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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. In the articles you read did it say that it wasn't Ann's DNA on his underwear? On the show of course they never said she was tested and I assumed they just took her word for it that it wasn't hers. Could it have been? In the show they just said that unidentified DNA was found inside his underwear which made me think there was some kind of fluid to draw attention to it. Would they have swabbed his underwear just randomly if there was nothing to indicate a reason to? ie. would they even know there were skin cells there to test? Wow to Ann going over to Bryan's place without permission and hanging out at his house. Their whole relationship (such as it was) only lasted a total of two months and that included when she was still llving with Tom. Yep, pretty obsessive in a short period of time. At least with Tom they were together for 4 1/2 years so while some of his behaviour was pathetic it seems if anything Ann was more obsessive over the vet. I really liked Tom's lawyer and think Tom should thank his lucky stars that he had him. With regards to the dog and handler the first time Tom was charged the handler said he had lost the papers certifying himself and the dog at the time he was working on the case. The lawyer brought up that it was now and year and a half later and the handler admitted he still didn't have certification papers. I also like at the end when Keith asked Tom who he thought did it and Tom said he would not point fingers at someone else as he knows what it is like to be wrongly accused. Something an innocent man would say IMO.
  2. Wow, thanks for all the info glowlights! I think I will do the same as you did when I get a chance and do some online research. But you are very correct that the suicide scenario made no sense from the get go as even the show brought up the facts of the blood outside the house. And who kills themself by first shooting themself in the arm - twice!! Very interesting info about Ann and her phone call to Brian on Friday night! Also about Tom's later life. What did stand out to me during the whole two hours is that Ann not once said in the 4 1/2 years that they were together than he was violent. Other than he said years earlier he would kill anyone she might cheat on him with. (And I don't necessarily believe her). Even when he heard the phone message from the vet and knew she had cheated on him he wasn't violent. Not that he should be but if he was never violent in 4 1/2 years with her why would he kill the guy she moved on with? Usually when this happens the guy has been physically violent in the past. The bloodhound evidence was thrown out supposedly because neither the bloodhound or the trainer were certified. Do you think there are other reasons glowlights?To me if someone was going to kill another person why go to the bother (as was said in the show) of stealing that person's gun before hand? Makes no sense. And why would Tom even know the vet had a gun? Ann on the other hand would. Also the gun was cleaned with solvent afterwards. Hmmm, wasn't Ann the person who cleaned Brian's trailor so would know where those things were kept?
  3. Woops, good thing I still had this epi on my PVR as I went back and rewatched it. I remember falling asleep at times during the first time I watched since it dragged on for two hours. So I was very pleasantly reminded that the ex boyfriend wasn't convicted of the murder of the veterinarian. Thank goodness as watching it the second time I am even more convinced that he had nothing to do with it. I also misremembered about the girlfriend - she did go on to get married and have three kids. However I liked her even less the second time around. She said that after the first time her ex was charged and the case was thrown out she went to visit her sister in another state and never returned to her hometown to live. She said the reason was because her ex lived there. But her ex moved out of state about the same time, and being from a small town people would certainly know that he no longer lived there. So she had no reason not to return if she wanted to. Gulit maybe? I also thought it was convenient that she supposedly talked to the vet around 10:15 on Friday night when he suddenly said he had to go, as if he had been interrupted. And of course that would fit it to the prosecution's contention that he was killed then. But the body wasn't found until Sunday. There was no mention that she maybe tried to call him on Saturday, or found it odd that she didn't hear from him. And if she tried to call him one would think he would have an answering machine that would show incoming calls. But no mention of calls from Ann. Hmmmm. Finally I was astounded that she was crying that she wished her ex had been convicted so she would stop feeling guilty. Wouldn't the fact that there was no evidence to convict him make her feel better? Unless of couse she actually was the killer. Larry does seem most likely the murderer though, and Saturday the most likely day the vet was murdered. Sickening that the police officer got stuck on Tom and wanted him convicted no matter what.
