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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. I am find this season so frustrating. It is always annoying that there is such a lag between when the scenes are filmed and when the show actually airs. When Dorinda was talking about her feud with Sonja, I was trying to remember what it was about. Then when Dorinda started talking about not inviting Sonja to her Christmas party I thought "FFS, that was 16 months ago - in 2015!" Yet we are still subjected to hearing about it in April of 2017. What makes it even worse with the franchise and this season is having to hear both about the election, and even worse, Lu's upcoming wedding. I rolled my eyes when Lu complained that Bethenny never asks about her wedding plans. Why the hell would she? You are not friends, she is not invited, and you only appear together because you are on the same show and have to. Lu is the queen of "It's all about me".
  2. I thought Bethenny handled Ramona's attempt to get under her skin quite well - that is when Ramona and Luann really got ticked off. I really wish though that Bethenny had turned the tables on both Ramona who faked being concerned about Beth's kid, and Luann who claims that she would have been embarrassed by Bethenny's movie. I would have asked both of them, since they have daughters who were teenagers when they found out that their fathers were serial cheaters on their mothers, how they handled that? And how did Lu explain to Victoria that she was fine with her husband having mistresses as long as it wasn't in the open? THAT would have embarrassed me. But then Luann has shown her daughter that she is desperate to have a man in her life at any cost. Good role modelling, Lu. I did wonder when Ramona was talking about her house in the Hamptons if she replaced all the mattresses/bedding after she and Mario split, seeing as he brought his mistress there for some alone time. Come to think of it likely couches etc. also should have been replaced. I did wonder in the scene with Victoria where she is wearing a scarf, if Lu knows it is to hide a hickey? Just ask Ramona.
  3. I have never written in to a network asking them to renew a show, but I would do it for Trial and Error. The last two episodes did not disappoint. My fav exchange was when the judge looked at the verdict and said "I think this is your lunch order". When the foreman told her to flip the paper over the judge said "I thought BBQ was a little flippant". Lol. Another favourite exchange - when Larry said he was born with an extra testicle and Dwayne said "You've got 4 of 'em?" Loved it when Josh was giving his closing statement and Summer reached for Dwayne's hand - the look on his face was priceless. Then later when the verdict was being read, they reached for each other's hand at the same time. Sweet. I hope they develop a relationship next season. And Larry doing the crossword puzzle while they were waiting for the jury to file in for the verdict reading - ha. I laughed at the bear and the man in the black hood pacing up and down the courthouse hallway. Also Dwayne's ringtone on his cell - "what you gonna do when they come for you". So funny! I hope Lithgow makes some appearances next season (if I keep saying it - it will happen) but the cast is so strong they can definitely carry a season on their own. Fingers crossed......
  4. Really? Can you link the article? I have read a couple of articles on them, but don't remember Dorito being credited as LVP's designer. Wow. That isn't something I would brag about. Other than the times we see LVP at home with casual clothes and minimal makeup, she always looks like she would smell like mothballs. When she dresses up, LVP looks like she is channeling Joan Collins from her Dynasty years. Speaking of minimal makeup, I wonder how many years it will be before these women look back and think "WTF was I thinking with the raccoon eye makeup?" The only one who looked lovely (as usual) was Eileen. The first episode I saw of the Real Housewives of Toronto, some of the women were riding in a limo to a function, and the conversation turned to underwear. Everyone in the limo from what I remember said they were not wearing panties. I thought back to what was happening at the time with pantygate and how scandalous it apparently was that Erika was not. Maybe it is more common that we think? Luckily for the RHOT ladies, PK was not in the car with them.
