show left off, and care even less. Heck, Cary could have served his two years in the time the show has been on a break. And after such a long absense, it is just annoying that Cary's long drawn out storyline is wrapped up partially due to Kalinda falsifying evidence. Which, as much as Kalinda likes to break the rules, I don't think she would do. Yes I know Diane found it and Kalinda didn't actually give it to Diane, but I don't believe she would put the whole firm in jepordary by doing that in the first place. All in all, this epi was not worth the six week wait.
  4. So Kody is once again talking about his daughters and how he expects them to conduct themselves when they go out into the world. Still waiting for him to have the same expectations of his sons. Robin is still not pregnant because she is spending way too many hours on TSWC business. Lets see, they have no investors, no money, and no sales. If she can't handle the time that takes, she certianly can't handle another kid. The sad thing about this show is scenes like Mykelti's where some designer will give her an interview just to get a free plug for his business. On her own she would not have gotten a return phone call. Those sketches showed no talent whatsoever. But I guess like her parents and their joolry business, she will find out the truth eventually. I'd like to make a drinking game out of every time Kadouche talks about the plight of the poyg family, and getting run out of Utah. However I have a low tolerance for alcohol and would be drunk by the second commercial break.
  5. WTF was Phyllis wearing today? I can't remember when I have seen such an ugly dress, and for this show that is saying a lot. Throw in the 80s style ugly necklace, and it looks like Phyl has been raiding the trunks in the Abbot attic. So Nick decides not to be a dick about going for sole custody, then Sharon's lawyer goes off on the whole group including the mediator. Not the least bit believable that a lawyer would be that stupid right out of the gate with a mediator there since the whole point is to compromise. I am soooo tired of this storyline.
  6. I totally agree. And Lisa's sister did not come across to me as someone who would treat her parent and step parent as children, but rather as an adult child helping them to move into a new residence, sell their old one, etc. Lisa's parents may have had health issues but certainly did not seem in any way to be totally dependent on anyone, let alone a child who lives in another state. There are many reasons an adult child becomes a caregiver to an elderly parent. My own mother lost her speech due to a stroke two weeks after I turned 40. She had many challenges and illnesses in the remaining 10 years of her life and was dependent on me to a great extent due to her inability to speak. However even then I didn't think of myself as the adult and my mother the child. She needed my help and I was honoured to be able to give back to her the unconditional love and support she had given me for 40 years.
  7. Did Yolanda say that in this epi? I must have missed it. But yes, David Foster has been nominated three times for an Oscar. He has won 16 Grammys (with 47 nominations) and a Golden Globe. Maybe she confused the Oscar with one of his many Grammy wins. Given that so many terrible songs have won Oscars, while I guess it would be a nice feather in his cap I would imagine Grammys are more gratifying than an award would be from primarily an acting genre. I have to say that while it seems to be an unpopular opinion, I actually like Yolanda and David. The rest of the cast either bores me, I find annoying, or haven't seen enough of (Eileen Davidson) to like. I don't like her as Ashley on Y&R so am interested to see what she is like IRL. So far Ashley and Eileen are one and the same to me.
  8. The scenes with Lisa R and her girls made no sense. Lisa said that she tried to take her girls back every year to visit her parents. So why did they seem to know nothing about her hometown? So either she has tried to take them and they said no (which they pretty much did at their own home), or the scenes in the car were for our entertainment. Which turned out to be not the least bit entertaining, but instead disturbing. However I am more inclined to believe that the kids really do know nothing about their mother's hometown. I especially thought the religion comment was odd. If Lisa was raised going to church, chances are it was very important to her parents and continued to be an important part of their lives long after Lisa grew up and left home. But their grandchildren seem totally oblivious to that. I also thought Lisa was totally clueless when she said that she is now the adult in her relationship with her parents. Hardly. They are living in a retirement residence, it seems her half sister takes care of any of their needs and Lisa flies in from a bordering state once in a blue moon. Nope, you are still the child in the relationship, Lisa.
