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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. I was being facetious, but what Maddie actually said was "If we had more money coming in from my SWC it would mean money coming back to us and therefore paying for college". Now in a normal family that would mean if the business becomes more successful the family would have more money. But Maddie has been raised by grifters, so it could very well mean to her that the investor money will flow through SWC to her college fund. It certainly means to Robyn that she can take it easy. One would think that the investors (though they have already shown themselves to be not that bright by being investors in the first place) would make sure the money is being invested properly, and not being funneled down the line into the Browns' personal coffers.
  2. Only the Browns could pack that much crap into 22 minutes. Strange that Meri's kindergarten friend contacts her after 37 years - guess she just wanted to be on TV. The friend mentioned that Meri belonging to a polyg doesn't stop them from being friends (to paraphrase). But lady, you haven't seen each other in 37 years - hardly friends. I laughed at Meri saying the house in Utah has 3 apartments, and Kody doesn't like that it looks like a polyg house. In most places it would just be considered a triplex - lol. I call B.S. on the investors giving the Browns 1/4 - 1/2 million for 5 percent of their business (which, based on their best year of $181,000 is barely worth $9,000.) Their whole business isn't worth 1/4 - 1/2 million, so the investors have no way of getting their money back if (when) they crash and burn. Just. Don't. Believe. This. Storyline. Didn't someone print a tweet on a previous epi where Kody says they don't get the money? I would think the investors would still need to do 'due dilegence' - they would not just go on Janelle's pie charts and pie-in-the-sky numbers. So maybe in the end they don't get the money. If the investors did invest, I hope they just watched this epi where Maddie says they need the money for college, and Robyn is so burnt out from the 500 orders in two years that she wants to take it easy. Really - you just can't make this stuff up. Or fix stupid.
  3. Wow, Corben Bernsen is looking really old. He is 59 and looks at least a decade older with that white beard. I was thinking that if Jeannie Cooper was still alive he would look way too old to be her son - mind you that is likely part due to her two facelifts. So now are Avery and Dylan going to have problems because she is going to defend (how is that even possible?) the guy who almost killed Dylan's father? And when she does defend Austin, she will be defending the guy that is the cause of Dylan putting his life at risk to donate to Paul. Sheesh. So disappointed that Nick pulled Mariah off of Abby. I have been waiting for someone to knock some sense into that bitch.
  4. What I didn't understand about the whole Heather and Terry phone call thing was why they kept going on and on about it being 10:30. So does that mean that if it was 10:00, it wouldn't have matter than they had a sick kid at home? Which is why I didn't believe the whole skit. I did love Heather saying to Tamra that she would never hurt her on purpose, or lie to her. She did both at her Hoedown when she told the mechanical bull operator to turn up the speed, causing Tamra to get thrown off, and then lie that it was the operator's idea to turn up the speed. You'd think an actress would be smarter about knowing when there are cameras on her. I did love the blank look on the guys faces when Terry was talking about Quiet Riot. Heck, I am 56 and I only know the name but not their music what-so-ever as I was never into heavy metal. So if Eddy is 41, and from what I can see their hey day was 1983ish, Eddy would have only been 10. So not at all unusual that he would not have known the band. Every time I see Lizzie, I am amazed that she is supposedly a valedictorian. She just doesn't seem that bright to me. The only way I can see her being first in her class is if she was homeschooled and she was the brightest of her siblings.
  5. THIS! I wanted to reach through my TV and strangle her! Geez Robyn, why do you think? Meri has one kid who is now gone, can't have any more kids, has at best a 1/4 of a 'husband', and three sister wives who think she should spend the rest of her life living through them. Run Meri, run.
  6. That isn't my take at all. When they met with the two investor friends last week, the guy told them that they would have to give up a percentage of their business in order to get an investor. That is what an investor does - invests in a business. By investing they in turn both get a percentage of the business which is ongoing,(unless otherwise specified) and their investment paid back. If they wanted 2.5 million for 20%, then the Browns are saying their business is worth 12.5 million, if they are giving up 20% for 2.5 million. The ask at 2.5 million was ridiculous, but even more so if they would expect someone to give them 2.5 million based on 'securing' that money with a paltry 20% of their profits, which at most would be less than $37,000. That is assuming their $181,000 number for last year was net and not before expenses.