  4. I am trying to remember the specifics about the ex boyfriend (I don't think they were married). She was seeing the vet while she was still living with the boyfriend from what I remember. The only thing I remember was that he went to the vet's house in the middle of the night claiming to have car trouble but really to check and see if the ex girlfriend was there? And he went into her home and read her diaries? From what I remember they were high school sweethearts and given that she was only 20 I assume he was the same, so likely first loves? Not that that excuses anything but I did some things when I was losing my first love that I look back and shake my head at. If I recall he went on to have a normal life (wife, kids, stable job) while the ex girlfriend seems to have stayed single and living in the past. Not that that means he didn't do it but I didn't see anything that would make me think he would have killed the vet - I don't know how he got convicted unless there was evidence given at the trial that we don't know about (which certainly happens as Dateline isn't all that good at details).
  5. I thought it was hilarious that Manjit glared at Michelle for running to the pit to amend her offer, and then she did the same thing with regards to another pitch later. I agree with the poster upthread though that Arlene would never have done that, and I hope it isn't a trend. I wondered too why the butt cream guy called his wife when Jim was giving him what he asked for, but Mr User thought that he might we wondering if he should change the packaging etc. That said I would be surprised if the deal goes through with three dragons involved.
  6. I find it odd that LVP is so shocked that Eileen has been married three times. And I think Eileen said the first only lasted six months? Heck I have friends who have been married three times and I don't live in BH. I also don't think length of marriage is any indication that it is a good marriage. LVP's seems to be but just in my own circle of friends I have six who have been married anywhere from 30 to 39 years - all first and only marriages for them and their hubbies. Only half are what I would consider good marriages, the other three are together in pretty much name only. There is no love left and basically are together because it is cheaper than divorce. Sad, but true. Hubby and I are relative newcomers - married 12 years but have been together 19. I don't think of it as something to be proud of - rather lucky that we found each other. As I say to a girlfriend who has been married three times, the guy she is married to now is the one she should have married first. She just didn't know him then.
  7. I was surprised that the ex boyfriend was convicted of killing the veterinarian when it was years later and there was no new evidence. I really wondered if the girlfriend herself was the killer. The veterinarian really didn't seem as enamoured with her as she was with him. He was from what I remember a dozen years older than her and they hardly seemed to have much in common. On top of that he was seeing other women. I found it interesting that they found in his autopsy that he had recently had intercourse, given that he had just returned from a conference. Maybe she found out and flipped out? I thought even years after the murder that the girlfriend was odd.
  8. I thought today's show was very well done. I can't remember the last time I typed those words with regards to Y&R. Maybe because I said goodbye to both of my parents around this time of year (11 years apart but anniversary wise mid Dec and early Feb) so this time of year is always a bit hard for me. I loved MultiNuBilly going from person to person, and thought the actor did an amazing job connecting with characters that he has never shared scenes with before. I don't watch other soaps so have no idea who he is but at the moment am quite impressed. It took me ages to accept the last Billy (and I still miss BM) but I am optomistic that this guy will step into the role just fine. And I always prefer dark and handsome so bonus points for me. He doesn't look like 'Billy' but no one expect Billy Miller will really look like Billy to me.
  9. THIS x 10. Is hubby paying Bravo for Erika Jayne to get so much screen time? Because I see no reason why otherwise. We see a bit of Eileen at Y&R, LisaR on QVC and LVP at her restaurant. I have already seen (no pun intented) more of EJ in a couple of epis that all of those segements combined. Someone mentioned upthread that Eileen is close to 60. She is 56. I had to google as I thought she was a couple of years younger than I am at 58, and I hate to admit it but I find it hard to consider myself close to 60 - ha. So was the beautiful flower arrangement in the ugly vase that Ken carried in to Betthany's house pilfered from the rental house? There was the exact same arrangement/vase both on the kitchen table and in a hallway of the rental. Or was it just a prop to give something for Ken to do and was returned to the rental after Betthany's gathering? Why do I notice these things and wonder? I have no idea.
