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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. At this point, since most of the explanations and good stuff happen off screen anyway, I'd settle for them just going with "actually, Julian knew all along that the baby was fine. He went along with the lie because he wanted to protect the baby from his mob enemies." End of story. Wrap it up, dig a hole, bury it, and never speak of it again.
  2. Connie was mentally ill. The baby she left in a drawer was the result of her being raped. In contrast, Ava was, as far as we can tell, in complete control of her mental faculties when she offed a woman to keep her brother's identity a secret, a secret that, it turns out, her brother wasn't even half that invested in keeping. And she was well in control of her mental faculties when she essentially egged Sonny on into killing AJ for her crimes. She's also not mentally ill while she's letting her loved ones believe she's dead, impersonating her fake long lost twin, and sleeping with her "beloved" daughter's boyfriend behind her back. And now it's possible that she once again killed someone for essentially the same reason she killed Connie - because Silas knew that "Denise" is really Ava and could have spilled the beans. I'll never like Nina (unless she kills Sonny, then I'll throw her a ticker tape parade and spend a term of no less than 3 weeks and no more than 3 months as president of the MS/Nina Fan Club), but she's clearly unwell, mentally, and her state at the time that she viciously removed Avery from Ava's womb was due, in part, to her mother's manipulations, which were aided by...Ava. Not saying Ava deserved that whole scene, but of the three women - Ava, Connie, and Nina, Ava is, to me, by far, the most cold-blooded and self-interested with the least excuse to be so. I forgot to add to Ava's hit list - shooting Olivia when she was gunning for Franco.
  3. Valerie's mother died? You'd think she would have mentioned it. Yes, Jordan can do better than Sonny (not that I'm setting the bar real high there..), but I will laugh for days if either Carly walks in on them or someone manages to play a secret recording of them at her wedding to Sonny. I'm all for all of Carly's weddings turning into public embarrassments for her from here on out.
  4. One of the reasons I most need Jason to be more Q than Morgan is I don't want Carly to "get" her BFF the hit man back again. She doesn't deserve to be rewarded like that.
  5. They don't have to erase what they've already written to have Riley decide to be friends with Lucas. She can not want to lose his friendship without having to consider him like a brother. We saw the past episodes, we know she's had a crush on him, and we know he has reciprocated. That doesn't need to be ignored to move them out of couple mode. This episode could have had Eric saying Rachel loved him like a friend. And Riley could have looked at Lucas and realized that she wants him in her life long term, not just as the memory of that guy she dated in junior high. It would have made for a much better message for the kids who watch this show than the "you can't have a relationship with someone who you have too much in common with" crap.
  6. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
  7. She doesn't, but you KNOW that, when the truth is revealed, she's going to be slobbering all over him with "deep down, I always knew it was you!"
  8. This is the thing that still annoys me. We know that the reason Liam was open to her this time is because JMW was signed on for a long term stint this time, as opposed to the short return she was here for when she first tried. But the writers gave us exactly no on screen reasons as to why Liam went from "no, how dare you! I love Ivy!" to "Ivy who? Let's get naked!" in about 5 seconds. We were just supposed to accept that Liam was into Steffy again because they were able to get JMW on a long term contract now (not something to be all that proud of, show). And no, show, cheap plastic parachuting army men aren't reasons.
  9. Just wait until the show catches up to TJ's current injury, and we watch Nattie fret about that.
  10. She gets a portrait of Liam over the fireplace. We can only hope it rivals the Maya portrait.
  11. If this doesn't happen sometime, I'm going to be furious. I'm another one who, now that the show has decided to push the "Riley thinks of Lucas as a brother" thing, sees more chemistry between Riley and Lucas. In this ep, Lucas really came across as into Riley, specifically in that hallway scene after Charlie asked her to the dance. If they're going to continue to push that angle, I hope that it's to have all four of the main characters remain as friends for now (because they're young). Because if they're going to try to sell to us that Riley wouldn't date Lucas for fear of not maintaining their friendship long term and then turn around and have Maya date him and risk ruining her friendship with Riley, I'm not going to buy it for even a second. My take on Jack's shock at seeing Riley is that he probably knew about the kids, but they haven't seen each other in years. So, to him, Cory having kids is something that feels like it just happened not too long ago, and all of a sudden he's looking at this teenage girl, old enough to go to dances and date. One of my oldest friends sent us an invitation to her daughter's Sweet 16 party. My response was pretty much "of course we'll be there, but 16?!? Seriously? What the hell?" And I see her and her kids and see pictures of them regularly. So I can imagine being completely taken by surprise like Jack was if I hadn't seen them in a long time (and maybe never saw her after she had the kids), and came across her and her 16 year old daughter one day.
  12. Apparently, in Port Charles, all you need to do for a DNA test is put the kid in a room with some motorcycles and pasta and see what they do.
  13. Yes, that was what happened. They had a Greenlee/Leo HEA all filmed for the last days of the show. When the PP deal was made, all we ended up getting was, if I recall correctly, Greenlee seeing Leo in a dream. I so wish someone who had access to the unused footage JD shot would have put it online. This probably doesn't make me a very nice person, but I won't feel remotely bad for them if they end up with boils and shit all over their skin, especially since they have lured fans into buying this crap (and some into selling it under them).
  14. I'm kind of morbidly curious to see his bipolar jazz hands. Well, hell, now I really miss Silas. I would love a scene where he tells Carly and Sonny "no, your son's not bipolar. You've just raised a frat-bro douchebag."
  15. I want to see Morgan get killed, just so we can see how long it takes Carly and Sonny to notice. Because, really, if he dies after Kiki and Ava are gone, and the killer hides the body well enough that nobody stumbles across it and alerts the authorities, those two would never know. For all we know, little Jake could have already offed Joss. If someone told Carly "your daughter's dead," she'd say "no, Avery is right here."
  16. He really, really does. That's kind of disturbing. Well, his "fearless" antics will provide nice cover for little Jake when he pushes his half brother off a balcony or something, enabling Jake to get to offing at least one more kiddie before anyone suspects anything's up. (I vote Spencer. Choose Spencer, Jake!)
  17. I'm just going to pray someone misunderstood, and what Varni actually said was that they'd be digging her character a nice grave. Nice and deep.
  18. As far as I can recall, prior to this story, Liz has really only done one "heinous" thing that Jason would have any real right to be mad at her over - that mess with Danny's DNA test right before Jason died. It's not like there's this longstanding pattern of Liz doing something heinous, and Jason just shrugging going "well, what are you gonna do?" and giving her an affectionate pat on the head. That would be Carly.
  19. I've been wanting this for years. Even if we never see Deke and Adella, in my mind, it will always be that Sonny was locked in that closet because he was a violent little shit.
  20. I really don't think that's the case. TG loved Luke being dark. And I'm almost positive that he was critical of the idea to bring Jake back from the dead in one of the interviews he did on his way out. I think it was Ron who felt like Luke needed to be polished up on his way out. TG would have preferred to go out with Luke being as dark as possible.
  21. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried telling us that Joss never needed a kidney. It was all a long con by Helena. But what about the surgery Joss had? Commercial Oh, wow, Helena did all that?
  22. I know LW and SK had chemistry, but before I would have accepted any real relationship between them, she would have had to do some serious groveling.
  23. Maybe someone should stop the toddler before he climbs his way up the porch railing to jump off instead of spending the time it takes him to get up there marveling over how "OMG, he's just like Jason!!"? I hope he's teaching the rest of the camp kids whatever skills he learned from Helena and her henchmen.
  24. Hang on, I need to limber up for my twirl first.
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