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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Sadly, I suspect that what will happen is this will be what fully reunites Michael with Sonny. Even money we hear Michael weeping as he tells comatose Sonny "I've already lost one father, I can't lose another." And TVs all across the country will die as shoes, lamps, vases, and empty tequila bottles are flung at them.
  2. "What do you mean, I didn't mother my son? Michael never wanted for anything, certainly not our love and attention. We fought tooth and nail to keep him in our loving arms...oh, you mean the other one? I blame Jax."
  3. Exactly what I thought when I read that. "Oh, Carly, you shouldn't have!" "Oh, you remembered those earrings I liked in the store the other day!"
  4. I've been thinking that, with this influx of divas, they need to reinstate the Divas tag belt (they used to have one, right)? If they did, if they paired Nattie up with someone who is strong in the areas she's lacking (charisma, sex appeal), she could do well. As a Hart, she's pretty much got it in her blood to be good at the wrestling aspect, and one of the knocks on the divas is that they don't always put on great technical matches. So let Nattie form a women's "Hart Foundation" and play the same angle Bret played - the extremely strong technical wrestler. People will watch.
  5. "Well, you know, unless it's for his art...or one of his obsessions...or the weather sucks..." After that whole mess, there was a period of time where Lulu was basically Carly, Jr, and everyone had to love her. She was with Logan (I think), and Dillon, Spinelli, and Milo followed in her wake, gushing over how amazing she was and how badly they wanted her. It was nauseating.
  6. Please. Dream Alcazar can do SO much better than the Moobster.
  7. Ditto. I usually catch the first 20-30 minutes live, if I have nothing better to do, and, if it sounds like I'd want to catch what I missed, I'll make the effort to at least FF through to get to certain scenes. I don't think I've seen the second half of an episode in weeks, if not longer.
  8. I assume Morgan has already absolved himself of any blame for screwing his girlfriend's mother/aunt behind her back, since Ava lying to him makes her the worst betraying bitchslutwhoretramp ever, and him just a poor innocent victim? It's the Corinthos way, after all. Now he and Sonny can commiserate about evil Ava ensnaring their innocent penises.
  9. This would be pretty easy to do. Just have TJ witness something unsettling while staying at Sonny's, and he realizes that, no matter how much he loves Shawn or how "cool" Sonny is to him, the mob is inherently bad, and it's pretty awesome that his mother is brave enough to take that on and try to keep everyone in town safer.
  10. No matter how shitty the show gets, I can't hope for cancellation. As much as many of us find it bad to un-watchable these days, there are still people who are enjoying the show. So, let them watch it. It's not like we're somehow obligated to spend any of our time watching if we've hit the point where we'd think "cancellation wouldn't be so bad after all." Besides, the state the show is in now, I wouldn't want to see the finale that springs from the current Port Charles universe. We'd need to get someone in there to fix a whole hell of a lot before sending the show off into the sunset.
  11. Paige, which part of "taking romantic advice from Rosa, the same woman who thought you were in love with her because you returned her texts within a certain window of time" seemed like a solid idea?
  12. To be clear, I'm not speaking of ALL kids, some kids are mature or aware enough to get it (although I'd imagine it's a bit easier to understand what Mom is doing when you are living a rather comfortable life). Also, I'm not saying that Katy is all about her career. I was saying that her dissatisfaction in life is about her career (and, of course, being abandoned by Kermit). But, to a kid, that may not come across clearly, especially in a situation where a kid has already been abandoned by one parent. It's not unreasonable to think that a kid in that situation might feel like "Mom's life sucks because of me." Of course, it's not true, but emotions aren't always rational. A big reason Maya wants Shawn to be with her mother is because she probably feels like her father left because of her (again, not rational, but fairly common), so if she can bring this new guy into Katy's life, she'll be making it all better for both of them.
  13. It would be kind of amazing if this whole thing was a plot by Aly and Ivy. That's why Ivy pulled out her camera to film when she got there instead of getting out right away. Just one big elaborate mind fuck on Steffy.
