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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I remember actually feeling positive about the show back then. We had AJ and Liz. We had Michael bonding with AJ and rooting for him to be with Liz. And then it just all went to hell.
  2. Damn I miss them. Why the show ruined that, I'll never understand.
  3. Agreed. GV wasn't as good as JJ, but JJ as Lucky was kind of one of those lightning in a bottle castings. The problem with GV's lucky wasn't all on GV. The writing was terrible for his Lucky because, to Guza, Lucky wasn't worth anything without JJ in the role. GV was never going to reach JJ's level of success in the role, but he was miles better than JY, he had chemistry with a lot of the cast, and he could have been better with better writing behind him.
  4. I was just coming to post the same thing. Praying for him and his loved ones.
  5. This. Exactly this. The only reason they had Sam look bad for a bit back in 2007 was because they feared KeMo wasn't staying. Once it was determined that she was staying, the show launched into action to repair Sam and put her back with Jason. In my opinion, Liz still hasn't done anything to Sam as bad as what Sam did that summer, but there will be zero acknowledgment of that when this whole mess comes out. It will be all about Liz being the worst, pathetic, desperate, and crazy. There will be zero self-reflection from Sam that she did at least as bad to Liz (worse, but I have zero hope the show would ever acknowledge that what Sam did was worse). It will be all about Liz becoming the crazy speed bump to "JaSam 4-Ever!!" People will line up to tell her how bad she did poor, Sainted Sam. I don't mind if they give most of the perspective in this reveal to the Q's, but they won't. It will be all about Sam with a side of Cujo and the Moobster. Have I mentioned lately how very much I want Jake to turn out to not be Jason? Not that there's much hope of it, but, come on, Billy Miller, you want out of this shit show so they'll have to make your character not Jason after all.
  6. Well, yes, of course. The Raya baby should have a virginal birth, come into life pure and saintly.
  7. The computer probably just pulled that picture out of Spinelli's spank bank. "Oh, we don't have to work hard on this, you have 1,000 pictures of someone who matches this bone structure. Here, I'll use your favorite. No, wait, that's an ass shot. Here, this one."
  8. But that wouldn't be a costume. That's just their every day thing. Or they could pull the same shit GH did, and Nicole will talk to the doctor into keeping her secret, and let Rick and Maya go on thinking this is the baby she agreed to carry for some length of time. Eventually, Zende figures it out and he wants to raise his baby, not just hand it over to Rick and Maya.
  9. At this point, it wouldn't surprise me if they make it Valerie who really set it up. I just don't think the show is very interested in doing much with her, so why not have her go obsessive stalker for a short arc and then usher her off screen? Right after I posted that, I realized that "short arc" has no place on this show. So, long arc?
  10. "Hey, Mom, can you write a check to this film crew so I can be filmed sexing up this chick I just met?" Sonny and Carly have done a fine job raising that idiot. He's the son they deserve (well, second in place as "son they deserve" to "one who would kill them in their sleep.")
  11. She could, but, like a lot of girls her age, I don't think she really has the maturity or sense of self to say that. That's the problem with relationships with a drastic imbalance of power. Even if the people in power aren't being malicious, the "lesser" side of the relationship feels like they have to do what they are asked to do, even if they are against it or unsure of it. There's a reason that any doctor worth their license would not be OK with this situation, and that's because someone with Nicole's level of experience has no real way to understand everything she is agreeing to here, and it's going to be emotionally damaging for some or all of the parties involved at some point.
  12. Agreed, thewhiteowl. If I liked or was indifferent to Maya and Rick before, this would still put me off. They're coming at Nicole from a position of perceived power - she owes her life in L.A. to them - her job and her place to live. And she likely feels, deep down, like she somehow "owes" Maya because her loose lips to Wyatt are what led to Maya's public "outing." She's also clearly uncomfortable with this, but afraid to speak up. Maya needs to only look beyond herself for two seconds and take a glance at her sister's face to get that this is not someone who is all in with zero doubts. That Maya refuses to listen to her parents' objections and, instead, got angry that they were even let in on the idea, shows that she's not considering anything beyond her wants. She wants a baby. She wants that baby to have Avant DNA. She wants her teenage sister to carry the baby so she will have unfettered access to her uterus, 24/7. This is phenomenally selfish. Had she gone about this not asking, and, after hearing that Rick and Maya were looking into becoming parents, Nicole had volunteered her eggs and womb for the cause, I wouldn't be so grossed out by Maya and Rick.
  13. No, see, that would be for the good of society. When people kill for the good of society, they lock them up and throw away the key. Just ask Matt.
  14. This would be good. They need to do something unexpected with this reveal at this point. It's been dragged out so long that someone bursting in to disrupt the wedding, revealing the truth, and someone revealing that Liz knew, so the whole town can stone her as a lying whore or whatever, while people just shake their heads at that scamp, Nik, who will inevitably get to go home and sex up the woman he tried to have killed, is just boring and predictable. And it won't boost the ratings for more than like a day, once everyone figures out that it's same old, same old.
  15. Do you enjoy Dillon more or less than bears eating your family?
  16. And it was far better than this show. If I have to deal with this shitty story line, couldn't we at least still have BitchFaceCameron? I loved that little kid's bitchface, and it is sorely needed here.
  17. When he gets his memory back, I think the thing Jason's going to be most pissed off about is that he is dressed up for Halloween. I can't see Borg-y slapping a red nose on any time, ever.
  18. At this point, I wouldn't even care if Nicole backed out because she's worried about Zende, just as long as she backs the hell out. Meanwhile, I'll be over here pretending I don't see the shit they're pulling with Ivy and Thomas. Nope. Not happening.
  19. I wonder if it's some kind of reaction to the fact that it is (as far as she believes right now) his baby, and his relief to not be the father kind of feels, to her, like her baby is being rejected by him? Or, while it's not an ideal situation, she's still happy to be having the baby, and it hurts to hear that he would not be glad this baby exists if he knew the truth? So, either way, kind of a protective mother instinct thing?
  20. A week or so ago, I was watching and thinking "they won't actually have Liz take the last name Doe, will they? Will the plan be for Jake to become Jake Weber?" But, no, this show thinks that Liz becoming "Liz Doe" is something that would happen. I can't.
  21. Where he gets smashed between two tanker trucks full of fuel, right as another passing driver flicks their still lit cigarette out their window, and Sonny promptly gets blown to greasy pieces.
  22. If these writers find some way to ruin having Robert, Robin, and Anna onscreen (or to somehow make them all about Sonny), I swear...
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