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Everything posted by Joimiaroxeu

  1. Nah, if TP wants to remain true to this show's soap roots, I'm afraid it's gonna have to come out at some point that Jim and Veronica had a fling. Bonus points if their "love child" shows up one day to blow the lid off their dirty little secret.
  2. And I hate to say it but his "hair" looks like it's tattooed on. Apparently that's a thing now in Hollywood. Right. Billy just called the possible mother of his next child a ho. Ever so much the charmer.
  3. Veronica and David's house looks like something from Gone with the Wind. It's exactly the kind of house I would have expected Ronnie to want to live in. She probably thinks it looks like the White House and not like a plantation house. Does John Schneider wear a toupee? Those camera angles from the top of his head looked odd. Katheryn had Benny moved to the better hospital but I wonder if she's also going to be paying his bills. She might not want to now since Hannah snitched on Wyatt. Good grief, is there anyone in that town Jim hasn't sleep with? I guess maybe Veronica but I wouldn't put any bets on that either.
  4. I wish the director would tell him to stop doing that. It's an annoying--to me anyway--verbal tic, in the same range as "um" or "like". Or she knew Esther the $250K per year housekeeper would never clean the chandeliers. Or, I suppose, call in a service to do it. It'd have been funny if some random worker had found them and wasn't inclined to do the honorable thing. This is probably another case of the writers starting a storyline they didn't know how to end so they took a silly way out. Whatever, I thought Kay's jewelry and couture clothes had gone to Chloe?
  5. It might've been rude coming from her grandson but I think somebody needs to call her out on it. Heavens knows (literally!) her BFF Kay wouldn't and in fact always encouraged Nikki to return to her abuser. Hmmm. Wonder if Courtney had a thing with Harding and now he's bitter because she's moved on to the rich kid? Or even better, she had a thing with another detective, that hot piece Chavez? (Speaking of whom, is Alex ever coming back?) So is Dylan going to fly to Idaho with an envelope full of cash? I'm thinking the TSA people are going to be very interested when they view that fat wad in his carry-on. Maybe Victor will let Dylan use the NE corporate jet instead making him fly commercial. Gosh, there's so many things to consider when you're engaging in bribery.
  6. There's not really a mystery to it when you consider that MCE is engaged to a CBS executive. Makes me wonder why she hasn't jumped to prime time since she's got the connections. Perhaps being a perpetual lead character on a long-standing soap is a less-risky prospect.
  7. All must bow down to this brilliance! I wonder if KSJ realizes that his character is being demonized in order to make Hilary more sympathetic. Apparently it wasn't enough that princess Lily hated her. Now she has to be Neil's mid-life crisis sex toy who's on the verge of being tag teamed by him and his son. Sorry, writers, I'm not buying for a second that Hilary is an equal partner in this mess. Neil has maneuvered his way into having a free live-in housekeeper and part-time nanny. If we're lucky, little Moses will be a master of the patented Faith Newman Side-Eye and Bitchface and will shut this nonsense down. (And by "we're" I really mean "I'm" because I know there are people who do like the Neil and Hilary pairing.)
  8. Ya think? I guess it's that plus WI's community property laws. They've probably never signed a prenup because their twu luv is destiny. Bet Victor does have some assets stashed away that Nikki can't get to though. Ugh.
  9. Doesn't anyone wear aprons anymore? I'm sure they could find one that still shows off Avery's ample boobage. What was that all about? Was GC's District Attorney planning to flounce around the GCAC lobby in just a thin robe and her underwear? How did she even know Paul was down there? Yeah, looks like they're setting Dylan up to be the #1 suspect when Ian is found dead. Of course he'll be innocent but he'll know who the real culprit is: his newfound mommy who he must protect even if it means getting life in prison! Whose nausea-inducing ability is surpassed only by a Neil and Hilary love scene. Not a fan of the moobs, sorry. Oh that poor kid if it turns out Cricket actually conceived on Paul's birthday; he/she will never hear the end of it. I once worked with someone whose first name was a particular greeting card holiday because that was the day they were conceived. Dr. Freud, please pick up the white paging phone... Yup. "On minute she was standing on the edge of a volcano, and the next she wasn't. Oops."
  10. Yeah, he should be concerned. But maybe he should be concerned about having her arrested for attempted assault. IMO, Billy's not qualified to be deciding that anybody needs to be committed. Especially since, for the same reason Chloe went off the rails, he kidnapped and shot a guy and hasn't seen any part of the inside of an asylum or a jail because of it.
