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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I'd just like to point out that there are more ways to be abusive than physical abuse. Yes, CM was in the wrong in a couple ways, but the behavior we saw from Abe seemed pretty emotionally abusive to me. I have a request for production - please re-stage those rooms, put Abe in one, CT in another, and let's see who gets it done first. That Pit was the most entertaining elimination since Johnny Bananas Backpack (which will forever remain the best). Abe's brother going to town while Abe gets so hyped up his nose starts bleeding was exactly the kind of thing I watch this show for. Add in all the reaction shots (I'm always amused when you can see that TJ is clearly into it), and it was great. As was Thomas narrating his brother's comparatively inept sledgehammer style. John is, as always, a douchebag. But I'll take the small victory that at least Nany wasn't there when the shit went down, so she didn't get to do her victory lap. (Yes, I think I might actually hate Nany more than John). It wouldn't surprise me if she was more angry at John for waiting to stir shit up until after she left than she was that he said her name for elimination last week. You know she loves to trash other girls for their sex lives while playing victim when anyone says a word about hers. While I typically enjoy a good TJ expressing his disappointment routine, I loved Aneesa's no fucks to give "go ahead and call me a quitter," exchange with him. (But, yeah, Aneesa, how many of these have you done? This heights shit can no longer be a surprise.)
  2. Can someone please tweet that "10 Worst" article to BryDog or Thighbolt? I could really use an entertaining distraction tonight.
  3. Between RM and HT, JMW was doomed by her onscreen genetics. Poor girl.
  4. Watching that clip makes me want to find Ron and punch him in the face for ruining Liz/AJ. Stupid fucker.
  5. Whenever I see a real life couple refer to one another as "my ride or die," I can't take them seriously as a grown up (not that I could take BryDog or Thighbolt seriously as grown ups in the first place, mind you).
  6. Can you imagine how epic (and public) the break-up would be?
  7. As Liam was heading to the plane's bathroom, I was saying "oh, please, Jesus, let him knock himself unconscious in the crapper!" If this show is going to insist on being crap, then, please, be the kind of crap I can cackle at.
  8. That's what I was thinking initially - that she's had so much work done that she can't properly move her mouth to make words.
  9. They absolutely believe we're stupid. Pretty much every episode of this show over the past several months has been a testimony to how stupid they think we are.
  10. Kiki: I don't know what all these things are that my Dad left behind here. There are shelves full of them.
  11. If she's in scenes over more than one commercial break, that's probably her 2017 allotment, too.
  12. Ah, maybe that was it. It seemed like, overall, she was enunciating everything really oddly today, maybe her accent slips in when she's doing "emotional" stuff.
  13. The main thing I got out of today's show is that JMW pronounces "fault" really oddly. And she kept saying it over and over and over (and over and over) again.
  14. I can definitely see the need for a Lucky recast at this point, but I'd be so annoyed if it was Jeff Branson. Aside from the knee jerk negative reaction I have to just thinking about his character on AMC, I really don't think he's as good of an actor as advertised. I'd still vastly prefer Mark Lawson. (I love Josh Kelly, but he doesn't feel like Lucky to me.)
  15. And, to give him some credit, JPL could step up when in scenes with a strong partner, like the Rex/Bo scenes. So, at least, he'd probably be decent opposite Tracy.
  16. I'm convinced she has some deal where she gets to handle her hair, makeup, and wardrobe. I could be entirely wrong, but if I am, then she is the only woman alive who could consistently, day after day, manage to make the hair, makeup, and wardrobe departments of this show look so good.
  17. I admire her so much for sharing all of that. Having been through similar issues, I know that it helps so much to be open about them, because otherwise you start getting into this mentality that it's your shameful secret. And that is so not the case. I hope she goes on to have a successful pregnancy, when she's ready to try again, and that the tumor remains as innocuous as possible. Side note: Kim looked adorable pregnant in that picture she shared. I think it just shows, once again, that TIIC of this show cannot dress a woman who doesn't have Kelly or Becky's body. (And they even mess up those two some times.) They should just let Kim wear her own clothes whenever she pops in to film.
