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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I haven't really seen it talked about all that much after her appearance on The Flash - I must've missed any other discussion on it, because I thought this was maybe the second time it'd been discussed.
  2. It's funny, since I think the comment that originally brought it up was that Black Siren/E2 Laurel could link all the shows together (since Arrow people and Sara would be interested in another version of Laurel, and she originated on The Flash). Seems like that was the only reasoning for bringing her up, haha. But the shows don't need a cast member to link them, since their crossover involvement will likely involve trying to stop a Big Bad that's making his/her way throughout their universes, or trying to stop someone from doing some nefarious thing like in the past 2 crossover eps.
  3. I think SA renewing his contract hinges on just how badly he wants to get into movies, and how willing he is to give up a steady paycheck to take a chance on making his living in features. Right now, he is pretty limited in what he can film, because his availability is basically 2-ish months over the summer. Quitting Arrow certainly would open him up to a whole lot more opportunities, but he won't have anything steady to fall back on if it doesn't work out for him.
  4. Who is "living in fear?" Is the discussion not about Black Siren appearing in the crossover? Like, I don't see any mention of Laurel or Black Canary with regards to Olicity/Felicity at all here.
  5. Sorry, I thought you wanted her to get recognition from the general public. I think the speech was probably mentioned since it was a plot point at the end of the episode, because Oliver was asked to be interim mayor partly because of it. If it weren't for that, I doubt Lance would've mentioned it. And I thought the team mentioned it because rallying the city's hope was key in defeating Darhk's idiotic magic, and it was more of a, "That speech was great, this is gonna work." But I won't argue since the episode isn't fresh in my mind and I don't remember the order of things, and also because I don't really care if any of them get individual recognition, haha.
  6. What did Oliver get credit for other than giving the speech? No one knows he's ultimately the guy who took Darhk out, and I don't recall anyone thinking that his speech had anything to do with the nuke being diverted (although I haven't rewatched the ep, so maybe they did?). Just like no one knows Felicity is the one who took out the nuke, which seems like the way she wants it? She's never given any indication she's in it for recognition or glory-she just wants to help people and seems to be happy doing it behind the scenes, thankless as that job may be.
  7. I thought WM had said that they came up with the idea of Oliver having the ring as a way to show how serious things had gotten between him and Felicity over the summer and that they pitched the idea to GB and he was okay with it. But I could be remembering it wrong.
  8. Since WM said that she and MG presented the engagement idea to GB, I wish he'd talked some sense into them and said, "Maybe don't introduce that idea until you're really ready to go for it." Because they set up certain expectations by putting marriage on the table - and I don't even really mean actual marriage, although yeah, that too. But they took them too far for me to really buy that it's over between them for good. And I wouldn't buy them dating other people, so they're just gonna be hanging out alone in the lair over the summer being buds and stuff? I guess? I suppose I don't really expect this show to make sense at this point, and I'll wait to see what exactly is going on. But yeah. Wish they hadn't brought the possibility of marriage into it unless they're actually gonna get married sooner rather than later. Because their current relationship status + 5 months of additional togetherness = me thinking that through the natural order of things they'd be getting back together soon. Which I'm gonna take a wild guess and say probably isn't going to happen. But...we'll see.
  9. Live +3 ratings for the week of May 23, 2016:
  10. Arrow's problems began with having Malcolm drug Thea To murder Sara to keep him relevant to the plot. And they keep doing the same dumb sh*t over and over.
  11. Paramount projected $37M, which seemed to be on the low side, so I think it's probably pretty bad that it's not even on track to meet that. And it got a last-minute IMAX run, which would inflate the box office since those tickets are more expensive. So I think this is probably not great, but I don't follow box office that often.
  12. I'm guessing the thought process doesn't extend very far, no. And I love that a tweet that's aimed at shippers is full of replies about how awful shippers are, lmao.
  13. I'm not sure if he was supposed to meet Thea, but he was coming from a meeting with Moira, I think? And at one point Felicity offers him a snack that she got from the vending machine...like, granola or something that she bought because it didn't have nuts, and Oliver made a mental note to get a better snack selection?
  14. Source I wasn't sure if this should go in the Clock Theater thread, but since it's to do with The Flash I chose to put it here.
  15. This isn't the one I was thinking of, but it is one I haven't read yet, so thank you! I think they might have, yes. And it was definitely in a one-shot collection. I feel like she wrote one version, and then a couple of chapters later she rewrote it? I looked through all of my bookmarked fics and can't find it. ::shakes fist at sky::
  16. I'm hoping one of you can help me find this fic - I think it was in a collection of one shots? Anyway, Oliver and Felicity get stuck in an elevator and the lights go out - so they sit there and chat with each other for a couple of hours, and right before the lights come on, Felicity admits that she knows he's Oliver Queen. After they get out of the elevator, they go out to dinner, I think? Anyone know what I'm talking about?
  17. Just taking a wild guess, but they probably jumped to Stringer Bell because someone from the show said, "This character is loosely based on Stringer Bell."
  18. "Loosely based" are the key words here. I don't think they're trying to go full Wire.
  19. Yeah, I don't quite get why it's so difficult for some people to understand that comment sections are a really, really small percentage of the general viewing audience. If you frequent the same ones, then you usually see the same, IDK...100, maybe - actually posting? I'm sure way more than that lurk and read, but without posting, who knows how they feel. And when you're dealing with a measurable viewing audience of a few million (with who knows how many non-Nielsen viewers), that's nothing. I actually read someone making an argument that the Arrow subreddit turning on the show was a huge blow and terrible news for Arrow, LOL.
  20. Her point was that #1 issues sell more than the ones that follow - New52 GA didn't maintain its #1 sales, and Rebirth GA #1 probably isn't going to continue to sell 90k per issue.
  21. Same. If the show isn't giving them what they want, I'm glad something is.
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