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Everything posted by Cramps

  1. 25 is probably too young — IF your mom submitted your show application. As a complete generalization, early to mid 30s is probably a good age for this show. You’ve been around long enough to see what you do and do not want out of life/relationships, but you’re probably not completely set in your ways. (Full disclosure: I’m basing this on my marriage!)
  2. It’s really interesting comparing the US, Brazilian and Japanese versions of the show and their differences in dress, sexual attitudes, manners and social expectations.
  3. Say what you like about Mitch as a husband, but he seems like a fantastic ex…
  4. I tried watching it for a few minutes and then turned it off.
  5. Now MAFS (Instagram) is saying that Lindy and Miguel might not have broken up. (After saying they just did a few days ago). Similarly Olijawan and Katina just publicly called it quits a couple of days ago, but now, judging from something Olijawan posted, might not have! New marriages have their challenges under the best of circumstances, let alone ones that are married at first sight. I wish both of these couples success in their marriages, or peace in their separations.
  6. It looks like Alexis has completely revised Brennan’s wardrobe. I didn’t love it. But really happy for them as a real and lasting couple! Really happy to see SK and Raven as a real-world, mature, healthy couple. When these shows (this and MAFS) actually pull off a healthy and loving match, it’s really wonderful to watch. Matt and Colleen are of concern. We’ve usually seen her as energetic and joyful. Matt seems to have drained all that out of her. Z and C— He was an insensitive child. But-Whatever hurt and damage she has experienced in her life, got channelled into her lashing out with vindictive cruelty. B & N. I’m just glad it’s over.
  7. -Justin said one of Nate’s compliments was about his skin. Which makes sense, since during some of the closeups this season you can see that Nate’s skin is pockmarked. Since Nate is really into style and how he presents himself, it makes sense he’d notice that in someone else. After what we’ve seen of Justin’s behavior, I don’t blame Nate for getting to a point of backing off because he didn’t want to feel like Justin’s therapist. Stacia keeps demanding that Nate feel the way she wants him to feel, in the timeline that she wants him to feel it, and express it the way she insists it should be expressed. Stacia is probably on the road to destroying what could be a great marriage. I’ve had issues with Alexis all season, but am rethinking them at least partially. I do think she is toxic, but she was absolutely right to ask Mitch about the possibility of he and Krysten getting back together to give Krysten a dose of much needed reality, and allow her to move on. Also, after seeing Justin’s behavior at the reunion, and watching Alexis, who looked burned out and immediately shut down as soon as he started fighting with everyone, and obviously didn’t want to get pulled into it, yet still put in the effort to talk him down, it makes me wonder about some of their blowups during the season. There was obviously a long pattern of her talking him down. I usually blamed her, and did think she was gaslighting him, but now I’m wondering if I had seen their fights and discussions unedited, if I’d feel the same way. Krysten was definitely overcompensating with self love to make up for poor self-esteem caused by repeated male rejections. Much to my surprise, I grew to like Mitch during the season. He became my favorite castmate. His emotional IQ was awful, but he owned his faults and tried to change and be more thoughtful and aware. (Just don’t tell him how many paper towels I use). Happy to see Bhin and Morgan getting along. But he often seems to be just parroting things that people have told him, rather than clearly understanding situations.
  8. Has anyone found a way to watch Season three of the Israeli version here in the US? It came out about a year ago and it’s only 4 episodes long. So sad they took it off Prime.
  9. Raven is interesting. She came off, or was initially edited like she was going to be a villain-type. But for me, the turnaround came when SK started telling her how understanding she is, which I’m guessing is something she doesn’t usually hear, and it really got to her emotionally. I think she’s so used to hearing how hot she is (and putting up protective walls) that having an intelligent man who has yet to see her, tell her how much he appreciated all the facets of her personality, began to open her up. ~~Which was the opposite of her (great) response to Bartise when he tried to flirt with her in the pool.
  10. Ooh thanks for sharing! What concert were they at? I wonder what their rules are from the show re: wearing rings.
  11. Yes, there are bound to be some awkward and intimate conversations between the people that bonded but didn’t end up together in the pods, but Cole not only seemed to be having buyer’s remorse, but I interpreted that as him hitting on Colleen.
  12. As a Jewish woman who has been married for over twenty years to a man who grew up in another country who had never even met anyone Jewish until he went to college, I agree that they will most likely have to deal with some very difficult issues as well as numerous misunderstandings in the early days of their relationship. But if underneath that, their values about how to treat people and marriage really are similar, (which they must be to some degree, judging from the pods),and if they work at it and care about each other, it can work! (As you might imagine, I’m particularly enjoying watching them!) Edited to add: I love what we’ve seen of Brennan so far too!
