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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Yep, Sam totally strikes me as the type to do some arts & crafts project to accept a marriage proposal. Totally. I just can't with this show.
  2. 100% of the current GH stories would never be able to happen if any character remembered actual events and feelings from more than 5 minutes ago. Maybe they've gotten lazy and that's what KeMo showed up wearing that day, and wardrobe went "eh, she's good."
  3. Wasn't KeMo's "maybe I'm staying, maybe I'm not" the reason we got the Sam/Ric, Liz/Jason hookups and all the ensuing fuckery?
  4. Note to self: Just delete the rest of today's show without watching it.
  5. I actually think the best chemistry RP has shown is in his scenes with her. Maybe he works better with a little conflict than the schmoopy stuff? He just seems to have a little more life to him.
  6. One of the parachute men performed the ceremony. Another one filled in as best man/ring bearer.
  7. I'm starting to get the impression we're going to end up with a Nathan/Valerie pairing.
  8. Maybe he can go sneak that nasty old red ribbon out of the poetry book Katie put it in when she and Ridge called things off.
  9. I thought so too (about his chemistry with Brie).
  10. Well, yeah. I can see a judge now "you did all of this out of love for Jason Morgan? Well...who of us hasn't done something crazy just to try to be loved by St. Jasus? Case dismissed! Mr. Morgan, before you leave, can I get a few pictures and autographs for the family?"
  11. God I wish Branch would make an appearance here.
  12. That's what I thought (about their personal lives), but I had seen a lot of talk about there actually being something to the Dolph/Lana thing. So it was giving me Steve McMichael/Debra/Jeff Jarrett flashbacks. (Not that I blamed Debra for taking any chance to leave Mongo, dude was unstable in real life). What cracks me up, if nothing is truly going on with Dolph/Lana, is that while Dolph was going so far as to use his Twitter account to play to the idea, we also have this story of him wanting Nikki back going on on TD, which is supposed to be "real." So we've got a guy who is in a relationship with an NXT diva basically concurrently running two fake relationships with WWE divas, one that they want people to view as "real" on TD, and one that he's personally playing up as "real" on his own Twitter account. I know they have to assume by now that most viewers are savvy enough to realize that the in ring stuff is all just story line, and that a decent number of viewers are savvy enough to realize that the reality show isn't so heavy on the "reality," but still, you'd think they'd at least try to not have two different shows running contradictory story lines like that. Unless their over-riding story line is going to be "Dolph's a big old slut." Of course, I also think it's weird that they started Dolph up in a new story line right as he was apparently on his way out to do a movie. And, speaking of movies, now that Barrett is back from filming his, can they utilize the guy properly? And I say that only partly because I like weekly opportunities to stare at his abs. The guy actually has some personality and ability to work a mic, which is sorely lacking in spots on the current roster.
  13. Wanting Sonny to die is never, ever wrong. I wouldn't be super thrilled with an "everyone wants to be a mobster" follow up, but I can forgive just about anything if it's preceded by "Sonny dies."
  14. I'd be happy to have her pop up for a couple weeks to sit on the sidelines and chuck dinner rolls at people every time they're being stupid. I can't imagine that he is. There aren't exactly a whole bunch of "soap EP" positions left out there, and I'd say only one of them would even potentially be open to him - Y&R. He has nothing to gain by sabotaging the show and a steady paycheck to lose.
  15. I'm not letting Sonny off the hook even a little bit. He was happy he finally had a "reason" to kill AJ. But I can't ignore Ava's rather prominent role in the whole thing. She started up that train, and Sonny couldn't wait to jump on board. They're both assholes.
  16. It's not as simple as "she told him to." She killed Connie and let AJ take the fall for it. While Sonny has always hated AJ, what pushed him to become over the top in his desire to kill him at that time was his belief that AJ killed Connie. Her urging Sonny to kill him was her desperate attempt to keep the truth from coming out. So, yeah, Sonny pulled the trigger, but Ava put the whole sequence of events into motion when she killed Connie.
  17. I'm already on record as a Liz fan, but if she did something nefarious to Sonny, I'll love her even more. We may as well get some good out of the trashing the show is doing of her character. If she offs Sonny, then, when Cujo starts sputtering about "you killed Sonny!" Liz just calmly takes her ass out, too, I'll nominate her for sainthood.
  18. He hasn't misplaced them. He eagerly lopped them off and placed them in Steffy's (no doubt hideously over the top) handbag.
  19. Cyber bullying doesn't have to be a faceless nameless person. It just refers to bullying that is primarily taking place via technology - texts, tweets, facebook, etc. Obtaining embarrassing pictures or video and threatening to release it to the rest of the school, via texts or social media, is one of the hallmarks of cyber bullying, along with the other stuff the bully was doing - repeatedly texting or posting to the person all those put downs and threats (kind of vaguely implied in this case, if I remember correctly). Also, I don't remember any indication in the episode that the bully was doing anything face to face. Riley seemed to be talking only about messages (although I don't know if we're talking texts or direct messages via other social media). The closest to something "in person" the bully was doing was filming Riley, but the impression I'm given is that Riley didn't realize she was being filmed until the bully told her they had video of her doing the "Riley Awards" after school and threatened to send it out to everyone.
  20. Well, you know, Brydog probably has a hard enough time remembering where the underwear go when he's sober. Drunk, he has no prayer.
  21. There used to be some end point to stories, in some fashion. We'd get the big splashy "finally!" weddings, the bad guy would lose (at least for a decent stretch of time), things like that. Now, we get quickie weddings with like 4 people in attendance that are only a checked off item on the list of getting to the next plot point. Or the bad guys end up winning, somehow, and everyone in town needs to kiss their asses. The shows themselves never end, but we used to get movement and not just the same shit over and over and over. That Thomas continues to fantasize and obsess over the woman who he now knows would have never knowingly slept with him is beyond creepy.
  22. Isn't that why God created meat hooks? I still think it would have made more sense for Patrick to find out than Liz. He could have had a more targeted rant to self about people doing horrible shit and living happily ever after - Jason was a fucking killer, Robin "died" trying to save him, she was later forced to go to work reviving him, and that's what led to the death of his son, Sham-wow. Now Robin's gone again, and Jason is alive, right when Patrick has gotten together with Jason's widow and is attached to Jason's son? He has reason to, specifically, be angry at Jason and look at Jason as a big part of the reason he's lost so much (not that any of it was directly Jason's doing). And then he could also rationalize that Liz and Jake are happy (because I'd buy someone viewing Liz and Jake as happy together much more than I'd buy anyone saying "but look how happy Patrick and Sam are!"), and now that little Jake is back, they're raising their son together, etc. For once can't we have it be one of the men who goes a little crazy over losing the object of their affection (you know, other than someone like Faison, who is just crazy, period)? I'm sure that, before he was canned, Ron had plans to tweet that someone threw a rock through Patrick's window with a note tied around it, made of cut and paste magazine letters, saying "Patrick, there's no phone service in (whatever country we're currently supposed to believe Robin is in), so nobody should try to call me. Love, Robin" So, how could Sam possibly call her?
  23. Well, when the other adults in her life are Carly, Sonny, and Ava...
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