  5. I am enjoying this show much more than I thought I would (and much more than the Vancouver version). Ann is hilarious. I loved it when she said that she goes to high tea once in a lifetime, and wore broccoli in her hat. Kara on the other hand looked ridiculous in her get-up. Also loved the ladies betting on whether Joan or Kara would come out on top in their discussion. The yoga poses at the golf tourney was ridiculous. Did the women actually even golf? If I were golfing I would not be impressed by someone expecting me to do yoga in the middle of a tournament. I don't understand why Joan is so surprised that Kara may have talked about her. FFS she gifted you with an enormous wine glass Joan as a dig at how much you drank at her dinner. And presented it in front of everyone. It is amazing to me how unaware Kara is of how she comes off on this show. Delusional, pretentious, petty, mean. I wonder how the charities she involves herself with feel about how she is coming off? Also I thought it was funny that she did not know what the I in AMBI stands for, since she apparently knows so much about it. The letters are the first and last initials of the two founders. Guess she doesn't know the last name of one of the two founders - lol.
  6. The interview that PK and Dorito gave was posted in the last regular episode thread. That is where a poster mentioned the other shows PK has been on. One was a poker show. From what I remember there were two others, but the thread is 19 pages long so not sure where it is. Maybe whoever posted the info then will be on here and post it again.
  7. It seems like from what Andy said, PK was the only husband invited on the reunion shows. But PK would never turn down the chance to be on camera. In an interview posted last episode, PK said that LVP was a friend and suggested HIM for the show. Not Dorito. Him. Another poster pointed out that he has been on two or three other TV shows. PK thinks that he is a housewife, right along with Dorito.
  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you Erika for telling PK to get the f**k off the stage. I had been saying it for the first 20 minutes of the show, so better late than never. How many times do we have to see what a vile person Kim is? Why is she still on my screen? I've never seen a person with more negative vibes. If she really is concerned about negative energy around her grandkid, she should stay away from him.
  9. I will admit I was never a real fan of either actress, there were other actresses of their era that I preferred. But today I just happened by TCM when WHTBJ was an hour into the movie. I sat down and watched the rest - it has been years since I have seen it. It did bring back memories though of seeing it as a child and being riveted by Joan Crawford's performance - more so than Bette Davis's. I really think JC deserved an Oscar nomination just as much as BD did, maybe even more since she had the more subtle performance.
  10. I loved this conversation too, especially Jessica Lange's delivery. I really liked this whole episode. I laughed out loud when Joan showed up on the set in a wheelchair and Bette cracked that Joan didn't remember what movie they were filming. Also after Bette's exchange with BD, when she continues to talk to Aldrich and he is looking horrified at her and says something along the lines of "Jesus Bette, it isn't a competition. She is your daughter". When Bette was actually referring to Joan. Loved it.
  11. Maybe, but she handed him the pen. Lets face it, the judge did not invent the form with the option to stay in contact. And she would presumably had to have asked the judge to do just that for him to check the box. I really wish they had explained why that was a part of the form, and why it was checked. In any case though, I think she would have called him regardless of whether it was on the order or not. She needed a ride and knew he would come running. Of course as others have said she didn't deserve to die, but why in the world would you call this guy (and most likely give mixed signals) if he has treated you this way? Not to mention she had an affair with him when he was married, then told the wife when she wanted to get rid of him. Seems like she just kept making one bad decision after another.
  12. I did wonder too why the puppies were penned there but you may have hit on the answer - other people and equipment taking up space for filming that could otherwise have been used for the puppies.
  13. Now I am going to be paying attention to the three franchises I watch (NY, BH and OC) to see if the women take off their shoes when they enter someone else's house. Mind you I do think they most likely do not, if only because they are often wearing ridiculously high heels because they think it makes them look sexy, not to mention taller. Like in most TV shows where people walk around their homes wearing shoes, including women wearing high heels at home. Yuck. I am Canadian, have lived in three provinces and visited friends/relatives in others, and have never not removed my shoes. No one has ever asked me to, and I have never had to ask someone in my home to remove their shoes. They just do. I have also bought properties over the years and have never gone into a home for sale and not removed my shoes. I can't think of one real estate agent I have had who would not have insisted on it, had I wanted to leave my shoes on. Reminds me of Fredrick of MDLNY who often has the little blue booties for people to wear over their shoes if they don't take them off. As far as puppies goes, if someone like Ramona showed up wearing stilettos and wanted to wear them around my puppies I would have said no, too. Mind you I also have a sign in my living room that says "If you don't like cat hair, stay off the couch". My pets come first.
