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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I agree it would have been good for the girls to be more supportive. But, on the other hand, I thought that Maya's reaction was perfectly in character for her. She has always been shown to be really uncomfortable with any changes like that. I think her fear was that, somehow, if Farkle got this diagnosis, it was going to change him (which we know it wouldn't, really, but she's young). In the yearbook episode, Maya was the one who was genuinely freaked out by her friends not acting like themselves. Lucas was upset, too, but he was more upset from a standpoint of "you guys don't have to change just because of what someone else says about you." Maya's reaction was more that she really couldn't deal with Riley or Farkle changing, like she needed them to be exactly who they've always been. I love that they "studied" so they'd know more about it if Farkle was diagnosed, and I also loved how easily they acknowledged and accepted that Smackle was the one who has Asperger's. And, of course, I loved the parents interacting.
  2. Clearly you need to download the Roku remote app to your phone or tablet, so you never again have to suffer the horror of this show when you already feel like shit. I don't think Britt was ever going to come clean on her own.
  3. Ric was slipping birth control pills into her drinks, because he didn't want her to get pregnant while he was plotting to steal Carly's baby and give it to her. (This somehow made sense in his mind.) I can't remember if he was giving her too much, or what, but it the combination of the shock at seeing Carly chained up behind a wall in her living room, along with the birth control pills caused a stroke, which is why she can no longer use hormonal birth control. And I agree 100% on the whole "not her secret to tell" thing. Yes, some secrets that don't involve you are none of your business. But, when it comes to someone having their child kept from them, that's a whole different area. There can be mitigating circumstances that would make it shitty to tell the father, like if he was a violent abusive douchebag or something, but that wasn't the case in either story here. AJ had a right to know about his child, and if Robin didn't tell, who knows when he would have found out, if ever. And, while exposure to Helena isn't optimal, living with Nik wasn't going to be any more dangerous than living with Carly, what with her continued connections to the mob and vulnerability to the enemies of Sonny and Jason. Also, Robin had known AJ for a big chunk of her life, and Nik was one of her close friends. What kind of person would know that their friend had a child they didn't know about and just shrug and say "hey, not my secret to tell" and let them go on without knowing their child? I could never live with myself if I kept that kind of information from someone I care about.
  4. Where are Johnny's guys when you need them?
  5. Does anyone close to him know about his pirouette and shoot attack on a rival mobster at a meeting recently?
  6. I've lost track. Was last week the week that Frank and/or Nathan Varni said was the start of not being Ron's work? Maybe that explains the increase in viewers for that Monday? People tuned in to see some "not written by Ron" stuff?
  7. Agreed. My issue is that, if they just go right back to Jasus the Holy Hitman, then what was the point of the amnesia and all that, other than to trash Liz's character? Even if he gets his Jason M memories back, he's still been a different person now. I don't want to see him become a goody-goody or anything, because, yes, he's clearly comfortable with the gray areas, but he should be disillusioned to find out that he was a hired hitman, and that Sonny, Carly, and Sam were all, to varying degrees, perfectly happy with him being a cold-blooded killer. The character should absolutely evolve somewhat out of this, or the past year has meant absolutely nothing and has been a huge waste of time. Wait, is "The past year has meant absolutely nothing and has been a huge waste of time" already one of our t-shirts?
  8. Maybe Brooke could teach him a few things in the process, though, so all of the women who have been with him aren't acting like good sex is a complete revelation when they try out his brother.
  9. I think Jake has been invested in his relationship up until they decided to essentially not show us Liz and Jake together much any more, because they're full steam ahead on "look at Sam and Jason! Look!! Loook!!!!! See, they're connected! See it? Do you? How about now??" I agree, Sam has never seemed invested in her relationship with Patrick beyond wanting to be invested in the relationship, because she thinks it's what she should want. But, prior to that shift in narrative, Jake seemed pretty clearly invested in his relationship with Liz to the point where he didn't feel a need to go looking for his past, and he was upset when Hayden claimed to be his wife and Liz was with Ric. And I'll say it again, if all we're going to get out of this is Jake sliding right back into Jason Morgan, Holy Hitman, then what the hell has been the point of any of this? They had a chance to completely re-invent the character (without any input or push back from SBu), and they seem to be heading right into sliding him right back to exactly where he was before - Carly's BFF, Sonny's faithful right hand, and Sam's tear sponge.
