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Everything posted by Cramps

  1. Sweet and imperfect finale. Much like Ted himself. Looking forward to reading everyone’s feedback on stuff I probably missed. a few smaller notes: -Cat Stevens for Ted Lasso. You know those writers have to love Harold & Maude. - I wish we’d heard a bit of Trent’s book as narration at the end. -I don’t think you can bring snow globes on planes because of the liquid. A girls football team! Maybe Roy’s niece will play for them some day!
  2. I feel like the participants, with the exception of Vanessa are all taking this much more seriously than in the first season. it actually makes sense. I am enjoying this LGBTQ season and I liked the French season. But the first season of this show was a cringy dumpster fire.
  3. I still say that when Kirsten told Shaq to stop trying to be funny is when he began shutting down to her. Before that, her criticisms were about his looks and because he’s probably less secure about his looks, he still kept trying really hard to win her over. But once she slagged his personality, you could just see him shutting down and beginning to pull back. Because he is confident about his brains and personality. if he says yes, it won’t last long.
  4. Whitney seems to hate attention, but I’ve never seen someone show so much cleavage—even by reality show standards. I want to say to tattoo bride — try playing a bit hard to get or at least hide your desperation.
  5. I’m a city girl, so my tastes may just be completely different, but I keep thinking “Why would women compete for these men?” Is this just the best farmers the producers could get, or do most women consider these men hot catches? They don’t seem particularly attractive, charming or considerate to me. I’m not trying to be snarky—it’s a genuine question. I’m a little baffled. On the snarky side, the show itself is very poorly produced. I do like Jennifer as a host though.
  6. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got back together. Jamie seemed sad. And Beth is so volatile… I’ve actually always liked them. I hope they work it out.
  7. I’ve been thinking that for a couple of years. With his grandfathers stock and potentially Marsha’s backing, who always seems to like him. And with Tom working under him. Plus we still haven’t read the will. But it seems too far fetched.
  8. My guess is that Vanessa did her nice interview beforehand with J & J, and the producers chewed her out for going easy on them, so she over-compensated with her interviews during the live show. While Nick basically took a nap.
  9. Yes!!! The documentary on them is hilarious and charming! Highly recommended!!! I think it’s on Netflix now.
  10. Chelsea barely smiled. Although Kwame had his arm around her, their vibe was different than the other couples. She didn’t seem to have the same positive loving energy around him that she always did during the season. Then again, if I were her, after seeing some of the conversations he had with Micha i would be seething. Nice apartment though! The whole Zach and Bliss marriage seemed creepily forced during the season. But they seem genuine on the reunion. I really like Bliss. Zach looked a bit Ben Affleck-like last night. I’ve never thought that before. IMHO Brett is by far the most attractive man to ever be on this show. And I love his Dad. Brett and Tiffany seem so healthy together. The mean girls ended up on their own… The baby stuff from Vanessa was awful. One question to the group would have been fine. But that was uncool. I actually like that none of their still married couples have had kids yet. It’s so often portrayed as abnormal- but MANY married couples purposefully choose not to or can’t have kids. The tech glitch was kind of funny. The show shut down Netflix! Bad for Netflix, but probably good for the series- it brought it so much attention! (AOC was tweeting about getting Brett’s tailor to come and save the day!) Wishing all three married couples long and happy marriages.
  11. Uh oh…no Joel in the future yet —good catch. Add that to her donating all her clothes to a self created charity…hmm…
  12. I normally don’t care for Joel’s parents, but I was howling at their interruptions during Midge’s attempted act. And thought their bit in bed at the end was very sweet. So far I like the future-based framing devices. Unfortunately for them, Hacks got there first. Much of Midge’s career has mirrored Joan Rivers, so seeing her end up a success is not a surprise. I felt like the airport scene in ep 1 will be the last time we see Lenny. Which would be a shame. Luke is magical.
  13. While watching I kept thinking that Kerry would be left a chunk of the company and that they’d all regret treating her poorly. But the season preview doesn’t show much of her-so perhaps not. I think I’m most curious about the contents of the will.
  14. Thanks to LennieBriscoe for the viewing link! Such an interesting season. Love the beautiful wedding locations and that the wedding dresses appear to be much nicer than the trashy ones we’ve been seeing on the US version the last few seasons. Although I’m curious about the rest of the season’s attire. Do they contractually ask the women to show as much skin as possible? I ended up adoring Jessie. As much as I was hoping to see he and Claire stay together, he was right not to. Not because of the kiss, but for her vicious bullying of him to cover up her lie. The truth came out about Cam, who has turned me off from the very beginning. Toxic Harrison was a sociopath. He consistently accused others of doing bad things that he was actually doing.
