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Everything posted by Joimiaroxeu

  1. Me either. There must be something behind the scenes going on that has this show on everybody's shite list. The drama categories are extremely competitive now but I think there should have been some room for this show and its actors.
  2. Maybe the producers realized how much McRae and Amanda derailed the show last year and it was all for naught since neither of them won. I wonder if Devin has any self-awareness at all. If he does he's surely going to cringe hard when he's at home watching the episodes and he realizes how easily she manipulated him. He fancies himself the master of working people but he has the stability of Play-Doh.
  3. Walt Willey (Jack Montgomery) is going to be playing Wild Bill Hickock on an upcoming series called Gunslingers on AHC (American Heroes Channel). There's a preview clip of him here: http://www.tvguide.com/news/walt-willey-wild-1084089.aspx#ooid=pyMGlybjqXn7Cn0rbed1z-52XVqFDYsl
  4. I think Candy is going to come back around, especially when she finds out Veronica's part in getting Quincy released. He seems to be the one person who scares Candace. IMO, Amanda is a walking plot device waiting to happen, just like Wyatt and Celine. Note that she didn't ask if he used protection. I will be flabbergasted if the girl doesn't turn up pregnant so Veronica can justify arranging a hasty wedding. I guess the concept of being on the down-low doesn't register with her.
  5. Wasn't Billy supposed to be having a back spasm or something? If so it made sense that they'd do it on the floor but then they positioned themselves with him on top. It would have made more sense the other way around (in order to spare his back). Bad directing. "Bro feelz". Love it.
  6. I usually like Veronica's fashion choices but that dress she had on was too short, both for her age and for her status as the wife of a relatively major political candidate. And geez, those gigantic SUVs. What do both David and Ronnie separately need all that room for? Seems wasteful, even if they are wealthy. I am completely over Veronica running around calling everybody "boy". She's several decades too young for everybody to be letting her get away that nonsense. Meanwhile, wow, Ronnie. Could you have sex with a woman again, and again, and again until it becomes you? What a stupid notion of how sexuality works. But I'm glad David isn't so naive and actually supports Jeffery. I'm starting to feel sorry for Jeffery after the way his mother bullies him. Benny's behavior when he was talking to Candace on the phone was kind of weird, just like when he'd talk to that nurse at the hospital. It's like he regresses back to being a kid or something, yet he doesn't seem to have amnesia. It's interesting to see the actor switch back and forth between the two behavior styles. How does Jim get to decide who somebody can talk to? I'll bet the fake detective is going to have a change of heart and help Hannah. Is there a wardrobe person on this show or do the actors wear their own clothes? I can't imagine why any professional costumer would have put Amanda in that skort which appeared to be a couple of sizes too small. Amanda has a good body and she's rich so there's no need for her to dress like she's on the stroll. So a newly released convict can just roll up to a judge's house in broad daylight? Yeah right. The Cryer estate must not have any security at all. Unbelievable. Meanwhile, I like how Celine does housework while wearing six-inch heels.
  7. I think it's a TK thing. I don't know about OLTL and PC but on AMC he was very "hands on". In fact, it's one of the reasons some of the more out there fans insisted he was having an affair with one of his co-stars (but he wasn't).
  8. I think the difference was like driving a car with a manual transmission versus an automatic. DOS/manual = more direct control over the experience but clicking on icons/automatic shifting = easier and requiring less thought. Pretty much anyone could sit down in front of a desktop computer and figure out how to navigate clever GUI but using DOS required either some prior instruction or written directions which had to be followed to the letter. Some people enjoyed the challenge of DOS but others just wanted the functionality without a lot of keyboarding to get there. The thing is though, there still are some things you can get done quicker with command line input versus clicking on icons.
  9. It's not a commandment but a New Testament quote from Christ Himself at Matthew 16:23 might do the trick. (Of course I'm being sarcastic. Not trying to suggest that Caleb is the personification of evil.)
  10. I think this a a pretty broad generalization. Some girls, probably those from more conservative families, are brought up this way. Other girls are raised to believe that they have agency and aren't obliged to be "nice" to any guy for fear he can't take rejection gracefully. I think this is more about guys like Caleb who, one way or another, have come to believe that they're entitled to have any girl they want and the girl had better grateful for his attention. However, I'm not ready to speculate yet on whether Amber's racial background has anything to do with Caleb's obsession with her. The allure of the "forbidden" is a whole other can of worms.
  11. Yeah, I had to google that. There's a five-day waiting period in WI but I guess waiting a week isn't dramatic enough when there's young love on the line. Oy, there's an obvious remark to make about the different way Austin makes her feel happy but Nick and Jack don't (or can't; well, technically I guess Nick could but ewww). I'm just gonna sit on my hands and leave it alone. Jack is so ridiculous. How many times has he been married "for life"? This is just Summer's starter marriage (but her third last name, right?). She'll probably have three or four husbands under her belt by the time she's Phyllis' age.
