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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Agreed. He risked Sonny coming at him again when he came back for Michael (when Abby the Strooker died). He was closer to Morgan. He should be here. Although...Dante was the last decent male on the show, and look what's been done to him. God knows what they'd do to Jax. He'd probably fall for Nina.
  2. I cracked up at Michael's "we're different people" in his intro. I assume that was code for "I'm not crazy, people!"
  3. Best Actor: Um...hmmm...uh...how about...er.... was there some day player who played a corpse or something? Jesus. Oh, wait, even though they haven't been on much, and will only get a couple days in the year, I'll go with TR and SR. Because no one else deserves it. Best Actress: Either FH or BH. Both have been given a steady dose of hot crap story lines, but they've played the hell out of them, so there's that. Best Couple: Shit. This is more difficult than best actor. I guess I'll go with Michael and Sabrina. Although, naturally, the show is shitting on that. Worst Couple: So...many...choices... Nina/Franco, with honorable mention to Dante/Valerie. Wait, they might win this category. Yeah, they're worse than Neens and Francs. Worst Storyline: The Redemption of Sonny Corinthos. Fuck that. Best Storyline: .....Seriously?..... No. Worst Actor: Ensign Mayo. He beat out a strong crop of suck. Worst Actress: Michelle Stafford, edging out Brytni Sarpi by a slim margin. I feel like no year in review discussion would be complete, though, without a shout out to BryDog's social media presence - the gift that keeps on giving.
  4. Merry Christmas! And I vote you keep posting. I keep up on your stories more regularly than I keep up on the show these days.
  5. That was back when Jason had a personality. Borg-y likes the short mumbling brunettes.
  6. TJ's blatant glee on trivia challenge day is always a highlight of the season. I loved him cackling after some of the wrong answers. Thomas (your name is Thomas, right?), I'm not saying Abe is definitely going to eat some of your organs, but, well, Abe's probably going to eat some of your organs. You might want to volunteer to go into the pit so you can get the hell out of Turkey breathing. Reality TV really desensitizes you to shit, because while I should probably be horrified that CM is talking about her boyfriend's "serial killer quiet," I laughed and laughed. Of course I also laughed at the way the two of them almost needed to be hosed down when Abe got there, with Thomas (seriously, that is his name, right? I can't be expected to know all these new names already!) right behind them. I think he got a pretty good illustration in the difference between CM flirting with you to kill time and stay in the game and what it's like if she's really into you. Back to the trivia, an hour after the show was over, I looked at my husband and said "Loki!" and we just started laughing all over again. God bless these twits. Oh, and Aneesa, really? You not only thought that it would be a good idea to put Jenna up top answering questions, but you also apparently decided it would be a smart move to have her be the one in charge of when your tube of stupidity would explode? No, you don't get to be annoyed with her when she gets answers wrong or mockingly "proud" of her when she gets them right - not when you're the genius who decided to put her in that position. You would have been better off putting a rabid squirrel up there with a basket full of letters and waiting to see if he happened to eat the letters in the proper order to spell out the right answer.
  7. Jason apparently has a thing for short brunettes who mumble.
  8. "I already did the stupid thing" sounds like what one says after sleeping with Morgan.
  9. Yes, he definitely was. I wasn't watching yet when Rosie was born, but I was watching when Will was born. So he's more recent.
  10. It would not remotely surprise me to find out that none of the current writing staff knows/remembers that Felicia was a pretty big part of teen Robin's life.
  11. Well, you know, he doesn't like to take any woman completely off his hook. Do you know how rough those months were for him after Hope left town and before Steffy returned? He only had the one girl. How can any self-respecting waffle function without a backup?
  12. I assume that, right as she's about to spring her trap, she'll get distracted by his princely penis and decide she wuvs him and can't possibly hurt him like that. I believe it says everything about the state of this show that I'm sitting here going "well, maybe I'll FF so I can check out Robin's pedicure..."
  13. I picture Nathan Varni tweeting this if some fan asks about Mac, but the W there would be "who?"
  14. And Spencer wasn't even as important as getting laid by a tumor ghost. I think, in descending order, it's getting laid, money, spawn.
  15. To be fair, Jason was already at douchebag status at that point. The others just needed to catch up.
  16. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for assisted suicide.
  17. I was just coming to post about Patricia Elliot. May she rest in peace.
  18. Well, if that's the standard, then pretty much every relationship in the history of soaps has been rape-y. I can't blame the citizens of Port Charles if they've finally decided to stop showing up to big events, for fear of being shot, held hostage, or forced to listen to Carly or Sonny ranting and raving about some betrayal or another.
  19. Poor thing, pity she doesn't have a relative with a cute husband working in the field.
  20. I still need someone to drop that line on that hypocritical beast before this story line is over.
  21. And his "does the show provide some kind of overnight accommodations? Where I can stay indefinitely?"
  22. If the show doesn't get what a problem it is that viewers can literally turn on a dime on a character like this, I don't think there's much hope.
  23. That just reminds me of Guza's old "it's been a couple months since we've had Sam kidnapped and tied up so we can show days of strategic camera angles focusing on her breasts" fetish.
  24. Seriously. She's looking to dump him for the guy who dumped her ass, at her cousin's funeral, for the life size Bratz doll, because she brought 10 cent parachute men and cold truffle fries to the party. You never look back, honey. Never.
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