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Everything posted by In2You

  1. Theo is the only one Ciara has chemistry with. She's less annoying when in scenes with him
  2. Actually its on Hallmark. They keep showing the previews for it all the time. Its based off a book I enjoyed but I know Hallmark watered down the story because it had some sexy scenes.
  3. Yeah I graduated from college less than a year ago and the only way Sonny and Alexis would be contacted is if Kristina was in an emergency. They don't contact parents for grades or discipline. This story is so stupid and boring to me. Why even bring Kristina back for this dreck? I've been watching her on and off dull drama about school my entire 4 years of college. This girl went into school with AP courses and took summer sessions. She should be graduated by now.
  4. It was still like that when I was there in 2012. But of course the rule only applied to the mod's favorites characters. I never got banned but alot of posts got deleted. You couldn't even hold conversations in you're visitor messages on your profile.
  5. She was a child on a soap who got recast just like many before her. It wasn't that deep. The real problem is they miscast the role. Vivian looks nothing like PR or KA. Like I could tell she was latino the moment I saw her onscreen. Which I could ignore because DAYS cast non latinos as latino all the time. But her acting is downright horrible. Her diction is so bad its like she's struggling to get the lines out.
  6. The young people are in school at the time DAYS airs so not sure the teen scene is attracting too many teens. I'm in my early 20s and in high school I could count on one hand how many people I knew who watched soaps.
  7. Her acting was donwright horrible in the NYE episode.
  8. I preferred the little boy who played Morgan before SORAS. Cute and quiet. Aaron always had the same expression of his face like he was depressed and ready to burst into tears.
  9. I'm surprised Nik never banged Carly. He's Sonny-lite
  10. No Adela was Cuban we never heard what her maiden name was but I'm sure it was Spanish.
  11. For as much as people say ABC Family unfairly cancels shows they actually dont. If anything they give alot of low rated shows like Stitcher's a second chance.
  12. I don't see AS as the lead in this show but Emma Ishta is horrible and I have no clue how the hell she got cast. Someone in casting must've had a crush on her. I agree that the show looks and feels dated.
  13. I like the darkness of this show. Its what makes it stand out as different from every other "bachelor show" story. Last week's sappy mess was boring to me and not in line with how they've been handling things. Rachel makes bad decisions that she convinces herself are alright.
  14. If Lifetime cared about ratings they wouldnt be making all those Unauthorized sitcom movies lately. Because they don't get great ratings from those.
  15. Based on the previews it sounds like it will come out in the next episode.
  16. Last week's episode was so weak it had me rethinking watching the show. This week it was right back to unpredictable drama and Rachel doing horrible things and convincing herself it was good. Looking forward to the guilt she has to live with as well as the fallout of Mary's death.
  17. Some scenes dragged but it was afun movie. I like that they didnt make laughable attempts to be dark and their wasn't as forced as a love story this go around. Amber Heard's character flirted with Mike but they didn't try to paint her as his savior. And Matt Bomer's character was alot more memorable in this one. He really got the show off his skills.
  18. I didn't care for Josh Kelly on OLTL and yes dull and wooden here. Rachel and Jeremy have no chemistry. This episode was hiring. I didn't care about Faith and the let's protect her from coming out plot. Especially after what they did exploiting Anna after her father died. Shia messing with the meds was too over the top and would never happen on one of these shows.
  19. Eric Roberts doesnt turndown roles.
  20. that scene was to show how desperate and niave some girls get when there's a chance at stardom at stake.
  21. I was falling asleep on the last episode and didn't even try and stay up for the ending.
  22. Your example is not the same as this situation. Shia gave her one shot of liquor but that doesn't mean she's responsible for Roger and Maya's actions.
  23. That show was awful. In fact so bad I believe it got canceled early. Of course they wouldn't waste money on a therapist for that show. They were tricking naïve girls into thinking Prince Harry would actually do a reality dating show. If they hadn't started casting this show back in 2013 I would've thought they got the British suitor idea from that show.
  24. She can't sue Shia because she had too much to drink. Its not Shia's fault that Maya got attacked. She didn't hold her down and let Roger attack. All the blame is on Roger for being scum.
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