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Everything posted by Cramps

  1. Hi Bella- If you like Harold Dieterle's Perilla, you'll probably like The Marrow too. Those two are more alike in food and ambiance than Kin Shop. People who love Thai food (my husband) go crazy over Kin Shop. I'm more more into Harold's other two restaurants. (They are all near us). The food at The Marrow used to be heavier than Perilla, I'm not sure that's completely the case anymore. Unless you go for the Schnitzel! They have killer homemade pretzel rolls and a great mushroom "steak"for vegetarians. And a really great wine list. I used to LOVE Aquavit when Marcus was still there. One of my all time favorites. This thread reminded me I want to try The Red Rooster!!!!
  2. I absolutely loved the premise of this show, but the execution looked so bargain basement and each episode seemed like it was thrown together really quickly. How could they have done it better and possibly have had it last more than four episodes?
  3. But To semi-counter my own argument, if Rocky or Jimmy were truly amazing, they would have broken big by now. So they'll do well, because they've got years of stage time and material, that younger comics don't have, but neither is ever going to be a huge star-even if they win. Alonzo. Amy Schumer were the two comics that I discovered on this show that really blew me away with their material.
  4. Thanks! Matt's confidentiality agreement has probably made him afraid to say more. (I doubt they'd bother enforcing it at this point unless he really spilled major stuff). Even if he made his own picks I guarantee they let him know their opinions on what would be best for the show first. And if your Matt "can I keep the clothes?" Hicks, are you going to go against them?
  5. Considering she refused to call "Babe" "Harry"--I'm guessing there was a lack of belief there...
  6. Have any of them written about when they learned the truth or was that covered by their confidentiality agreements?
  7. The "young and driven" comics may not have enough strong material to get through all the rounds of this competition. The judges already were calling a couple of them on not being as strong in the semi-final round as they were in the first round, and that was because they'd already used up their best stuff. Jimmy and Rocky won't have that problem
  8. This one was the only one locked for me too.
  9. Matt, Megan, Kelly and I think the drunk one have all been on twitter.
  10. Didn't Joe Millionaire at least get five hundred thousand as the - they stayed together prize? Also did Not Prince Harry's Hair get redder again for the finale?
  11. Aida's timing was off this week. I like her writing a lot, but you could tell she hadn't been doing stand up as long as some of the others. Joe Machi is brilliant. I don't see how you'd give him a development deal, as the most he could do is play the weird neighbor/coworker, but he is truly innovative, hilarious and is becoming surprisingly likable. In a perfect world, he would win.
  12. They only asked for it for that one. I've already watched all the others!
  13. Totally predictable and probably scripted. Didn't seem like production let him pick the girl he was actually the most interested in. Wish we got a reunion episode where the other women learned the truth.
  14. Episode five was locked for me on fox.com, but all the rest were available...
  15. Referring to the writers' British Backgrounds, I believe John Major campaigned standing on a crate.
  16. Russel dated Aida? Then he should not be making the critical comments he's making, because they're not constructive and they're not funny. Did they say on the show they'd dated?
  17. I'm obsessed with this show, because I love the premise, but it could be so much better done. The butler and body guards look so cheesy. It's like they came from a seventies children's television show casting call. And Not Prince Harry is either too terrified that he's going to screw up to speak, or the most boring non-royal on the planet. My favorite part of the show is the women trying to convince themselves he is Harry since he won't admit it--but they blow that next week. I just so want the real Prince Harry to be watching this!
  18. Actually Kromm, after Andy was successful and well known, he got himself in a "fight" and thrown off the TV show Fridays and pissed off a ton of women with his wrestling matches. ETA: Whoops sorry, I misunderstood your post the first time I read it. I just agreed with you! The one thing I do think, is that he would have done one of these shows if he were starting out today, and whatever he did, would have been original and memorable!
  19. Really disappointed that Billy Wayne Davis didn't make it through. Liked his liberal spin on the traditional Southern comic style. It was really funny and fresh. The problem with Monroe is that he needs a few more years of stage time to reach greatness. The foster kid life story thing is very unique, he just doesn't seem like he's been doing comedy long enough to be fully in command of the stage.
  20. Andy might have done LCS if he were a young comic today. And I for one would have tremendously enjoyed watching him do Mighty Mouse (or a modern day equivalent) for his whole five minutes. The guy Roseanne squabbled with was no Andy because he wasted a big chunk of his set doing a hack joke. And while Andy might have chosen to do a bit where he fought with the judges, he was ALWAYS innovative.
  21. I believe Madonna's raising her kids in NYC. I'd love to see Cher as a coach, but I think she'd be more comfortable as a judge than as a coach. Very different dynamic. Looking forward to Gwen- not so much because I think she'll be an amazing coach, but because I'm hoping the show will bring in some more interesting alternative artists in the blinds for her to potentially choose.
  22. We live in New York, so we go to Harold Dieterle's (winner season 1) three restaurants fairly frequently. They're all really good. They're all in The West Village. Perilla was the first one. Seasonal American. That one we go to the most. Really delicious. Very friendly vibe. Then Kin Shop is Thai - but with an American twist. The New York Times went crazy over it when it opened, so it can still be hard to get a table. And finally, The Marrow, which combines the German and Italian influences of Harold's heritage. The Stout cake there is one of the best desserts I've ever had. We initially started watching Top Chef because we were fans of Tom's and Craft. It's still a favorite.
  23. Agreed-I'm loving the judges. They aren't making it about themselves. They really know comedy Their criticisms are helpful, not cruel, and they are trying to be supportive.
  24. Andy Kauffman was brilliant and innovative. Even when he was being "rude" he was brilliant (his wrestling stuff). That LCS guy wasted a big chunk of his set building up to a hack joke. So his obnoxiousness didn't feel innovative, it just seemed lame. Liking the judges--it's always a pleasure hearing stand ups talk about stand up (loved Paul Provenza's Green Room). So glad to see Roseanne back doing something in the comedy world. Loving her judging. The contestants are pretty solid with strong povs. Didn't think I'd like Rod Man because of his delivery, but ended up laughing more at his set than anyone else's.
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