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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. No hiatus for the show? Nice. It should help me go through Flash/Arrow withdrawal. I know Grant Wilson is a canon character, but I kept thinking of him as "Kylo Stroke." John/Conner seemed cool, though. I wonder if Sara Diggle is still around. Oh, right . . . nothing ever goes right in Star City, so she's probably dead. Aw, Leonard and Mick had a tiff. Heat Wave seemed at home there. In other news . . . a love triangle? Really? I would think that Kendra wouldn't be on Ray's radar because she doesn't have a high IQ like Felicity. Looks like she'll be taking a break from love . . . much like Iris, come to think of it. And part of me "ships" her with Cisco. Since when does Kendra have recall about her past lives?
  2. Apparently, Zach has at least one fan in Colombia. Good for him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OMCMHwSQIQ
  3. Did not know that. I guess the dumbass is the sole person to be referred to by his last name. I feel a little better now. And Jaison from Samoa doesn't count, does he? ETA: There's a "Neal"? (looking up Wikipedia) Son of a bitch, there's a "Neal."
  4. Shit went sideways fast. Dennis' model seemed sound, but he didn't account for Frank's driving. Or Dee's characters. Or his own lack of patience. Of course the Gang kept the wallets stolen in the Paddy's Wagon rides. For this show, it counts as a happy ending. I'm amazed the show didn't use a certain word to describe the little person trapped in the basement. And why was he in the basement to begin with? It's like the writers were chugging paint with Charlie . . . sweet, delicious paint. After all, you don't put food coloring in beer because beer isn't a food. That's Charlie Logic. Mac went to the gay bar. Of course. Why not? Gotta love how Charlie just went for it.
  5. Forgot about Oliver suspending his campaign. Is Ruve going to get the automatic win, while her husband rots totem-less in a cell? The only thing missing from the Ollie/Diggle conversation: "How many tracking implants have you put in Sara?" "It's going to be five this weekend."
  6. I guess it was too much to expect CBS to have TAR follow Survivor the one week. I went to a small liberal arts college whose basketball team has wound a conference championship once, so I'm somewhat immune to the charms of "March Madness."
  7. Sucks for me to be named "Jason." Bad enough the first Jason on this show was a complete dumbass ("it's a stick"), but now I have to deal with the dumbass bounty hunter. The tribe definitely should have voted out Alecia on Day 3. Instead, they're down two people, and the twit is still in the game because somebody else had to stand up and make things worse. All that was missing from Jennifer's performance was covering herself in kerosene and lighting a match. And thanks to her, we're stuck with the Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos. Damn, it looks like the producers have finally Russell-proofed the idols. Tai gets points for finding the right spot, but then he had to climb a tree. And he's not Ozzy. You have to feel bad for Tai losing skin on the tree. At least he's found a friend with Beast Mode Cowboy. Debbie is totally the new Shirin. I wonder if her tribe heard her throughout the challenge. Surprised Peter didn't tank the shots just to get rid of her.
  8. Wow. That was painful. Oliver's lucky Felicity didn't lose a shoe putting her foot up his ass. Yeah, Samantha was being a tad unreasonable in her conditions, but Ollie keeps making the wrong calls. How much you want to bet Felicity gives Barry a call? He's coming off a breakup, they had good chemistry, and homeboy can get to Star City in a hurry. Before I go to the CW site . .. are Vixen's adventures worth watching? I think the character's peak was in Justice League Unlimited, but the actress playing her did a good job. And I like the effects. She could totally work on Flash or Legends if the writers needed her. How fucked is Dark? I'm guessing he got arrested, and he's powerless without his totem doodad. So why do I think he's still going to make trouble for Oliver. And while I'm thinking about it: How the fuck does Dark NOT know Oliver Queen is Green Arrow?!? I mean, you'd think Malcolm would have dropped a few hints, since he's a total assclown like that. Month's hiatus? Super. Means I get free time after watching Survivor "live," as opposed to shotgunning Arrow after the credits.
  9. Anybody else think that women making it up the Warped Wall may no longer be as big an achievement as when Kacy did it in 2014? Three women succeeded this week, including two at the same time. I think the announcers' booth needed a squeegee afterward. I didn't take notes . . . maybe I'll rerecord the episode when I free up enough space. In the end, Party Time winds up beating Real Life Beasts in the Relay Race. They needed a substitute after Jake Murray banged his leg trying to dismount Ring Toss in the second heat. They join the five other winning teams, along with two wild card trios . .. revealed as Storm Team Moravsky and Stratis Faction. Don't ask me how the final two teams will fill a whole hour. ETA: Jake Murray was the guy that cleared Stage One in Vegas last year, then dove into the water. Of course he'd try a do-or-die dismount that wound up injuring him.