  11. Has there ever been anybody Victor thought was good enough for his kids? Maybe he wants them to be like Cersei and Jamie Lannister and keep it in the family. Grrr, when did Billyboy get his medical degree and who is he to decide Chloe should be committed? He has no legal connection to her. At least Chelsea can sort of claim that Chloe's disintegrating mental state is damaging to their business. It's really is sad how the writers are just recyling storylines now. Whatever, doesn't the product have to be kept refrigerated? Are thermal-lined purses a thing now?
  12. Just gonna go on record now and bet that when Jack and Kelly get married (knowing Jack it'll be about a month from now) she'll be marching down the aisle to Vivaldi's Four Seasons. It's amazing how Kelly is now more "to the manor born" than the Abbotts and the Chancellors. (Not counting the Newmans because they're nouveau riche.)
  13. Agree with all that but the movie takes place in South Africa. TK's accent is supposed to sound like Afrikaans or Dutch. Most people not familiar with the native accent probably didn't know the difference.
  14. 99.9% of the audience is like, omg. No. Even Kelly doesn't deserve Neil. Man, Victor just has zero self-awareness, doesn't he? I get the creeps every time I see him in the same room with Connor (or any other innocent child, for that matter). Doesn't Esther get a quarter million dollars a year from Kay's estate? Why does she need to be throwing her money away at some tacky casino? And yet again I'm left to wonder how Victor is able to enter a church without bursting into flames. I couldn't believe Neil said he was already "dating" someone. They've never done anything except hit the sheets so he could just as easily be "dating" one of those plastic sex dolls. I'm just waiting for the moment when he decides he's the one getting used. Grrr. Sharon has more important things to worry about right now. Plus, she probably knows Adam isn't really dead. Whose ashes were in that urn at the chapel? Did Adam pay some guy to be cremated? Maybe it's full of kitty litter.
  15. It sure did and this wasn't the first time. Odd for an actress who's usually so fastidious about her appearance. On his way out Jack thanked Nikki for the iced tea. The beverage looked more like lemonade. Did I miss some inside joke there? IKR? The guy just pushes right in like he owns the place. I see a trespassing arrest in Stitch's future. Wonder if it was absinthe. Yep. It totally took me out of the moment because at that point all I could do was worry about her credit cards, her drivers license, her cell phone, her keys...
  16. ...said the world. Less than 24 hours later. Called it. And not only did Victoria not pull away, she threw a hand up on his neck and went all in. I never understood that show. It always seemed like they were making the rules up as they went along. Portland's version of The Bling Ring?
  17. Heh, that's putting it mildly. You'd think Viagra Poster Boy had never had sex before. Or, hadn't been married how many times and already gone through how many women? He's probably hoping his giddy behavior gets back to Leslie because she'll put the clues together in about two seconds and be all jellus. Right, because a small town in WI is destined to become the Milan of the Midwest. Especially with Chelsea's daring "headed straight for the remainders rack" designs to lead the way. That was exactly my fear. Kelly will just bounce from one d-bag to another. Oh yeah, that's what every woman wants to hear: "I'm just gonna let you do me until my real girlfriend is awake and alert enough to do me herself. 'Cause you're cheaper than having to pay an actual prostitute to do me." Not me. I do not at all get the Lily and Kelly friendship. I guess it's supposed to make Lily seem a little older and Kelly seem a little younger but every time I see them doing their galpal thing it just seems forced. Ugh, I'm not liking Jack so much right now. Trying to use his younger brother's sloppy seconds as a temporary bedwarmer isn't a good look for him.
  18. When you get pregnant do you have to get a checkup every day or is Victoria subconsciously trying to run into Stitch? Since the Newmans practically built the hospital they probably get all their medical care comped (or expect to). Given how many extremely wealthy people there are in GC it's a wonder they don't have concierge medical service. Then the doctor would come to their house for basic checkups and nonemergency care. Ian is such a great shite-stirrer. He just moves about town dropping these little bombs in everybody's relationships. I don't think I've ever seen a character quite like him. Except he wouldn't have to hack in. Since he's a doctor on staff he probably has regular access. The thing that might trip him up is doing it without leaving evidence. If she's not his patient he has no valid reason to be looking at her records so he'd have some 'splainin to do to a compliance auditor. Yes they do!
  19. For making her an independently wealthy woman from all of their divorce settlements. Yes, and I like that color on her too. It's funny how much better Nikki starts looking when she's away from Victor. Heh. Zach Slater on the old AMC used to have a line he'd always toss out in moments like these: "It's who I am, it's what I do." Deal with it or get to steppin'. Gah, who made Chelsea the Morality Police? This is not a good look for her. After the virtual tongue bath Nikki gave him, Victor probably had to pull over and have a smoke on the way home. Good grief. Sharon getting hypnotized could be comedy gold. "Sharon, when I count back from ten, on zero you'll awake and start clucking like chicken." Colin got locked in a room once before, during the Genevieve story. Dusting off old scripts, writers?