  14. As usual, I was only five minutes into the latest episode and was laughing out loud several times. Loved Anne falling asleep with her eyes wide open. And in the same day of testimony that she is doing that, they showed the judge at least twice fast asleep. Also loved Anne attributing getting drunk and then being hung over as "Wine Syndrome" which to her is just one of the many syndromes she suffers from. Lol. Another of my fav lines was when Josh said she should not drive and should call Uber, which Dwayne thought was a local resident named Uber who has 4 DUIs. Oh, and Larry asking Josh where he keeps his candle snuffer, to which Josh replies, "In the 1800s". I haven't loved a wacky comedy series this much since Soap, and that was 40 years ago!!
  15. This was one of the worst episodes I have seen. Adam and Bonnie have been together (on and off at least) for awhile now, and she has certainly stayed at his place before. She never knew how he liked towels folded? Which was his favourite mug? I guess the writers are trying to make us believe that these things are only bothering Adam because Bonnie is now living there, but it was a bit too much. And Adam was right about Bonnie going through his mail - none of her business so soon after moving in. My biggest quibble would be though, isn't Bonnie's job dependent on her being a live in manager at her apartment building? Isn't that why she has an apartment there in the first place? Lazy writing. As was the writing for Christy's new boyfriend. Lets take every stereotype about vegans and throw them all into one person. And lets make Christy so desperate for a boyfriend that she will parrot everything he says and does. Ugh.
  16. Interesting comments about whether the NYC women are lazy or not, depending on what they do all day? It seems to me like they are all retired, save Bethenny. Carole, Dorinda, Ramona, and Luann as far as I can see are all retired. Sonja keeps talking about projects which never seem to go anywhere. Looks like Luann's singing hobby is on hold (I imagine for good) while she prepares to become Mrs. Tommy. We have seen Carole talking about a cook book last year but not much this year. Their "work" seems to consist with appearing on this show. Personally I don't see anything wrong with that, if they can afford it. I just looked up Carole's age and discovered that we have the same birthdate - Carole will turn 54 on the same day I turn 60. I have been retired for 5 years and would likely be considered by many to be lazy. I have a cleaning lady, I don't cook (my hubby does because he enjoys it) and I spend my time volunteering with animal charities, and doing exactly what I want. Best job I have ever had - lol. If someone wants to call me lazy, I will happily answer to it.
  17. It struck me with all this conversation about whether or not Bethenny should have asked Ramona to remove her shoes or not, is it that unusual for some one to remove their shoes when entering another person's home? I always do, always have. The only exception would be if the person insisted I keep them on, and that generally only happens if we are going to be outside, or going back and forth between inside and outside. Is NYC really that clean that one would not track any dirt or dust into someone's home on their the bottom of their shoes, and therefore onto their floors if they left their shoes on? If I happen to be wearing say, sandals so would be in bare feet, I often bring a pair of travel slippers that fit easily into my purse. Other than that, I am pretty much always wearing socks anyway. I never wear high heels, and hate hose - I'd rather swallow pins than wear them. But at the time of year this was filmed (appeared to be mid October at least since Beth and dogs were in costumes) would Ramona not normally be wearing hose, and therefore not in her bare feet? In any case if it were my home I would expect someone to remove their shoes just out of courtesy.
  18. Did anyone else notice how odd Phyllis's feet looked in her make out scene with Scott? Her legs were tanned down to the top of her feet, then her feet were blindingly white with very red soles. The soles also looked cracked - definitely looked like the age GT is. In any case it looked like GT had a spray tan while wearing shoes. Odd. But then there was really nothing else to look at as she and the actor playing Scott have no chemistry. Zero. Zip.
