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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Nicole is testing already? Did the writers learn everything they need to know about surrogacy from a Friends episode? Is Nicole's body also faster than modern medicine?
  2. I think that, at this point, Liz is so stressed and worried about anything and everything that can go wrong that she probably can't even distinguish what is a real threat and what is just her imagination thinking someone or something is a threat to blow this whole thing up. Hayden makes her jumpy, but everything makes her jumpy at this point.
  3. Jake isn't mentally incompetent in some way. This isn't the men using Kate/Connie when they knew damn well she was mentally ill. I don't think an amnesia victim is incapable of giving consent. Is Liz violating his trust in this bullshit story? Yes. But I don't see this being rape.
  4. I so need Mac to get this kind of moment with Robin's return. Well, second only to the moment I most want for him - that Robin is bringing an alive Georgie with her.
  5. I was laughing at how much he seemed to really not want this to be true. Not that I blame him. Who wants to be told "you were a hired killer for the mob! Yay!!"?
  6. I think it is. Because we even see actresses who have been pregnant (like LG) and would know better - that it's not normal for pregnant women to be walking around constantly rubbing their bellies like that. The only other reason I can think of is that it's something they're instructed to do, as a kind of short hand to occasional or new viewers to make it clear "this character is pregnant."
  7. I feel like someone should tweet this to FV. Daily.
  8. I'm pretty surprised he didn't. "Get me and Kelly guest roles. As a couple! And we can totally do it onscreen!" (Yeah, I've found the lines between BryDog and Morgan have completely blurred for me.) He probably already thinks they're made of chocolate. That's why he wants one so badly.
  9. Thanks Nathan! Sweet baby Jasus, can someone just hand BryDog an Emmy now so we can be spared the "Bryan Craig Emmy Train" for the next several months?
  10. I'll even give them credit if they threw that detail in not only to explain how quickly she was able to get this, but also throw back to it when we find out that Avery is really Morgan's (not a spoiler, just my speculation). I've always believed Carly had a hand in that DNA test, so finding out she has a doc who owes her favors fits right into that theory.
  11. If they want it to be Paul and not reveal it yet, they could always have that be why Robin leaves town - to go into hiding, because they don't know who's after her. Then they'll just play out the resolution to her story without her, because, why not?
  12. The sad thing is, every time someone has gone on one of those kinds of truth-telling "you people all suck" benders, they just "wise up" and remember how awesome everyone in town really is (you know, now that that fatso AJ is dead, because he was really bringing down the town's average).
  13. Oh for fuck's sake. Mama and Papa Avant were my last hope for sanity.
  14. I just want to know how it became a thing that any question you don't have an answer for is a "gotcha" question. More of the legacy of Palin, I guess? And, yes, how are we supposed to believe any of them can lead this country when they can't handle the stress of being asked questions by a couple debate moderators in a room over 67 degrees? They think that's an unbearably stressful situation, and they want us to put them in charge of our military and the nuke codes? TDS lampooned them perfectly. It's just a shame that the media isn't doing the same. We're just seeing their whining and not anyone (other than President Obama) pointing out how absurd it is that people trying to land the single most stressful job in this nation can't handle a little sweat and thinking. I mean, how does anyone let them get away with that "oh, the Dems' debate was so softball!!" whining without listing some of those questions we from Anderson Cooper that we saw TDS run through? It's like Trump has bullied the media so much with his "I'm going to take my ball and go home" behavior that nobody is willing to call any of them out on their blatant lying.
  15. They'll probably give her a job at the hospital and then it will be "What? You whiny bitches wanted more stuff in the hospital. Now we've given you Sonny's hospitalization and Nina working there. Two of our biggest stars focused on the hospital! Is there no pleasing you people?"
  16. I had to go out, so all I saw of that whole thing was Carly saying she wanted the DNA run to compare it to "the man in this picture." I laughed for a solid few minutes at the idea that Carly would think you can run DNA against a picture.
  17. All her mother should have to say to her is "once you give birth to this baby, there will never be a day in your life where you cough or sneeze and don't immediately worry you're going to piss yourself a little bit." Game over.
  18. Only cheating harlots don't fold their clothes properly in their hotel room. Everyone knows that. I feel like I can't even call this current character Dillon. He is so not Dillon.
  19. I apologize in advance for my answer. You should probably just look away now and not read it... I'm pretty sure Luke used a bedroom on the HS. I could swear I remember some Luke/Skye sex happening in a HS bedroom, but I wouldn't stake my life on it. (I'll stake Franco's life on it!) "And, by the way, thank you for that whole misunderstanding thing in Canada. I had been dying to get your husband into bed, and it was really looking like it wasn't going to happen for me, until you went on that whole trip to rescue your brother. So, thanks for that. Do you know who the villain was that was ultimately in control of that whole mess? I'd like to send them flowers. Maybe an Edible Arrangement. My Mom loved those Edible Arrangements. She died, you know."
  20. That spoiler doesn't really surprise me. I've been saying all along that him being told he's Jason isn't going to change his feelings instantly. Deciding he needs to get away and figure out where he goes from here is probably the smartest (and most proactive) thing he'll have done since he woke up as "Jake."
  21. Isn't Nicole trying to get into modeling, too? Or has that already gone out the window? Because there's one more consideration in this whole thing - the changes the pregnancy will bring about in her body. Yes, a lot of young, fit women have zero problem getting back into shape, but what if Nicole isn't so lucky? What if she gets stretch marks that just won't go away? That kind of thing will impact her ability to model.
  22. The only thing I can remotely think of is that she thinks she can finally have a Jason who isn't Sonny's right hand man. Which, I guess, is kind of similar to how RC wrote the two Todds thing over on OLTL - Tea finally got her Todd in the fake Todd - one who wasn't always about Blair and who had no sexual hangups with her.
  23. There was really just no reason to do the angle of Liz knowing (or at least not as soon as she did). Wasn't there enough angst for JaSam with him not knowing who he is and Nik knowing (and tying it all into the ELQ story that she was investigating)? Not only is it unnecessary character trashing, but it's made the story drag out WAY longer than it should have.
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