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Everything posted by In2You

  1. I don't think Shia spiked her drink. I'm sure they would've hinted at that. Maybe Maya is just a lightweight? She's not seeing the show psychologist to free her up to travel. Quinn set it up so she could spend as many hours on set as possible. Just like how she has the intern doing Rachel's community service.
  2. I wonder if more girls will be revealed to be on the show only for their 15 minutes of fame.
  3. Nah Faith winning would be such a big joke. We all know she's only on the show because she's the "ugly" girl. I don't think anyone would root for her all the way though. Its been a long time since I watched The Bachelor but the audience usually seemed to love the pretty all American girl. I'd rather he pull a Brad Womack and choose no one.
  4. Here's an interview with the creator of is show who worked on the Bachelor http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-st-unreal-sarah-gertrude-shapiro-bachelor-bachelorette-20150528-story.html#page=1
  5. ITA its okay to feel sorry for him for stooping so low but he is know victim. He's pimping himself out because he doesn't want to swallow his pride and play nice with dad. An the reason dad isn't playing nice with him s because he as out acting lie your typical playboy sleeping around, buying hookers, throwing parties, and embarrassing the family in the media. Maya made a mistake and she was intoxicated. I'm sure she didn't expect for things t go that far with the friend. Adam knew what he was doing and was sober.
  6. This show should've been on actually ABC airing right after The Bachelorette. I don't think its works on its sister network because Lifetime's audience is not the audience this.
  7. Her ex is bland and feels unnecessary on this show, Like they literally have the same conversations all the time and with the obvious hints at her hooking up with Adam he's redundant. All the soap opera stuff thrown into this episode makes for a nice Lifetime movie(like I stated in another thread I enjoyed two with similar setups that aired on Lifetime) but bland and predictable for a show.
  8. I hate shows like The Bachelor but cant help being sucked into stuff like this. I watched a movie on lifetime a few years back starring Annie Ilonzeh as a reality show producer who fell for the bachelor. And I want to Marry Ryan Banks with Brady Cooper was another guilty pleasure movie. Lifetime should do a Reality of love theme marathon.
  9. I never went to one but I did go to college and a big one used to come to town once every semester. I remember a lot of neon short shorts and sports bras and cut up white tees for the girls. The guys also wore neon colored shorts and white shirts unlike what the guys were wearing here.
  10. The i09 review was not good http://io9.com/stitchers-is-one-of-the-most-fascinatingly-horrendous-t-1708852744
  11. People still go to EDM parties that are like raves but they don't call them raves . Anyway the whole case just seemed like an excuse to get the girls in short shorts.
  12. They do realize they continue to contradict the no emotions thing everytime they show a flashback, right? The second episode was better but the show still feels dated and the lead actresss is still horrible. And what was the point of choosing an Aussie actress to play an American character if she cant even hold an American accent for longer than a sentence? As for the iZombie comparions, both shows were in development around the same time last year. I suppose if this show had been released first then people would call iZombie a sStitichers copy. Why does poor Salli keep getting stuck on bad sci fi summer series though? First last summer's The Lottery now this one.
  13. Simpsons Bible stories is one of my favorities.
  14. The main character is obnoxious and the lead actress is laughably bad. Her acting is terrible and her facial expressions are stiff. Her Aussie accent constantly slips out. It sounded almost lisp like. The dialog is way too fast like they dont want us to notice they are making up their science talk. And why does this show look like it was filmed in the late 90s?
  15. I only liked the second half of the episode. Cheerleader Liv was god awful as were the scenes with the cheerleader. One side was over-acting the other was under-acting. And all the pop culture references were too try hard and not funnny at all. The rest of the episode was much more engaging especially during the zombie fight and the aftermath with Peyton.
  16. GH's cheap ass makeup artists and the ugly wardrobes tend to have people looking less attractive.
  17. She recurs as the daughter's bff. She's been in like 9 episodes since the show's start.
  18. No one is saying Bryan's actions are worse than Ron's. I think most of us agree Ron can't write and his twitter antics are childish. That still doesnt excuse Bryan's actions. He's accountable for his own.
  19. Sutton Foster does not look 26. I say this as someone in their 20s. She looks older than me and most of my peers. Maybe a rough 26! She can pull off mid 30s.
  20. Its not an actors job to speak out about the writing(and that goes for all series not just soaps).They're the tools to bring the writing to life and at the end of the day if they arent satisfied they can always use the outs in their contract to leave.
  21. 1. Bryan already sings Mo's praises and has spent most of his time on GH imitating his acting style 2.More still has had more sympathetic writing than alot of other characters. 3. Bryan is still pretty much a newbie having only been on this show for 2 years he has no rights to be saying his story should be written a certain way. And he's been doing it for awhile. I remember the campaigns to have a story with his real life gf when she was on the show.
  22. He's better than HP but far from great. And I'm saying that as someone who's seen him in other roles outside of GH. Speaking of HP she's a horrible young actress. Really shrill and just bad. She's lucky to have coasted along on GH for so many years. Her brief appearences on Instant om havent been anything special either.
  23. He said himself as a Daytime Emmy nominee he believes he should have a better storyline. I didnt pull it out of my ass. It was his own words. Not being happy with a storyline doesnt mean he should lash out on Twitter as if he;s God's gift to GH. Vets are getting worse then he is and he's still basically a newcomer.
  24. I believe they made 2 sequel movies of this show.
  25. Bryan Craig should count his blessings he has a job. Both Kiki and Morgan are awful and neither is played by a good actor.
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