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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Sure, it's fine and dandy for you guys. My kid still watches the Disney Channel! The people there will reign him in even less than Ron did. Pray for me.
  2. In the real world, yes. But soaps don't usually remotely pay lip service to those aspects of sex. It's not messy in soap land, you don't wake up in the morning feeling any of the after effects (unless, of course, it was your first time with your one twu wuv, then you wake up all sunshine and roses). There have been a lot of stories about soap characters who are led to believe they had sex with someone when they really didn't. And they always ignore the reality of those telltale signs that you either did or didn't in order to push the story along. Just like when a character is being held locked up (in a panic room, cage, basement, whatever), you don't see that their clothes and the floor around them are covered in urine and crap from them being shackled to one place for days or weeks. That kind of stuff just doesn't exist in soap land.
  3. Could you imagine if Caroline is pregnant now and has a boy - he'd have the double whammy of being one of Ridge's asshole progeny and a Spencer male. He'd be the most waffling, trifling douchebag in all the land.
  4. Maybe it's my mood today, but this made me laugh. Seriously, people, all Bry-dog wants is to be told how incredible he is. Is that too much to ask?
  5. If she still thinks she's Rebecca, it could work, to some extent (not that I'm advocating it). It would make sense that Rebecca would have no qualms about fucking with Liz's mind. And, unless I've blocked something out, she and Jake never really did anything, so it's not like we'd have "oh, God, I slept with my brother!" angst when she realizes she's Emily. But, I'd only want her to be Emily if she's so disgusted by what Nik's done that she wants nothing to do with him. I wouldn't have a problem with them together down the road, after he works his ass off to redeem himself and earn her respect and trust, but for him to just have his believed dead love of his life just happily dropped into his lap after all he's done would be gross.
  6. I'd think that would be left to Olivia. Maybe she could hallucinate Valerie holding a teeny tiny little version of her mother, who died, you know. (And you just know that, if she is pregnant and carries to term, she's naming that baby after her mother).
  7. No statute of limitations on murder. My son looked after the news broke, and he was still on the website. It's possible they may be waiting to see how things develop, since he hasn't been convicted yet.
  8. The only thing I could possibly like about this wedding would be if she was recycling the blood-stained aisle runner from his Kate wedding to use for this one.
  9. They did fire her. Given how quickly they scrubbed their company of all Hogan references for his racist remarks, I don't think anyone at WWE has the power to keep their significant other out of the line of fire if they're posting swastikas on social media. As for Punk, his leaving had a lot to do with his being unhappy with how they handle health problems and injuries. (This is his side of things, I'm paraphrasing). Among his issues - they tried to rush him back too early from at least one injury (and directly into a riskier than average match), and their medical staff tried to get him to ignore a mass that ended up being from a staph infection that had been left untreated for too long. After he walked off, they suspended him, then officially fired him on his wedding day.
  10. I don't buy the rumors that John got her the title. I mean, I'm sure it didn't hurt that she's involved with one of their highest profile guys, but I don't think he got it for her. I think they went with her because they consider her one of their most high profile divas (thanks, at least partly, to this show). I get a pretty strong vibe off Cena that, outside of the fact that they both work for WWE, he doesn't like to mix their personal life with his work life to that degree. Also, I don't think that he has that kind of influence behind the scenes. Or, if he does, he's clearly not utilizing it to his own benefit very often, outside of maintaining his image (the good guy, doesn't give up, etc), and even that might not necessarily be one hundred percent him as much as the WWE is invested in him being that guy because the company needs one guy like that. I just can't see him pushing heavily for Nikki to get a belt. Honestly, if I was going to peg anybody in current day WWE as pulling some behind the scenes strings, it would be Rollins. I think they knew they wanted someone to break AJ's record, and, in order to do that, they needed to pick someone they were willing to put front and center in the Divas division for that length of time. Given who the choices were at that time (remembering that the current Divas "revolution" was not in play yet), who else were they going to do that with? They clearly considered Brie and Nikki their most high profile women at that time. With Brie, they had to have it in the back of their minds that there were decent odds she might end up pregnant before they could reach the point of breaking the record, so Nikki was a safer choice there. Their other options were pretty much Paige, Nattie, and Naomi. They have no real interest in pushing Nattie as a wrestler. Paige was still pretty new, and, if this show is remotely to be believed, may not be the best at the backstage politics of it all. So they were pretty much left with a choice between Nikki and Naomi. And, for whatever reasons, right or wrong, they did not consider Naomi really ready for that at the time they put the belt on Nikki. So Nikki was their choice.
  11. Yes, I even said "thanks for contributing your part to rape culture, Bryan!" to my TV when he said that.
  12. Thomas and his "we made love" - what a fucking creeper. And Steffy, give me a thousand breaks with that "you need to do the right thing!" ranting at Wyatt. Yes, we all recall how into "doing the right thing" you were when you were desperately trying to keep Hope and Liam away from each other. Or when you came home for a visit and dangled your support of an FC takeover in front of Liam if he'd just dump his girlfriend and hop into your bed. Oh, wait, you mean "the right thing" for you.
