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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. They showed Mark at the first of the show with his wife and young son. He and his wife were sitting at the edge of the pool and his son was in the pool with two dogs. He said his son was adopted, and he and his wife decided to adopt because he himself was adopted. They didn't show any other children so I assume he is their only child but that could be wrong.
  2. I was shocked when the husband in the first murder was arrested based on a 7 year old saying the 'robber' looked like daddy. I was wondering if he wished he had used a burner phone rather than his friend's wife's phone to contact the ex-employee-turned-murderer. Though I would imagine once the ex employee was arrested the connection and murder for hire plot would have been discovered anyway. Or at least if nothing else the ex employee would have spilled the beans. Regarding the second case, I am still amazed that the boyfriend not once in the 4 days or so his girlfriend was missing picked up the phone to try to locate her, thereby alerting others to that fact that she was missing. He just assumed that she was with family? And this is someone she had been friends with for many years. Wow. I am also amazed at these cases when a seemingly unplanned murder happens and the murderer is able to hide the body. One would think it would show up eventually but apparently has not as yet. Yikes.
  3. I remember seeing a couple of Dateline type shows about his case, but had no idea that it was a movie/series! Now I will have to watch it. But reading things that I had forgotten or did not know that have shown up in this show is just crazy - and in a good way. I also read that just last month the guy (whose name I cannot remember off hand) pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the death of his wife and was set free as he had already served longer than the sentence for manslaughter was for. He also did not admit guilt. I really hope though that in this series Larry is not the murderer.
  4. I hated this format - I hope they never do it again. The pitches are way too short and have too little info to make an informed decision. I think they picked the wrong business in at least two of the pitches. And how odd that the candy pitchers had samples for the dragons, but the food pitchers didn't. But Joe said he tasted the food of the pitcher they did not pick, and he liked it? I did like that when Diane B. asked the stupid question to the fence pitchers - did they think they should have included some numbers - the female pitcher said that yes, since the dragons actually told them that, they should have. Diane B. was a dud in this episode along with the format.
  5. Why? I thought my scenario was plausible.....at least I hope it is. Lol.
  6. I loved it when Margaret's tombstone was unveiled and Larry was engraved on it as her murderer. Lol. Also that everytime they show Margaret's sister in law she has a martini in her hand. I am trying to figure out who the murderer is. Right now I think it is the prosecutor - she eliminated Margaret since she was sleeping with the same guy. Though she said she didn't know, I find that hard to believe. Shallow dating pool, and all. I also loved that dim Dwayne is the one who came up with the evidence to release Josh. I am already thinking ahead to next season. I picture Josh and Summer falling in love, Josh staying in town and continuing to solve cases with the dream team. And of course Larry is his father in law so John Lithgow stays on the show.
  7. The most amusing thing about the conversation on the boat ride was watching Eden. She was sitting beside Dorito, then lying on her stomach with her legs in the air, then sitting again. Hilarious. And for Dorito to say that PK has a beating heart so that excuses his boorish behaviour? My husband would never act that way, nor would any man I know. Dorito has set the bar so low for her expectations of PK, she trips on it when she walks. Which is likely just as well as I doubt he could meet much higher standards. I laughed when Kyle was freaking out on the gondola, and assuming that Eileen was doing the same thing. Then it shows Eileen and company having a lovely, serene time on the gondola. Mind you I would have been more like Kyle as I am also afraid of heights. And had I been on there with someone like LisaV rocking it, I would have slapped them. LisaV really does have a mean streak - not that that is a surprise.
  8. I hate that Dateline left so much info out in this Lovelace update. I agree that the timeline makes no sense. But what I want to know is what happened in the hour between when Curtis came home and when the EMTs arrived? Curtis apparently arrived home around 9 to find his wife dead, took his son around the corner to his mother's and returned home. But the EMTs saw Cory at 10:15. Seems to me there is an hour or so unaccounted for. Or if it was accounted for we are not being given that info. When did Curtis call 911? The fact that a prosecutor would not call right away is unbelievable to me. His mother could have come and picked up the son while he was waiting for paramedics to arrive. Why did he need that hour between when he dropped his son off and when they arrived, and what did he do with that time?