  18. Wish I could say it was mine. Just a cute picture I found online to use.
  19. They were inside a series of a few glass boxes (I can't remember the exact number). It was an elimination game, and, to win, you had to completely break through all the panes of glass in each box. Timmy actually got done first, but, when he went to break one of the top panels, the whole panel popped out intact instead of breaking into pieces, so his escape didn't count. And, in the process of breaking through those glass boxes, he pretty much shredded his legs and ended up with pieces of glass embedded in them. (I think I got the general gist of it, it's been a while.)
  20. I agree that Nina could have potential, if the writing and the way MS is being directed to play her would take advantage of that potential. Ever since they decided to reel her back in from the scheming woman she was when she first hit town and the woman who forced Ava into labor and stole her baby, they've been playing her and her "love story" with Franco as some weird melding of OLTL's Jessica thinking she's a 17 year old virgin again and AMC's teenage autistic Lily falling in love with the brain damaged "they cut the bad out" Jonathon.
  21. Happy New Year, everyone. If you're going out tonight, stay safe!
  22. I love how Liz is somehow responsible for all things at all times. If her lie cost Patrick his "great love" with Sam, then theoretically, if she hadn't lied, Patrick would still be with Sam? So then, Robin would still be rotting in captivity. Yet, somehow, Liz's lie is responsible for extending the length of Robin's captivity? OK... But, wait, Liz's lie is responsible for Patrick becoming more attached to Sam. But, her lie cost him his relationship with Sam. It's like she's an evil time lord who has managed to cross every constraint of time and space to make every situation the worst case scenario. Is she also responsible for the success of Trump's campaign? Did her lies lead to Bill Cosby raping 50 some women over the span of a few decades? Did she order the HGH delivered to Peyton Manning's address?
  23. I think it encapsulated how selfish she is along with how incapable she is of going without a man for 10 seconds. My UO - I see zero reason for Patrick to be mad at Liz. As today's repeat episode reminded us, once Sam knew Jake was Jason but that knowing who he was didn't send him running to his ride or die twu wuv, she decided to go full steam ahead with the divorce, because staying latched on to her second choice was preferable to giving her husband two seconds to process his identity and see how the recovering memories and feelings thing was going to go for him, and Patrick was perfectly happy to go along with that. The only reason she and Patrick ended up breaking up (aside from the writing decisions that needed to be made to accommodate JT's exit) was because Sam got reason to believe that Liz knew Jake was Jason, and she latched on to that. Given that behavior from both Patrick and Sam, had Liz been open about who Jake was from the time she found out (when Patrick and Sam were already involved), there's no reason to think that Sam wouldn't have pulled the same "well he knows who he is and still wants Liz, so I'm going to marry a guy I clearly don't love enough to marry," and Patrick would have happily gone along with it because Robin wasn't back, and he needed someone to warm his bed and raise his daughter. Add on that both Patrick and Robin love Liz and have been close with her for years, and while they don't approve of what she did with Jason, she's still their close friend who they love, who didn't do anything to either of them. I know, I know, the only respectable response from either is to pull out a gun, shoot Liz, put her through a wood chipper, burn those pieces down to ash, and spread the ashes in multiple, non-connecting bodies of water so they can't re-form. But, considering the shit each of them has forgiven in loved ones in the past (and, in Patrick's case, has received forgiveness from loved ones in the past), it makes more sense to me that both have drawn on their own life histories and realizations that even decent people do some messed up stuff some times. Add in their longstanding friendship with her, and they're not choosing to put her in stocks in the town square where they sell rotten vegetables for the all of Port Charles to throw at her. And, let's be real, if Liz had told Patrick the truth back when she found out, based on how he's acted the past year or so, he would have likely agreed to the line of thinking that "everyone is better off this way," and wanted to keep it between the two of them so as not to rock the boat. I love Liz, but I agree that there are a lot of people who should be long term mad at her. Patrick and Robin just don't fall in that category for me. Patrick because Liz keeping the secret fell right in line with what he wanted to happen in his life. And Robin? Liz didn't do anything to her. She had zero idea that Robin was being held against her will.
  24. I still kind of love that they had her quickly glom onto Franco, the guy who had caused Jason so much pain (along with facilitating her favorite child's rape). I feel like it showed exactly how selfish Carly truly is. Jason was dead, he wasn't around to do shit for her any more. She needed a new guy to prop her up. And she thought he was Jason's twin, so he was the closest she was ever going to come to screwing Jason. It clearly illustrated what a shitty, self-centered person Carly truly is.
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