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Everything posted by Joimiaroxeu

  1. So it wasn't all a dream and Sharon really did have a tragic incident with Heather? Sigh, if only Sharon had gone to Cassie's grave before she decided killing Daniel was the cure for her grief. Interesting how the date of Cassie's death was mostly obscured on her tombstone. Wonder why? (Answer: because then it'd be clear why Summer should only be in her late teens/early 20s at best. Now Summer's a few years younger than Mariah. The math don't math.) The scene where Sharon poured a pitcher of milk over Nikki's head sure showed how much the coffeehouse patio set has shrunk. Back then Sharon could've thrown a party out there. CG was such a great find when she was brought on as Cassie. She was an outstanding young actress. Sharon became a kleptomaniac, a pyromaniac, and a nymphomaniac. A mania trifecta! The show kinda brushed off the 3-way WTD situation she got into with Jack, Billy, and Nick though. Yay, the child you didn't even know you'd given birth to! A tried and true soap opera staple, lol. An unexpected Neil appearance. Whoa. Sharon said her children were the best part of her but where was any mention of Noah? Re the previews for next week: please tell me Sharon didn't keep Heather's phone. Oy vey. 😐
  2. Look at JG being all artsy fartsy with today's opening shots. Who does he think he is, Hitchcock? Scorsese? Peele? Fincher? Gerwig? 😉 Once she got caught in the apartment I think Sharon should've just left, period. There was no way she was going to reason with Heather. Pretty much everything she said was incriminating to Heather's attorney ears. FFS, Ghoul Cameron, how can we miss you if you won't effing leave!!??!!!?? Ghoul Cameron told Sharon to "cowboy the hell up." I did not have that turn of phrase on my YR Thursday bingo card. Well, at least he didn't say Sharon needed to put her big girl panties on. Hey, I recognized Heather's ringtone. She has an Android. Yeah, it was hard to imagine Sharon being strong enough to lug Heather's body around, especially with it swaddled in a comforter or whatever that was. Sharon must've been running on pure adrenaline. She did pretty good cleaning up the crime scene mess but Sharon also should've removed and destroyed the SIM card from Heather's cell. The phone's movements will be trackable. IMO this episode was definitely SC's Daytime Emmy nomination submission. Not taking any bets on the possibility of her winning though--yet.
  3. Huh, I actually liked Nick's version of a twin set, ha ha. Deep purple is not the kind of neutral color he usually wears. You rag on Sharon's life as "constant drama," Phyllis? Explain how you define "constant" because your life is hardly drama-free. Well, at least Sharon realized the huge flaw in her plan to poison the whiskey at Daniel's apartment. So she shouldn't be surprised if things go sideways. Since when does Abbott-Chancellor produce clothing? Phyllis may be the new COO of A-C but she can't magically create a fashion division in less than 24 hours. Not even for little kids like Harrison. Sharon is bad at cat burglaring, lol. Poor time management, and inability to leave the scene of a crime without having to clean it up first. Love how boozehead Lucy is grounded but she still gets rewarded with her favorite dessert at the GCAC restaurant. Daniel, IMO you are still useless as a parent. Did she stutter, Ghoul Cameron? Sharon told you to GO AWAY! FOH! TMW you get caught leaving someone's home after you broke into it. Punch Heather's lights out, Sharon! Do it! 😈🤡
  4. Right? This show runs nearly every storyline into the ground until everyone is sick of it. They must've gotten the actor for cheap since he's only worn one outfit for months. 🤮 Yeah, I couldn't understand Sally's outfit. I think that dress would've been fine if she was going to a club or on a date with a guy she knew wasn't prudish. But AFAIC, walking around during the day looking like that reads "going to my second job as an escort" or "look at me doing the walk of shame." I can't wait until Sally's new pal Billy gets himself an eyeful. Chelsea who?
  5. Hey, it's Tessa. She was conveniently absent yesterday when Adam and Billy were turning Society into a boxing ring. As if Sharon's delusions inside of delusions weren't bad enough, now Ghoul Cameron and wannabe Ghoul Daniel are double-teaming her. Speaking of women living in fantasy worlds, Heather told Daniel, "'til death do us part." What the what? Heather and Daniel aren't married; not unless he's managed to dissolve his marriage to psycho Daisy. Omega Sphere. Odyssey Seven. Cute how the show is using the same initials for their references to fake software. And by "cute" I mean, nah, too stupid. Oy Nick, are you sure the police are the ones to call if Sharon is doing something to harm herself? Seems to me the EMTs would be a better idea unless Sharon has a weapon that could immediately hurt someone else. Oh come on, since when does Sharon have the skills of a cat burglar and can break into someone's apartment? Apparently JG is straight up pulling plot points out of his @$$ now. Nick had to ask Daniel for help because now everything is bipolar Sharon's fault. I am unable to can. 🙄
  6. I think Audra was referring to Kyle. He doesn't want her as his co-CEO. Audra told Sally about Victor's Glissade ownership a few months ago. (I went back through the episode recaps; it was July 17th). Several other people suspect Victor is the owner (including Jack and Diane), but it's not officially public knowledge--yet.
