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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. I'm tired of hating - it's too exhausting, so here goes... I really liked this episode. It was back to Ichabod and Abbie as a team, working together to find the sword, each contributing useful information and suggestions. I was also glad that - considering how much criticism Ichabod has received - this episode showed him being selfless and brave, by risking his own life to save Abbie's life and again risking it in order to accomplish their mission. Both Witnesses had to work together to put out the oil with their torches, revealing the sword. Ichabod then gestured to Abbie to pull out the sword, but she declined. Ichabod had to be the one to pull out the sword so that he could say the words “we shall not witness the Apocalypse on this night.” If Abbie had pulled out the sword, she probably would've said something like "ok, we got the sword, now let's go." The producers wanted a more dramatic line for that scene. I didn't even mind Katrina because her role was minimal and clearly served only as a plot device to get the HH involved so that the Witnesses could then use him to fight the Gorgon. (If the existence of a headless horseman is now accepted, then I have no problem accepting the existence of a gorgon.) That said, I do hope that her character does not last into next season - if there is a next season. Her outfit is still ridiculous and her breathless way of talking just seems out of place on this show. Having one anachronistic, fish-out-of-water character on the show works because he serves as an interesting contrast to every other character on the show and gives a fresh perspective on how we view our modern day world. But having two such anachronistic characters - esp. when they have such laughable dialogue - just takes me out of the show altogether. In defense of Ichabod, he's a human being with flaws - his major weakness (as someone said) is Katrina. I think this episode was intended to show, not that he was overly influenced by other people, but that he was manipulated by Destiny into becoming a Witness - it was just poorly executed. And much as I love Abbie, she's a human being with flaws as well. Despite how perfect she's being portrayed this season, she did abandon her sister to the asylum for many years, never visiting or talking to her, and trying to distance herself from her 'crazy' sister. That was a hurdle that Abbie and Jenny had to overcome last season in order to become close again. I don't want perfect characters or Mary Sues. I like characters with flaws that they try to overcome. Ichabod and Abbie are better together as a team (I don't mean that romantically). Alone, neither of them could've defeated the Gorgon and gotten the sword. There's a reason why two Witnesses are needed. Regarding how Ichabod's actions were influenced by others, the whole theme of this episode was about identity. http://comicbook.com/2014/11/25/sleepy-hollow-season-2-episode-10-with-spoilers-magnum-opus/ I like what this reviewer said: Sleepy Hollow "Magnum Opus" Review: The Sword of Destiny http://www.tv.com/shows/sleepy-hollow/community/post/sleepy-hollow-season-2-episode-10-magnum-opus-review-141685048018/
  2. Alfred the Butler was the clear standout of this episode. Watching him fight and then work with Bullock was a joy. (I wish they had given Bullock a different first name - now we have two Harveys on the show.) This episode was mainly about young Bruce and Selina. I liked their scenes together and watching Bruce's reactions to the seamy side of Gotham. I did think that he'd be more upset with Selina for leaving him to the mercy of that assassin and leaving without even waiting to see if he was killed. I'm looking forward to the adventures of Jim Gordon at the Arkham Asylum and the introduction of Morena Baccarin's character.
  3. This was a great episode. For a criminal, Elias was quite likeable in this episode. That last scene with him and the old photo of the three boyhood friends was heartbreaking. Anthony/Scarface was loyal to the end, and I liked how - even when he knew he was going to die - he tried to undermine Dominic's second in command by needling him with questions about how far he would go for his boss. It appeared to have worked, given that second in command's reaction shot when Dominic callously dismissed his dead underlings with the comment that they can be replaced.
  4. It looks like Queen Inc. exists in the future regardless of whether or not Barry Allen keeps his powers. As I commented here, Barry Allen staying the Flash only affects whether or not the Wayne/Queen merger goes through.
  5. I noticed that in last night's Flash episode, when Barry lost his powers and the future newspaper changed so that the "Flash Missing" headline disappeared, the secondary headline changed to "Wayne Tech / Queen Inc. Merger Falls Through". So the merger is affected by the Flash.
  6. Barbara is the worst character on Gotham, but her character seems to have disappeared from that show for the time being. I'm on the fence about Montoya - she's gotten minimal screentime (much less than Barbara), so we don't really know much about her. At least the Gotham EPs know to minimize their roles on that show and don't set up three-episode arcs centered on their characters. Barbara and Montoya were both completely missing from this week's episode (which was a great episode).
