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Everything posted by Joimiaroxeu

  1. LOL! The plane must have had a gym on board because it looks like he did some working out too. I've heard of long weddings, maybe several hours if you include the reception, but a year? Who has that kind of time? (Seriously, though, this show is getting sloppy with the bad line readings.) Yep, lucky and grateful to be rushed into bed, rushed into an engagement, and rushed into a wedding. A wedding in a friggin' public park with a sweaty jogger and a guy reeking of hot dog juice literally pulled off the street as the witnesses. Neil probably bought the ring at K-Mart and they won't even go a honeymoon because of important Jabot work he has to do. Hilary's grateful to be treated like garbage so Neil can pretend she's not a rebound booty call? The only good think about it is that there's no prenup but knowing Hilary she'll be too honorable to take half his money when they inevitably divorce. Grrr!
  2. I was watching the show as it was being broadcast. There was less than 15 minutes left and all the awards had been given out. Time still needed to be allotted for KG to sign off the show and for credits to run. There was no reason to give JFP all that time, especially since she'd already given a speech earlier when she accepted the (bogus, IMO) special award for Jeanne Cooper's tribute. KG was NATAS' "hired help" (although she says she wasn't paid; not sure I believe there wasn't some kind of compensation involved) and would have had no authority just to decide to cut anyone off. The show's producers probably decided it and send KG out to do it. She'd already been trying extra hard to be edgy, what with all the profanity and throwing shade on bona fide daytime stars who didn't happen to be present (not to mention what she said about some who were present...). Stepping to JFP would easily play as more of her schtick (and IMO, it did). Sure a couple of blogger/reporter types chose to slant the story that KG took it upon herself to be rude to an award recipient because they happen to dislike JFP. I'm no fan of JFP either but I think it's absurd to paint what happened as some kind of heroic moment where KG was carrying the flag for America. I imagine if MM had been standing there about to drone on while the clock was running out and had been cut off, those very same blogger/reporter types would have been calling for KG's head.
  3. It's funny because The Talk had BM, ED, and AH on today and they asked all of them if there's anyone they forgot to thank. I'm pretty sure BM didn't mention Jessica either at the ceremony or on The Talk and several of the hosts seemed to be trying to needle him about it. He wasn't having it.
  4. Yes! Between Neil and Hilary and Nikki and Victor, I am very creeped out by how this show tries to play abusive relationships as high romance. I know it's nothing new for soaps but it's still sick. "Well oh darn, that's just how we felt when you married our dad/grandpa, almost destroyed his company and our legacy, and burned down the ranch. So, guess we're even now?"
  5. Kelly is such an instigator. Gah! On top of all his other fails, Billy has a bad carbon footprint.
  6. Yeah Kathy Griffin cut JFP off but I think that guy is presuming to know the reason. The show was over and apparently the producers didn't feel they needed to go overtime for JFP's speech. Plus, JFP had already held court when she accepted the award for Jeanne Cooper's tribute (which was in a new "special" category and seemed sort of bogus to me).
  7. Ugh, that's what grinded my gears most about their whole conversation. Victor is the one who did the wrong but Nikki practically has to apologize to him and ask for permission to return to her home? WTF? Nikki is a classic emotionally abused wife but the show plays it like theirs is the greatest romance of all time. It's disgusting. I FF'd so much of this episode and the previous one that it actually took me longer to read Peach's ever fabulous recaps than it did to watch the shows.
  8. That's what so ridiculous about this mess. The whole thing is hanging on coincidental evidence derived from Paul's mad detectivating skillz (plus the fact that Ian was willing to support the lie to his hoped for financial advantage). Just like with Jack and Summer, and Devon and Tucker, nobody gets DNA tests done unless the kid involved is a baby. It's not smart. The entire Newman, Abbott, and Chancellor clans need to go on the Maury show and find out once and for all who is and is not the father. Yeah and Cane expressed some doubt too after Neil walked away. I think he was referring to Devon's unrevealed interest in Hilary. That combined with Dr. Barton's dismissal of it as a mere fling makes me think maybe the wedding isn't going to come off. I just hope Leslie isn't going to get jealous and try to break them up.
