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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. We were just kind of discussing the same thing last night during Smackdown. There was a moment where Ambrose went out of the ring to get Seamus, and as he leaned over, right in front of the barricade in front of the front row, he smiled and did a fist bump with a kid in the audience. I said "he's probably the only guy in that match who would have even thought to do it, or felt like it was OK to do something that wasn't planned ahead of time." It feels like the only time we get anything remotely like that is if there's a Wish kid in the audience. Otherwise, it's "stick to the script!" A few weeks or so ago, there was one of the seemingly weekly "open the show with Seth" monologues going on in the ring, and you had a few guys (I want to say Orton, Owens, and someone else) interrupt. As Seth responded to them, it's clear that his lines were the lead in to HHH coming out. But, something happened - either Seth (or one of the other guys) spoke too fast, or someone in back (HHH or the sound guy) wasn't ready for HHH's entrance. You could see the stunned bunny fear in Seth's eyes that he was done with his lines and the next thing that was supposed to happen hadn't happened yet. Of the guys in the ring, the only one remotely comfortable ad-libbing was probably Orton, and he had dropped his mic before entering the ring. At one point, you could see Seth visibly pull the mic away from his own face, like he was terrified that he'd say something over the air that he wasn't supposed to say. It was just such an awkward moment, and it's ridiculous that guys either aren't learning to ad-lib, or they're being very firmly told it's not allowed.
  2. I'd be more entertained if they got married on the anniversary of Jason's death. I demand to know who has been asking for more Diane/Spinelli. They must be stopped.
  3. Regardless of what Jason said, Carly could use Michael to manipulate him if he really tried to truly put Sam ahead of what Carly wants. (Not that there was ever really a situation where there was a true Sam vs. Carly conflict to put that to the test.) Also, I don't think that Sam is necessarily a true "second place" to Carly so much as Sam will always have to put up with Carly's blatant entitlement to Jason and her barging in whenever she damn well pleases. Of course, on that last one, so does every guest at the Metro Court.
  4. If the WWE has 40 writers in there, they're not utilizing them properly. I can't imagine how you can get that many writers to agree on and cohesively write story for the handful of wrestlers they actually feature. Much like the wrestlers are kind of (loosely) divided up into a hierarchy (the guys in the main title picture, US title, tag title, IC title, and the Divas), they should put them in some kind of smaller groups, solely dedicated to writing for the guys in their grouping. Have another group of guys, responsible for the general outline of the broadcast, who gets information from the other groups and coordinates with the announce teams. And have a kind of "head writing" team who oversees and coordinates all the groups to make sure the shows are balanced and going in the overall direction Vince & company want things to go and who can coordinate when guys are working under two different groups of writers. Whatever they're doing now isn't working so great. It will be interesting if the rumors that WWE won't clear Daniel are just planted to make it more surprising if he shows up as the third partner Sunday. My gut tells me it has to be someone bigger (physically, that is, not popularity-wise). Orton was my initial pick, and I still think there's a chance it's him. Rowan would make sense, especially the "surprise" aspect of it, but I don't know enough about his injury status to know if it's even possible that he's able to perform Sunday. My son's hoping for Cesaro, which I wouldn't rule out, either.
  5. I keep waiting for a scene where a doctor tells Sonny and Carly "he's not bipolar, he's just a really dumb asshole."
  6. That date where Paige was trying to avoid him proposing was the most awkward thing in the world. It was an awkward blind date times 1,000. Use your words, Paige. If you don't think you're ready to get engaged, then discuss it like an adult. (Or just act bitchy and distant and then, when he eventually proposes anyway, accept the proposal and start pondering ways to put off actually marrying the guy.) If I thought this wasn't heavily scripted, I'd remind Paige that all of your talking heads and conversations with the other girls are being filmed. Dude is going to see this shit on TV down the line, dumbass.
  7. I think the reason they keep them in a kind of gray zone between the "good" Paige/Charlotte/Becky and the outright "bad" Naomi/Sasha/Tamina is because of the differing personalities in Brie and Nikki. Nikki sucks at being the "good girl." But, with Brie, as much as she enjoys playing "bad," her ties to Daniel make it hard to make her a full on heel outside of her assisting Nikki in her plots. Because the crowd generally adores Daniel, so she kind of benefits from that glow. And on that note... My son is WWE obsessed, and yesterday he was talking about what he thinks they'll do for Survivor Series matches in November. One of the issues we identified was that, with the way the Divas are set up right now - three teams of three, it makes doing a 5 vs. 5 match difficult. So, if they're going to do a Divas SS match, they're going to have to form a split among at least one of the teams. The Bellas seemed the most likely place for a split, precisely because of that difference in Nikki and Brie. Our theory was that they will have Brie somehow be responsible for Nikki losing the belt to Charlotte Sunday. That leads to yet another split between the twins, leading up to a "Team Bella vs. Team Bella" in November. Nikki ends up with Alicia Fox and Naomi/Sasha/Tamina, and Brie ends up with Paige/Charlotte/Becky and another Diva (whether that's Nattie or maybe someone else they bring up from NXT). On a related note, we realized that WWE may be focusing on too small of a group of guys when we had a really hard time coming up with two potential SS matches aside from that Divas match (I don't even remember if we fully filled out the second potential match, because it was pretty slim pickings).
