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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Sorry I didn't post this ahead of time.
  2. Or maybe there's a way to shorten the season because Joe got booted way before Tribal Council. Is a win still a win if it takes 37 or 38 days?
  3. Here are my Strength of Final Three findings. Turns out that TAR28 is one of the weaker seasons in the show's history. I could probably do a table on fourth-place teams finishing third in the stretch drive, but I need to rest first.
  4. No way is Snart dead. Even with Prison Break being relaunched, there has to be a way to keep him on the show. "Hello. So . . . I'm God now. Don't know how it happened, but it just did. I'm going to work on universal harmony and light eventually. First things first . . . I'm giving Barry Allen and Cisco Ramone incurable jock itch. Hard to be the fastest man alive when you're scratching yourself, and Ramone made my gun not freeze people. He has to suffer." I'm hoping for a decent finale, but I'm guessing Savage will survive. With him, the fact that the guy playing him is named "Casper Crump" is the least of his problems. At least he was kept to a minimum, as well as Kendra. Downside: Thanagar. Great . . . bring in more hawkpeople, show. Honestly, is Hawkman and those related to him anybody's first choice? Heh . . . Jax gave Martin the idea to roofie him. Doesn't make it right, but it's a little more funny in retrospect.
  5. Yep. I'm guessing because of Prince's death. Helluva night for me . .. I have to go into the city early Friday, so I'll be DVRing both episodes and the After Show, as well as Inside Amy Schumer, Archer, and Comedy Central's late night lineup. Oh, and there's a major spoiler in the After Show description, so you might want to steer clear.
  6. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Holy crap. Noah's homered twice tonight. I just tuned in and found this out. ETA: I'm so old, I remember hearing Walt Terrel's two homers against the Cubs at Wrigley. Sad, right? Oh, and Bart Ruth takes the hill tomorrow. I wonder how many Mets fans will invade the bleachers at Dodger Stadium.
  7. An AYTO couple goes out first? No big loss. My only real problem was that the ousted pair were afterthoughts for Wince & Jenna because TJ didn't explain the full deal to them. But, once again, AYTO. Who gives a shit? The skulls are a nice twist. Might have been more logical if the group voted two of their own into the Jungle along with that of the "Power Couple." Thinking about it, the best way to advance is to win missions. And not get hurt. Maybe Leroy needs an actual job, because he doesn't have much luck with this show.
  8. Wow. Seeing Joe win RC was like watching Bartolo Colon hit his first home run weeks away from turning 43. And seeing Joe burn out was like if Bartolo had gone into the dugout afterward, gorged himself on meat, then finding himself unable to pitch, landing on the disabled list. This has been a weird season. There's no obvious sacrificial goat to take to the final day. Nobody got to use their immunity idol. And we're on Day 34? 35? Which begs the question: will we get up to 39, or do the producers shorten the season in order to prevent "off days" with no competition or voting drama? On the bright side . . . no Tribal Council means no Jason sitting on the jury. He probably got a "FUCK YOU TIE" tattoo after his ouster.
  9. Damn. They nuked a town. If he end up with a finale where Barry runs to the past carrying Oliver, I'll understand. I'll be miffed, but I'll understand. Noah is cool, though I'm pretty certain I wouldn't want him on the show all the time. Still waiting for him and Donna to reunite, so she can kick him in the nuts. Why let Quentin beat her to it? "Whatever" to the flashbacks. Also found my mind wandering with Thea. I'm guessing the people moving into the protective dome were cult members by the look of their clothes.
  10. Wrote about Anime Fan Fest. Needless to say, I was a little jaded because of the con it had replaced. I wound up getting some nice sketches out of it, though.
  11. A bit late, but what the hell .. . tonight, ABC ran a teaser for the summer season of Battlebots. One of the robots was built by a guy from NASA named Dan Barry. If that rings a bell, it's because he was on Exile Island. His entry -- Black Ice -- won a "rumble" by defeating two other bots, earning a place in the upcoming tournament.
  12. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Bartolo's bat is going to Cooperstown, right? You think "SAVOY SPECIAL" is printed on it?
  13. Heh . . . "Rasta Hulk." I think "Grey Blanka" would have worked as well.
  14. ChelseaNH . . . ever watch The Avengers? Hulk saved Iron Man's life that way. ETA: Seeing the army . . . anybody else think of the Brain assembling the massive Brotherhood of Evil in the final season of Teen Titans?
  15. madhacker . . . I think Kevin has one more episode in him for next season. And I would expect more immature content with him and Jason are involved. Like speculation on how badly Barry could burn Iris in an intimate moment. Or if he could smoke up like a regular stoner.
  16. Alpha Primitives! I only saw one in the Jenkins/Lee Marvel Knights miniseries, but it adds a layer of creepy to Hive's plan. Nice that Lincoln wasn't a total butthead this time, even if Mack got banged up yet again. And interesting how Lash was the anti-Hive. Too bad he wound up getting killed. In Secret Warriors, was there a guy with a flaming chain? Nice effect . . . kinda like Ghost Rider, only without the absolute suck.
  17. I liked the teamup, even if it felt Toad Ex Macchina. Orange Toad knew fire style all along? Okay, then.
  18. For anybody who needs a laugh . . . here's Kyoma busting a move in the credits. He seems happy. Between the android and the lost memories, I keep thinking of The Big O. I can't be alone on that.
  19. There's a reason the dog-faced penguin is acting like Sanji. Just keep watching. Speaking of Absalom . . . I got a sketch of him at Anime Fan Fest. I'm not too hellbent on getting Dr. Hogback, though.
  20. Good episode. The show should pay a royalty to Mark Waid for the concept of a loved one being a magnet to bring someone back from the Speed Force. Not sure we needed Black Lantern Zombie Girder, but what the hell, right? Did Jay recruit the worst of the worst from Earth-2? I didn't see any familiar faces, either from the show or from comics. Granted, I wasn't paying rapt attention.
  21. Checking to see if anybody read the Free Comic Book Day sampler of the anthology. I got drawn to the page from Evan Dorkin, which was in the vein of his "Fun" strips. Awesome stuff.
  22. Lantern7

    Keanu (2016)

    Any word as to whether we would get a 2017 Keanu calendar? It would be a shame for that to be in a drawer in Jordan Peele's place.
  23. And Zach was invited, but he got winded running to the airplane. Also, it's nice to see Frank is a man of his word, especailly since he set back gay rights by 50 years every time he opened his mouth.
  24. Bumping up because the first episodes will be airing on Adult Swim at 12:15 a.m.
  25. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Thanks, Moose135. Gotta love Howie Rose on the radio call: "Repeating: Home run! Barolo Colon!" The clip also made Around The Horn and Pardon The Interruption. Didn't like Mike Wilbon taking exception to Bart's slow trot around the bases. Tony Kornheiser said it would've been a single had the ball hit the wall. I guess he didn't see Bart hit a double last season.
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