  13. Yeah, I liked Bryan before this season, but this season is doing him no favors. When he accused Brie of "trying to give all these guys boners," I wanted to slap him. Because, Heaven forbid a woman dress how she wants because she likes the way she looks, right, Bryan? I loved Nikki's response when Brie told her about it "you wear whatever you want to wear." And to get upset that she's wearing something that shows skin to an event? Please, Bryan. You're in WWE, you KNOW what is expected from the women there. Do you really expect Brie to show up for an event wearing a baggy turtleneck and baggy jeans or something? And then the dickish controlling shit where he turned off the water until she dresses how he wants her to dress? Brie should have simply informed her that she'd be staying with Nikki, her mother, or a friend until their home has running water. She should not have even considered indulging that behavior. The fact that she let him get away with that shit and gave him his way in the end was absurd. And if that wasn't all strictly scripted and was, in fact, genuine, then it doesn't bode well for the future of their marriage. He has his ace in the hole of "I'll make your daily life completely miserable until I get my way, and I know you'll give in." Nattie is one of those reality show people who you just watch thinking "you know this is all being filmed, right? That your little conversations with the camera about how much you want your sister out of your house aren't private? And what happened to your big emotional "lying to my family is wrong" moment from a few weeks ago? And, apparently, despite saying that her sister is like royalty and not just anyone is good enough for her, it seems like her main criteria for finding a date for Jen was "first guy I come across backstage who I can talk into dating her, so she'll get the hell out of my house."
  14. Everyone knows that Sonny loves the kids he's snagged from other people best of all! I don't know what I laughed at harder - Morgan's entire existence today or TC executing the exact same series of facial expressions I have whenever Spencer comes on screen when Spencer walked into breakfast this morning. Don't do it, Michael! Don't do it! I swear to Jasus, if that dream was about him getting to some place where "it was unfair of me to pressure you to go against your gut instincts like that, and no wonder you didn't tell me you killed AJ after that scene in the Q living room"...
  15. I would just assume Sonny and Carly forgot to invite Kristina to the wedding. It's not like either one of them can focus on more than one girlchild at a time. And Avery is it. She still has that fresh "we're keeping you from one of your biological parents" glow.
  16. This just makes me think that the real reason Ron Carlivati was fired from GH was because he had been going behind ABC's back and submitting script ideas to B&B. This shit is right out of his twisted playbook. The really disturbing part of all of this is that this is basically a creepier version of how Rick and Maya got together - he was devastated over Caroline/Ridge, he went to the cabin and tied one on, and she followed up to make sure to cushion his fall with her naked body. If this is their lead up to a Caroline/Thomas pairing, I may be done.
  17. I haven't watched today yet. You guys are not making me want to watch. What is wrong with soap writers? I feel like they all need intense therapy.
  18. I'm sure the guests appreciate her not being around. It reduces the odds someone will be barging into their room without warning.
  19. That was my thought when this story first started "well, if you want a kid, Brooke and I have one we're not using."
  20. I feel like this is still giving Nick too much credit. I doubt he's coked-up lab rat good.
  21. Is gathering together with the family, post-honeymoon for a little celebration a thing that is done? I know it's been a few years or 18 since my own honeymoon, but I seem to recall just dragging our butts from baggage claim to the limo to our front door, unpacking, contemplating laundry, saying "screw it, we can do that tomorrow," and passing out (which is pretty much how every vacation ends in our family). I definitely do not remember gathering for a "yeah, you consummated your marriage!" champagne toast upon arriving home.
  22. What gets me on this one is, normally, with faked pregnancies, it seems to happen with women who are no longer sleeping with the men they're faking out (hence the fake pregnancy, to try to get them back or manipulate them in some other way). But Sharon and Dylan are engaged and together all the fucking time. Is he really going to be too stupid to notice she's not really pregnant when they have sex? Or is she going to just cut him off for the duration of her "pregnancy"? She would have been better off going with her original thought of getting pregnant right away again. Yes, that was gross, too, but you'd think she'd have better odds of fooling him there. He's not the brightest block of wood. I mean, as long as he doesn't gain more than one ring in his trunk during the course of the pregnancy, he won't be able to figure out the intricate math.
  23. At this point, there are three ways they could pull that off. The first is that Sarah has basically been Jake - she was in some kind of accident, lost her memory, and had extensive plastic surgery so no one would recognize her. Second, she's had the extensive plastic surgery, but her memory is intact and she had no problem screwing with her sister (and Ric may or may not have known she was Liz's sister). Third, is doing what they did with the OLTL actors - write out Hayden and write in Sarah with no one in town really commenting on the physical similarities. None of that is remotely appealing. (Which does not exclude it from being on the table, sadly.)
  24. I'm pretty sure Trina wants it. Her main issue was that the writing seemed to close the door on future appearances. She pretty desperately wanted to do more.
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