  14. That bugs me, too. It comes across like he's just saying stuff like that now because his back is against the wall, and he didn't really care, before Ron got fired, how many fans were saying that the show didn't feel like GH. So now that the convenient scapegoat is gone (and, don't get me wrong, Ron bears a LOT of the responsibility for the shit state of the show), he's going to act like he's "one of us" and wants to see the show get back to being GH, as opposed to the reality that he was at the helm for the ridiculous decline in the show's quality and bears just as much responsibility (if not more, because if he really does get that the show wasn't GH for a while, then he did not a fucking thing to change that for too long).
  15. We were at the Raw in Chicago last month, and after the televised show was over (Cena and Cesaro closed the show in a really great match), Cena grabbed a mic and got in the middle of the ring really talking up Cesaro, talking about how he's earned his chance and how good he is. Stuff like that (along with his Make A Wish stuff and the fact that, whenever he's on Total Divas, he's often the only person in the room with any damn sense) is why I can't hate Cena as much as the general crowd does.
  16. Their relationship would almost certainly be more interesting if he pursued her because Robin was off saving Jason.
  17. If the writers are going to use that line of thinking to justify crap like that, I just want to see the characters in town start saying that in response to things like "how could you get involved with him after he had you shot?" "But Luke raped Laura!"
  18. Sigh... If Ivy is going to go "bad," all I wanted was for her and Quinn to team up and be the most interesting characters on this show, as they plot and scheme and look amazing. Why can't I have nice things?
  19. Liz and Sam have been all over the map with how they feel about each other. More often than not, it's a "live and let live" relationship. I don't think encouraging Patrick, if she thinks he seems happy with Sam, is remotely out of bounds for her. And nobody on this show observes normal "waiting periods" for relationships after death/divorce/breakups. In real life, yes, but on a soap, I don't expect to see characters discouraging their friends from "too soon" relationships all that often.
  20. I don't understand how her "pimping Sam and Patrick" before she knew about Jake makes her a terrible friend. As far as she knew, Robin chose to leave, so Patrick was free to move on. Both Robin and Patrick are her friends, so she was being supportive of Patrick finding happiness after his split with Robin. If Patrick and Anna couldn't figure out that Robin was, once again, being held captive, then I don't see how we can expect Liz to have pieced it all together on her own (with a lot less pertinent information to go on, to boot).
  21. I think that, as outside viewers, with more life experience than Maya, we see this. But, I think it's believable that a seventh grade aged girl didn't view it that way. Kids that age can be rather self-centered. She wouldn't necessarily see what her mother was doing and sacrificing so much as she'd see "my mother is never around for the stuff I consider important." And when you add in that her mother had this desire to be an actress and clearly wasn't happy with the life she was living, that can come across to Maya as not being solely about her career (which it is) and more about her whole life, including Maya.
  22. To be fair to Maya (and I do agree that Maya has taken up the focus of the show which should be on the daughter of Cory and Topanga), before the birthday episode, Maya's mother was portrayed that way, to a degree, where it would reasonably seem, from Maya's point of view, like her version of her life was accurate. We had the scene at the diner between Riley and Katy when Riley tried to get her to go to the art show. And we had the birthday episode scenes between Shawn and Katy, where she admitted that she let Maya think the worst of her rather than being honest with her about their situation, leading to Shawn's "she deserves to love the parent who stayed" line. Now we see a good relationship between Maya and Katy, but up until that birthday episode, we saw something entirely different. The show is rushing this Lucas/Maya thing now. You have to put some time between establishing that Lucas and Riley are just friends (or have a brother/sister relaionship) and Lucas suddenly being into Maya. We started the last episode with Lucas still being interested in Riley and now we get this. Neither one of these two would do this to Riley. If we waited a while and saw some natural lead in, or some big moment where their previously unrealized attraction to each other comes out, it would be one thing. But what they're doing right now kind of comes across like we're supposed to just memory wipe everything Lucas/Riley and pretend that we haven't seen Lucas showing up to ask Cory for permission to take Riley on a date, Lucas showing up with a horse for Riley, their first kiss, etc. "Just pretend it didn't happen kids, because some fans on Twitter see a bigger spark between Maya and Lucas."
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