  9. I actually liked the dress on Kelly, but it looked horrendous on Phyllis and not believable at all that it is something she would have picked out. I found most of the NY Eve dresses to be horrible (maybe that is why I didn't mind Kelly in hers). Do the actresses get any say in what they wear? Avery, Summer, Abby, Noah's GF whose name escapes me, Cricket - I could go on and on. I did like Gwen's dress but I think it was the colour as much as anything. I do like this Kelly that likes to taunt Phyllis and can hold her own. They can keep this version around. I loved it when she told Jack that he was stuck with Phyllis - lol.
  10. MIchelle Obama was wearing a flowery top over a lime green t-shirt, baseball ball cap and sunglasses. She said a lady asked for help to get something off of a shelf. It seems obvious to me that Michelle was asked because she is six feet tall and could reach whatever the person wanted. It happens to my 6 ft 2 inch tall husband often when we are shopping.
  11. MIchelle Obama often goes out in public ' in disguise' - it isn't the first time. She has often talked about it, and how she dislikes the confines of White House life. You can find pics of her Target jaunt online. However she is wearing a garish white with multi coloured flowers blouse over a lime green t-shirt, a base ball cap, and dark sunglasses. So no, I doubt anyone mistook her for an Target employee. She was more likely asked for help becuase she is six feet tall. I doubt it had anything to do with 'racism'. Geesh.
  12. I think Jen's biggest problem is that Bill does not step in to back her up when she is trying to discipline. Of course Will 'prefers' Bill - he is the fun parent. What kid doesn't prefer the fun parent over the disciplinarian? None that I know of. Bill and Jen have a solid relationship, but the same scenario played out many times with my brother (the disciplinarian) and his wife who often openly went against what he would tell the kids. To no ones surprise they divorced. But even when my sis in law continued to spoil the kids and expect nothing from them other than good grades (they were both honour students through their academic lives) they turned into wonderful, successful and productive women who both married fabulous men and now have their own families. The bottom line for me though is that if there were more parents like Bill and Jen - regardless of their medical issues or those of their kids - and I am including biological parents here - the world would be a much much better place.
  13. It was interesting how supportive Victoria was of Nick trying to take Faith away from Sharon. As far as I know Sharon has always been a good mother to her kids, regardless of what she may have done to Nick while off her meds. So it seems obvious to me that Victoria will be going for full custody of both Katie and Johnny. After all, Billy has cheated on Victoria, had a drinking problem and a gambling problem that caused her to almost be killed. On top of it, he is partially responsible for his own daughter's death due to his carelessness. Oops, and is responsible for kidnapping Adam at gunpoint and contributing to his 'death'. Better get right on that custody filing, Victoria. Your kids are in grave danger.
  14. Well the last two epis were definitely the best of the season, but considering how bad/boring the season was it should not have been that hard to improve upon it. That being said, I didn't like the jump ahead. After six years of Jake and Lesiie off and on, mostly off, I felt cheated out of their wedding (assuming there was one) and the birth of their twins. And since Leslie looks ready to pop anytime, it seems she has spent the last two years (or whatever the time frame is supposed to be) making and having babies. I would have preferred to have seen the twins and a non pregnant Leslie, making it appear that she went back to being a cop which was always so important to her. To go from a career cop to a full time baby maker doesn't seem like a Leslie move to me. Not saying that she could not have been a cop inbetween mat leaves, but it doesn't ring true to the character. JMO. I was actually expecting the Jake/Leslie relationship and Tinny/Des relationship to progress in the movie that AH plans to make. So I guess his idea is to have to movie jump to either where the series ended or even a little further ahead. Which is fine, but I still feel cheated after years of Jake/Leslie relationship angst.
  15. I don't understand why anyone would think Craig singing "The Old Wooden Cross" is pandering. I am not a country fan in general, but do like certain artists. That said, it seems like the majority of country artists are quite vocal regarding their Christian beliefs. I haven't watched an awards show lately for country music, but when I have the first 'thank you' is to God, 99 percent of the time. Just like awards shows for rap. I think CWB would be pandering if he didn't sing songs that were true to his roots and beliefs. I have thought for awhile now that CWB would win, but Matt really impressed me last night. Not that he hasn't all along, but on a shallow note I thought his looks might hold him back. While I prefer the U2 version of Still Haven't Found I was very impressed with Matt's. I would love to see him without those horrible glasses - I think there is a pretty good looking guy hiding behind them.
