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Everything posted by Cramps

  1. Tonight we learned that Lindsey works in medicine- but seemingly not as any kind of caretaker, like a doctor, nurse or aide. On the casting special, the “experts” made it sound like she was on the caretaking side of medicine and could help with Mark’s mother. But then when they told her she was getting married, she appeared to be the only one working in a jewelry shop. Am I confused? Or is all of the above correct?
  2. I have to say that despite being very extroverted myself, staying away from a rude, drunken Lindsey at the bachelorette party (who according to the after show was insulting Alyssa within hearing distance of her friends), doesn’t seem like such a bad choice. With regard to Lindsey: she was drinking alcohol in almost every scene we saw her in last night, from the beginning of the show. I lost count after five. Also during the after show, she was so rude about her impressions of Mark at the alter. She doesn’t have me ranting at my screen like Mr. “My wife must cook and go to strip clubs with me” does, but she’s catching up…
  3. MAFSFAN on Instagram just shared that drunken bride from the new season is already selling her wedding gown-which she described in a post as a ten thousand dollar Dolce & Gabbana dress bought from “Winnie couture”. BUT that smelled fishy to me: It didn’t look like a D& G dress —which would have been custom and way over ten grand, which the show wouldn’t have sprung for and the brand probably wouldn’t have loaned her. So I did a little research… Turns out it’s some designer named Winnie Couture, and the dress is called “Dolce” -and has nothing to do with D & G. Also Winnie Couture say on the website that their top dress price is $6859, which even with taxes is considerably less than ten grand. Winnie “Dolce” dress. Drunk Boston bride has every right to make a profit off the now spotlighted factor of her dress, but it feels a bit icky to claim that it’s a more expensive, better designer dress, when it’s not. But Maybe she just made a mistake.
  4. Probably due to the covid production protocols of Kevin’s main show.
  5. More details for those that missed all or part of it: Each segment had the journalists, Kevin, and a different couple from previous seasons commenting on whether they thought the couple would be successful. The general consensus was that most of the couples were questionable to bad matches. Kevin was very negative about almost all of them. (Frankly, most of the panelists would have fit in well here!). The “couples” they had on from previous seasons were more optimistic and seem to project their own experiences onto the new couples. One “couple” was Gil and Michaela who are not a couple, but I guess still friends. I am guessing they were there because Kevin wanted his man crush on the show. (This is not me being catty, Kevin was obsessively clear that Gil is one of his favorites ever on the show). The last segment was done with Bao and Zach. They said how their relationship and their feelings have gotten stronger for each other since the reunion specials. Bao spoke about how she still wanted to get married. They seemed very smitten with each other. Sadly, all the stuff about Zach and the multiple other women he was cheating on her with must have come out fairly soon after this was recorded. In retrospect, Michaela’s crazy incidents were probably much worse because Zach was gaslighting her. One final note-Mark the Shark’s high energy bride —from the one couple that almost all the panel thought were perfect for each other —is shown in a preview at the end being EXTREMELY DRUNK right before their wedding. Problematically so…
  6. I am stunned how much I enjoyed this episode—as I almost didn’t bother watching it. What other series does an episode at the beginning of the season predicting how big a failure it’s season will be and also rewarding the panelist who guessed most closely how big a failure it’s previous season was? But watching smitten Bao sitting there in a couple with Zach, talking about still wanting to get married while Zach lies to her and the audience was just painful. Poor Bao! Kevin is obsessed with Gil!
  7. To add to the list of things that the “experts” ignored in their matchmaking…I may have the exact wording wrong, but the woman who works in animal rescue, responded that she didn’t care if her partner was ambitious—just that he was fulfilled by his work. The “experts” then repeatedly said that she and the realtor would make a good couple because they both wanted someone who was ambitious and would make a power couple. The woman who they fixed up with the trainer was flirting with Pastor Cal —no wonder he likes her. Pastor Cal dresses beautifully and expensively. I’m guessing they are his own clothes.
  8. THAT is really interesting. I don’t know how much more over the edge manic pixie nightmare boy can spin, but it would certainly give the show a much needed plot twist.
  9. I’m guessing Zach and Bao were already dating and they restaged him asking her on a “first date” for the show.
  10. I think you’d have better luck ending up in a healthy, long-lasting marriage by going on US Big Brother, than being on this show. At this point I think BB is now at six marriages between contestants plus a couple of engagements. No divorces. I guess meeting, living with and really getting to know your partner before you get married actually does help the longevity of a marriage!