  10. When Eva was telling her agent she wants to be like The Rock, I said to my TV "now, don't go getting excited there that you've got a client who's looking to put in the work to become someone like The Rock. She just means she wants to be really fucking famous, and she expects you to put in the work to make that happen for her." And that whole phone falling out of the car scene? Beyond fake. They tried to crop the framing so you couldn't tell, but you could see her upper arm's part of the motion in tossing her phone out the window. And the "acting" in that scene? They both looked bored beyond belief that they even had to show up and play that scene out. She's just as bad at selling reality show scenes as she is selling wrestling moves.
  11. I spent the night once down the hall from a woman who just cackled. All.Damn.Night. He'd eventually get up and walk just in time to save someone, I'm sure. Then the town will throw him a parade. I know the show would never go there, but I would forgive any crap writing for at least a year if Michael stood over Sonny's hospital bed gloating "you finally got back what you gave to my father, you piece of shit"
  12. Maybe Frank will just tweet "oh, BTW, guys, Monica's dead now. We had to cut the scenes for Franco and Nina stuff, though."
  13. Watching those flashbacks, how the hell could Thomas possibly think that the expression on Caroline's face was anything other than "drunk/drugged, depressed, and 2 seconds away from full on grief drunk unconsciousness"? That was not the face of a woman in the throes of passion, or even remotely interested in sex. Seriously, how is he having that flashback of her face like that and not thinking "shit, I did something really, really wrong here"?
  14. I'd love that if it wasn't for his in process full on reunion with his crappy ass parents. I don't want that house somehow becoming mob central. I would love, love, love if AJ was still around and Monica gave him the house and Michael lived with him, though.
  15. I must have missed an episode - when did TJ bang his head repeatedly against a rock until brain damage set in?
  16. Carly happens upon the scene, having somehow just found out that Jake is Jason (because...Helena...or something), she sees dead Sonny and dead Jason and she loses her mind and angrily tries to grab the cop's gun. The cop shoots and kills her, too.
  17. I think it's because the circumstances are wildly different. Kelly (on OLTL) was a straight up sonfucker. She was fully aware of what she was doing and who she was doing it with. (And I still think that part of her reasoning was her desperation to get pregnant). And, to top things off, after God literally dropped a wall on their trifling asses, her husband was forced to choose whether she or his son would live. This wasn't something Caroline chose to do.
  18. Why bother with building layers and developing a character when you can just shave a head?
  19. Your wait is over, ulkis! Fairman must be exhausted from all this ass-kissing. http://michaelfairmansoaps.com/news/ghs-bryan-craig-talks-on-a-bipolar-morgan-working-with-maurice-benard-ron-carlivati-social-media/2015/09/07/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  20. Yeah, like women can possibly be competent professionals and not catty bitches who fight over men all the time. Who's ever heard of such a thing? The answer to that would be - because Brian Frons saw two seconds of a scene of SWMNBM and Jason one day and got a hard on for how pretty he found them.
  21. Let's face it, if you're going to be a wedding planner in PC, it's just good business sense to befriend Carly. Her weddings count for like half the wedding business in town.
  22. I think the tidal wave of cast mates heaping praise on BC like he's ready for his Oscar (screw the Emmy, the Academy will be so blown away by his performance, they'll create a very special Oscar for television just to give it to him) is likely largely because Mo's pretty universally adored by the cast, and he's been pumping BC up, so everyone is joining out of some respect for Mo. I just refuse to believe that really good actors, like NLG and LW (for example), who have worked opposite some really good actors, are awestruck by BryDog's performances. I refuse.
  23. I really wonder if it's not John's refusal to get married and have kids that's being played up for TD, but Nikki's desire to marry and have kids that is. I could really easily see this being a situation where Nikki is perfectly happy without being married and having kids, but the show wanted to play that angle up because it was the one running story line they had going into the start of the show. And, who knows, maybe at that point in time it was an issue for her, but if it was, over time, it seems like it's just not an issue for her any longer.
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