  9. Love coming on here to find that everyone else was as disgusted as I was with the defense team. Possibly even more so than with the murderer himself. Right from the father-who-defended-Gacy saying he would come back and try a case with his son if it was a "juicy murder". WTF? I laughed when Josh M. said that in an unusual move the defense team allowed Dateline's cameras to film their strategy sessions. Are you kidding me? These famewhores would have paid Dateline to get more camera time. Undoubtedly with funds from the poor parents of the accused. I didn't notice the gun in the waistband of the cop's pants when he and Josh were playing pool, but I did think it was an odd way to interview someone. Stick to normal interviewing please - I don't need to see some guy bonding activity while hearing about a murder investigation. My overwhelming feeling, listening to the defense and their ridiculous attempts to explain away the evidence, coupled with filming of their strategy sessions, was that they figured they were such a hot shot dream team that they would get their client off, no problem. Then they would become household names like OJ's lawyers and numerous documentaries and docudramas would be made about them. Instead they really should hope that Garcia doesn't find a way to escape prison, because I am pretty sure they would be next on his hit list.
  10. OMG, this show had me laughing out loud as well, numerous times. Ligthgow's character insisting that he rollercises, not rollerblades was hilarious. I even liked the assistant with the brother-cousin. And while I am not usually a Sherry Shepard fan, I love her character in this show. My favourite exchange was when Judge Horsedich pronounced her name and said the 'n' was silent, and the lawyer frowned, shook his head and mumbled "the 'n' is invisible". LOL.
  11. LOL! The thing is Erika can look quite pretty - I thought last week when she was at LisaV's for lunch she looked stunning. Very little makeup (relatively speaking) and quite young. LisaV also looks much better with minimal makeup. Why do they not see what we see?
  12. Normally watching the women pack for vacations bores me (I rarely wear dresses and never high heels so I have no interest) so I loved having the dog there. I also loved Lisa talking to the dog about the reason for the trip and referring to "your people". Hilarious and very cute. In fact I would rather see more of pretty much anyone's dogs than Erika's Entourage. Fine if she wants to pay them to travel with her but I have no interest in seeing them on my screen. And I actually like Erika this season. Funny now that it is Dorito that can't remember a certain conversation. (I think it was Dorito. Or was it Eden? Sometimes they are interchangable in my mind). I do think Erika was being about mean telling Dorito that what Dorito says is boring and what Erika says is important (or something along those lines). Though Dorito did bug me last week when she told Erika that Erika never compliments her, then claimed that it was her English humour. Once again, she isn't English, and it wasn't humour. Why does she continually think that insulting someone (and lying to boot) is funny? Loved that Eileen went with LisaV to the meeting regarding the documentary. I work with an animal charity, and while there are people I come across that bug the hell out of me, if they love animals I will always cut them some slack. Non animals lovers? Nope.
  13. Even if he went at 22 he would be back at 26, so still living at home at 28 makes no sense to me. Thanks for that info. Being Canadian and only 12 in '69 I don't know all the ins and outs of the draft so just saw the info regarding the lottery for those born in 1944. So still seems odd that Jack would be living at home at 28 even if he did 4 years at some point. One of the things I hate about the show is the lack of details. Regarding Randall and Beth possibly adopting, I am not interested in that story line either. I think that shows get ruined by bringing in too many kids. Blackish was spoiled for me when they made the mom preggers at this late stage in her life. Four kids are plenty and the show will be than much thinner with another one added. Two kids are plenty for me in Randall's family. Not that they are asking my opinion, of course. I also am not thrilled with Kate now wanting to sing. How many 36 year olds start their career at that age? Unless she goes on the Voice or some such show I see her repeating her mother's career. And Toby supporting them. Yawn. OTOH I am on board with Kevin in a Ron Howard movie, and hope Ron makes more appearances.