  19. I was disappointed in today's show. Way too much time was spent on Reed, his birthday, and the two girls who will be fighting over him one day soon. Yawn. The only good thing was Nick telling Faith that she has to move back home. As much as I like Faith it was overdue for her parents to start being in charge again. I was disappointed that Kevin did not tell Scott more about Phyll. However at least Scott did seem a bit embarrassed that he was making out with his mother's BBF. I hope he stays embarrassed.
  20. Bethenny asked Ramona to remove her shoes because of the puppies and Cookie, afraid that Ramona might kick one of them with her shoes. Which is exactly what Ramona did, and then claimed that it wasn't a big deal because puppies are resilient. Which lead to what I thought was the hilarious TH of Bethenny's, about kicking puppies and babies being OK because they are resilient.
  21. I still can't get over the fact that the scenes we are watching are 6 months old -ugh. Has there always been this much of a delay and I just never noticed before? The fact that I have to suffer through both election talk AND Lu's upcoming wedding is Just. Too. Much. I laughed at Carole insisting that because she was a journalist, she knows more than the average voter. That would be like Lu knowing more about class because she was married to a count. Not likely. I did like Carole's line though about Sonja running a home for wayward girls, though I would have called it a home for wayward socialites. It was nice seeing Luann spending time with her flower girl. I could live though without Dorinda's daughter ever gracing my TV screen ever again. Lu's complaining that Sonja is still talking about Tom with his tongue down another woman's throat is annoying because it was a year ago? It was 8 months ago to you Lu when you filmed the scene, but over a year ago now for us viewers. We have even more of a right to complain than you do, Lu. As far as Lu's dress/hat for Sonja's party goes, it seemed a little passive aggressive to me. She had to know how outdated she looked, and the hat was horrendous. I wonder if she did that on purpose to adhere to the dress code, yes send a signal to Sonja that she just isn't worth the effort to wear something really fabulous? So rude of Ramona not to take off her shoes when asked at Bethenny's apartment. I loved Bethenny's TH making fun of Ramona saying kicking a puppy is fine because it is resilient. And Ramona, no one, including I would imagine Mario (both one and two) thinks you are having frequent dates and make out sessions requiring you to hide a hickey. Sheesh. After seeing the layout of Tom's little apartment, now I am much more aware of the other HW's apartments when they show them. They seemed to show more of Sonja's townhouse now than they have previously, or maybe just more on this episode. Love, love, love it.
  22. Didn't she also kill Sasha (I think that was her name), the lab employee/friend (with friends like Phyll...) she used to change Daniel's paternity results? Can't remember that far back but I think she got away with no one knowing about that particular murder? Edited to add- today's show doesn't air here for another couple of hours - can't wait.
  23. I am hoping Larry is found innocent, Josh and Summer decide they are in love, and Josh opens up a practice in town. Larry becomes Josh's father in law and the dream team stays together. I suppose Josh and the prosecutor could also end up together, but I hope they don't. I loved the start of the first epi this week when Larry was wearing toe socks. Also Dwayne thinking he is in a relationship with Summer. My fav line of his was when Summer said they had to talk and Dwayne positively beamed and said "Just what every guy wants to hear". Lol. Dwayne also had another of my favourite lines when Josh said he would send out investigators to track down Margaret's phone and Dwayne says "Or you could just send Anne and me". Loved the juror knitting. Whoever is responsible for casting this show should get an Emmy. Edited to add - great comments above regarding Margaret's phone. I was trying to think of a reason Larry would not turn it over but it totally makes sense (from what we have seen of Larry - ha!) that he would want to continue to use Margaret's phone given what he said about the phone company. I love that in 10 short epis we are starting to think like Larry......
  24. Yeah, not to mention a woman who lied to her first husband about being the father of her son to get him to marry her. And got pregnant with her second child by having an affair with a married man. Oh, and tried to run down the woman who was really the love of your first husband's life. (That did come out eventually, didn't it? Hard to remember back that far). That is just off the top of my head. Phyll has always had questionable morals (not that that is unusual in a soap of course) but really Lauren....that is what you want for your son?
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