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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. I can't imagine a more unfit family to adopt puppies than the HiBrows. They aren't even capable of teaching their own children how to eat properly. The girls are always chewing with their mouths open, and often have so much food stuffed in their mouths that it looks ready to fall out. Yech. The discussion of Heather wanting pedigreed dogs over rescue dogs will be a moot point in a few months when, I predict, the pedigreed dogs will become rescue dogs. I really hope Robobaby has ended the discussion of Tamra wanting a child with Eddy. Lady, your eggs are dry and dusty. Move on. Wow, WTF did Lizzie do with $100,000? I hope it was a gift and not a loan because her father is never going to see a nickel return on that investment. I've never seen a swimsuit line yet that didn't look like every other swimsuit line. Including Lizzie's line.
  2. I am very disappointed that Amazing Race Canada has left Canada. And I can't say I found this episode all that interesting. The snake task was just gross, not to mention cruel. And the task at the Bruce Lee statue was just plain stupid. I have never been to Hong Kong, but have been to Chinatown in Vancouver many times where it is not the least bit difficult to find someone who can speak English. It seemed very obvious to me that the grocery list task would be much more difficult than the Kung Foo task. I have to say I am much more impressed with Cormac's mother than I am Cormac. She did the skydiving task, the surfing task and now the disgusting snake bile task. What has Cormy done of any difficulty other than the English tea task?
  3. But this is Genoa City, so none of these things will happen. I actually like Ben Whatever-His-Last-Name-Is. If they were going to make him a murderer, I would have preferred he murder his sister before she even set foot in GC.
  4. I thought Kelly DID tell Jack the secret. She just didn't tell the viewers because the idiotic writers want to drag this on for as long as possible. Or at least until they figure out WTH the secret is themselves. It is because Jack knows the details that he feels the need to tell everyone person he has ever met in order to protect them. At this point I don't care if Stitch is a mass murderer - I still like him more than 75% of the rest of the people in G.C.
  5. I think driving, while scenic, would not have been a smart or safe idea. It is still almost 300kms from VIctoria, and from what I remember when I drove to Tofino, driving the last hour or two the road was quite narrow in some spots and very windy. It isn't like you are driving a regular highway at 100 clicks an hour the whole way. Certainly not a road I would want to be travelling on with 10 cars that are in a race to get to Tofino!
  6. Ugh, another filler show. Big yawn. At this point I am finding Yappy Abby as annoying the The Bug. I have never liked this actor playing Abby - I miss the old Abby who managed to be likeable despite her pedigree of being the daughter of Delusional Victor and Stick Up the Butt Ashley. On the other hand, maybe the actor is just mimicking ED's portrayal of Ashley. I must say though I do like NuNuBilly. I usually have to warm up to a recast, but have liked this newby since his first scene. Mind you with so many poor actors on the show, it isn't a stretch to be a bit better than the average bear.
  7. Never having watched this show before for more than half of an episode (yes, I live under a rock) I was confused about the penalty. So the 6 hours is applied to the next episode? I assumed that it was added to their time for this task. ie. The six hours was added to the time that it took for them to reach the mat. Then they had to wait for the last team to show up to see if the penalty took their time past the last team's time. And that the only reason Rex and Bob were able to stay is because of the team that had to be eliminated due to injury. Can someone clarify? Thanks from the rock dweller.
  8. I definitely think Bob and Rex wanted out, or at least Bob did. He could easily have finished the netting on the chair and at least let the guy try it out. To tear it apart when it was almost finished was just stupid. Unless it was deliberately done to end up last. I feel sorry for the married couple. I didn't have an opinon of them in the first epi but I really liked the husband telling one of the lesbian partners (sorry but at this point I can't be bothered to learn all of their names) how to tell the fish apart. Very sportsmanlike of him, considering they started out in last place. My fav couple continues to be the hippies. I thought they might annoy me, but turns out I feel just the opposite. They are very entertaining, and I love how they approach each task.
  9. I am disappointed that they totally screwed up geocaching. You can geocache all over the world, including in cities. The coolest thing is that you may find trinkets(called trackables) that can be traced online. I was geocaching with a friend from Germany earlier this year and she took a trackable with her back to Germany - so the person who originally left it (where ever) can see that his/her trackable travelled to Germany. Who knows where it is now? I have never seen a cache buried - usually are hanging up in a tree. At least the ones in the woods. Haven't tried it in any cities as yet. I can totally relate to Kristen freaking out at rappelling. I am afraid of heights and went parasailing -scariest thing I have ever done. Mind you I did not cry- before, during or after. But then didn't Kristen also cry after that race with her hubby (or should I say without her hubby since he ditched her)? I love Luann so much. Her comment that Sonja had a whole tree up her butt was priceless. I also love her wardrobe. In fact at this point she is about the only HW I can stand.