  7. Why oh why did the Browns not go on the REAL Shark Tank? That would have been priceless!! I am disappointed that the group they presented to let them off so easy. Or are they just as dumb as the Browns? I can only assume that since two knew the Browns, they didn't want to embarass them too much. But the investors made themselves look bad by letting them off so easily. Why did the investors not ask how the Browns have valued their two bit business at 12.5 MILLION DOLLARS??? That is the first thing a shark would have asked. The Browns asked for 2.5 million dollars in exchange for 20% of their business!!!! How does $181,000 in sales translate into a 12.5 million dollar valuation?? And how the heck does Janelle think their business which brought in $181,000 in 2013 will all of a sudden do 3.3 MILLION dollars in two years?????? ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!! AND repay their 2.5 million dollar investment by 2017????? I thought Janelle had some business sense, but IMO she was the most disappointing as her presentation made no sense and was delusional. The icing on the cake of course was Christine telling the investors that they didn't want to ask for more than 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS because they didn't want to be greedy. These morons have no idea how much 2.5 mill is, or how hard you have to work to attain it. But then if your MO is filing for bankrupcy rather than paying your bills, why would they have a clue about money in the real world?
  8. The walnut crunch donut is an oblong chocolate donut loaded with walnut pieces - yum. Though not all outlets still make them - depends on the demand. Pear, your reference to chips and gravy (love!) reminds me of my first trip to the states as a teenager (New York state). I ordered chips and gravy, and was served potato chips covered in gravy. LOL. And yuck!
  9. I was so excited to have a Canadian thread for Y&R, and now the writing is so bad (OK, who am I kidding about 'now') it is hard to care enough to post. But here goes. Ian shooting blanks is hardly a surprise. Many of us on TWOP (and maybe those here - can't remember) called that as Ian's secret months ago. I have to say thought that "Ian" is the only good thing about the show at the moment. I just can't take my eyes off Ray Wise when he is on the screen - like I used to feel about Billy M and Michael M. He is perfection. Pear you are far to kind in comparing Billy and Chelsea to NIck and Nora - though I get where you are coming from with the get-ups. I'm thinking closer to Get Smart and Agent 99. But then if Billy had a shoe phone he would have had no reason to go into the kitchen. Are we really to believe that a woman so paranoid as to move her kid half way around the world to escape her ex would welcome two complete strangers into her home to answer personal questions? Also not believable that Chelsea would leave her kid with her ding bat of a mother to go to Australia. Wow, I am so wrapped up in the insta relationship that is Summer and Austin. They have such chemistry and I totally buy that they are star crossed lovers. Not. Now for things Canadian: Only watch hockey now (and have for years) when the playoffs are on, and sometimes only then when it is the final. Too much fighting and not enough hockey in the regular season. Can take or leave maple syrup. But love maple walnut ice cream. Only like Timmy's for walnut crunch donuts and cinammon french toast bagels. Oh, and their hot chocolate. This isn't a slam against Timmy's coffee though as I don't drink coffee.
  10. I agree regarding the teens - which is why I said small children. Though I can't say I cared for the Curtin Kids. But I haven't minded any of the NYC ones - again teen aged. I have no interest in, say, Kristen freaking out because her kid wasn't walking at 17 months. Just. Don't. Care.
  11. I have realized that I much prefer Housewives who are not housewives, and do not have small children. Far too many kids on this show now. I really don't need to see Lizzie's kid hitting her, or now her sister and sister's kids added to the mix. Ugh. I miss childless Gretchen. At least Tamra's ex had the good sense not to allow her kids on the show. Thank you for that, Simon. Other than her annoying children, I don't have an opinion on Lizzie one way or the other. Though I am not seeing valedictorian material here. When she was touring Shannon's house, she commented that the staircase went all the way up. Isn't that the point of a staircase? I loved how Tamra clarified that Ryan was buying HGH in the parking lot of the gym. Much better. And how Tamra is so clueless that she doesn't see that there is no difference between Ryan taking drugs due to body issues, and Ryan's mother taking drugs due to aging issues. Apples, trees, and all that stuff.
  12. Pearlite, you have hit the nail on the head with regards to my feelings for Y&R. I realize now that I have fallen out of love with the show. I feel like I have in previous relationships that have come to an end - I know my feelings have changed, but hold on to the hope that when I see the object of my former love, I will have that feeling again. Instead I just feel empty, sad, and a little resentful that things have changed. Eventually the relationship ends altogether because it is just too painful. Not sure how much longer my relationship with Y&R will last, but it is rapidly surpassing even the 'we can still be friends' stage.
  13. I have to say one of the things I enjoy most on this show is the attention to detail, especially the sets. I just watched the episode about the guy who steals Jake's identity. The scene where Jake and the prison guy come to the office and find Des there ironing his sweaters was hilarious. And the board where they post pics and notes on the current case, with a post it saying "fake Jake?" and a happy face with x's for eyes and tongue hanging out - obviously portraying a dead 'happy' face - cracked me up.
