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Meow Mix

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Everything posted by Meow Mix

  1. OK, if God almighty is cleaning houses, I need His help. I sprained my wrist cleaning my house, so now there are several chores I can't do until it gets better. Do I have to call Deanna or does God have an email? Sorry, these two are getting ridiculous.
  2. Agree with everyone else about the makeup testers. I don't even want to put ones that people have access to on my hand to see the color. I prefer to go places if I need to test where the people working the counter control who gets into the testers. At Sephora, I usually know what I want rather than experimenting with colors.
  3. How is it unexpected that Whitney would be rolling around in bed with Lennie? The only thing more predictable is the sun coming up in the morning. As for Buddy, I bet he brought Courtney to keep Whitney off of him. I don't think it would be guaranteed to work. He's lucky she was fixating on Lennie. As for the open relationship thing, I don't knw why they had to go through all this. Just say they decided it wasn't going to work because of the distance. If Whit was really serious about Le Blur, she would have freaked out at his suggestion of an open relationship. I'm just not buying any of this.
  4. I agree with @Churchhoney's excellent assessment of what this book will actually be. It probably feels normal to be used this way to Jinger. That's a sad commentary on her life, but this is someone who seems to have had very few thoughts of her own her entire life.
  5. These two need to take this seriously or Alyssa could find herself a widow. John seems to be under a lot of stress with new baby, new puppy, work, and worries about finances. This needs to be the last baby. Getting shingles and AFib that young should be very concerning to them. Of course, Gil and Kelly are nowhere to be found in all this as usual.
  6. Isn't Brandon's family in Michigan? May have just been for a family visit.
  7. I did wonder at some point if there was something around Jan. 6 that spooked Up into cancelling them. I never thought it had to do with the racist video since that had been around for a couple months at least and they were filming and heavily promoting the show. As stated, even if I disagree with the protest, they had a right to peacefully protest. It's entirely possible that is all they did, but they quickly buried their presence there after everything went pear shaped.
  8. I do wonder what is going on with the church situation. There should be plenty of conservative churches in the area that would meet their needs. And as others have said, it isn't a given that Tiffany won't be welcome because of her ethnicity. Unless they are only trying very small, very white churches. That could be the issue. As to Lawson's asthma - he made a living and paid for the family's groceries doing lawn care for years. How did he not have issues then? And why has on one talked about his supposed hospitalizations? This whole thing is strange. Of course it would look much better for him to say he had to give up his singing career because of asthma rather than because he stinks. I suspect he's been hearing don't call us we'll call you a lot since the show went off the air.
  9. Bet they don's stick around too long because their guns a fake badges and begging for fast food will not be tolerated by those actually doing the work down there. They could make themselves useful by helping to move supplies to some of the poorer areas that are being ignored right now, but that won't happen.
  10. Actually, I think Austin's outfit is pretty decent. I'm comparing it to the mess that Zach and Evan wore, so it's a low bar, but he at least tried to dress nicer. Now the beard on the other hand is a giant no from me. It looks like things are living in it. Yuck. If these two want to take trips with their kids like the Alaska trip, they need to stop the baby train after this one coming up. Between the finances and the management of a hoard of kids trips like that will become too difficult.
  11. Either Layla has not seen a pediatrician in a while or these fools are not paying attention to what the doctor is telling them. Layla is not growing like she should and that should be concerning. I suspect a steady diet of sugar and salt is not doing her any favors. I would be concerned if my almost 3 year old only weighed 3 pounds more than my six month old. But I'm not Carlin.
  12. Since fat acceptance is Whitney's whole thing, why didn't she portray the fat person learning to love their body? I wonder if Buddy was really sick or didn't want to be exploited like that so claimed COVID. Whitney didn't ask anyone if they wanted to be in the video, she just assumed they would all make themselves available all day for it. Most of us have jobs and can't just drop everything for something like that. I also thought it was tacky at the nail salon when she said she wanted whatever treatment was most expensive. She's getting rather full of herself regarding money and that's not a good idea. When the show is gone, she won't be so flush with cash. As to Frenchie le Blur, she needs to give it up. If they were really in love, he would have made his way to the US long ago since COVID restrictions have been over for a long time. I still suspect the guy withdrew permission to show him when he found out what she had in mind. I'm glad Babs improved and that she can now transfer between the wheelchair and the car. I think she is revitalized by being able to get out and do things. However, I still find the whole thing a little exploitive.
