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Everything posted by In2You

  1. It wouldn't be a fun what if game with anyone. I side eye anyone looking over the babies at the hospital nursery when they don't work there or have a newborn family member among them. People who kidnap infants usually hang around hospitals scouting out babies to grab. . Its happened in so many cases.
  2. Thank you Taylor for calling Carter out on her shit. Taylor and Carter don't even have the same sense of style but they pick out the same exact dress. So cliche. We're still pretending Carter and Crash have something deep, ok show. Was I supposed to be touched by Bird's friendship bracelet and proclamation that she knows they would've been lifelong friends? They haven't even gone through anything together. The music continues to not fit the scenes on this show. I understand its MTV and they have to showcase music in their series too but even Teen Wolf does a better job. How creepy was that flashback of Carter and Lori hanging at the hospital nursery? And didn't Taylor ask Carter when she's been celebrating her birthday in the beginning of the episode? Yet we get another scene later of her asking the same question so Carter can find out she's been celebrating her kidnapping day. They couldn't have given that moment with the phone to Elizabeth? God forbid Carter and her actual mother have a breakthrough. Yet another scene where dbag dad looks like the hero. And then the playing around with the phone when they should've sent the FBI to go arrest her. And it looks like Elizabeth is going under the bus yet again.
  3. . This show is already beyond cliched because of all the drama with Carter's lame friends. Showing something in the house triggering a memory from the past is not cliched it realistic.
  4. Even if she blocked it out there has to be something in that house that would trigger some emotion.
  5. She should have at least one faint memory from before she was kidnapped. She wasn't an infant she was 4!
  6. I've been hearing rumors on and off for the past few years that Eddie had a vasectomy so its funny for her to play up the need for a baby angle on this show because unless he reversed his vasectomy they aren't having any kids.
  7. This show is definitely lacking in the build up. No one is saying Cater needs to immediately like Elizabeth. No that's gonna take a long time. What needs to be shown is Carter asking herself why Lori kidnapped her in the first place. Also Carter was taken when she was four years old. So she has absolutely no memory of her family aside from a brief connection with her grandpa? I remember little things from when I was four (the night my little sister was born, when I had the chicken pox, etc); are they trying to tell me there's nothing around that house that could possibly trigger and old memory?
  8. Eddie's aged like a decade over the course of dating Leann. He looks so much older now. I've never seen the "butt pic" but there's plenty of pics of her butt in itty bitty bikinis online. I also think the Dallas role was something they made up for this show. Did anyone see their Songs and Hymns Inspired by the Tabloids? Its a shame Leann's career has come to this.
  9. How about Max:The Voice of Reason for a title name?
  10. What drunk teens in titillating situations? If your talking about the Real World those people are always adults. Granted the only other show I watch on MTV is Teen Wolf but not even that show has the amount of foolishness this one does.
  11. So because Carter wuvs Crash he's exempt from jail time? Give me a break! What message is this writer trying to send? He didnt make out with her friend. He had sex with her!
  12. Crash just getting off the hook made no sense. Made even worse by them trying to pretend he and Carter have something deep. Were we supposed to feel sorry for him because life is hard?
  13. This show is stuck on stupid! I missed the first few minutes of the show and when I tune in she's talking about how she and Bird can't both be into the same guy. Then two seconds later she's heading over to go profess her feelings for him. WTF! He just had sex with your friend and you're ready to jump in bed with him too? And its not like he has some great personality for her to be attracted too or she knows anything about him. Every time I looked at the screen she and Crash were making out. And they had the nerve to act like their relationship was deep too! And that ending so unrealistic! Do these writers think this is riveting television?
  14. That would be a mockery to parents who have actually had to deal with their children being kidnapped in real life. And there would be no way to ever make the dad remotely likeable after that.
  15. Honeymoon in L.A was one of my favorite episodes.
  16. This is a teen show I'm sure some variation of the term will end up on the show by the end of the season. I'm not saying Taylor is one but making out with a bunch of guys at a party isn't innocent girl behavior either and in real life will get a girl called all types of names. But I'm sure the writers on this show thought those scenes were cute.
  17. Saying she wasn't drunk just makes it worse. And she went from her first kiss to making out with a guy on her bed. That's a big leap. My sister watches this show and she actually is high school age. She said Taylor was acting like a thot in last night's episode.
  18. Exactly and if I was a shipper I would've been pissed at how that game cheapened their first kiss because that night was also her first kiss with everyone except Bird and Crash.
  19. Having Taylor make out with all the guys was cringe worthy at best. Nothing was cute about those scenes. And the first half of the show really doesnt match up with the second half.
  20. Yeah someone on the IMDb boards pointed out all the presidential names.
  21. Some men aren't embrassed about living off their wives/girlfriends anymore. I've met plenty of grown men like that.
  22. Why would Carter even want Crash after he had sex in the closet with Bird? I guess they are one of those groups of friends who like to all have sex with each other. Maybe if dbag dad would've got off his lazy ass and gotten a full time job to help pay the bills I would have some sympathy for him. But as far as we know he sat around and is still living at the house without contributing to any bills or groceries or anything.
  23. How the hell can Carter tell Elizabeth she should show Lori compassion because of the reasons she had for doing what she did when Carter herself doesn't even know the reason? Just love how dbag dad can have all this POV on how hurt he feels because Elizabeth is cheating on him and how he's struggling with his writing but we got none for Liz on how hard her life is. Who still plays 7 minutes in heaven? We didn't even play that in middle school. And we definitely don't play it when we're drunk. Taylor's kissing lessons were cringe worthy. And I thought it couldn't get any worse until she jumped onto Gabe like a pro. And then she's in bed making out with Max. It was obvious there was something between Bird and Crash since the first episode he appeared so not sure why they had her piss on her territory every two minutes in this episode when she didn't do it when he and Carter were having their makeout sessions. And it looks the next episode will bring more stupidity.
  24. I thought I was the only one that found those two unlikeable. The premise already bothers me for a sci fi show supposedly targeting women. And then on top of that look at what network the show is on. Then there's leads in the cast I don't care for.
  25. Its not even just in the show's hastags its in the actors tags too so you can't even check for promotional pictures before stumbling upon fan wars. I don't understand how someone can start a show and ship a couple before they even see them together onscreen actually interacting.
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