  7. I seem to recall that, in the Arrow After Show with John Campea (the one where SA was a guest), SA talked about how they - the Arrow TPTB - do monitor what's being said on the Internet and that they realize that Episode 10 (first Jan. episode) of each of the previous two seasons was the weakest one; therefore, he indicated something to the effect that they've changed that this season and that this season's Episode 10 will be fresh and different (or words to that effect). So it sounds like the EPs believe that running a Laurel-heavy arc for four episodes after the midwinter break is actually going to be an improvement over previous seasons. I imagine that it'll be heavily promoted as the debut of the new Black Canary.
  8. Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.10 - Magnum Opus - Promo 2 + Sneak Peeks Posted by Robert Fruin at Saturday, November 22, 2014 http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/11/sleepy-hollow-episode-210-magnum-opus_22.html Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.11 - The Akeda - Promotional Photos Posted by Nirat Anop at Friday, November 21, 2014 http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/11/sleepy-hollow-episode-211-akeda_21.html
  9. Gotham - LoveCraft - Advance Preview http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/11/gotham-lovecraft-advance-preview.html
  10. I forgot to post earlier that I didn't think the mirakuru really detracted that much from the realism of the show because it was arguably based on science. Mirakuru is a man-made serum that "causes enhanced physical strength, speed, endurance, durability, agility, stamina, reflexes, and an accelerated healing factor once injected, however its use is dangerous, as the serum can easily prove fatal if not correctly administered" (source). IRL we already have anabolic steroids that enhance physical performance, increase muscle mass and strength, but also have adverse side effects like aggression, anger, and health problems (why it is illegal for professional athletes to take them). We also have a variety of healing agents. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that a scientist or team of scientists could've come up with a combination drug that would do what mirakuru did (after illegally experimenting on humans), taken to a dangerous extreme, plus having the really bad side effects.
  11. 'The Walking Dead' Mid-Season Finale Spoilers: Beth to Turn into a Walker? By Keerthi Mohan November 24, 2014 16:30 IST http://www.ibtimes.co.in/walking-dead-mid-season-finale-spoilers-beth-turn-into-walker-614937
  12. In the first 12 minutes of his last After Show video, John Campea expressed exactly why I feel bitter about the way the show botched up the Laurel character and made instant superheroes on Arrow.
  13. When Oliver and Felicity had their talk in the hospital corridor, that's when Felicity might've first tried to argue with Oliver but didn't. Why? One might think that the EPs thoughtfully reasoned that Felicity knows Oliver so well that she knows there would be no point. For the past year, she's probably spent more time with him than anyone else, even Diggle - she spent her days with him as his "EA" at QC, she spent her nights and likely weekends with him on Arrow business. So 24 hours a day for about a year, and most particularly for the previous five months, they've gotten to know each other inside and out. They know how each other thinks and what they're going to say. You could argue that she knows the present day Oliver better than anyone else in the world right now. As soon as their date was interrupted by an explosion, she probably knew it was over. Alternatively, one might think that the EPs wanted to stuff so much into "The Calm" episode that they only allotted two minutes to the pivotal hospital corridor scene, so therefore there wasn't enough time to show a lengthy or subsequent conversation between Oliver and Felicity in that episode.