  15. Yes, it seems that their idea of “normality” is to be mean girls. Got it.
  16. We learned that the kids can buy Nan’s company once they get the money from Logan selling his company…I’m thinking Logan is vindictive enough not to sell. I liked having the kids initially stopping their meeting when Shiv came back in from her call with Tom. It seemed like they were pulling together to support her— or did the brothers see the subtext of the call (Nan’s company being on the block again) from the beginning? The scene with Shiv and Tom breaking up was incredibly powerful and well done. It made my heart break for two horrible and cruel people. Season premieres can be draggy because there is so much exposition being done — but I thought this was very strong.
  17. Someone above suggested that Clint and Gina have privately decided to make the best of this and just try to have fun and act as respectful friends without announcing it. They are now fun to watch. I’m surprised more mismatched couples over the years haven’t done this. At the very least, she’s going to get a great dog sitter who lives in her building out of this. I believe that Shaq began shutting down after Kirsten told him to stop telling jokes. Shaq is insecure about his appearance, so her not being initially attracted to him he took more in stride. But he likes his personality and is proud of his brain, so when she told him to stop trying to be funny, he was angry and started getting fed up with her. Pretty becomes a lot less pretty when you can’t banter and have a good conversation with them. I think Nicole’s father set a really poor example for her with regards to how to socially interact with others. That on top of her extreme insecurity issues is and most likely has been an issue for her in all types of relationships in the past. But I think at heart she is sweet and well-meaning. I hope that watching the show gives her some perspective about her interactions and how a little adaptation could go a long way to making her happier.
  18. I like the fact that last week Dominique said to Pastor Cal “you have some explaining to do and then asked for a divorce this week. The matches this season are horrendous and if they did it for drama, they don’t have that either, because this season has been really dull. Maybe the show will actually work a little harder to make good matches. I like Keisha, and her show can be interesting. But that show where it’s people watching it from their couches is really pathetic. They’re going to milk this cow completely dry.
  19. So in Don’s case does “old soul” mean “wants an older more established -aka richer husband”? Because that was kind of the vibe I started getting last night. Either way, she’s very mean with all her criticisms. I can’t believe that Gina has actually made me feel sorry for Clint. Perhaps the one thing he might take out of this is a bit of humbleness, which would make him much more appealing.
  20. Two of the wives have basically now told their husbands that they don’t like their senses of humor and not to be funny. Dealbreaker. Shaq, who was really patient with all her complaints about his appearance, was right to speak out on this.
  21. Not only is there no one on this new show that I want to see, they are lots of people I actively don’t want to see.
  22. Who is Mindy? Dom and Clint—two people who seemed to enjoy their bachelor-bachelorette party evenings a little too much… This should go swimmingly!
  23. My guess on the fifty grand is that Mac told his mom the show was going to be paying him to be on it and she countered with more. Ncole’s story about her ex was the most heartbreaking thing I’ve seen on this show. I didn’t think she should’ve shared it, but fortunately, Chris seems like a mensch. I hope they make it. Was Shaq in Mississippi defending his dissertation, or was it just a conference? The first I’d absolutely give him a pass for, the second does not tell one’s new bride that she’s your priority.
  24. If a man was under 25 and gave his bride to be sailing gloves and then didn’t dress up for the ceremony, I’d say he was either not ready to be married and/or a clueless nerd, who might potentially learn the proper ways to treat a woman over time, with some guidance from her. Mr. Sailor, who by his own admission, brags about the vast number of women he has slept with, is too old and too experienced to make those choices. He’s selfish and emotionally immature. At the moment, I wish he and the size queen had been paired, to spare their actual partners the grief. in other news, I think it’s somewhat obvious to see which couples stay together or breakup, judging by their commentary on the aftershow. Things are potentially looking good for one of them… Also, has one of the brides not appeared on the aftershow yet? I wonder if that means anything.
  25. I think this is the overall worst picks of potential spouses of any season. so many of them are obviously not ready for a marriage at first sight. -an arrogant woman who is extremely picky about looks and penis size. -a 25 year old whose mom applied and who worries about losing her girls nights out (and that was before scenes of her and the stripper) -a woman who introduces herself by saying “let me know if I’m to much” - although those two might work because they are both so desperate to be married. - a man whose sister is adamantly insisting he is not ready or equipped to be married (I agree with her). - and pairing a hairdresser with a guy who specifically asks for a natural woman. (No tie at his wedding?) Obviously this show is going to have a low success rate even in the best possible circumstances, but these people are all waving giant red flags!
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