  7. Look at Audra in her Barbie hot pink. And apparently Sally's borrowing clothes from Phyllis now. Yikes. Adam gets in the first swing against Billy! Kapow! Audra, ragging on Adam to Sally might not be a great idea. What if Sally gets back together with him? She'll remember the crappy stuff you said about the man she loves. A kinder, gentler Summer. Yawn. Whatever, perhaps Chelsea should seek out a sounding board closer to her own age and level of life experience, like Chloe. Dear Show, manspreading is manspreading. AFAIC, putting a potted plant in the camera angle in front of Billy's crotch didn't make the ick better. 👿 So Audra believes that since she took down Tucker she can destroy Kyle too. Clearly she underestimates what it means to be a member of one of GC's most elite families. Kyle will always have a soft landing. I think Victoria must be hopped up on goofballs. She can't buy out Abbott-Chancellor from Billy because he doesn't own it. Besides, since when does Victoria have as much money as Victor and Jill? Well, I'm with Billy: Victoria expecting him to bow down is bovine excrement. She knows Victor is 100% in the wrong. And Johnny and Katie likely couldn't care less about business battles between Grandpa and Daddy.
  8. Out in other soap forums world it's been speculated that the actress who plays Sally is on her way out. All the reasoning I've seen is pretty iffy though. Whatever, Adam suddenly in love with Chelsea again would seem to leave Sally out in the cold. But on a related note, this show now has Sally, Sharon, Phyllis, and Lily all unattached romantically. The only unattached man is Nick since Billy is in Chelsea's orbit, Nate is in Audra's, and Kyle is zooming in on Claire. Y&R needs to fix their cast imbalance.
  9. OMG, consider me fully chagrined to have missed that. I've never attended a theatre production of Dreamgirls but I saw the movie the day it opened. I'll never forget the experience because it was Christmas Day, and most of the jam-packed audience stood up and cheered after JHud sang The Song. It's hard for me to imagine though that Dreamgirls was reference 50 was going for. The presence of Mary J Blige and Method Man notwithstanding, I think this show is aimed at young men.
  10. Heh, nope, I barely remember what's happened this season. And when I hear "Effie" I tend to think of the Hunger Games movies. Especially one who has sickle cell too. Seems like the show is suggesting that the coke use was benefiting her health until she got some that was laced with fentanyl.
  11. Yeah, the actress is a still a notable get but this show is hardly in the same league as The Sopranos. Assuming that's the reference 50 was hoping the viewers would recognize with her.
  12. Carter lighting candles for Felicia. Please. It's a wonder a lightning bolt didn't shoot down from heaven and immediately strike him dead for mocking a religious rite. So Carter cleaned up Diana's mess by making Felicia's death look like a car accident. Seems to me a coroner would've been able to tell Felicia was already dead when her body got run over. "Regret is for civilians." Sure, Tariq. Tariq sarcastically compared Carter to Denzel's character in Training Days. Michael Ealy could only wish he had such high Hollywood regard but I appreciate the show acknowledging the reference. Effie definitely wasn't congratulating the newly bethrothed couple. "Just business" her behind, Cane. Loved the leather skirt suit Noma was wearing. Diane trying to replace the baby she and Tariq lost when she miscarried. Gosh, that would've been an awful responsibility to put on an innocent child. Thankfully Tariq refused to go along with her attempted seduction. I have to hope Dru is laying in wait for the ideal moment to take Carter out. Well, Tariq should believe in evil since he perpetrates so much of it. And I think it's laughable for him to be still attending classes. Effie's mother? And Effie's real name is Josefina? Whoa. Great casting but too late in game unless the spumors of an Effie-based spinoff series are real. I'm surprised it took this long for Monet and Tariq to figure out their best move was to pit Noma and Carter against each other. Or try to anyway. So, Tariq, okay for you to murder people in the heat of the moment but when Brayden does it, you get upset? Okay then. Brayden shouldn't have told his girlfriend what he did to her coke dealer. She was not about that gangster life. Loved how smoothly Carter's Lieutenant Nico was setting him up against Noma. Or trying to anyway. Oh no, Noma and Carter are joining forces instead of taking each other out. Bad news for Tariq and the Tejadas.