  14. Summarizing some of the theories suggested above... The DNA on the arrow turns out to be Thea's, so Oliver gives himself up to Ra's in her place. (This would be IC - last season, he wanted to give himself up to Slade in order to save the city, so deja vu.) Once he's with the LOA, however, he finds out that the real killer is either Nyssa or an ARGUS agent. He's then no longer willing to sacrifice himself and wants to return home. -- If the killer is a brainwashed Nyssa, Oliver challenges her to combat to the death per LOA code and wins (likely Nyssa lets him win) but he lets Nyssa live. Nyssa disavows her father and returns to Starling City with Oliver. Nyssa flashback provides clarification on relationship between Nyssa and Ra's, and why Ra's would let them go. Nyssa becomes the new Black Canary (like writersblock51 suggested) when Laurel gives it up (this still seems unlikely to me). -- If the killer is an ARGUS agent, Oliver and Nyssa return to Starling City together (with Ra's approval) and devise a plan to go after Waller. Hong Kong flashbacks provide clarification as to Waller's motive (as Kordi suggested). The showdown is between Waller & corrupted ARGUS agents and Oliver's team with LOA assist. Waller is defeated and Lyla takes over as head of a new and cleaned-out ARGUS (yes, shades of SHIELD-HYDRA). Either theory would get around the problem of how Oliver can possibly defeat Ra's. About the "Canaries" episode, I think we'll see a frustrated Laurel who's been not doing that well out in the field. Then we'll see flashbacks of a frustrated Sara when she first struggled to learn fighting with Nyssa. Ultimately, we'll see both triumphing in some way in present day and flashback scenes, perhaps with Nyssa giving approval to both sisters. I'm going with this parallel story theory instead of the Ghost Sara appearing to Laurel theory that I liked before.
  15. I also feel bad for BR because I remember how excited and enthusiastic he was in tweets when the news first broke about his casting. I blame the EPs and writers for how Ray Palmer's been portrayed on the show. This pic is cool, though... https://twitter.com/EmilyBett
  16. After the way Felicity willingly risked her life to get close to Slade and then jabbed him with the syringe, I'll never see her as weak.
  17. Extensive collection of photos and tweets from The Flash/Arrow Fan Screening at OliverandFelicity.com... Part 1 (Black carpet arrivals & pre-screening) http://www.oliverandfelicity.com/2014/11/23/appearances-the-flasharrow-fan-screening-in-la-part-1-black-carpet-arrivals-pre-screening/ Part 2 (Post-screening Q&A panel photos) http://www.oliverandfelicity.com/2014/11/23/appearances-the-flasharrow-fan-screening-in-la-part-2-post-screening-q-a-panel-photos/ Part 3 (Post-screening Q & A panel) http://www.oliverandfelicity.com/2014/11/23/appearances-the-flasharrow-fan-screening-in-la-part-3-post-screening-q-a-panel/ Part 4 (Miscellaneous round-up) http://www.oliverandfelicity.com/2014/11/23/appearances-the-flasharrow-fan-screening-in-la-part-4-miscellaneous-round-up/ Part 5 (Videos) http://www.oliverandfelicity.com/2014/11/23/appearances-the-flasharrow-fan-screening-in-la-part-5-videos/
  18. I think the EPs are in a bind. They want to rush up and get the new BC on the TV screen asap, but they know they'll get flak for the rushed training - esp. when they made such a big deal about Oliver's 5-year journey and Sara's LOA training. So they end up with a BC who's not a very good fighter. Like looptab said, maybe their plan is to have Laurel continue improving year after year (ugh!) as the BC until she ultimately becomes the badass fighting ninja BC in Season 5 - at about the same time that Oliver transitions from the Arrow to the Green Arrow? In the meantime, they keep her in costume as the BC but make her suddenly great at master strategy and tactics because somehow her 'brilliant' legal mind helps her instantly analyze and plan (also ugh!)?
  19. Ah, but the big difference - to the EPs' mind at any rate - is that last season Laurel wasn't the costumed Black Canary but just your normal gal. This season, it's not so much Laurel-heavy episodes, but BC-heavy episodes. Ratings gold! I interpreted what MG said a little differently - it could mean she'll still wear the mask but just be a BC that doesn't use fighting as much to defeat the bad guys. I just don't believe that the EPs would give up on having a BC. Either way, I agree that WTF? Certainly doesn't sound like the competent BC of the comics (that I've heard about).
  20. I don't ship actors either, but their interactions are cute. Did you see EBR and SA look at each other and then SA nodded at her (around 2:08)? DR, EBR and SA are the best part of Arrow. I like EBR's outfit. It looks classy and cool with the mannish jacket and shorts.
  21. This upcoming BC trilogy or quartet of episodes sounds about as much fun as getting a root canal. Honestly, I don't think the ratings will fall that much - esp. not the first episode in January - because other viewers either don't read spoilers and might be expecting Oliver to return right away (to resolve the cliffhanger) or might be satisfied watching any costumed chick kicking ass. The EPs are probably counting on the latter. However, I'd bet that they've probably mixed in with those BC episodes some 'great' B scenes involving Felicity, Diggle and/or Thea (which will be heavily promoted) to get fans watching. It's going to be a critical test period - If the ratings drop to the basement, then Laurel may be dropped from the show. if the ratings are decent, then we're probably stuck with Laurel as the BC for at least another season. If the ratings are great, then she may get spun off into a BC or BOP show, which would get her off Arrow.