  10. I am totally bored with both Erika and Erika Jane. Yawn. And no, I don't think that most women wish they could be her. I certainly don't. I am happy with the person I am and have no need to create an alternate ego. I was surprised that Eileen was so taken with her. And especially her comment that Erika is so lucky that she gets to be a completely different person on the weekends. Eileen spends every week being paid to be another person. Mind you Ashley Abbott likely isn't all that different from Eileen, but when it comes down to it I doubt if Erika and Erika Jane are much different from each other either. I really dislike LVP. And I think she totally enjoyed making Eileen uncomfortable. When Eileen told LVP that she did not like being asked all those questions LVP said something to the effect that it was only the two of them there. Yep, and cameras rolling. I do think Eileen would have shut her down had she known LVP was not going to shut up. I also do not for a minute buy LVP's claim (which she brings up often but I don't think - thankfully - in this epi) that she and hubby have such a great sex life. People who do rarely brag about it - it is those who do not that feel the need to convince others that they do. In any case I find her distasteful and think she is quite aware of what she is doing. Always.
  11. About the only people I find interesting at the moment are Dr Neville and Ashley. I love MEK and ED together - two very talented actors who have great chemistry (no pun intended). Why in the world is Billy Abbott's name on his hospital room door? Even in the wierd world of Genoa City I don't think I have seen a patient's name apparently permanently afixed to the door of the general hospital. And pretty much every main character on the show has been a patient at that hospital at some point or other. Did the Abbotts buy him a room? Victor has a wing named after him, an Abbott can only afford a room? Bizzare.
  12. No kidding! I agree that the crappy bra woman was 'uncoachable' but when Manjit started saying the same thing about the fitness guy just because he didn't agree with her opinion (and neither did Joe) I just shook my head. Manjit came across as as 'uncoachable' - and almost as unlikeable - as the crappy bra lady in that epi. I would also like to know why the deal with the Holy Crap people and Jim fell through for the second time. Manjit certainly seems to have taken over the business. Good I guess if that is what the couple wanted but don't know if I would have gone that route, especially since they still seem to be fairly involved.
  13. Buble's career didn't really take off until he met Foster. Buble was singing at the wedding of the daughter of a former Prime Minister in 2000 where David was a guest, which is where they met. He later produced an album of Buble's which launched his career. The same is true for Josh Groban. Odd that Foster has co written several of my favourite songs. I have been listening to Groban's xmas CD (it is one of my favs from 2007 and was produced by Foster) and David co wrote one of the songs I love best called Thankful.
  14. It has taken me this long to watch this epi as I have grown disinterested with this show and have several weeks worth on my PVR. Now I remember why - I was totally bored. And not having Robert just made it that much worse. I hated the guest shark. He had a perpetual frown on his face - was very annoying to watch. I don't know why either a producer or someone behind the camera didn't tell him to stop with the grim face. Ugh.
  15. I can't remember when I have found this show more boring than it is right now - and that is saying a lot. I know it has been on for decades but I have been watching for 21 years. There has never been a time that Victor has not been trying to destroy Jabot. Or vice versa. Boring. Boring. Boring. Get a new storyline, please. The only couple that is remotely interesting is Kevin and Mariah, and they aren't even a couple. The insta couples of Nick and Herb and Noah and Marissa have all the excitment of watching paint dry. And now after all this time Marissa sees her daughter and is fine with leaving her where she is? Not to mention it is not the least bit believable that Luca would have left the kid to be raised by someone else in the first place. I find maybe 10 minutes a day of interesting dialogue/storyline these days. This show is losing me fast and I see nothing in the future to make me want to stick around.
  16. All of my purses have pockets both outside and inside so a knitted purse that has pockets only inside I would never buy. As far as knitters go, yes of course there are people who sew/knit because they are crafty and love to create. My point was that in the case of those who are in their 80s and 90s many took it up because in 'those days' you would save money by knitting your own sweaters/scarfs/mitts/baby clothes. Also many were stay-at-home moms. With each decade below that age group many women worked outside the home and chose to spend their limited free time in other ways. In addition the cost of materials and time involved to create any knitted item is only worthwhile if it is something you enjoy in the first place. I only know one person (my sis in law who is in her mid 60s) who knits and sews - has since she was a young girl and is fabulous at it. None of her three daughters showed any interest in it though a couple are 'crafty' in other ways. But the bottom line is people do it now because they enjoy it, not because it is a money saver for the most part.