  13. Not sure how Mariah knew what Madison hotel room to go to. Sharon said she'd done remote check-in but the only way Mariah could've known the room number is if the front desk told her. Hmmm. In what world does a COO need to be read in on their boss' personal life? Seems to me Phyllis is looking for trouble and she'll claim it's on Billy's behalf. Mariah used to be a much better liar. She was no match for bonkers Sharon. But perhaps it wasn't the kind of situation to be trying to handle over the phone. Okay, I did not have Phyllis being sympathetic toward Chelsea on my Friday Y&R bingo card. She was actually encouraging Billy to forgive Chelsea. <shrugs> Victor advised Nick to have Faith move in with him so she doesn't feel so responsible for monitoring Sharon. Has everyone forgotten Faith is an active college student? She should be heading back to Ann Arbor. Mind your own beeswax, Phyllis. AFAIC Billy ought to run in the opposite direction whenever he sees Chelsea. He owes her nothing. Gotta give Nick credit for being a standup guy wrt to his ex-wife's troubles. Not sure he needed to take Nikki, Victoria, and Victor's opinions on the Sharon problem though. None of them are objective about her. Sigh, Adam. You can't be letting Connor's OCD push you back into Chelsea's arms. Giving Connor that kind of power is a terrible idea. Whee, Billy and Adam might start throwing punches in the middle of Society. Let's go! 😈
  14. Nick said Christian has an earache. Poor kid must've gotten locked in the garage again, ha ha. Unheated. 😉 Geez, I'm ready for Faith to stop blaming herself for everything. She has no control over crazypants Sharon. Or bratty Lucy. Sharon went to the No-Tell Motel with Ghoul Cameron. It looked like the room where Harrison and Claire were held captive by Jordan. Yikes. Nah, Billy, Lily is not smart enough not to get played by Victor. All Victor has to do is mention Neil and Lily basically turns into putty in his hands. Speaking of hands, what was that strange tat on Lily's wrist? It almost looked to me like she'd gotten her lower arm slammed in a doorway and there was a bad bruise afterwards. I find it annoying how Lily keeps acting like being the CEO of Chancellor = owning it. Lily, you have never been anything more than an employee. JILL OWNS CHANCELLOR. So despite every horrid thing that happened with him, Sharon still wants to believe Cameron loved her. Ugh, ugh, ugh. Lily, giiirrrlll. You really don't want to be talking sh!t about Phyllis to her face. You are no match, especially when Phyllis feels provoked. Real talk from Nate and Devon to Lily. Yes, Lily, you are indeed that stupid to have put your trust in Victor's mere word. Helen Keller's ghost is shaking her head at you.
  15. Oh okay, I guess I never noticed it before. So was it previously the Chancellor Industries building, which I guess Jill owned after she bought the company from Victor? Lily was already working there and then she talked Devon into merging Hamilton/Winters with CI. Ow, my head.
  16. Something similar probably went through my mind but I doubt Billy is flexible enough to, um, "love" himself. When I read mystery novels, I call this the phone loophole. If the mystery or a problematic situation could be resolved by a character's access to a phone, then IMO it's not much of a mystery/situation. This is particularly evident now that most people have cell phones with them 24/7. Of course, it doesn't apply to novels that were written before phones were a thing (or widely available). We all know Lily could simply call Jill and the problem with Lily's job at AC would likely go away. However, JG has to say Lily won't do it in order for the AC story arc to drag out with Billy in charge. Ugh. On a related note, did anyone notice in the opening camera shot yesterday that there's a office tower with the name "AC" on it now? It sits between the NE and Jabot towers. The building's been there all along, it just never seems to have had a name on it before (as best as my image search googling was able to find). So has Chancellor Industries always had a building but it wasn't identified in the camera shot of GC's skyline?
  17. On the style front, I liked Billy's light gray double-breasted suit today. Nah on the no-tie thing though. Seems too faddish. Looks like Cole inherited Tucker's slim jeans. I don't think he does them the justice Tucker did, if my drift is caught. 😏 What in the Bizarro world Phantom of the Opera was that goofy skirt/diagonal apron thing Victoria had on? I thought Nikki had a C-suite Stevie Nicks vibe today, if Stevie flatironed her hair. 🎶Stand back!🎶
  18. A new day in GC, finally. Cole, you don't need to be asking Victor for his blessing to date his daughter. Not unless the Newmans are royalty and there's an official line of succession at risk. Sure. Ohhh, Billy basically wanted Phyllis to be an admin assistant but she fast-talked herself the title and salary of a COO. His negotiating skills are not great. Poor Cole, out here catching strays because Victor thinks Victoria's man-picker is broken. How many times are Claire and Victoria going to discuss Claire getting involved with Kyle? And whether Claire should stop being Harrison's nanny and work at NE instead? Yawn. Nikki, you have no idea how much Victor hasn't told you. His disloyalty issue with Cole is merely the tip of the iceberg. Billy admitted to Phyllis that he hasn't told Jill he fired Lily! I've been saying Lily should call Jill. She might could get her job back without Victor's involvement. Wait a minute. Billy doesn't own A-C, Jill does. How are the Newmans going to buy him out? What Victoria was suggesting sounded more like a bribe to me. 🤔 Phyllis used her techie brain to figure out how Lily undermined Billy on his pending AI company deal. Whee, Billy now has a Doberman on leash payroll and she's just waiting for the signal to attack. Lily, you in danger, girl.
