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Everything posted by Joimiaroxeu

  1. I don't think it's any weirder than CM (Kelly) being being married to ED's (Ashley) ex-husband. CM and Jon Lindstrom wed earlier this year, around the time she got hired at Y&R. People just have to remember to stay in their own lanes so there's no unnecessary trouble.
  2. I dunno, this Hartley kid looks good but Amell is on some next level shite. Oy, the body on that guy. Anyways...I wish Justin much luck and success in the role because he's going to need it. The hardcore MM-istas (if there are any still watching Y&R) probably started sharpening their figurative knives as soon as the announcement appeared.
  3. Maybe he got confused and thought he was back on BB15.
  4. The MWTs are following a hallowed tradition of women forgetting they had children or not even being aware that their children had been born. Erica Kane on AMC had one kid she didn't remember having (at age 14, the result of rape) and another which--without her knowledge--had been transplanted as an embryo into another woman's uterus. Viki Lord on OLTL not only had a twin child she didn't know she'd had, the twins had different fathers. Sharon being unaware or forgetting she gave birth to two kids is just another day at the park in soap opera world. At least YR is stealing from the classics.
  5. I'm not sure production outright tells the houseguests stuff in DR, they just ask a lot of leading questions which probably have very pointed wording. They could drop some vague hints about Derrick but not just come out and reveal it (I agree that going that far wouldn't be fair.) Maybe one of houseguests could figure it out or several of them could put their heads together. (That's probably doubtful though with this bunch.)
  6. Me too. I think this may be my last ride on the Big Brother train for a while. It's gotten to be like one of those bad mystery dinner theater shows except you have to provide your own food.
  7. I don't think there's really much of a comparison because Amber never encouraged Caleb's advances at all. However, Zach until recently has been a very willing target of Frankie's behavior, to the point where it could be said that he's led Frankie on somewhat (but I really wouldn't say that because Frankie ain't nobody's victim...).
  8. Plus he's probably had training in how to read and manipulate people. I don't think it's necessarily an unfair advantage (because if he had a jerky personality they probably would have voted him out by now) but I think some of his housemates will think it is when they eventually find out. Out of whatever passes for "fairness" in this game, I think production should arrange for that bit of info to be revealed by dropping a few hints in the DRs. Let's see how Derrick can handle having his cover blown.
  9. Yep. My money's still on Kelly. Maybe Phyllis can look into that when she's back on her feet.
  10. Not only that, why was she watching the President's speech at home on TV? As his CoS, I should think she'd have been there with him. The only reason I can think for her not being there is that it wasn't a live broadcast and the speech was actually taped earlier in the day. I don't understand why Kyle would have gone to a fertility clinic. Was that something required by law once the mass infertility started to become noticeable?
  11. I agree that another round of Sharon and Adam's twu luv would be a non-starter but I've always believed that Sharon's nonchalance about Adam's death was an act. I think she had a hand in helping him escape and has known all along that he's alive.
  12. Yeah it looks like him but with maybe 10-20 more pounds. His face is a little doughy.
  13. Wonder if that's going to be the next blowup: it will be discovered that the gem is fake. Hope will decide that means her and Wyatt's marriage was built on a lie and therefore she must return to Liam! I hope the same someone points out that it's pretty much the parallel situation of when Liam married Steffy the day after Hope returned her engagement ring. I think if you look up the word "flighty" in Webster's, it'll show both Hope and Liam's photos as examples.
  14. I think it probably served its true purpose, that is, to give Frankie more camera time and to keep Donny from being one of the first people voted out. It also helped give Derrick a fairly constant good edit. The producers must have realized from the beginning that he had the kind of skills that would take him far as long as they gave some protection.
  15. I was wondering today how big the budget must be just for Hope's Wedding Dresses of Fail. How many has it been now? But she learned it from the best, serial bride Brooke. It sort of made sense to me. She thinks Liam blew her off and her pride couldn't let her call him to confirm his rejection. However, I don't know why she wouldn't call Brooke or Rick to have them find out from Liam that he really didn't mean to show up. The way things are now, she's just operating on yet another wrong assumption, as she and Liam always do with each other. It's gotten beyond old, AFAIC. These writers are really lazy.
  16. ICAM. I'm now reading this thread just to see the latest names for Vicks VapoRub. Poor girl. Odds are she's not going to win so her behavior maybe sets her and her husband up to go on one of those marriage boot camp shows.
  17. Based on the promo for the next episode ('Till Death Do Us Part, S4E9) it looks like Lexi/Khaleesi-Lite may have finally located her dragons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PPi8p6ksOU
  18. The voices inside his head. I thought he got close to a "Rocky" edit, as the one who defied the naysayers and surmounted all odds to win. I also think the game was rigged and that's why he was allowed to play alone.
  19. ETA: nevermind...nothing to see here, it was explained on the show..
  20. All they have to do is wait a week and she'll be gone again. First Michael and Lauren, and now Paul. Nikki really thinks the world revolves around her, doesn't she? I guess losing her enabling BFF Kay has left quite a hole in her life. At this point Avery the instigator is probably wondering if she should let Dylan borrow her tube of Crazypants Crimson.
  21. Yep, and for starters I think he needs to be with a woman closer to his own age. Neil trying act all hip to what the youngsters are puttin' down just makes him look older and silly. I don't think there was anything remotely romantic about the cheap way he courted and wed Hilary and other than the sex part, his attitude toward her seems, IMO, more paternal than marital. Maybe with Ashley coming back the MWTs can revisit her earlier fling him (but for Ashley's sake I actually hope not).
  22. When he worked undercover he probably had to use those skills a lot. In fact, he probably has a lot of training in reading and manipulating people. It almost seems like an unfair advantage but I guess it wouldn't be if he didn't have the right personality to go with the skills.
  23. I do too although Renner is much older than Caleb and looks it. They're both relatively short in height but Caleb definitely has a better body.
  24. The Onion did a parody series on BB called "Sex House". It gets pretty dark at times.
  25. Pssht, I think Liam would have all the nerve to tell Hope she's the one who needs to grow up. Bet Wyatt wishes he was Robert Plant. Plant at his heyday was sex on a stick. Wyatt is just a stick. ♫"...feelin' like a fool..."♫ Dead on. Lookin' like one too, IMO.
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