  8. Reading this, I could still kind of see them going there with Thomas. Write it that nothing happened between him and Caroline, beyond some kisses. His obsession with Caroline could be part wanting to hide or suppress his sexuality, part lashing out at his father. And his generally creepy and inappropriate conduct with women could be him acting how he thinks some big macho man is supposed to act. You could even write in his previous thing for Hope being part of it - she was the virginal princess, so their relationship would never be sexual, and no one would expect it to be. ETA: Still on the TK and CaRidge trains here, too. And I'd listen to TK's voice any time.
  9. Agreed. There are so many directions they could have gone in with this story beyond "the wimmens are crazy!" But, I guess we should no longer be surprised that they didn't go for any kind of complex motivation and layered story where viewers can understand different points of view.
  10. The thing is, Liz did really like Jake before she knew he was Jason. She was really upset when Hayden showed up claiming to be his wife, and when she found out that was a lie, courtesy of Ric, she was already ready to go to him. It was such crappy story telling to have her find out that night. As others have said, it would have been so much better to have her find out after they became engaged. The fact that she really liked Jake, as Jake, is pretty much going to be entirely lost now, because instead of it being a story where she really fell for this guy and then found out he was Jason, it's been swerved over into her being crazy over Jason.
  11. It was months of air time, although I don't know how long in Port Charles time she was actually in there. As I recall, everyone knew she was missing, and Jason strongly suspected Ric had something to do with it, but was never able to prove anything. After Liz discovered her and stroked out, Lorenzo got in and grabbed her, and he took her with him out on his boat. Unless I'm combining two entirely different stories, I believe his boat was on the "coast of Bolivia" which is where Jason and SWMNBN eventually found them (which led to SWMNBN's miscarriage after she jumped into the "frigid waters off the coast of Bolivia"). That was what sparked the Lorenzo/Carly attraction, leading to Sonny shooting Carly in the head while she gave birth (and, apparently, leading to Morgan having only a small portion of an actual brain).
  12. "Oh, Dante, I know the pain of watching a parent in the hospital. I hate that you have to worry about your father like i had to worry about my mother before she died! Do you need sex?"
  13. I do agree it's for the best, after the RH, KA, and ME crap. I don't think there's any way to bring on a former OLTL actor without the viewers resenting it and starting off predisposed to dislike the character. If they didn't so spectacularly botch that whole thing, it wouldn't be an issue, but, since they did, as much as I like JDP, I can also see why, if they brought him on, in any role, he'd be starting not only with his grave dug, but in it and partially covered in dirt.
  14. But forgetting Soily is what the brain bleach was for.
  15. Option 3 - his biggest turn-on is women who are already attached to a member of his family.
  16. I'd be happy with JDP as Ned (even if I put aside that he was my very first soap crush as Max). Just say "no" to Muhney. Aside from the whole sexual harassment issue, I've always felt he was kind of overrated as an actor. The only entertainment I'd get out of his casting would be if he and BC ended up disliking each other and waging a Twitter war.
  17. My son's home sick today, so he's watching with me. And he says this "why don't they just go ahead and kill Sonny off already?" So, clearly, I'm doing something right as a parent.
  18. If Sonny would actually die from this shooting, I'd want the shooter to get the exact same punishment as he got for killing AJ - 10 seconds in prison, an escape, taking the last two steps in someone else's heroic effort, then the mayor all but throwing the shooter a ticker tape parade and declaring them pardoned of shooting the moobster.
  19. Not to mention, it's really easy to feel and act "street smart" when your best friend is Riley. (Not that I don't like Riley, I do, but, she's the opposite of street smart.)
  20. To me it seems like the "street smart" persona was always something put on by Maya, because she wants to be viewed that way. But, she's never truly been shown to be so "street smart." She just wants to be seen as tough because she doesn't like to look vulnerable.
  21. Is their goal for the Thomas character "make viewers' skin crawl"? If so, well done.
  22. I absolutely think he harbored some hope he'd get her in his bed out of the whole deal. Telling her was probably win/win for him. Either she came clean, possibly lost Jake, and ended up in his bed on the rebound, or she keeps quiet and he gets to go on with his plan without any hurdles.
  23. It wouldn't shock me if the show did. This is the network that gave us the "The Real Greenlee Returns!" ads running while her replacement was still in the role.
  24. I laughed along with their speculation that Johnny would have the pictures, because, of course. Johnny's guys know everything that goes down in PC. But their other suggestion, that Maxie saw them and has pictures? If Maxie saw that, at bare minimum, she would have confronted the hell out of Dante and/or Valerie. She would not be just keeping quiet and holding on to those pictures. If she confronted Dante and knew it was the result of the whole ridiculous misunderstanding, and that Dante was miserable and regretted it deeply, I could maybe see her agreeing to keep quiet, but also keeping an eye on them to make sure there was no hint of a repeat. But her just holding on to the pictures and not doing anything at all? Makes zero sense.
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