  9. That's my bet. Too bad Katie has to get left behind in order for him to pull it off but then I never believed he was doing anything but playing her as well.
  10. Man, that was something the way Nikki was holding court like Paul was her husband. I see five of Christine's fingers forcefully introducing themselves to Nikki's face sometime in the near future. Cricket may only be about 92 pounds soaking wet but she's wiry. "Daaaaad, I hate it when you send the cops after my boyfriends!" "Summer, I hate it when your boyfriends kidnap and shoot people! You're grounded!"
  11. Since we now know Candace isn't with child, whose pregnancy test did Jim find at Candace's apartment? Does this mean Amanda really is pregnant or is that plot just going to be dropped?
  12. I don't think anyone in the scene referred to him by name but the closed captioning said his name was Barton. As in Barton Shelby, Leslie's quickie husband with the fakest-sounding name ever. This is a woman who moved across an ocean to another continent to keep her kid away from his father. Are we supposed to believe that she would let two shady strangers into her home with barely a second thought? I hope she's going to pull a gun on them once they get inside.
  13. Nah, it's just a matter of time before Hope and Liam have a big fight or one of them jumps to a hugely wrong conclusion about the other's behavior. She'll go running to Wyatt for sympathy and he'll probably receive her with open arms. I'd have so much respect for Wyatt if he told her now, "No, we can't just be friends. I'm not going to be sitting on the backburner waiting for you and Liam to break up for the gazillionth time. My name isn't Steffy, this option is off the table, have a nice life."
  14. Of course she does. Judge Kelly--like Judge Judy--knows everything. Bet her poops are odorless too. So, where is she going to take him to hide out, the stables on the Newman ranch, the Abbott estate's pool house, or Phyllis' penthouse? Enquiring minds want to know! Sigh, it's ever so helpful for fatherhood to be reduced to a contest. Especially since Nick is ahead in points only because he cheated for the first 18 rounds.
  15. Golf claps to TP. Did not see that angle coming with Jim and the car with the faked VIN. But what's to keep Veronica from producing the real car which probably has Wyatt and the victims' DNA on it? Meanwhile, nice how Jim managed to wear a tie that matched his campaign posters. He has much better sartorial sense than his wife. Hannah called the police on her cell phone and she didn't give them her address. How were the police to know where to find her? Maggie the Cat is about as subtle as a runaway freight train carrying nuclear waste. She looked ready to mount David right there in the campaign office. Or is she just testing him to see if he's susceptible to campaign-killing temptation? Kudos to TP for making a very timely statement on how easy it is for mentally ill people to buy guns. Too bad he had to make it in such a clownish, over-the-top way. But geez, Jim values his political career more than the possibility or Amanda killing somebody? While he's again insisting that he's handling it, handling it, handling it, she could be shooting up the nearest shopping mall. Wow, Candace's hair and makeup look fabulous for someone who's been held hostage in a dank basement for a couple of days. Benny may not be brain-dead but I don't know how he isn't going to be brain-damaged after being in a coma for so long. And he probably didn't have IQ points to spare before the accident. Yeah, she probably was. That's likely what the payments to her are all about: hush money/child support. Not sure why the Cryers have to keep her on at the mansion pretending like she's working. I hope we're not going to find out that the kid lives there too. The show did in fact begin as a play, but with an entirely different cast and a slightly different storyline. TP doesn't seem to understand that a play has different beats and tempo than a TV show and that there's not a direct transport from stage to TV or film. However, he probably assumes that the audience has been largely weaned on his stage productions and already has low expectations.
  16. Kelly and Chelsea should get together and form a meddling and shite-stirring squad. Right now they're the two biggest yentas in GC. That conversation was so odd. Jack does know that Victoria slept with Stitch, doesn't he? Maybe he was just trying to avoid being a judgmental gossip (unlike his date) but I was surprised the WTD situation didn't come up.
  17. ♫ Nick's milkshakes bring all the girls to the bar...♫ So, any guesses on how soon Noah will end up in bed with someone who looks 99.9% like his dead sister? Bonus points if Sharon catches them in flagrante. What's left of her mind would shatter into a million pieces.