  12. Veronica hired a debutante hooker to seduce Jeff? Bet the girl's gonna turn up pregnant too, all ready to start planning her shotgun wedding. It's an interesting turn of events for Jeffery since not that long ago he was planning to seduce an unwilling straight man. What did Amanda call Jim, Elmo? Homo? I like Landon. Nothing but real talk from that guy, plus he's gorgeous. Whoa, that's a serious case of fivehead on the hospital billing chick. In fact, it might be six- or sevenhead. Jim, David, and Veronica were in law school together. Just adds to my belief that Jim and Ronnie had a fling back in day and David and Katheryn have no idea. OMG, Veronica is now having the worst morning ever! Bravo, TP, that was a classic soap opera moment. Re the previews, so is Jim some kind local crime godfather or something? If so I'm right there with you because I've been thinking the same thing. During rough contract negotiations the regular soaps have been know to write characters into corners as a sort of threat. TP might have been sending Tikka a message. Or not. Wonder how fat those paychecks really are. The show seems to done on the cheap and most of the actors aren't really marquee names. Yeah, it was a Key & Peele moment.
  13. Heh, I dunno, Cersei doesn't seem to be type who's able to regard other women as friends. I can however see Quinn and Lysa Arryn bonding over their sons. In fact, I'm now wondering how long it's been since Quinn breastfed Wyatt.
  14. Yeah, and I wonder if the decision to go so hard on that angle was Joey's idea or was something "encouraged" by the producers. IMO there was some interesting math at play there: self-described liberal female = feminist = lesbian-ish = crazy. Meanwhile, the women left in the house are presenting themselves in the more traditional image of feminine and the two most alpha men were right off the bat prepared to target them because of it. Oh, it's gonna happen soon enough. They're both of the "there ain't enough room in this here town for the both of us" mold.
  15. They're probably saving the wedding budget for Dylan and Avery. That one'll probably make those royal weddings look like backyard barbecues. But Neil only has one biological child. I guess Hilary has to prove her eggs are worthy first. She probably should get with Devon because this marriage likely isn't going to work out and she'd be smart to get herself a billionaire baby daddy as fallback.
  16. No, Dylan is dying because he always has to try to be Hero Man. Yeah but that was only after Neil tried to deflect the honeymoon suggestions by claiming poverty. The d-bag is a millionaire! I think it's telling how little he's willing to put himself out for the woman he claims to love and has promised to spend the rest of his life (oh, please...) with. SMH.
  17. Boy, that was some industrial strength mind-effery Kelly pulled on Jack. I think even Ian would have been impressed. Is anybody but me wondering why Nick has to go to Mariah's motel so much? I don't think anything untoward is going to happen but it would be easy for her to put him in a compromising position if she wanted to.
  18. Absolutely. I think there's been an interesting double-standard at play between Caroline and Maya. It's a big reason why I was never thrilled about Maya and Rick's fling because it was all but certain that Maya would end up losing out to Caroline. The racial subtext of that situation was unpleasant to me and I'm not thrilled that the writers keep having Maya set herself up to be "defeated" by Caroline. Why keep going there? I'm not defending any of Maya's actions but nothing on the screen explains it, IMO.
  19. "Nuts" is relative on this show but it's probably not a sign of excellent mental health to sneak into a sauna to put a move on your happily married, semi-nude boss. She has a gorgeous fiance and they both have great jobs, yet she's obsessing on two of her exes. At this point she's not only risking her relationship, she's also risking her employment. In neither case will she end up married to a Forrester with a guaranteed push up the corporate ladder so I just don't get what her goal is.
  20. I keep waiting for her to start screaming, "Where are my dragons?!"
  21. That's an excellent point. Both Chelsea and Billy are more than wealthy enough to hire a whole team of private investigators to get the scoop on Stitch and Kelly. But no, they have to go the cheap way and try to use people who are barely their friends to do their dirty work. Those two users deserve each other. Heh, that was one weak and telegraphed slap. Faith could have delivered a better slap than that and Ian's probably got at least half a foot in height on her. Maybe what he's bringing is below the table, if you catch my drift, wokka wokka wokka. Oh yeah, Chelsea's going to climb nuBilly like a tree.
  22. Yes but the only "weapon" she has is the now outdated recording she made of Oliver saying he was going to work Aly. She did that before Oliver knew or cared that she was going nuts. It doesn't seem like she's really concerned about Aly so what was her real reason for making an enemy out of Oliver?
  23. What is Maya's deal? How does getting Oliver in trouble--or possibly even fired--benefit her in any way? Is she just jealous that he wants someone other than her?
  24. Well, I'd call Phyllis a lot of things before I'd call her mentally deficient. (Most of them are words we're not supposed to use here...) I think that ish is straight up from the Newman side. Poor Jack.
  25. LOL. As much as I want to believe she's Jack's kid, her Nick genes seem to be coming out strong lately.
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