  22. As someone who never read the comic books, I want to comment on costumes and realism on Arrow. One of the reasons I like Arrow is because the show tries to be grounded in realism (or as real as a 'superhero show' can get). Oliver's 'superpower' skills aren't genetic, alien, or given to him through a freak accident. He got them through extensive training, practice, and a determination born out of suffering. He earned them. But lately it feels like this show is moving away from this realism, esp. if this season is headed toward a Canary Cry and the Atom. This moving away from realism is reflected in the 'superhero' costumes. Oliver's green-hooded costume is organic to his character. It's the outfit he brought back from the island (I believe), and it's designed for comfort and camouflage. Although the green color is better camouflage on the island than in the city, it's still a dark drab color that hides well in the shadows. Keeping the green color may also be a tribute to those left behind on the island (like Shado and Yao Fei) and everything he experienced there. Even the black paint around his eyes was not just disguise but could be functional. It served to keep the glare from sun or artificial light out of his eyes (why football players put black greasepaint under their eyes), which enhanced his effectiveness as an archer. Yes, we have to handwave why no one recognizes him, but I thought that adding the mask actually detracted a little from the naturalness of his outfit. Sara's costume as the Canary was an all-black outfit that worked for her persona as a LOA member and for running around at night - despite the cleavage, which I get was a nod to a BC comic book costume, but also worked as arguably fitting Sara's somewhat 'wild child' personality. Her outfit looked like something a real assassin would wear. (The impracticality of superhero women having loosely hanging long hair while fighting has been previously discussed in this forum.) Then we're introduced to Roy's red-hooded costume. I get that his costume is a different color in order to distinguish Roy from Oliver out in the field and to give Arsenal a distinct persona. But red is not a good camouflage color in any environs. Also, wouldn't it be more effective to have Roy's costume the same color as Oliver's? This sameness would confuse their enemies. It would also provide an alibi for either of them, if needed, and help conceal their secret identities. They could still have different-colored arrows. Roy's red costume was a move away from realism and into comic book fantasy. Finally, we have the new Black Canary costume for Laurel. The neck-to-toe black is great for being a vigilante and would've been a good workable outfit. But then the costume designer ruins it by adding all the buckles. As mentioned by several here, if these buckles are functional, then it will take a long time for her to buckle up when she needs to go out into the field. If the buckles are only decorative, then how do those boots stay up? If the buckles are decorative and the boots have zippers or snaps, then what's the point of having the buckles in the first place? Moreover, the buckles don't even look like they're black-coated but appear silver. Shiny silver buckles will catch the light and give away her position if she's trying to hide. Add in the garter belt, and Laurel's costume moves the show even further into comic book fantasy. It just seems like TPTB on Arrow are sacrificing realism in their rush to introduce as many cool new 'comic book toys' as they can, without much thought.
  23. Another J.J. Abrams show has been green lit for 2015 (great cast)... HBO Creepily Announces Westworld Series Starring Anthony Hopkins Eliana Dockterman @edockterman Nov. 17, 2014 http://time.com/3590531/hbo-westworld-announcement-anthony-hopkins/
  24. Vote here... Who Has the Hottest Sexual Tension of 2014? by Shannon Vestal 11/20/14 http://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/TV-Couples-Sexual-Tension-2014-36147890?stream_view=1#photo-36148153 Currently, the top three vote-getters are: 34% Claire and Jamie, Outlander 26% Felicity and Oliver, Arrow 24% Robin Hood and Regina, Once Upon a Time
  25. Season 3 isn't even half over and I'm already dreading Season 4. I have this fear that next season will be an ensemble superhero show with some episodes featuring the Arrow, some episodes featuring the BC, and some episodes featuring the Atom. Felicity will be reduced to a central information source, and Diggle will have disappeared like Pete Ross. Why? Because these EPs can draw even more story 'inspiration' from the wealth of comic book lore and not have to be bothered with coming up with original storylines.
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