  16. I think Grandma Arlene's biggest hindrance to bending over to unplug the Christmas tree lights would be her tight leather pants. It was funny though how touchy she was. Because our outlet is behind our tree, for several years we have used an extension with a button on the floor that resides under the tree skirt. Simply step on the button to turn the lights on or off - easy peasy. And no problem about possibly misplacing a remote, which I have been known to do.
  17. That was my point - there wasn't nearly enough room to air out skates, gloves, shoulder pads, shin pads, pants, jersey. So at best you could hope it would be novel enough for the kid to air out some on the bag and hang the rest in the bathroom or wherever. Admittedly I have only ever lived in one condo but it was in Vancouver where it only snows once or twice a year, not enough for the strata to pay for a contract plower. So what do these guys do now to transport a blower and salt spreader? I would assume if a guy is using a blade on his truck he is either packing them in the bed of the truck or pulling a small trailer (like yard maintenance people do in the summer.) Most have a ramp to run the equipment up or down, so it doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Regardless I can't imagine this guy getting a deal due to his personality - he'd need to hire a spokesperson to get anywhere.
  18. I have been a bit on the fence regarding Wex, but his tongue lashing to the snowplow guy was right on, so I am now firmly in his corner. That was priceless, as was the look on Jim's face. I just wish they had shown the other dragons at the same time. I still don't really understand the point of his invention. I don't know anyone who plows who would be carrying around a home type snowblower - any I know (ie that work for the city) just use blades. What am I missing? I didn't really get the sports bag idea only in that it didn't seem to have enough room to dry out all the equipment so you would still end up having to hang some up in other areas. Other than I guess it would encourage a kid (if there is such a thing) to take the stuff out in the first place. I don't really find the den to be low energy, but I do think Vikram is not fitting in. I do not miss Kevin at all - a few seasons back he became a caricature of himself, and hadn't come up with anything original to say in awhile. I do miss Robert though.
  19. I haven't watched the show in a few days (it is PVR'd) so came here to find out the baby daddy. So Billy, eh? All that means to me is that somewhere down the road there will be a question of paternity and Stitch will really be the sperm donor. And 100 year old Victor will shake his fist that he was right again - should never have trusted the lab in G.C. not to screw up.
  20. I honestly don't remember overbidding to be a normal part of the den in previous years but seems to be this year. And I have never seen someone overbidding bring in a lessor bid. Usually the person who has offered full price is ticked at the person who has offered overprice. They usually are dickering over the percentage of ownership, not the amount of the ask. So to clarify my point, the Dragons before (and Sharks) have outbid with regards to taking a lower percentage for the amount asked, but not offered more money than was asked for. At least not routinely as it seems to be now. I did rewind a couple of times regarding the Olympian (whoever it was) and while the pitchers were likely planning on saying his name, the dragons and David in particular jumped in before they could, with David calling him one of the best known athletes in the country. Apparently it was assumed that everyone watching would know who he was, and what sport he won a gold medal for.
