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Everything posted by In2You

  1. No one really mentions it anymore because she's been looking that way for about 10 years. I know my friend and I watched DAYS when we were like 13 and had an entire discussion about how boney she looked.
  2. This week was pretty boring and the dates were so cringe worthy. Is Olivia trying to be an extra? Cuz her loony performance was so over the top. I thought that was an awful embarrassing way to let her go. Made even worse for her by the fact that it was on TV
  3. Ben's take on the episode http://www.people.com/article/bachelor-ben-higgins-blogs-lace-exit-alex-morgan-kelly-ohara-soccer-group-date-episode-3
  4. I asked the same thing awhile back. Its so stupid. They aren't donig anything with her anyway so just send her off to a better school instead of having her slum it at the local university.
  5. This Ava and Joey story is disgusting to me and the guy who play Joey can't act. I don't enjoy watching some older woman prey on the feelings of a boy. Are we supposed to root for them? He's underaged! What the hell is wrong with this show? Why writing Chad and Abby like an older couple getting ready to settle down? They're in their 20s. They shouldnt even be strapped with this baby to begin with but this talk of having 3 more and moving into their dream house with no career talk in sight is nauseating.
  6. Sumbag Johnny isn't a catch either. There's no men in that age group worth fighting over.
  7. Bland Dan was a good sketch
  8. I couldn't find a thread for them on here and I'm sure I'm not the only one who watches their movies. I like that they have a balance between the cheery and sweet and the more serious ones. The latest movie Love Finds You in Valentine is apart of the Love Finds You In series. Based on the popular novel by Irene Brand, the story follows a law student, Kennedy Blaine (Mcmanus), inherits a ranch in the small town of Valentine, Nebraska, after her parents die. She travels to Valentine with the intent of selling the ranch, but is drawn in by the area's beauty and to ranch foreman, Derek Sterling (Morgado). Putting her life in L.A. on hold, she decides to spend some time at her ancestral home and reconnects with her grandfather, Gabriel Morgan (Asner), who she has never met. Soon, Kennedy is harassed by someone who wants her out of Valentine. With Derek and his mother’s (Wagner) assistance, she sets out to discover who is behind the offenses. But when her search reveals painful details about her family and raises questions about Derek's own past, will Kennedy still want to know the truth?
  9. I'm trapped at home until Monday so I saw it and the movie is just as bad as it sounds. And RP can't act outside of GH's writing either.
  10. I read Unleashing Mr. Darcy( the book they based this movie off of) awhile back and I felt the movie lacked what made the book good and that was the sexual chemistry between the leads. The movie would probably have been better as a Lifetime production and with different actors. Also Ryan Paevey is bland and wooden as a lead and was struggling with some of the dialog. And Cindy Busby was just far too brittle in this role and Elizabeth's nitpicks felt like that of a school girl.
  11. But you just said its rude to spit out food,period. Um people can have a food allergy and not know it. I've worked in the food industry and can name plenty of examples of people who had food allergies without realizing it because they had never tried something before.
  12. So in that case then if someone was eating something and realized it had something in it that they were allergic too they shouldn't spit it out?
  13. I try to stay away from the Hallmark facebook page because some of the people who post on there with their overdramatic complaining really need to get a life. I saw the posts about The Waltons and they were ridiculous! I bet half those people have INSP and can just go watch it there anyway. And some people are way too conservative. I saw complaints about Last Man Standing from people who have never seen an episode. Yet they claimed the show didn't fit in with Hallmark's values. I'm actually getting bored with Hallmark movies lately. Sometimes Sesame Street is more interesting. They really need to embrace some diversity and stop trying to cater to just one demo only. It would be nice to see some African American, Hispanic American, and Asian American leading ladies. And no I don't people like Meghan Markle who are half but can pass for white/racially ambiguous to be an African American lead. Suits even poked fun at her look when the character's didn't believe Rachel was half black. Its like they believe their non Caucasian viewers don't want to see themselves represented. People of color can be quirky and have meet-cute stories as well. And for the most part they only seem to focus on late 20s to mid 30s characters as well. As someone in their early 20s sometimes the movies are just too sappy even for my friends who are mid 20s with kids. You can show an entertaining movie featuring two people falling in love that showcases values and is fine for the kids to watch without watering it down to the point where there's no angst whatsoever.
  14. They should've kept in that scene during the date where Jubilee taught Ben that dance. It was cute and less awkward then some of the stuff they kept in.
  15. Martha threw shade right back at Wendy the entire interview. It was great! Wendy clearly forgot that Martha is a Jersey girl.
  16. Unworldly? Jubilee has more worldly experience than the rest of that bunch. She was born in another country, was in an orphanage for months, got adopted and moved to the US, joined the army, and served in Afghanistan. As for the food. I watched the episode online and he told her she could spit it out. I roomed with a girl for 6 months who was in the military for. Its a whole different environment and the women don't have time for that petty clique bs.
  17. Hellish? The way Sonny, Olivia, and Connie used to reminisce it was all great times of cooking, eating pasta, traveling to Coney Island and going to Yankees games. Nevermind that with Adela being the only Cuban is an Italian neighborhood neither she nor her son would've been welcome in those days. And Sonny wouldn't have been spending all his time outside of the house becoming the Italian cooking masterchef.
  18. Y&R used to be crazy behind the scenes with all sorts of cast drama. Its been tame for the past past and you don't really hear anything anymore. GH bts was more dramatic last year.
  19. It should not be someone's storyline. Olivia can be a supporter of breastfeeding but its not a story. And she definitely shouldn't have been breastfeeding in the middle of business meeting and make a scene. That was so stupid! Excuse yourself from the table and do that elsewhere. It was unprofessional.
  20. These writers have no stories so they pull whatever they read in the local newspaper
  21. Bellamy is white. The actor may be half Asian in real life( who looks more Caucasian than Asian regardless) but even in the flashbacks Bellamy was played by a white boy. Raven is still lacking in character development. Yeah she's a bad ass ass but little has been touched upon outside of that. Monty still feels like a background character 2 seasons in. The Clarke/Lexa kiss felt like they through that in for LGBT brownie points.
  22. Kristina was never promiscuous unless she turned into a ho offscreen. She slept with two people(highschool bf, and college bf) over the course of 4 years onscreen. I recently got out of school last year and alot of my professors were old men. And most people's first option is not to proposition the professor for sex. That's just crusty! This storyline is insulting to young college women.
  23. GH doesn't have the budget for adventures stories. Where are they supposed to have these adventures? In the hospital? They have to build sets or go on location.
  24. They don't need to SORAS her education. She's been undergrad for 5 years! Surely between the summer and winter sessions she took she made up her first 2 semesters and she went in with credits already. She needs to just graduate! Not sure what this show has again education because it was ridiculous the first time when Kristina came back aged a couple of years and they said she dropped out her first semester.
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