  10. Watched an epi last night with a couple that were moving from Atlanta to England. I wish I had saved it to rewatch as I can't believe how dumb the wife was. Before they left she was looking at houses online and mentioned to a friend that she would be happy if the house had an indoor toliet (to paraphrase). Then she told the realtor when she and hubby were listing their must-haves, that she didn't want to have to start a fire every time she wanted to make dinner. Apparently she was under the impression that Brits cook over open fires. Her hubby seemed quite normal - I don't know how or why he ended up with such an ignoramus.
  11. So sorry for the confusion. I figured there had to be a clue in the real Ben Rayburn's obit, otherwise there was no reason for it to be shown. But then, I am likely giving the writers way too much credit. In any case Chelsea, who went all the way to Australia to figure out Stitch's secret didn't pay any attention to the obit either - one would think a con would be much more observant. The dress that Abby was wearing today has to be one of the ugliest I have ever seen on Y&R - and that is saying a lot. Apparently in GC, unless you are married in a church you aren't really married. Isn't that what everyone kept saying today? Summer wants a real wedding? Apparently the insta-couple will be legit if they are married in front of God. Dummer (living up to her nickname) doesn't know the difference between a civil ceremony (where she really IS married)and a church wedding. Not surprising though.
  12. I have never watched an entire season of Amazing Race (any version) but thought I would give this season a shot. So glad some have commented on how much was crammed into one hour. I wasn't sure if this was normal, but would defintely have preferred a less frenetic hour. Two hours would have been much more enjoyable. That said, the only couple that annoyed me was the mother and son, and mostly the mother. I wasn't sure if the hippy guys would be too laid back, but loved the one nailing the Empress Tea challenge. Looking forward to the season, and so glad there is a thread here on the show!
  13. No kidding!! How does re-editing when the ho-wives continually talk about the various summer holidays and take vacations around them make the show seem less dated? How can it not be MORE dated when they continually call attention to the time frame in which they are filming. Sheesh.
  14. Can we expect Bravo to air the coming season (if there is one) of episodes almost a year after they have been shot? I am three weeks behind (just saw the Labour Day epi) and it is so annoying to watch a show with content so old that should be a rerun, not a first run. I think I read that Bravo delayed this year due to the breakup of the relationships of Luann and Ramona. But doesn't that make the gap in time even more noticeable? I really hope they drop Kristen and Aviva. They bring nothing to the show, and their respective forms of crazy are not entertaining. Bravo should combine their salaries and pay Luann to come back as a full fledged wife again. She is much more entertaining than either Kristen or Aviva, is funny and has great style. And now that she is no longer married to the count I actually find her to be my favourite by a longshot.
  15. Both scenarios are quite possible with these writers. When they kept showing the real Ben Rayburn's obit, the last line was that donations could be made to Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. Now that could either be a clue, or the writers are clueless themselves and just put it in but has no connection to Stitch. If Stitch did kill the real BR while driving drunk, I would assume he was a friend and Stitch took his name as a tribute ( a la Don Draper). But since I think the writers make all of these secrets up as they go along, quite likely they don't know Stitch's secret either.
  16. Holy crap, today's episode was boring. I must have ff'd past at least two thirds of it. So is Stitch's big secret (the one that caused his ex wife to take his son half way around the world because he is such a horrible person) that he was the drunk driver that killed the real Ben Rayburn? The horrible secret that Kelly told to end his marriage? The thing that caused he and Kelly to never reveal that they are siblings? Because in Genoa City, that deed, though a tragic thing, would not even register on the top 100 list of horrible things the citizens of GC have done.
  17. What Robyn said was "I have to almost break my own ice", meaning she will bring up why they are a huge family as someone else seeing them may be hesitant to ask. (THat was the jist of what I remember but she definitely said 'ice"). Because Robyn talks like she has marbles in her mouth it is understandable that even CC would get it wrong. Mind you I find CC is often wrong even on words that are clear as a bell. Most annoying part of the show (who am I kidding -it was all annoying) was KoDouche telling the kids that when they disrespect each other, they disrespect him. Because it is ALWAYS about Kody - 24/7/365. At another point in the show he tells one of the kids that he has earned their respect. How, I have no idea. I did love, I think Hunter (?) telling Kody that HE was the one being rude to everyone. Hunter may be my new hero. The whole thing with Garrison was just ridiculous. I can see that he might have to apologize to the dancing kid (though why does the dancing kid not have to apologize for holding everyone up) but why would he have to apologize to Christine?? Because she is the kid's mother? Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. But then they did spend almost 20 minutes wasting air time before they even left on the trip, so I guess wasting time on this should not be a surprise. Also loved the meeting about the fakebusiness. Kody says no money has come in (I would assume the 'investors' have done their due dillegence and bailed), but then says they have to table the discussion as they have a vacation to go on. Because businesses just run themselves, and investors love to give their money to those who hate to work.
