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Meow Mix

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Everything posted by Meow Mix

  1. I am not sure how they can afford all this for Babs. Those places are very expensive. I remember helping my parents when they were looking into places like that for my grandmother. Even 20 years ago, the rent on an independent living apartment was between $2000 and $3000 per month. And that didn't include the services Babs is getting with physical therapy. That may be one reason Glen can't retire.
  2. You know, the more I see of this saga with Carlin's health, the less I believe. I've known several people with chronic health issues including seizure disorders and none of them act like her. In fact, one of my coworkers actually died from a serious seizure, so this is nothing to play around with. But Miss Carlin has her pretty little episodes with not a hair out of place. I think there may have been something wrong in the beginning, but now it's more a desperate need for attention and clicks. I do wonder when this house of cards is going to collapse. They spend money like mad and no one is working. And now Evan is whining that he wants a Tesla. Do these two even realize that most of us who have worked steadily all our adult lives can't afford the stuff they think they are entitled to? Reality is going to bite them hard sooner or later because no one can keep this up forever.
  3. Well of course they need a vacation. Selling those Gordon Gartrelle dresses takes a lot out of you.
  4. There are really nice and large backpack carriers for cats. I have one for each of my cats and they are very comfortable in them and are much more cooperative about being in them than a regular cat carrier. they have mesh on three sides so the cat has plenty of air and can breathe and look around and there's room to sit up or lay down as they like. That pack looked like if Henchi decided he wanted out, he could shred it very easily.
  5. Well I will say this: Amy's profile description did make me laugh, just not the way she intended. And from what she said in response to the refrigerator post, it is clear she wanted people to see and talk about the edibles.
  6. This show has gotten so vulgar. I do not want to hear about the size of anyone's genitals and if some guy made a gross sexual comment a few minutes after first meeting me, he would be crossed off my list forever. And if the one guy was truly color blind, he was lucky because he didn't have to see Heather's ridiculous hair. I agree, she needs to go back to her natural dark brown because she looks really pretty that way. The pink is just silly and childish. One other thing. what on earth was Whitney wearing in that Heather date scene? I kept wondering if someone made her put the T-shirt on under the corset thing because I could easily see her thinking that just wearing that with everything spilling out was somehow sexy. That whole scene was just nasty and I feel like Heather has sunk pretty low just to collect a few dollars from the show.
  7. Yes, I live in the area and would not want to commute from Greensboro to Raleigh every day because the traffic on I-40 is miserable. I am not sure Glen is doing it every day or just a couple times a week since remote work is a thing for a lot of us now. As for Whitney commution to Charlotte, my understanding is that she only went once a week, not every day.
  8. @SunnyBeBe thank you. I really get frustrated with people here saying that Glen should just retire and become Babs's caregiver. Caring for an elderly person who may have serious mobility issues in the home is very complicated. There are a lot of questions to be answered including the overall accessibility of the house, how much mobility Babs has (can she transfer, go to the bathroom on her onw, etc.), as well as what Babs herself wants. As for Glen retiring, i am not sure what his hesitancy is, but it is ultimately his decision in consultation with Babs. It is none of Whitney's business and she needs to stop with the attitude that his work is unimportant. As far as finances, none of this is free. Most workplaces won't cover a good Medicare supplemental policy and those are pretty expensive. Then you have to get a prescription plan as well. And don't consider Advantage because while it looks cheaper on the surface, you can easily get nailed on in network vs. out of network issues. I have a few years before Medicare and I already know I will avoid Advantage like the plague. So, Glen may be concerned and want Babs to have the best care which means he keeps working. Even if Whitney is making a lot of money from the show, it seems to me that she spends it as quickly as she gets it. After every season, she is either doing some unnecessary stuff on the house, getting cosmetic procedures, or traveling. For example, she went back to Europe after her supposed engagement to Chase and blew lots of money on expensive hotels. Finally, I was struck by Hunter's statement that he has to stay strong because Whitney, the supposed strength of the family, is always needing attention. He keeps his feelings to himself because he doesn't want to add to his parents' burdens with Whitney. That is very sad. He needs to be able to move on and have a real adult life.
  9. I usually lurk here because everyone else covers things perfectly, but I just wanted to say that after a whole season of her obsessing over the French Man (oy) and yapping to everyone who would listen about going to Paris and meeting him, we get a couple of pictures with his face obscured and a vague statement of how things went and that's it? I guess she figured exploiting her mother's stroke was a better plotline. I was particularly amused that several of her friends thought the supposed relationship with the French Man was over because she hadn't mentioned him. I really hope the people storyboarding this show don't think this is a springboard to getting jobs on scripted shows, because they are terrible writers.
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