  21. So Jim has invested in another business that involves half naked women. Big surprise. I did not see what was so special about the idea/suits. Also it seemed to be highly edited because the cardboard pictures in front of every model went from being up to down to up to down. They should have been on stands and up permanently since the body types was the jist of her idea. Personally, I know I have known since I was 13 years old that I have an hourglass figure and have known since then what suits suit my body type. Plus many lines already have labels that indicate which body type they would suit. And her price point was outrageous. I did once just for fun try on a very expensive suit and felt like I was wearing a spanx bathing suit - it was extremely uncomfortable and would be very hot to boot. I had no idea who the Olympic gold medal winner was who was part of the mobile bike fixing truck. They never did introduce him, and though David said he is one of the best known athletes in Canada I have no clue who he was. I may recognize his name (didn't his face) but it was very irritating that the show wasn't edited to make sure that his name was included. I like Vikram and have tried to give him the benefit of the doubt as to whether he fits in on the den, but he really doesn't. I think part of the problem is he doesn't appear to have to capital that the others do. Even when he wants to make an offer like he did with the drywall tool, he was outbid. Which brings me to a pet peeve of this season. I don't remember this happening much before (and think it is happening in Shark Tank as well) but I really don't think the dragons should be able to offer over ask. I creates an unlevel playing field where the more wealthy can bulldoze the rest of the field, or two can gang up and offer more. It happened last week with Arlene and David giving more than ask to the family with the basalmic vinegar business. Vikram did make a bid (or was about to - can't remember) but they went with the bid over ask. I think the dragons should have to win based on their own merits, not by flashing more money than the ask.
  22. That whole storyline was just ridiculous. Not in that Grace would not be stupid enough to give the teacher the note. What is unbelievable is that Alicia would write that note in the first place. One, she isn't that stupid. Two, she has no sense of humour. Three, Alicia has never shown herself to be overly involved with her kids, so for her to take the time to write out a fake note to make Grace feel better just does not ring true. Worst writing ever. And that is saying alot. So if Cary were to take the time served deal and testify against Bishop, wouldn't he still lose his law license? I just don't see any scenario where that is going to happen. If Kalinda had been smart (and I thought she generally was) she would have recorded her visit to Bishop. There is no reason for her to want the guy to testify unless it is to say the tape was edited to make Cary look guilty. So for the guy to suddenly show up to testlfy but say that opposite (and with Bishop in the courtroom) shows he was coerced into lying in court. Of course she didn't know that the guy would lie but it is pretty much a given that Bishop would get back at her somehow. Ugh.
  23. Ya learn something every day. While I have seen the logo on clothing over the years, I had no idea it meant something. On the other hand I have never heard of GoPro or the guy. I found him to be a tad annoying, and am so happy to see in the previews that Robert is back next week. He is by far my favourite shark. I think the Kitchen Safe guys picked a limiting name - since it obviously could be used for many items I think they should have given it a name like The Goodie Safe. I could in a way see it useful - as one poster said it might give you enough pause to decide not to have the snack inside. On the other hand I just have my hubby hide the stuff I don't want to eat since he likes to have some treats around, but I tend to crave them more than he does. When I first had him hide goodies from me, he picked the places he figured I would never look - like the oven (since he does all the cooking - lol).
  24. I hate to quote Kevin (and I only miss him when we see pitches like this) but there is nothing proprietary about a website business. I have a friend who is one of the top realtors in my city - she has an employee whose full time job is maintaining her website. I am on the board of local charity -we received a grant for $3000 to hire someone to create a new website for our charity, and we update it ourselves. I am shocked that any dragon would jump on the bandwagon (and at two million dollars - yikes) for a business that pretty much anyone could start up. It is mind boggling to me. Realtors are a dime a dozen. Many can hardly afford to pay the monthly rental of space at the agency, and put in long hours with nothing to show for their work. Obviously this guy has convinced a certain number to buy his services. But many would not be able to afford it, and realtors like my friend employ their own dedicated webperson. So I don't know why someone watching DD wouldn't just think 'Geez, I could do that' and like you said Amarsir, become his competitor.
  25. It is hard to say with Vikram. He lost the food deal (I thought it was to David and Arlene) because they offered more than the pitchers asked for. Hard to say if they had two offers at full ask rather than one over ask if they would have gone with Vikram. He does seem to stick with businesses he knows, but then he has a much narrower range. I wasn't surprised that he went out early on the disc jockey board pitch - he was out before the rest of the dragons offered from what I remember. I didn't understand the big deal about the website guy. I was shocked that he got a deal with basically no presentation. I have bought a few houses and never used a realtor website. I did my own reseach on MLS as to which houses I wanted to see, then contacted the realtor to show them. I have no idea why anyone would pay big bucks for a website - webmasters are a dime a dozen. What did I miss that was worth a 2 million dollar investment?
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