  20. She would do Nick right on top of Jack's nearly lifeless body. Newman trumps Abbott every day of the week. "Chelsea, I cannot be part of your trying to climb up my derriere. There's no room anyway since Stitch already took up residence." Chelsea and Stitch should form a support group called Busybodies R Us. Literally. Takes after his mom it seems. Yeah, he'll wait about five minutes. Dollars to donuts he'll be back there tomorrow to check up on her. I guess he must have sensed that his baby is on board.
  21. Just quoting this because it's brilliant. You'd think a town big enough to have an international airport and a handful of billionaires would also have at least a couple of options from the better hotel chains. Surely there's some space between the GCAC and that beds-by-the-hour place Tyler and Abby were at last week. Also, doesn't the Abbott estate have a guest house or a pool house? When I was watching I actually said out loud, "She knows he knocked her up, fool." I think the amount of time Stitch spends at work dealing with his romantic life is very controversial too. He must have quite the rep among the GCMC female staff. Avery knew before she answered that it was Ian calling. Why does she have his name in her phone's contacts list? I don't why Jack felt like he had to clarify anything. According to Dictionary.com: meeting [mee-ting] noun 1.the act of coming together Sounds like that's exactly what he and Kelly had in mind for the evening. Guess Jack forgot to send his comatose fiancee the break-up text I recommended last week. Whatever, Summer needs to not be c-blocking her dad. Is Jack supposed to abstain indefinitely? So step off you nosy broad. Did you listen when people tried to warn you away from Adam? Can't you buy prenatal vitamins at the drug store? They're probably on the same aisle as the pregnancy tests and the condoms that don't work. Brava! I enjoy your recaps much more than the show itself.
  22. I don't get why the men on this show are so okay with having their women fight their battles for them. Brooke confronted Karen and Katie to get Bill his company back and co-custody of the kid. Katie marched over to FC and gave Eric what for because he made Ridge and Brooke co-VPs. Quinn takes on everybody on behalf of Wyatt, Brooke kept Eric from moving Rick out of the CEO position. Caroline will clearly cut a bitch who dares to do anything she thinks is wrong to her husband. I guess it's supposed to be good to see strong women but it's like the men have to be weakened to compensate.
  23. Dylan, Billy, and Victor are all vexed and perplexed by secrets. They should form a support group. Heh, maybe someone should take him to the dog park and let him run some of that yapping energy off. I loved the way that fake website was called Internet Search. I guess that's so no one confuses it with Easter Egg Hunt or Search for Tomorrow. Ew. Hello, Room Service? Do you have any industrial strength earplugs? No? How about a fire hose? Any day now Chloe will show up wearing a coat made out of 101 Dalmation pelts. So, wonder what the odds are that at some point Stitch is going to use the hospital's medical records system to find out what's going on with Victoria. Because he's just a chivalrous guy who looks out for the health of the ladies he gets preg--er, dates.
  24. Not sure I agree with that. Yeah, Hilary eventually caved but Neil pursued her in a way which had him repeatedly violating her personal space and lording his taller height and larger physical presence over her. I'm not going to be surprised if he gets his panties in a twist about her talking to Devon (or some other guy) and starts causing problems for her at work. Neil had been reading some of Lily's girly magazines and he saw an article titled, "The Best Way to Get Over Your Lost Love? Get Under a New One." Neil took the advice but sort of got his prepositions confused. Really, I couldn't believe she had the nerve to be getting snarky about Sharon. I guess in her mind the romantic concept of One True Love only applies to her and Dylan. Wonder how long it'll take for Victor to decide that Sharon must have tried to kill Phyllis in order to maintain the big secret. Geez, can't that guy get a hobby? Like running a major international company?
  25. Floved Sharon's outfit today. Very retro chic. Neil says, "Because I've seen a sign of Hilary that you haven't." Ew. So anyways, I'm guessing there are security cameras in the GCAC hallways and as the owner, Devon can access them. DUN, DUN, DUUUNNNN! Cover your eyes, Devon! Hmmm, in a potential streetfight between Abby and Mariah, I think I'd have to go with Mariah as the winner. She's ratchet enough to take off her earrings first and then proceed to pull Abby's hair extensions out. Meanwhile, Abby'd probably be too worried about breaking one of her manicured nails and would call her attorney to deal with it. But not to worry, Tyler knows how to stop an argument between his wimmens: step in between them all shiny and shirtless. Had to google those mixing bowls Avery was using because I thought that particular shade of blue was trademarked by Tiffany's. Guess not. Nah, there's not enough Viagra or Cialis in the universe to make that happen. There's a complicated system of pulleys and levers involved in getting anything like that going in his pants. It was developed by a secret division inside Newman Enterprises.
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