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Baltimore Betty

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Everything posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. She does seem to just stare intensely at who ever is speaking to her and does not seem to be able to verbalize how she feels or what she is thinking, Jake can only assume those things, takes what he thinks is going on and runs with it, usually it is Jake running around in circles.
  2. My comment was a stap at the irony of the situation, her taking offense at the HW's not wanting to eat the feet, she lost that argument now, we see where the feet have been, lol.
  3. I cannot be mad at you for knowing all about the mechanics of jello shot booze, cause and effect, lol. Your info about the dental surgery was informative, I'll just chew on that for a while, tee hee. Seriously, she should have her jaw looked, it could lead to other health problems later in life. Virginia wants a Erik to drink so he does not notice her drinking.
  4. Jello shots are such a focus for some of these women, ick. It is like Robitussin in jello for me besides being a bit too juvenile why are they hyper focused on jello shots? Did Erik say he would like to be in touch with Virginia every hour or so when they are apart? OMG, really? He indicated that he wanted to know what she was doing, like she was heading out to a friends house then if she left her friends house and arrived elsewhere, etc...Virginia still looks dirty, she is young and can wear cute things, she needs a fashion make over. Paige is much nicer than I would have been, she got her point across but it was painfully slow. Mercedes telling Paige she had no ill will against her? Why would she? Mercedes did not look pregnant and she was winging it when asked how far along she was. I am not sure why Paige is giving that loser anymore of her time, she has nothing to gain, there is no "there," there so why would she feel anything but relief to be rid of Chris. Brianna will be walking on eggshells for the rest of her married life. Clara has not seen Ryan without a shirt on? He won't even let her see him after a shower with a towel around his waist? Is he a Never Nude like Gob from Arrested Developement? LOL. I feel bad for Clara but the more she is pushing it as in sex and the L word the more Ryan will with hold those things, he wants to take the lead but she keeps pushing. With a little ortho work she could change the shape of her lower jaw and give her a more flattering jaw line and probably help with her constant chewing. Watching Jake and Hayley together have all the chemistry of a Hallmark movie, so much so it is palpable. I noticed Jake ofter has his hand infront of his face when he speaks, not sure what to say about it other than I have noticed it.
  5. I thought her talking about how unsanitary the chicken was in the Chicken Poop Bingo game was odd because she eats chicken feet and shames those who do not. Does she think the chickens used for food are raised in clean, happy environs?
  6. Brandi must be on some sort of mood stabilizers, she is hardly there in most scenes. Her not so funny attempt of being the old Brandi was not funny at all, running around with a blow up doll is just not funny. It all seemed so forced, Brandi wasn't feeling it and it showed. When she wanted Kary and D to make up she said it was an exercise when she was getting treatment, did she mean therapy? Why on earth would she stop going to therapy? Kary is annoying, I would never worry about being her friend again because she will continue to bully/nitpick D, Kary has no self awareness, D should meditate on why she wants to patch things up with Annoying Kary. Hoola Hoop person was largely ignored, those HW's took the hoops and just did what they wanted, was it supposed to be a form of exercise because the Hoop Lady was chunky. Kam is so stupid, her husband knows this. I hope her kids do not look to her for help with homework. Tiffany asking her husband about what to pack, you could see the thought bubble above his head, "I really don't give a fuck," is what I read. I would hope that an ambulance would be allowed up that driveway leading to the house because if I were in that group I would have alcohol poisoning.
  7. She refuses to drink medicine as in won't take the pill, diaphram and IUD's are not her thing and Jovi is not fond of condoms so I hope she realizes that she will be having a lot of babies.
  8. Wait till she finds out that Zied will be fasting during Ramadan during daylight hours, will she ask, "why you not eat, you hungry, eat now, like horse?"
  9. Doesn't Nikki Starr sound like a porn name? Was Nikki unhappy with the meal or the company when after dinner she said it was the worst meal she has ever had? If it was the food I would have agreed, that beet thing did nothing for me and the gnocchi(?) looked like an amature plated it, chef could torch it all she wanted but that fake cheese was not going to bubble, melt or scorch ever. The primary's ban on all things not vegan makes her look like an asshole, you know how to to tell if someone is a vegan, they will tell you. I guess this is how badly her so called friends wanted to be on a luxury sailing yacht and on TV if they were willing to go vegan. If I were Greg I would play that harmonica until a cheeseburger showed up. When the captain says we will be sailing in 5 min interior is supposed to grab all the loose stuff an secure it which makes me wonder why any loose stuff would ever be put out, display stuff should be nailed dow, right? The guests want an 80's night (they should have invited Jake from Married at First Sight, the 80's is all he talks about), we didn't see any panic in chief stews eyes wondering if any props are on the boat, hmmm. Was tall guy supposed to be watching the guests that were in the water but got distracted while talking to that lady? So now we have lost Greg, will that be the "hey remember that time you lost Greg" line for the season because it would be funny. So far all the woman on the crew look alike to me.
  10. Absolutely, if the table is set and ready to go then the guests just go along, eat breakfast then go sailing. Chief Stew should know how to sheppard the guests along then the next day they could be ready with the breakfast sandwiches if all agree.
  11. Waking up the deck hand to ask about chores, what had and had not been done, turning on the light etc...Gary did not handle that issue well, if tasks were not completed he could have waited till tall guy was on deck for his next shift and discussed things. I do not like Gary's hair, it is not all that.
  12. I think Andrew was thrilled to know it was Amira's answer at border control that lead to her taken in to custody, it absolved him of doing anything wrong and his plan would have worked if only she answered the question correctly. I cannot believe she still considers herself in a relationship with that idiot.