  18. I know the writers want to keep Stitch's secret, but it is really unbelievable that Vicki would accept Stitch's reasons for keeping from her that he and Kelly are brother and sister. Because the timing was bad? Really? Stitch's ex wife took her kid and moved half way around the world because Ben and Kelly are siblings? I. Don't. Think. So. Now they are going to play out the same crap as they did with Billy and Victoria for years where he continually keeps things from her. Boring. I am not sure if I would have accepted NuNuBilly so easily if he had followed right after BM, but after the disaster than was David Tom, NuNuBilly has been quite believable in the part. The whole storyline of Nick agreeing to Mariah moving in with his little family is also ridiculous. Especially when he just told her not to get close to Faith. Total B.S. Would have made much more sense if he had told her she could move into the tacky house temporarily (with Victor's blessing of course).
  19. I felt that way when FakeCassie first came on the show, and even when she was revealed to be Mariah. I think it is because I like Camryn Grimes as an actor, and the show has so little talent these days that her scenes stand out for me. She has kind of taken the place of 'Adam' for me - a deeply flawed person that I am rooting for due to the person playing the character. Can you tell that I miss BM and MM?  I think for me it is because 'Christine' has always been written as perfect. Is there any other character on the show that has not had at least one storyline that shows at least one flaw in their character? Now this isn't LLBs fault of course- it is her family's, and I assume after they gave up control of the show must have had it written into the contract. Couple that with the fact that she cannot act, but has been given prominent storylines for years, and the dislike is understandable. At least to me.
  20. They have succeeded in making Summer as annoying has her mother. I didn't think that was possible. I loved the scene with Jack and Traci when they agreed that Phyllis would want Jack moping around over her, and not going on with his life. Truer words were never spoken.
  21. Doug Davidson did a great job today -such a talented actor who often gets overlooked, so it is good to see him have a significant storyline again. I didn't get yesterday that his ranting was about Ricky.but glad to see Nicki tell him about Dylan, if only to piss The Bug off. I am really starting to like the Mariah character. I hope she becomes a part of the Newman family in some form if only to make Abby's head spin. Cute scenes today with her and Faith.
  22. So the fake investor (the large woman with the dark hair at the pitch) is actually a talk show host? Never heard of her, but how bizarre of TLC to pass her off as a real investor. And how bizarre of this woman to go on the show posing as an investor. Mind you I guess she could invest her own money, but the whole stint was certainly passed off as legit, serious, investors. Minds you legit, serious investors would have laughed at the Browns' pitch and walked out.
  23. What is UO? If Abby's dress is by a pricy designer that would explain why think it was ugly. Most clothes by pricey designers I think are ugly - lol. Yep, Paul will now have to risk rejection from his liver transplant for the rest of his life. And I would assume would want to return his job, which should give him enough stress in his life, without Cricket popping out Mini Bug. The writers really should not write Christine as a jealous hag- LLB does not have the acting chops to pull it off.
  24. So does anyone else think that the writers are going to go with Paul getting some of Dylan's memories from the war through the liver transplant? Of course Cricket thought his mumblings about the child were all about her. And really, her jealousy over Nikki having a son with Paul are out of character for Christine. I could see her being jealous and possessive of DitzyDanny,but she and Paul have never had that kind of relationship. But then the writers aren't known for being consistent. Here is yet another thing that VIctor knew nothing about with regards to Mariah - that she has known Ian her whole life. First Tyler, now this. VIctor needs to fire his PIs. And the dress Abby was wearing today -butt ugly! Though I must say the one Hillary was wearing for her Weiner Nuptials was stunning.
  25. Robyn is well named because she definitely has a bird brain (sorry to any birds I may have insulted by comparing them to Robyn.) Yep, her solution to being tired from raising four kids and having a job (have we ever seen her actually working at said job) is to ditch the job and add another kid to her brood. Because that won't take up any time over the next 18 or so years. Sheesh.
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