  18. Yeah, I was hoping that by the finale we'd find out what's really been going on there. I think it's something more than a flirtation, at least on Kent's part.
  19. That was a really cute outfit Summer had on today, with the matching purse and everything. Wonder why she was so dressed up just be cruising a public park? LOL. Maybe Victor needs to insert some more tokens in the slot in her back. It's clear why Jenna moved across the ocean to another continent. Stitch just doesn't give a woman any room to breathe. When he impregnated Victoria he must have also implanted a GPS chip because he's always right on her.
  20. I was kinda taken aback when Hilary said that. She knows Lily hates her and Lily pretty much said she didn't want Mattie around grandpa's mid-life crisis chick. Hilary saying that was like slapping Lily in the face. Then Hilary went over and started talking to Mattie, bringing up how she attended Mattie's birthday party last year. Last year when Hilary was still running her scheme to ruin Neil's life by going after his family. Who is writing this crap? Are we supposed to be rooting for Hilary when she starts messing with somebody's kid? Lily and Hilary can have their little catfights all day, every day but leave the innocent kids out of it. If Neil doesn't recognize the potential problem there then he's a bigger d-bag than I thought.
  21. Sammie's affect seemed weird to me, almost as if she was on a mood-dampening substance. NTTAWWT but maybe she needs some medical attention if she isn't already getting it. Nev and them encouraging her to channel her creativity into writing was interesting. I wonder how long it'll be before one of these Catfish people sells a screenplay or gets a book published (assuming their deal with MTV doesn't prevent them from doing that). And gawd my eyes didn't need to see that brillo pad mess on Nev's chest again. I can't imagine how his girlfriend is okay with it.
  22. I know Michael is the former DA and everything but how is it that he and Lauren can go to Kevin's workplace and just stand around shooting the breeze? It'd be one thing if Kevin had his own office but there are other people around trying to work in that open space. Seems kinda rude. She looked freakin' fantastic. GCRB is a good color for her.
  23. My problem with Celine is that she's a one-note, poorly fleshed-out character on a show that's already rife with one-note, poorly-fleshed out characters. At this point I think Celine, Amanda, and Wyatt could be portrayed by cardboard cutouts or sock puppets and it wouldn't hurt the show a bit. Celine's singular purpose has been to sashay in for a few minutes to snipe at Jim, Katherine, or Hannah. Two of those people are her employers and one was her supervisor. Why is she allowed this kind of leeway? IMO, there is a huge, gaping hole in the development of Celine as a character. On regular soaps, the resident bitch serves to provoke the lead characters and help instigate primary storylines. Plus, the audience is usually given a reason behind the nasty behavior. All Celine does is spew venom with impunity and then everyone carries on with their lives like she's just some yapping purse dog that doesn't really need to be taken seriously. I think it's ridiculous that this far into the show we still don't know what her effing deal is other than she and Jim had an affair back in the day, he moved on but she didn't, and apparently she's getting paid to pretend like she's a maid. Why should anyone care?
  24. Ugh, I don't know who was more insufferable in that series of scenes, Hilary or Neil. Hilary apparently thinks the world revolves around her now and Neil's got this old dog trying to school the young pup thing going on with Devon. Not a good look for either of them.
  25. Seriously. I think Amanda's doing a good job of carrying the crazypants angle on her own. Celine is just superfluous unless she's TP's way of trying to pull the Latino audience. Wow, Maggie, overreact much? Jim is a "sociopath" because he wants to have a press conference without clearing with her first? Pssht. Looks like Jim is paying some random ex-con to take the fall for Wyatt but what about that car? If it's supposed to be the hit-and-run car but Veronica still has possession of the actual vehicle, how are they going to keep her quiet? And I guess Jim is going to explain that he had the car fully repaired and detailed and that's why there's no DNA on it from the two accident victims. One positive thing I will say about TP, he casts women with realistic bodies and not the usual skeletal waifs. Benny's future girlfriend the nursing student looks solidly built and ready to churn out some grandbabies for Hannah.
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