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Everything posted by In2You

  1. In2You

    Iris West

    I still dont understand why they are holding off on Iris knowing that Barry is The Flash. She was in his life before all these other people and if he can reveal it to villains he can tell her too.
  2. Yeah her acting has been iffy for me all season but this episode solidified that DP cannot act for me. She's been the weakest link week after week. I don't think she and GG have chemistry to put Catlin and Barry together.
  3. I didnt get to watch Monday so I'll have to catch up with it when I get the chance. They've been posting the episodes on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCLNbZkovMM
  4. This episode bored me. I mean I still don't like Team Flash as a whole so I'm sure that was part of the reason. Also that selfie scene just reminded me that Barry still has yet to tell Iris that he's The Flash and he's been closer to her a hell of alot longer than he has to these people. Yet now they're documenting the journey in pictures. There was alot of misogyny present. Especially with all those shots at Caitlin over Ronnie which just gave way to more scenes with Danielle's wooden acting. I'm so beyond the tired joke of Cisco giving villains there nicknames. And I really hate how they the Rogues have basically amounted to non factors on this show. I cant name one of Barry Allen's villains that has been interesting or memorable here. So Barry just rushes out of that room full of people and without telling Iris so much as a good bye and she doesn't even call him out on it later.
  5. They've been posting the episodes on youtube the day after airings. The first one got way more views than it did on TV. The second one had low views.
  6. Jason definitely does mock fans. He's been playing Bellarke fans for the fool ever since they started shipping. He would tell them he wrote scenes from the Bellarke perspective then backtrack and tell them "Not really, jk". Can't say I feel sorry for them though since the loud ones on Twitter and Tumblr can be downright nasty and act entitled.
  7. The dialogue was horrible last night. The Flash should only fight Metahumans. He should've easily been able to speed grabs those guns right out of their hands and end that fight in 2 minutes. The big fight scene was just complicated and contrived for no reason. Danielle Panabaker really hasn't improved in her acting since her Disney days. Like she was just cringe worthy at times in this episode. I'm tired of her wooden acting and I just cant buy her as this brilliant scientist. The only good thing about the episode was Barry speed moving back in with Joe.
  8. I didn't read the book but from what I understand from people who have read it its definitely different. Lindy has a different occupation and the set up is a little different. Lol the friend is Kiera from Austin and Ally! I adore Kiersey Clemons! The crying scene at the end was a little cringe worthy but I did see some improvement in Victoria's acting from Victorious.
  9. I think Bryan Craig is a terrible actor. For all his scenes he seems to only have two acting styles. He either does his Maurice Benard impression with yelling, awkward pauses, and saying his lines in cringe-worthy ways. Or he's just delivering a flat performance. I felt nothing when Morgan was sad over the baby not being his.
  10. Clarke didnt exactly struggle for the leadership position. Yeah in the pilot no one wanted to listen to her but it only took a couple of episodes before they started following her rules.
  11. I think the superhealer aspect was special snowflakey as well. Also being the only one suspicious of what was going on at Mt. Weather. A big problem is often the other kids were just non thinking sheep to make Clarke look like the brave and strong leader. There's no one on this show written as her equal. And the way the writers go out of their way to tell us she's a strong leader, with most of the solutions and she's different is just reminds me of the leads in a few YA right now. Especially in the dystopian books.
  12. Other than her sometimes pyscho tendencies Clarke is really no different than the majority of special snowflake YA protagonists that are popular right now.
  13. Historically hunter gatherer societies were not truly matriarchal. You'll have a hard time finding evidence that they were. Women did not do all levels of work in most of those societies they had their assigned roles many of which required them being close to the home.
  14. First look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqpJcmsKYJs In the white-hot sun of the New Mexico desert, scientist Vera Buckley watches in fascination as a mysterious object plummets to Earth and explodes in a blinding flash, sending out a shock wave that briefly stops Vera’s heart and panics her techie coworker, Alan Harris. Vera is not the only one affected by the blast; she is instantly and mysteriously connected to four other strangers, who also collapse only to miraculously come back to life: Erin Calder, a young mother desperate to protect her 7-year-old daughter from an abusive ex-husband; Peter Moore, a troubled high school student who finally lashes out to end the constant bullying he can no longer endure; Raul Garcia, a federal agent looking to escape his undercover assignment in a violent Mexican drug cartel; and Joshua Silburn Jr., a charismatic second-generation televangelist following in his father’s footsteps – all awaken after the pulse with extraordinary gifts they can barely believe, from inexplicable strength to the ability to heal others.
  15. The matriarchal society has been really badly put together and I'm still waiting for explanation on why they chose women to be their leaders. It really doesnt fit in a hunter/warrior society. It feels more like the writers think women being leaders equals strong woman writing. The characterization is lacking. Also they need to learn how to balance more than one storyline in an episode.
  16. We'll see how The Messengers and IZombie do ratings wise but retention from Arrow is weak, special effects aren't cheap, Reign has the advantage of being closer to syndication in episode numbers. The Messengers is an apocalyptic drama as well so it will be interesting to see how it performs compared to how The 100 performed its first season.
  17. I wanted flashbacks for Raven but those were lame and a waste. I want some real insight to her life on the Ark and her relationship with her mother. Once she left the Ark the entire focus has been on her relationship with Finn and telling the audience she's a strong woman. I think that's one of my big problems with this show. They put all these women in charge and continue to tell us how strong and amazing they are but outside of Clarke and her mom there's barely any character development for them.
  18. Clarke has been a murderer. She mercy killed Atom and killed a grounder last season.
  19. I don't feel sorry for Murphy despite this show trying to make me feel that way. I still remember how he killed those people last season and how he treated them in inhumane ways. He's no better than Finn.
  20. Why are most of the characters on this show annoying? I basically only watch for Raven. I'm with Lincoln. Kill Finn! Clarke needs to be slapped. As does her holier than thou mother. Even in those flashback's Thomas's acting was bad. And I just knew eventually this show would make Finn's crime a noble deed and Raven's fault. Way to make the oxygen thing her fault because Finn can't ever be held responsible for anything. Such bs! It also contradicts a scene from last season where Raven warned him about taking more spacewalks. I'm tired of them constantly pushing Clarke and Finn as noble selfless heroes without fault. And then Flarke angst, ugh! Everything I hated about Season 1 was in this episode. The only good thing was that they had Clarke kill Finn. I was seriously scared they'd sacrifice Raven for him. I still dont understand the separate Grounder language. Like what is the point of it when they speak perfect English too?
  21. Reign's ratings arent that much worse and it has more episodes than The 100 which works in its favor.
  22. If someone had to show up from that show it should've been Madeleine. Peyton and Robbie are horrible
  23. Ugh Peyton List is coming. I couldnt stand her on ATWT and TTP. http://tvline.com/2014/12/16/the-flash-season-1-cast-peyton-list-lisa-snart/
  24. I thought this was the strongest episode this scenes. That being said the fight scenes and special effects are still over all weak to me and I dont like the way they film them. Grant was pretty good at the emotional stuff in this episode. I really felt for Barry when he was crying(and he did alot of that in this one) Danielle also was pretty good this episode and she's usually a weak point for me. Lack of follow up with that scene with Barry and Iris was disappointing. She didn't even get to properly talk to him when he told her his feelings. Tina McGee was in the comics as well I wonder if she's going to be more like her comic counterpart(without the dating Wally part). Wells is not the Reverse Flash. He may own the suit during this century but he is not the Reverse Flash. Nice try show.
  25. In2You

    Iris West

    I feel like they've changed what she's been studying several times since the original pilot.
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