  14. Unfortunately from what I have seen, they are raising their kids to be social assholes as well. Heather and Terry have no problem discussing their petty problems with others in front of the kids.
  15. Loved at the Hoedown Throwdown when Heather told Terry that she had every type of onion ring dipping sauce "imanageble". I so love it when Heather invents words.
  16. Wow, I have never been a Heather fan, but this epi just sealed the deal for me that this is one 'mean girl'. So many things, I don't know where to start. First of all, I am appauled that this woman has daughters. The extended scene in the kitchen where she goes on and on to Terry - in front of her daughters - about what happened at the restaurant was just disturbing. Way to raise the next generation of mean girls, Heather. I am not saying that Heather wasn't right about being annoyed at what happened, but to discuss it ad nausuem in front of your daughters is not responsible mothering to me. I was trying to remember the reason for the Dubrows last big party at their last big house. I was thinking it was a housewarming, but then remembered cakegate and that the party was to celebrate Heather changing her name to Dubrow. Seriously, these are two of the most self absorbed people I have ever seen. And loved the jar where the peons could write their best wishes for the continued good fortune and obnoxiousness of the Hibrows - I mean Dubrows. The only thing funnier was the model of the house that only Terry and the kids seemed to care about viewing, Hilarious. Why was Heather so upset about about Shannon being late, but didn't say a word to Vicki? Of course, it is because Vicki would tell her to pound sand, so she would not get away with bullying Vicki. So does Tamra find out (before the show airs) that Heather was the person who told the guy operating the bull to turn up the speed? And had the nerve to say he should be fired, when he was following her orders. Heather Dubrow is her own special brand of evil.
  17. Thanks for clarifying TH - I've don't remember that term on TWOP which is the only other site where I have posted on RHONY. I wonder what Kristen will obsess over now that Kingsley is walking? I hope the poor kid meets all her other milestones or Kristen will be obsessing over them as well. Maybe Cash will fail swimming. Oh, the horrors. (Though one would wonder why she saddled her kids, espeically Kingsley, with such a horrible names). And I agree with the above poster about the stupidity of harping on Josh for not attending swimming lessons or asking about them constantly. It is like Kristen is looking to her kids for validation of her importance. Funny, as the only special needs person I see in that family is Kristen, who seems especially needy.
  18. I am not familiar with that show and I don't think I have seen the actor before. Though Des can be a bit manic, I do like his character. It is a little hard commenting on the show when I am not even close to being up to date on the characters. I mostly don't want to know what is happening with the Jake/Leslie relationship. Though I am finding Leslie at this point in time (half way through season 3) a bit annoying. After Jake uses her pass to get info and she is let go at the end of season two, she not only won't date him (understandably) but treats him like dirt. He isn't doing anything different than he has done all along when she was in love with him but with someone else. I find the writing in this case a little too unbelievable.
  19. What is a TH? Was the scene with the "TH" in this episode? The 'pooch" comment I saw was in the preview for the next epi. (I get the shows about two weeks after they are aired in the states.) I am in no way a Josh fan, but my beef with Kirsten is that business owners for the most part do not have 9-5 jobs. My hubby for example can get calls from 7am to 10pm, seven days a week. And emails that must be answered right away. That is just how it is, especially in this day and age. He may think he is having a fairly normal day and it turns out to be crazy busy. Lots of unexpected things could happen in the course of a day to make it super busy. Kristen should be married to a 9-5 guy, but something makes me think she would not like the salary that may go with such a job. I laughed at Carole's double date when Luann said Carole couldn't be any worse at dating, so things could only get better. Love Luann! I did notice that Carole's date's teeth were a bit on the yellow side. They are perfectly normal for a 52 year old, but you would think someone in his business (an actor) would have them whitened. Mario was so funny in his scene with Ramona. You could tell when she was talking to him that he had totally tuned her out - no doubt thinking about the mistress and how long he would have to put in an appearance before leaving to meet her again.