  13. Yeah No- thank you for taking the time to share your assessment. That was really interesting!
  14. I want to add to the meyers Briggs part of this thread. Lindy keeps being described as an INFP, but she’s pretty extroverted. And is she more intuitive than sensory? I’m not sure. I’m thinking more of an ESFP or an ENFP. Miquel definitely seems to be an INTJ. (I’m an ENFP married to an ISTJ— and learning what a strong J he was made me understand how to deal with a lot of our issues.) (Also, as someone who tends to interrupt too much, I will say that if some guy was reciting crappy poetry to me during a romantic carriage ride, and that poetry wasn’t actually written about me, I’d be actively searching for squirrels, rainbows and unicorns just to get him to stop.) Lindy keeps warning us about the intense anger version of Lindy, but we’ve never seen the full-on monster she keeps warning Miguel about. I suspect that someone, most likely her conservative family, but maybe an ex, put it into her head that her anger is crazy and extreme. When in reality, it’s not. From early on, I have not cared for Miguel, because he seemed like he has a mean, controlling streak bubbling underneath. We certainly saw that side of him this week. I go back and forth on Mitch and Krysten. I think he is often clueless and insensitive, but unlike at first, I don’t think he means harm. Most of the time he seems to accept criticism well. As for Krysten I was very impressed with her maturity at first. But now that she seems to have written him off, she’s finally starting to lash out due to her hurt feelings. I thought her Mitch impression, complete with costume, and the divorce stuff was hurtful.
  15. That’s too bad about Krysten and Mitch. I’ve actually grown to like them both. Particularly Mitch on the aftershow. Sadly, I think that around the time that she got fed up with trying so hard, is when he started really liking her.
  16. I suspect Morgan has had a lot of relationships, both platonic and romantic, where the other person somehow let her down by doing something she considered egregious, leading her to fight with them and end the relationship. I’ve known those kind of people.Which is not to say that Bihn wasn’t in the wrong. Unlike many of you, I actually think Nate is handsome, but is he sincere? I normally love looking at neon clothes, but Alexis is ruining that for me. And lord help me I’m starting to like Mitch. Especially after watching him on the after show. I think if they can get past all his Mitch baggage, which he at least acknowledges, and if she can really be herself with him, there could be something there.
  17. I haven’t loved this season the way I did previous ones, but I sure loved this finale. Did I start crying during Sunrise Sunset closing credits? Um, yeah, I’m still sniffing! And the whole thing with “Are you there —- it’s me margaret?” And it not being helpful? My favorite reference of the season!
  18. Any episode that includes Nadja singing and an appearance by the Nadja doll is a special treat!
  19. Mitch annoyed me less on this than the show. I don’t think he is a bad person, I just think he is too messed up to be cast/matched. It wasn’t fair to do that to whomever he ended up with. And Krysten is great and incredibly adult about all this. Far more than most women would be. (At least than I would!). I wonder what would have happened if they fixed Krysten up with Chris from last season?
  20. Hated the North Korean twist. Nowhere have we ever been told in this alternative universe that NK is advanced enough to have already gotten a man to the mars.
  21. The green wedding cake looked like something you’d spot at a wedding of Oscar the Grouch. On the plus side, it made the other cakes look not as bad.
  22. 1. Krysten’s father is NOT in The Beach Boys. I just jokingly said he was on here last week because he looks like Brian Wilson and I guess some people thought I was serious! Apologies for the confusion. 2. Nate’s friend’s “generous” offers inviting Stacia to join in their games and to answer any questions she had, had a distinctly “Camilla ‘advises’ Diana early in her marriage to Charles” vibe. Stacia is not fooled. Also the friend keeps insisting that she and Nate, a guy she’s known a year, are (like) family. 3. HOW DO YOU SOLVE A PROBLEM LIKE MITCH? You probably don’t. He’s such an obvious walking red flag, I’m wondering if he was chosen because Dr Pepper thought he was tasty. (Didn’t she say he and Miguel were her types during the casting special?) So Mitch does not lie! If you are not casually attired enough for him on your wedding day, he will tell you! If your Mom is dressed more vixen than mother of the bride, (going against his supposed casual desires) and he thinks she’s hot, he will pull her aside to tell her! If he doesn’t care about earning money, he will tell your parents right away! Mitch has integrity! Mitch will not lie-ever! “Except to the police.” Poor Krysten. And what’s up with short sleeve Dad? She told him to bring something more dressy. Did the show not let him wear it so that we’d remember that he was not told about the wedding in advance? Maybe he too could have borrowed the motorcycle jacket.
  23. I can’t concentrate on Krysten telling her father about the wedding, because I’m too busy loudly pronouncing to my napping husband that her father is Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys.
  24. I suspect the other issue is that these stores may give them a limited choice of gowns. Didn’t one of the brides on a previous seaon once chip in some of her own money so she could get a better dress? btw does anyone know why the Australian MAFS thread was never unlocked? It’s a struggle to find it, but I’m still watching.
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