  19. Hey, it's Abby. Chelsea doesn't seem to understand how breaking up works. Two words, Billy: restraining order. AFAIC Adam needed to tell Connor in no uncertain terms to stay out of grown folks business. The kid is doing quantitative analysis in his head on messy stuff no child should be worrying about. Wow, when was the last time Devon and Phyllis had a nose-to-nose? Ever? He handled her way more graciously than she deserved given her attitude. WTAF. I thought Sharon was behaving in front of Daniel like she was drunk or high on something. I couldn't understand why he didn't notice. Lol, Phyllis busted into Billy's office like the Kool-Aid Man. Sucks to be you, Chelz. Buh bye. But Phyllis being kinda aggressive with Billy when he's sorta vulnerable? Oy. <pleasenocouchsexpleasenocouchsexpleasenocouchsex> "Who puts a breakfast food in a cookie?" Good one, Red. But the Quaker Oats company would like to have a word regarding homemade oatmeal cookies. Yum. How was Nick not wily enough to keep Sharon from driving? He could've driven them back to her house in her car and picked his car up from the coffeehouse later. Billy, stop acting brand new. Ditto comments upthread, Phyllis has never encountered a boundary she wouldn't violate or a lane she wouldn't cross. No way will she be your second-in-command without doing stuff you won't want. Regrets, you'll have a few.
  20. Suite 352. The camera sure lingered on the number for some reason. Keeping a secret, Victoria? Hah, you and Cole were making out in the GCAC lobby while clearly in a state of dishevelment. People wanting to keep their trysts private don't paw each other in public. Right, Lucy, the entire universe revolves around you. 🙄 OMG, Claire actually asked her parents what they were doing upstairs together. Vikki and Cole have no reason to be ashamed but dang. Maybe they should've gone to the No-Tell Motel, lol. So Harrison is the considered the class mayor at school. That's cute. He's already putting his Abbott male charm to good use. Whatever, Lucy. Thousands of kids are growing up in military or foreign service families and have moved many times all over the world. You're not special. Cole said he's resigning from his prestige job at Oxford. Next stop, GCU, the glorified community college! Hey, it's Esther. Eh, I don't think it's Esther's place to tell Sharon she should have tea instead of coffee. She's still Sharon's employee. It must've been like the third or fourth time "today" Kyle went home and poured himself a drink. Good grief. Why does Daniel keep going to Crimson Lights when he knows he's likely to run into Sharon there? It's as if he wants to keep her riled up.
  21. I dunno, I haven't gotten the impression Victor truly cares that much about Claire. He just doesn't want any more Abbott mixed in his bloodline. MS' Phyllis and JT's Billy. Oy, can't see it and don't wanna. I am Team Silly/Bally.
  22. How was Carter there acting all sympathetic to Rashad Tate when he's the one who killed his brother? Lying to Rashad is likely going to bite Carter in the ass later. Diana's done a 180°. Now she's all about doing a hit, on a cop no less. Cokehead Det. Felicia picked the wrong Tejada to mess with. I forgot Effie was headed to Stanford. She should go already if she wants to attend orientation for new students. Tasha is right, Tariq needs to leave the Felicia problem to someone else to handle. Like the Tejadas. Wow, for a cop's wife that woman was awfully trusting. Why would she let a blood-covered stranger into her home? And let another stranger wander around unsupervised? Carter's associate Det. Nico figured out Carter killed that suspect and tried to make it look like self-defense. Wonder what he'll do with the information? Bye, Felicia. Diana made the classic James Bond villain mistake: talking too much instead of just getting on with it. Things could've gone completely wrong when she went to take out Felicia. Diana should've just shot her up top and not made such a mess of the crime scene. Oops, now dead Felicia's kid can identify Diana and Tariq. Diana really should've let revenge be served cold and done better research first. Plus not have left her DNA all over a cop's house. Carter waving two guns around like he'd lost all his good sense. I had a hard time buying that everyone in the room simply stood there instead of figuring out a way to distract him. Based on his face at the end, Tariq has probably decided to stop Carter himself. He just needs to figure out how to get it done without blowback on himself, his family, or the Tejadas. So is Noma dumb enough to marry Cane? She better have a rock solid prenup, lol.
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