  20. Josh may be a tool, but I would take him over Kristen any day. What a self absorbed twit. And I am no fan of Ramona's but I would take Ramona over Kristen too. Ramona has apologized how many times now? Yes, what she did was terrible. However I don't understand people like Kristen who, when told not to do something, continue to do it and expect no reaction. Whether Ramona didn't want to be splashed because of her hair, or any other reason, means don't splash her. Why does Kristen get to decide that Ramona's request isn't important and ignore it? And don't even get me started on the scene with Josh and the 'therapist'. And not walking at that age, as others have said, is not abnormal. Sheesh. My great nephew did the same thing at the same age - scooted. My niece and nephew in law - both professionals - didn't freak out. They let him develop at his own pace and he walked just fine at 18 months. As others have said, I know many kids who didn't walk until then. Not a big freaking deal unless you want to make it one. As far as Josh showing up and then being on the phone, I really don't think it is a big deal. Something tells me that if Josh was the kind of guy who could just leave his workday and responsibilities to spend a few hours watching his kid crawl, he wouldn't be making enough money to start with to keep Kristen happy. And I don't see her dragging her kids with her to interviews for modelling jobs. I don't think she liked Josh bringing up that he is up with the kids in the early morning most days - takes away from what she is trying to portray herself as - the only parent who is there for her kids. She certainly has no problem leaving the kids for weekends - pretty sure hubby is there so she can do that. Not that she shouldn't, but I really have no patience with women who are with men because they are successful and have no problem reaping the benefits of their success, (in fact she has bragged at how good he is at his job) and then whine that he isn't there in the middle of his work day. Pretty sure when they end up divorced she isn't going to be happy with her life then either.
  21. Thanks Crazed Spruce. I don't subscribe to Nexflix and at the moment am enjoying an episode per day, but if the CBC stops showing the reruns I will check it out!
  22. I just discovered this show while channel surfing, looking for something to distract me while on the treadmill. There are daily reruns on CBC, so I have seen about half of season 2 and half of season 3 so far. I am glad at least that I have a few seasons to catch up on, though I have to say I don't really want to know what is happening with the characters past what I have seen. I loved an old interview I just watched with Allan where he says he writes the show so that someone can drop in, having never watched before, and be caught up in one episode on who everyone is. That is exactly why I fell in love with the show the first time I saw it. I love all the characters - such a talented group of actors, and so well written. Next to Jake, I would say Des is my favourite character. The actor playing him is brilliant, and I almost wonder if he ad libs some of his lines. In any case I am looking forward to what happens with the Doyles and various hangers on in the next few seasons - the rest of 3, 4 and 5. Plus I'll have to find 1 and the first half of 2 that I missed. Can't wait!
  23. Just posted on the Canadian thread - love it! I haven't heard of the Sho Ko Show, but now will have to check it out. I also watched Allan Hawt-co's interview with George on YouTube, and a few others than he has done. Yummy!
  24. Especially when a mixup by the pharmacy at the hospital was responsible for Chelsea finding out that Victoria is pregnant. I was also wondering why Victoria's original prescription was for such a short time period. Don't pregnant women take the vitamins for most if not all of their pregnancy? Her first prescription couldn't have been for more than a month. Loved the lady coming out of Ian's hotel room after a meeting regarding The Path. Yep, just who I would take advice from - someone working out of a hotel room, and whose face looks like a bruised prune. Her mentor obviously took a wrong path recently. I loved when Summer was kissing Austin and he wanted to stop, her first reaction was "Wasn't I doing it right?". Geesh Summer, you aren't 13. You have kissed before. In fact I think the same thing happened when you wanted to jump your brother - before he was you brother, of course. I love Billy wanting to find out what deep dark secret caused Stitch's wife to move away and take his son. I have forgotten - what was Victoria's deep dark secret that caused JT to move away and take Reed?
  25. I click on this thread in error, and I'm so glad I did! Another TWOP refugee (escapee?), and a Canadian. Born and raised in Eastern Ontario, moved to B.C. as a young adult and have lived here ever since. Sixteen years in Vancouver and area, and 18 years in the Okanagan Valley. I see there are also fellow cat lovers on here - we have three now, down from a high of six. So many interesting topics in this thread! Love buttertarts - my mom used to add walnuts rather than raisins - yum. I don't make them myself though - too tempting to eat them all. I just recently discovered The Republic of Doyle - love it!! In fact I checked the thread on PTV and was sad to see it was empty. I have seen some of the second season and am now PVRing the third. Maybe I will post on that thread later and see if any ROD fans join me. : ) I love the idea of a Canadian thread where those of us who see the show a day early can post. I hate having to wait until the next day to snark, and most of my snarks aren't really spoilers. Often by the time it has aired in the U.S. I can't be bothered to post, or have forgotten what gems of wisdom I was going to contribute. So glad I am not alone feeling that often the mods on TWOP were a bit over the top. Way too many rules that were inconsistently applied. Thank goodness for PTV! Edited to add: I loved seeing "Hillary" from Y&R as a guest on a few episodes of Republic of Doyle as a love interest for Des!
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