  13. I do not understand any of the wedding plans these people make, how will family and friends make to the states for a wedding, money is always the issue so plane tickets would be paid for by whom? Visas can take a long time, money is scarce for most of the importers to pay for any type of wedding not held at the court house AND they wait till the last minute to plan anything? So when Rebecca says she wants her fourth dream wedding what has she done to prepare for it?
  14. That is a skit I can watch over and over again and laugh like I had never watched it before, hilarious! Becky stupid. Becky no understand Ramadan, Becky understand no get laid during Ramadan.
  15. I think she is an idiot, she felt like she had to tell Ralph about Bolo and all that went on to try to get ahead of any stories that would surface from Kenya or before he saw the footage. Ralph moving in to their new house without her is probably on par with how their relationship dynamics are built, honestly, it got done and the unpacking has to be done and that is the worst of it so him getting all the boxes moved and the kids were taken care of by her mother so win, win. Moving day can be stressful so she dodged a couple of moving day fights. Moving can be terrible, finding boxes in your basement still packed from your last move, ugh...never again!
  16. Why wouldn't she just move in to the open room? She is not shy about taking over anything so why didn't she move? I think it was production that wanted an empty bedroom downstairs.
  17. I get the feeling that nothing makes Hazel happy. She seems dim when it comes to wanting a girlfriend to join the mix, she became jealous of Menty/Minny/Minty when Tarik who loves all things Thai, women and food, etc...so now she wants a brown girl, they join a website and see there is much catfishing according to Tarzelique, he must spend a lot of time on the sites if he knows what girl is real vs. catfishers. So they call Menty/Minny/Minty to ask her advice? Didn't they find her on line, why would they need help now? Has Hazel and Tarzel made any inroads towards a wedding of any type, shouldn't they do that first before involving themselves in another 90 situation? Will TPTB even okay a second request in a year from the same person? That would raise a red flag, right? If I were Tarzel I wouldn't go there, Hazel seems the jealous type, whatever girl could get here and in a week Hazel would decide she didn't like her so back she goes? Why wouldn't they concentrate on getting her kid here first before going for broke on a gf for them? Oh, is this one of those times where her kid is the most important thing in her life? Hazel and Tarik should go to a swingers club and look for a local unicorn, see if they can last a hour or two without her getting jealous.
  18. You sound like Dr. Seuss! LOL. Natalie got on a plane to come to the US to complain, she is insane, Mike thinks she is a pain.
  19. And this is where I question her being raped by Ryan, if you have been sexually abused would your first move the next day be finding your next lay? I hate to call anyone who has been raped or abused a liar but it is really hard for me to believe her. I think her drug use has fogged her brain, her antics are juvenile and if Harris or Hairus as she says was smart he would not answer her calls, no matter how many trinkets he would get, "crazy" is a trinket he does not need. Did we get confirmation about Ryan cheating? I LOVED how Harris said he could do better than Stephanie to get to the states but he should know, not everyone is rich, reality check is needed because that will be a rude awakening if he ever does get here. Rebecca is so effing stupid, why does she speak like Tarzan? If I were Zied I would be insulted if she thought that was the only way I understand English. "Look, we have big time, love much pizza and see horse, ride carriage, see many tree, rain bad, visa much hurry, run out." Did Zied know to put detergent in the dishwasher? If he home all day alone, why much beer can and ashtray mess? Garbage no take out? Rebecca is stupid, she has been thru this 3 other times (did you know her ex is from Morocco?), With Covid being a real thing why do these dolts think they are going to have any sort of wedding with a lot of people or how the could even afford a big venue? Stephanie spent a whopping $15.99 on her large lipstick and rubiks cube purse, she has quite the shaped purse collection, Yara spend under $20 for her sparkly dress (not thousands, hahahaha), those items are all over Amazon. Do the imports have to surrender their passports in the 90 process, get married, file the paperwork then get temp status and get passports back? At one time or another each import have said they would go back to their country (for stupid reasons) but wouldn't that mess up the process already in place? Anyone have clarification on that?
  20. I just watched an episode of Dr. Oz, (I have never watched an entire show before), only because it was all about cooking in a toaster oven, my first thought was "Wow, Sonja should have worked just a little harder and she could have been cooking on the Dr. Oz show." She really missed the boat. Although I wonder how she would be on a daytime talk show, would she combine cooking with a half assed burlesque act, all spazzy and unable to complete the task? Side note, I bought and then returned the Ninja toaster/air fryer/broiler/sewing machine oven and returned it, too narrow window to see how things are cooking and too confusing controls, Sonja's oven could have been a contender!
  21. Seriously??!! I love Iceland!! Maybe we will get a glimpse of the Aurora Borealis, Gullfoss Falls, etc...the nature is amazing there, I am so excited!!
  22. Maybe psychotic was not the right word, but there is something to his pristine exterior, wanting things to be perfect and then the messy cabinets and drawers...there is something to that type of personality, just saying that seems a little unstable or maybe fake. BTW KIRA53, it sort of sounded like you were scolding me, you do know these pages are for fun, right?
  23. When I was younger there was a place with a lit dance floor, I would have my fake ID, my Danskin unitard and matching skirt and dance the night away!
  24. Adams Bedside Reader, (there was a box of left over mags in my parents garage from my grandfathers bookstore, it was on Baltimore Street decades ago), those photos were terrible but there were not a lot of options, back then, Elizabeth has to realize there is competition and her photos are just not worth paying for.
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