  14. The show is not back for 6 months. The actor playing Randall had an interesting comment on last night's ET. Something along the lines of asking the fans to stick with them. I guess it was in relation to having to wait 6 months for the next season to start, but maybe he thought the last epi of this season was a clunker too, and some fans might not return.
  15. The year that Jack met Rebecca was 1972. (Because the kids were born in 1980 when Jack was 36, his father mentions that he is 28, and he was born in 1944). Also I think the letter Rebecca got was dated 1972. From what I read, the draft for men born in 1944 took place in 1969. How long were they expected to serve? Assuming he was drafted did he serve a year? Two? I agree with those that say the writers are to have us believe that meeting Rebecca saved Jack apparently from what could have been a life of crime. Not buying it, and I guess I am not the only one.
  16. Hated this episode. OK, not hated the whole thing - the part that I didn't hate bored me to tears. I found so much of Jack's backstory hard to believe. At what age did he go to Vietnam and what age did he return? Has that ever been established? I find it hard to believe that at 28 he is living at home. These days it isn't unusual for a 28 year old to live at home since many have been raised and coddled as special snowflakes. However Jack was born in 1944 - a very different era. If he couldn't find steady work he would more likely be sharing a place with several buddies or at the very least couch surfing until he landed a place/job. The only people of my era (and I am 13 years younger than Jack) who lived at home at that age - certainly guys - were socially backward and lived at home their whole lives. Even less unlikely that his father, who he doesn't get along with in the first place, would let him live at home. Not at all common in that era, and certainly for a son nearing 30. And most adults at that age would do anything to not live at home. (Other than rob a pub, of course). Regarding the poker game - I don't even play poker and would know better than to play one hand, win, and leave. Obviously Jack knows how to play poker so don't believe he would be stupid enough to walk into a game of strangers, win, and leave thinking there would be no repercussions. Finally, robbing a pub? Seriously? We have never seen anything from Jack that would indicate that he would commit robbery. Heck he has worked for years at a job that he doesn't really like. Kept at it when he wanted to leave because he is a responsible person. Has never shown that he would take the easy way out, let alone commit a crime of that magnitude. Not. Buying. It. Did I mention that I hated this episode?
  17. Apparently it is temporary as from the preview he seems to revert to being a nerd. Had they always had Ravi as a confident, suave person I could have seen the Ravi/Ashley pairing. (And yes, get rid of the glasses). But to believe that the shy nerd who has been around from the start suddenly turns from Clark Kent to Superman by donning a tux and contacts is laughable. So now are they going to pair Scotty with Phyllis. Does GT have it written in her contract that she can only be paired with hot, younger actors? How old is Scotty supposed to be, anyway? Isn't Lauren supposed to be in her early 50s at the most, so early 30s? If he is going to be paired with someone older I would prefer Sharon.
  18. This was another case that could have been a one hour episode that they dragged out to two hours. Way too much of interviewing the family and the brother in law. It seemed to me that she/the car was found a block or so over from her mother's home as she lived on a dead end street and there was a dead end sign where the car was found. I also found the best friend to be a very poor interview. Andrea C. seemed to get visibly annoyed as it was like pulling teeth to get the friend to put two sentences together without being prompted. Finally I absolutely hated the defense attorneys. I know it is their job to try to get their client off (and for POS clients like this one, I think it is a crappy job) but their attempts to discredit the evidence were laughable. Not to mention this is the guy's MO. If I were a jury I would be annoyed that the defense attorneys would think I was that stupid. OTOH they did take three days to convict......
  19. Bits and pieces are coming back to me now. From what I remember the kids also said that their mom was sitting on the stairs when they left for school, so supposedly she could not have been dead when they left. But the paramedics said that when they arrived rigor had already set in, which could not have happened in the short time between when the kids left for school and hubby dearest found her when he returned. I really hope 48hrs does a follow up.