  13. OK that makes more sense, though I wouldn't put something like that past these fools. Either way, safety first when playing with pointy objects.
  14. Ouch. it's been a long time since I did archery. How do you shoot an arrow through your own hand?
  15. I know it's mean to say, but it is clear that quitting his job didn't result in the weigh loss Zach said was going to happen. He looks a mess. He needs to at least buy a nicer pair of jeans that fit if he won't get dress pants.
  16. Kelly's dress isn't too bad. If she insists on wearing ruffles, that is the best way to do it, I see Trace has grown his proud boy beard. Not sure what the sudden fashion among these conservatives for beards is all about. Back in the day, Gothard was anti facial hair. He actually told one guy he couldn't join ATI until he shaved off his mustache,
  17. This is the thing with these preacher wannabes like Ben and Jeremey. Preaching is only a small part of what a pastor does. I can't picture any of them rushing to the hospital in the middle of the night to comfort a grieving family or forming connections with local nonprofits to get help to church members who lose a job or have a housefire. I have known several pastors and have seen them do exactly this kind of stuff regularly for their congregants.
  18. Good for your father. I have a disability and I just want to smack people who talk to me like I'm three. Bitch please, I own my own home, I just finished up a long career at a large corporation and am taking a break, and I am the one everyone calls when their computer breaks. So knock off the baby talk. I the conversation around buying Lennie a suit was gross. That whole thing was not funny, it was just nasty and inappropriate. I hope that check he is getting is big, because he is allowing himself to be abused regularly for it. Yuck. I was actually concerned for Jess when she was walking down the aisle. I'm sure part of her emotion was that she was thinking about Will's health, but she was nearly hysterical. That did not seem like someone who was happy to be getting married. I will say, I thought Whitney looked pretty good. Her dress was a little clingy, but that material can be that way, and her hair and makeup were pretty good.
  19. Given their poor educations, most of them are going to need the lesson regardless of what happens with the felon.
  20. Good to know, but I still wouldn't get in a plane with any of these fools.
  21. Around here I sometimes get the option presented if I do Doordash to tack on something like coffee to my delivery for no additional delivery charge if there are businesses near where my order is being picked up. I haven't used that option, but that would at least make more sense than just ordering a coffee. Yet another time when these people brag about their financial responsibility when they are actually very foolish.
  22. I shouldn't be surprised at this point that they didn't take the offered appointment back in the summer. I remember when something in my bloodwork raised concern for my GP and he referred me to the cancer center for more testing. This was pre-pandemic and it took over a month to get in, but you better believe I took the first appointment they gave me and went to it. It took a few more weeks to get the tests read. Fortunately, it turned out to be nothing, but I wasn't going to take chances. These two are idiots. Do they even make the effort to sort any of that junk in the boxes for the cash and carry? Hunching over a box and rooting through random junk in the hopes of finding something decent does not appeal to me. Even the Good Will hangs and sorts things. Also, their prices are ridiculous. Once again, I can go to Good Will and get the same stuff for a lot cheaper. Zach is an idiot. Lack of inventory control is going to do them in faster than anything else. And Evan thinking good marketing is sending some Gordon Gartrelle dresses to people with large social media followings is just as bad. At least before the men got involved, the sisters seemed to be making a go of this business.
  23. I guess they are going to a conference to share their marriage "expertise". Wonder if Jer is the new family pilot because it is possible after that crash last year that JD's license is suspended.
  24. Of course she can handle three "kiddos" when she parks them in front of the TV. I gut that people love decorating for Halloween, but that looks a mess.
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