  17. I don't know why some of the Dragons were so upset that the cowboy guy had blown a million dollars on his stupid invention. They should be feeling sorry for his father in law who apparently gave him the money. And I get the feeling there was more for the asking so they guy wasn't the least bit fazed. I do agree though that Joe's shoe comment was funny, as well as his comment that he was going to use the paint gun to baste his steak. I do agree that Jim had it coming with the sweetie comment. He did look pretty sheepish afterwards. Though I found Michelle to be quite mouthy this epi. She went out on the poutine deal (and I think another one as well) but then kept yapping when the others were talking. If you are out, shut up.
  18. I really hated the Trunkster. I didn't understand the point of the roll top - for me my stuff would just fall out as I rolled the opening down. As far as the weight scale goes, I have a portable one that works just fine. As others have said sometimes you have to take batteries out of things that you are checking. The price was ridiculous and I hate the colour black to boot (also pink though so it is not a gender thing). And even when you are carrying luggage on it can still get tossed around - I wonder how well the scale and port would stand up to being banged around? I also thought the knitters in the residences were being exploited. Not to mention I find that while people in their 80s and 90s knit which each decade below that it is less and less popular. As I joked to my hubby, when the current knitters pass she may not have anyone to replace them. On top of that I like my purses to have several pockets and these looked way more basic than I would ever want in a purse.
  19. I will have to try to catch that (I think it is from a couple of years ago). I doubt that Foster had to 'insist' on beig the pianist. He and Andre have both collaborated and been friends for a long time. David is also a 16 time Grammy winner (47 times nominated) and accomplished pianist who has been in the 'business' for over 40 years. I would imagine PBS was thrilled to have him playing. I actually like watching pianists as much as vocalists, and in the case of Bocelli (whose voice I love) I find watching him for any length of time rather boring.
  20. I like both Yolanda and David so I am sorry to hear this news. David is responsible for co writing two of my favourite songs - The Colour of My Love (with ex wife Linda) and The Prayer. I have a soft spot for both of those songs (and they were included in my wedding). I wish them both luck, and hope Yo gets her health issues under control.
  21. I was really hoping that Patty would just keep telling Ian that she wasn't leaving - Ian needs a little crazy in his life. Mind you I don't for a minute think she is going anywhere - at least I hope not. I was thinking about Faith meeting her new - old brother. If Adam turns out to be the baby daddy then Sully (hate that name - call the kid Sullivan and skip the stupid nick name already) is really Faith's cousin. Poor kid, she loses Summer as a sister and then regains her, and now Sullivan could be any of several relations to her thanks to psycho doc and her own grandfather. And speaking of psycho doc, she kidnaps her own nephew and gives him to another couple. But then apparently Sullivan (or should I say Christian?) is really no relation to her at all. Oh nope, wrong again. Still a nephew. Sheesh. These Newman kids should grow up scared for life if they won't already be by having Victor for a grandfather. So are they writing Herb all unstable (dead baby aside) so that she can check into the psych hospital next? I just hope her continued unlikeableness (is that a word?) signals her exit. The sooner the better.
  22. I haven't seen today's show as yet but expected psycho doc to tell Sharon in yesterday's show that she isn't producing milk due to her meds. But that would make too much sense to explain to Sharon why she has no milk when she should. And as dumb as they continue to write Sharon, even a Kardasian would be smart enough to know the not so subtle signs of just having given birth, let alone milk coming in. And Sharon has had three (actually four) kids before. Ugh.
  23. I am happy that Bindi won - she totally deserved it. I have never been a Derrick fan but I do believe he did have a connection with Bindi different than any other partner he has had, and that she brought out the best in him. I am most excited that Len is coming back! For some reason I thought when he left it was for good, so what a great surprise. I assume than Julianne will leave? I would prefer that she stay and CA leave but I am sure that is just wishful thinking and not really a possibility.
  24. I tend to ff past Nikki/Victor scenes so that explains why I missed it. Of course they would never have Victor having an affair during one of the many times he and Nikki separated. If they are going to re write history (and I assume this is a rewrite) the Nikki/Victor love affair must stay intact. So nope, Nikki must be married to Jack for Victor to have an affair with a married woman.
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