  10. Good time to be a fan of anime abridgements. TeamFourStar put out their latest chapter of the Cell saga, while LittleKuriboh produced a Kaiba-heavy episode of Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged.
  11. Man, even when she's knocked out, Peggy is a boss. Good pair of episodes. I'm hoping Hayley Atwell's pilot falls through so that we could get a season of closure with Peggy. That isn't too wrong, right? The episodes had just the right balance of drama, tragedy and comedy. I could do without Al the boffin, but he was good in small doses. I think Rose could do better, though. Anybody else feel a little cheated at the lack of masks (masques?) this season?
  12. Congrats to those who guessed Zoom was (a) Jay. Now to guess who The Man In Iron Mask is. Another Jay? Another Barry? Wally-2? I felt this was a filler episode with Diggle, Lyle and Jesse tacked on. Unlike Grodd, I don't think King Shark is "good" enough to put in the spotlight. It does bring up "Breachers" that could be stranded on Earth-1. Isn't Linda-2 still skulking around somewhere? Watching Barry/Wally was painful. You'd think Joe would have told Wally about how Barry's mother was brutally murdered and his father went to Iron Heights for it. I guess that tidbit had to wait until the final act. Poor Caitlin. And Cisco is still a dork. How much money would Harry have bet on Barry and Cisco caving about their Earth-2 adventures?
  13. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I'm guessing it was either the Slingshot or the car Corbin Bernsen was driving at the start of Major League. Any Mets fans want to set up a get-together? I'm thinking the Yankees games and Mike Piazza's number getting retired are probably out of the question.
  14. The major bright side is that this might be the only way I could get on the show. But even if I overcome my low self-esteem, I'd be at the mercy of the casting department in getting a partner. Also, the pressure would be on for me not to be the next Justin.
  15. RealityBlurred presents good news and bad news about TAR29. The good news: it's happening. The bad news: solo acts are encouraged to apply.
  16. I keep losing track. When did Deidara survive? And how did he get his arms back? Is there a benefit of being on the Akatsuki Health Plan? We'll be getting fresh ninja in the storyline, with a team consisting of Ino, Ten Ten (Tenten?) and Rock Lee. In other news, Might Guy shows his sadistic side by having Ten Ten and Rock Lee train while tied back-to-back. I don't get how Ten Ten puts up with those two.
  17. Interesting episode, but I'm more hyped about next week. I know the Special Guest Villain from Judd Winick's run on Outsiders back in the day. I don't get how "Siobhan" is pronounced the same as "Shavoun." Ditto "Sean"/"Shawn." Nice that Kara now has her own arch nemesis at Catco. Also nice . . . James' conscience flaring up about Max's imprisonment. Down side: spilling the beans about the DEO to Lucy. And he's supposed to be a smart guy. Silver Age Jimmy Olsen would have revealed the secret in that way.
  18. Sign That You Might Be Too Far Into Anime: You watch Survivor and see Jennifer cope with a maggot in her ear, and then you wonder how Shinichi and Migi would do on the show. "I fail to see how obtaining material wealth has to do with our situation." "Are you kidding? With a million dollars, I can get myself and dad the therapy we so desperately need. Now pipe down . .. I don't want anybody to see me talking into my hand."
  19. I hope you feel better soon, bmoore4026. Episode felt a little scattered. Wouldn't have thought Brock was susceptible to gas attacks. Maybe Doc and Jackson are setting up a Warriana/Molotov fight. And Monarch made for a dashing hero. It's good to distract him from the video of his father and friggin' Jonas Venture getting their knobs polished. So . . . is 24 a ghost, or is it an Empire Strikes Back delusion from Gary? ETA: Wait . . . there are only eight seasons this season?? ETA2: I meant "episodes." That's what happens when I post late at night.
  20. I got bored and poked around the cable schedule. If any of you are interested in old-school Challengers, Theo is going to appear on @Midnight on Thursday.
  21. This week: Parasite-on-Parasite violence. "Sherlock Holmes" kidnaps Raiko's baby to avenge his family's death, and he winds her getting killed like a punk for his efforts. I should stop going to Toonami's Tumblr site, because I was spoiled on this scene. This, however, was a nice surprise.
  22. That's that. The revolution succeeds, the Emperor loses his head, the Minister dies like a punk at Leone's hands (but not before he effectively kills her), and Akame gets a depressing epilogue where she's still killing people. Akame ga Kill! was a decent anime, but it lacks a lot of heart that other action-packed anime on Toonami has displayed. I didn't get amped about this show like I did with Kill la Kill. Tatsumi is still dead? That sucks.
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