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Everything posted by In2You

  1. Honestly I've seen better acting on bad teen shows than the acting of the younger actors on this show.
  2. Lord, they butchered The Bridge to make it a 2 part movie. They dropped in pieces of the book where they felt like but left out alot of good stuff.
  3. His drug days went beyond the 90s. He was on some rehab show a few years back; I think between Y&R stints. And there were stories about him here and there on the sets of B&B and Y&R. I'm sure he's alot better now though. I will say they definitely didn't have to crack jokes in the dialogue about his weight even though the boards used to make fun of his body alot. I didn't give a damn about AJ's return though because I'm so beyond over back from the dead stories on soaps and the characters usually aren't likeable anymore after their returns.
  4. The back parking lot was the worst spot they filmed
  5. She didn't have grade problems. She claimed to have dropped out because people ostracized her and then she met Trey. Its stupid that Kristina has been in school for about 6 years and now they're about to have her drop out. And to use the lame excuse that she doesn't know what she wants in life. Plenty of people don't know what they want in life. But they at least graduate first.
  6. Well this is the same show that said people at Yale did and suddenly ostracized Kristina for having a mobster father. So who knows what narrative they're using now.
  7. I really cant stand this family. They're all alike and never take responsibility for their action. Each one hides behind a manipulative crutch and play the victim. With Sonny and Morgan its bipolar disorder with Kristina its crocodile tears. Why do they keep trying to make them the heroes of this show?
  8. Kristina was threatening the professor with her father her damn self. That's what she does. She has no problem throwing around her father's power and then tries to flip flop and act terrified.
  9. I hate Sonny too be he shouldn't be apologizing to her at all because he's in the right. Kristina has been doing the same thing for years. She does wrong and then doesn't want to own up to it or take accountability so sh brings out the tears. The Alexis excuses all her actions and they try and make it all look like Sonny's fault. He's the one fronting the bill for her undergrad education that is going on 6 years now.
  10. Kristina's storyline is ridiculous. Its like they're trying to make her a victim when she's someone who offered up sex to her professor in exchange for good grades and now wants to crocodile cry that's it imploded on her. And like always I'm sure Alexis won't hold her accountable for her actions. And really what's one chance at an A hen she was in danger of failing multiple classes? It wouldn't have made much of a difference. Instead of crying about it they should've had her own up to her ish.
  11. I watched his talent vs morals standup before and I didn't like it then either so I didn't like that episode. The funeral episode was much better and actually funny.
  12. Sabrina is latino so both hr children would be latino. Not one latino and one white child. Latino people come in all shades. Its not a race its a culture. You can't learn to be a good father from reading a damn book so that alone was right there up there with the horrible writing for 20 somethings on soaps. Morgan still wasn't showing any signs of going back to school, getting an actually career,etc.
  13. And nothing good came out of making Matthew a father either. There's not much story for a young 20 something with a child on a soap. Save those baby stories for the 30 and up crowds and let the young people learn about themselves and have career aspirations and date alot of people and experience new things. Most people that age are not jumping to have kids so not sure why DAYS and GH think they need kids and to jump into getting married right away.
  14. Avery was unnecessary and shouldn't even exit. There's nothing entertaining abut baby stories on soaps anymore. Its better that they gave the baby to Sonny though because Morgan is too young to be tied down with a child when they have to give his character a worthwhile story. I don't know what is with soaps lately giving all the young character pointless babies and white picket house family aspirations instead of writing a decent story for them.
  15. Morgan really does not need a child right now. Especially with a woman old enough to be his mother. They need not mess with Avery's paternity again.
  16. Maya should be recast and brought back because the hospital needs doctors
  17. Helena is a poor man's villain to me. The Cassadines are yet another set on this show who have worn out their welcome much like the Corinthos Clan.
  18. Yeah my dad is bipolar and a friend of mine is bipolar( and also the same age range as Morgan) and I don't find this storyline believable. I find the actors who play Michael, Morgan, and Kristina to range from terrible to lackluster at best.
  19. Alexis used to be so anti mob though. And now since she's with Julian its suddenly okay
  20. One could argue marrying Julian is out of character.
  21. Jerry Jax held her hostage, she was there when Claudia took Carly hostage at gunpoint, Keifer's dad held her at gunpoint at the hospital, and Trey's dad held her hostage at gunpoint a couple of years ago. The entire hospital was on lockdown. She's not new to gun violence. She's witnessed Diego get shot when she was like 6. After so many years of violence I'm surprised she's still crying like a baby. Most of the people in town should be used to it by now.
  22. So has Kristina but she was still balling like a baby. Funny how she threatened to sick Sonny on someone before.
  23. Today sounds like a skip day with more shenanigans and Bryan's yelling.
  24. Those dresses in the picture still clealry have a specific color scheme. All are different tones of the same color. Sam, Kristina, and Molly wore 3 completely different colors and styles.
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