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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. That's my guess. And they probably told him to request that his parents stop seeking out tweets about him to respond to.
  2. I wonder what kind of shit you could get away with in Port Charles if you were bipolar AND Helena was involved?
  3. I love LLC, but Olivia... I like her when she's not around Sonny. I love her relationship with Dante and her relationship with Lulu. I think I could have really liked Ned/Olivia if the show hadn't let WK slip through their fingers (or written the whole dead baby lie thing). But with Sonny, it's just rage-inducing. If they aren't willing to write her having the appropriate attitude around him, then just keep them out of each other's orbit and let them be polite when family ties dictate they are in the same place at the same time.
  4. The only reason I can remotely think of as to why is that he "got her back" from Michael. (Of course, that was only after Michael dumped her ass, but Morgan's not too swift.) So she's some kind of trophy in the battle of the brothers.
  5. I believe that the second JMW signed this contract, we were all supposed to forget that Liam has repeatedly chosen other women over Steffy when given the opportunity. And that their "love story" was her obsessing over him after she couldn't get his father and him accepting her as his backup warm body when Hope wasn't right next to him. It would be almost hilarious (if not annoying to watch) to see how quickly they changed gears on that "love story" if Kim Matula signed back on long term.
  6. On the plus side, Sabrina defending Sonny makes it far less likely that we're getting a retcon where she's ClinkBoom baby. All "surprise" soap offspring start off hating their soon to be revealed bio parent, not kissing their ass.
  7. Sadly, I think that what the show is expecting us to think is "Poor Steffy and Liam have been through so much to be together. Those big meanies Ivy and Wyatt need to leave them alone and stop trying to ruin things for them!!"
  8. Surely some kind of FDA warning exists that advises against that sort of viewing? I was half waiting for Joss to walk into the room five minutes later, and when Carly said "wait, you're supposed to be with your father," she responds "that was a month ago, Mom! You saw me sitting in the living room watching TV when you came home yesterday to pick up more clothes to stay at Sonny's house. We talked! I asked if I could go to the mall, and you said 'ask the nanny to drive you.' Remember?"
  9. If Julian was smart, when Shawn was accused of shooting Greenlee, he should have paid some low level flunky to confess to the crime, keeping Shawn out of jail and free to continue on as Sonny's main hit man. It's just safer for Julian that way.
  10. Part of me thinks that the reason they haven't had Lana on is because they don't want to show that she's actually American. I know they obviously don't mind us seeing that some stuff is fake (like whether they're faces or heels), but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't want to completely break her character like that. Although, with Dolph being brought in for this story line with Nikki, Lana may end up on screen, since if I'm getting the timing right, the stuff Total Divas is airing right now was taped right before Dolph started working with Lana. On a side note, I think I came really close to being on screen in this episode (I think it was this episode). We were at Extreme Rules sitting right along the wrestlers' entrance from backstage. When they showed the Divas going to the ring, we were probably a couple feet outside of the camera shot.
  11. It would be nice if they surprised us and had Ivy say "no thanks" if he comes sniffing around her.
  12. I will be stunned if Nik suffers more consequences than Liz does. It's always the women's fault in Port Charles. (Unless, of course, the woman in question is Carly.) Like you said, the lies started with Nik. Also, Nik is doing all of this for far colder reasons - money and power. I'm not excusing what Liz is doing by any means, but she's clearly mentally off here, and she's operating based on pure emotion (and has enough decency still to at least look like she feels like shit for doing the wrong thing). If I had to guess, Nik will come out of this with people a little angry with him, but he'll get a nice new bed buddy out of it (Greenlee), while Liz will be Satan, and people will probably threaten to take her kids away from her. Although, to be fair, who would really want Spencer? Maybe his punishment should be spending more time with that little shit.
  13. Shh! I could swear I saw a rumor the other day that Higley might be on her way out at Days. I don't even want to contemplate what she'd do to GH.
  14. That just reminded me of one of the little moments that made me laugh (and showed how much Peyton has grown into playing Lucas) - when Charlie mentioned her notebook, and Lucas said to Riley "you showed him the notebook?" It was mostly in his delivery.
  15. They were both asked why their skin looks so much darker in the after shots, and Bryan said "probably the lighting." You can totally tell they're wearing something tinted, though. And I was horrified to see some fan asked him for information on it for her daughter "she has sensitive skin." That won't go well.
  16. It would probably still be Jordan's fault "I wouldn't have been living at Sonny's house to get shot if you hadn't put Shawn in jail!"
  17. "Morgan's surprised by what he learns" - "Over, under, around, and through..." No more velcro for him!
  18. I like the "before and after" photos he and Kelly posted, where they both are clearly wearing tinted moisturizer in the "after" pics, and they both labelled it something like "this stuff really works!"
  19. I did have to laugh that Steffy's so busy running around trying to blackmail and extort everyone to cover up for her that she forgot one tiny little detail - be cool around the cop. I was half expecting her to just start dripping buckets of sweat right there...or her face to just start melting under the stress. Apparently FUN!!! and "badass" don't include "able to keep your cool when speaking to a member of law enforcement."
  20. So help me, if Lucas dies in service of fucking Brad's story line...
  21. Show giveth - Joss is in Australia with Jax; Show taketh away - Sonny plays magnanimous Mr. Drummond to TJ's son scorned, encouraging him to not ruin his relationship with his mother because poor little Sonny would do anything to get his Mommy back. TJ, the man killed his son's bio father, how is that not worse parenting than your mother having the nerve to work for the cops in taking down criminals - criminals who kill without remorse (when they can hit their targets)? I remember when I used to like TJ. Fucking Ron. In "God I'm relieved Ron's out of there so he can't do this" news - if Ron was still around, I'd fear that the Lulu/Dillon convo about the remaining embryo was going to lead to Dillon somehow sharing that information with Valerie and Valerie stealing the embryo, knocking herself up with it, and passing it off as the product of her ONS with Dante.
  22. I thought that was odd, and then we got the post-coital conversation about how they need to give themselves completely to each other, which means he needs to be on her side in this thing and not go deleting the video. So I guess we're supposed to think she screwed him to manipulate him into staying on her side? On a related note, I'll take this as one more woman who seems more satisfied after sex with Wyatt than she was by sex with WafflePong.
  23. And, unless I've missed a throwaway line (or tweet) that he's out, he's been in for a while now. So, killing someone to save others is bad. Killing someone because you hate them, going to prison and breaking out right away is fine as long as, during your breakout, you interrupt someone else who is already in the process of saving a boatload of passengers from the bomb that was planted and grab the bomb to take it the last two feet into the water.
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