  11. Objectively, we have no idea what’s what with editing etc. But as a viewer, Gil’s constant criticisms and Myrla’s laughing it off, is now really getting to me. I personally, would have reached my limit and let him have it. As for economics, if they are in the marriage for the long hall, it shouldn’t matter who makes more money, but they do need some sort of counselor or money manager to talk them through compromising on things, so that he feels comfortable with their savings and helping his family, and she feels like she hasn’t completely given up all the designer accessories that obviously play a big role in her getting joy and feeling good about herself.
  12. I’m not sure Mikaela has any idea how bad her rages actually are. I had a wonderful and loving relative, who didn’t seem to have any recollection of how bad they’d get during their angry bouts. I think it’s a compartmentalization thing in the brain. I am curious how she’s responded to seeing videos of herself. It’s appalling that Zach is going to sleep with her after all of this. Of course she’s confused! Whatever her situation, toying with her like that is just going to make things worse. Gil’s constant criticisms of Myrla are too much. A little bit of teasing is fine. But that level of it is ego destroying. And yes, learning about Myrla’s tomboy, poor background explains a lot of the reason why expensive designer things are so important to her identity now.
  13. Gary’s final collection looked VERY Vivienne Westwood. Especially his menswear. It was definitely the most high fashion of the three, but most of his colors throughout the season tended towards really muted, which didn’t resonate with me (great patterns, but I didn’t like the pallets), and I’m guessing possibly towards all three women judges as well. (You can give Heidi a little of that, but eventually she needs something bolder). You could see the Amazon rep looked a bit grim with him compared to towards with the Andreas. Florida Andrea’s collection was possibly the most sellable. But it was also generic and dated and I began to wonder if in five years she’d still be making similar collections. (Michael Jackson’s estate called. They want a royalty..) I went back and forth on NY Andrea. Some of her designs were great, others were not. (I thought her winning camel hair coats looked frumpy, but I loved her puffy sleeved avant-garde coat). By the time their final collections made it to Amazon, they were so cheapened. (Not in price, but in production). But I am curious about Andrea’s sequin camouflage print. Did she design it? Steven Sprouse once did one that was amazing. I’d be curious to see hers in person. Did anyone order it?
  14. On the Big Brother Media thread, there is a photo of Michael and Julia in front of of an elaborate Christmas display. So it’s either real, or they are putting effort into selling it.
  15. There is just so much to unpack/unwrap here that I don’t even know where to start... If it’s real, good for them.
  16. For those of you who have seen the “Cowboy”/Michael episode of Catfish, what’s your take on it? It seems a bit fishy. (No pun intended).
  17. Yes, we were wondering about the veracity of this episode too. Especially since she seems too young to have really watched his season of Big Brother— unless she’s watching all the old ones. Although Michael aka ”Cowboy” was always a bit dim and gullible during his time on BB. That’s the only thing that makes me think “maybe.”
  18. The problem is that Emily is supposed to annoy her boss, but we are supposed to like and root for her. But she really annoys me too. (I don’t care much for the boss either). But I watched the entire series because -1. Paris! 2. Clothing! I feel like this series was made so Darren Star has an excuse to get to work in Paris again.
  19. Best thing about last night— No Paul! Worst thing— No Danielle Reyes. On the one hand I’m worried about another Production favored-Brigade-esque boy alliance with Cody, Memphis, Enzo and fill in the blank. On the other hand, these women are savvy and these aren’t boys. Memphis was panting after every comp.
  20. I am stunned that that the show is being written by the same writers. It’s gotten so bad this season. At first I thought maybe my patience had ended for asshole billionaires due to covid, but on reflection, the writing really has gone downhill. They’ve run out of plots and are just going in circles, and the characters feel like cartoon versions of what they used to be.
  21. Bobby’s speech to his son’s prep school could have just been entitled, “Fonzie your shark is back!”
  22. Question: what did Carrie put in the safe in her daughter’s room?
  23. Victoria’s winning outfit looked like it was taken from a very old Comme des Garçon collection. (Maybe a dozen years ago or so).
  24. I thought this was the best Part one finale show they’ve had. Duran’s original song was gorgeous. Katie was her usual complete package, total star powerhouse. Hoot was good and Rose’s duet with Gwen was adorable. But Rose’s final song, her Elton John cover was AMAZING. The only sour point was that John Legend was obviously trying to take down the competition a bit — he pointed out that Duran’s song was the real star in his performance (true, but kind of bitchy) and obviously gave as little praise as he possible could to Rose’s final performance. That kind of thing can backfire on his contestants.
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