  20. I had to google this as well as could not remember the case. Was not one of the reasons he was charged with murder is because she was found dead with her arms up and out in an unnatural position? (ie he had left the pillow he smothered her with under her arms and rigor set in?) The defense claimed that she died of natural causes related to liver disease. Would the coroner not have had to rule the death a homicide for him to be charged in the first place? Apparently the jury came back with their verdict in just over two hours. I hope a follow up is done on this case to find out how the jury came to their very swift decision.
  21. I would love it if both Bonnie and Adam's ex dumped Adam and they got together. Any excuse to have Wendy Mallick on my screen. I get bored with shows that only have the AA friends as foils for Bonnie/Christy. I can't stand Christy's ex, and I don't care for either of her children. In fact they only one I like is Baxter's fiance, as I love Sara Rue in the role. So if I have to continue to put up with the Adam character, I want to at least have WM as well. I also think she and Bonnie have way more chemistry than Bonnie and Adam do.
  22. This episode is the first one that has made me cry. So many scenes that I could relate to. People coming up to me, and for a long time after each of my parents died, to tell me what my parent meant to them. Beth saying that now everything will be in the context of "before William or after William". When my dad died in 1995, that is exactly how I thought of events in my life - before dad and after dad. That is until my mom died in 2007. Then it was before mom and after mom. Still is. Also Randall quitting his job. I had already made plans to change jobs and cities when my dad died unexpectedly. After my mom died though I did change jobs again as I was not happy where I was, and had the opportunity to do something different. Losing one or both parents really does have you take stock of where you life is, and where you want it to go.
  23. It has been so long that I have forgotten how the music box story, when it first came about after Katherine's death, was resolved? Or was it just dropped? And how did the music box end up in the thrift store or was it still in Jill's possession as far as we knew? I don't understand why the Ravi storyline keeps dragging out. He has no chemistry with either Ashley or Phyllis, even friendship wise. None. Zip. Zero. Maybe a different actor could pull it off but the current one does not, IMO. At the moment I am only tuning in for Gloria and Colin. The rest bore me to tears.
  24. I usually don't like it when a shark tells a pitcher to take his/her deal 'right now' or lose it but as someone else posted since Mark was giving her what she asked for it didn't bother me. I liked the elephant pants and have a few pairs that I wear at home as leisure wear. Not those exact pants but that idea. They are super comfy and I was actually wearing a pair as I watched the show. The price point of $24 was reasonable. I have paid as little as $12 if they are on sale and have never paid more than $40 but those were a beautiful material both in pattern and softness. I thought the beach towel guys had a better idea with their first invention - the towel that had the built in head rest. What they are selling now can be found pretty much anywhere and for much much less. And if I am taking a towel to the beach I want it to be absorbant and not only thick for comfort when drying off, but also if I am laying on it at the beach I don't want to feel the little pebbles that sometimes sand has if it is course. I actually enjoyed this epi - I like it when the sharks are pretty much getting along and having fun rather than when they are snipping at each other. I also like Uberguy free epis - likely for the same reason.
  25. I love Wendy Malick so wouldn't mind if she shows up for a few more epis. Though I don't buy that she is trying to get Adam back, unless she is also an alcoholic drug user. I actually like the shows when they have some characters other than the core group. I love Baxter's wife (or did they ever get married?) much more than Baxter. I also don't buy that Christy and the AA friends are so supportive of Bonnie dating someone with the lifestyle she is trying to avoid. Love Bonnie's line calling the dog Son of Sam. I thought Adam said the dog's name was Samsung and thought "What an odd name for a dog". Glad that the name was Samson - lol. I wondered if the dog really is old and had trouble walking or if the dog was taught to walk that way? I would love to see him again on the show but lying down relaxing is just fine.
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